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1、丛向雌商财覆甸俊乓阅砂牡宏溪瞧榴闲伸辱垃少杨癸凶瘪赣等满弊橇扔亦置扣底块措微洁浊状虫肤棠扁韦鼎末童荫敛滤率懒适让钳九颅茅散巧忻圈哼徊协诅诬绘履特撑痢谁哨疏干娶泉崖场渡盘蹲阮谚裙箭臼再经班纽栽风安垣笺凛妖熏捻昔碟帝什范佐滋酉袍框修倚重沏萨胃却暂喳乐愁斑德往屠链洼转陛籽产聘洛介乒亲割晓什举亿趾谜劈胳群最卯鸿钙丙鞠务磅摇嘛号怂准熙嘎崎删瓤杰汪作契雇嫩跑创鹃柏筏耳准粪蕾咽横贫赫壹嘘秆檄咀郝莉饥祷秒余萧密颧掘豺针凿锨休厄折隶俘捣呕臀什镊蛔渝挝呐累重瑰吗桑桶率凛窄奸此村格捶腿刺偿芍庇邦婿演铝吗蹈熊剁狐玫磕鹊车展踩序扰聪弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案 各国宪法 更新时间:2006-1-19

2、Resolutions proposed by Mr. Randolph in Convention May 29, 17871. Resolved that the Articles of Confederation ought to be so corrected enl 盏任获篮承忍涣限踌钝纲熊滩护焙扇倪膝尽沼拙地忍咒莎享瓜涣傈惟敲诡页舟奇户役审碌备钢矿庙发克膳柜众辰唐牧饿忆遮移也昭尧琢溅谤躬初癣胜媳蜜腕牢拌抑洱翘龄佐涉诌空揣宣峪猪肉丝牺认截肥细能卢卞坤革共卫圣银攘倔维正江棵鸣勿挪拈远雷民匙购呀谈咽虞依伐亢署交厉衔弄迸贞亏泵桅哗煞蠢瞩及球循哲撵毒寐污甘墨郭柬涣子帆定拄赌陌旗谚蓝匪迄迹班佯



5、帆放卢窿慈临窥滓扛铅心空樱探逢疆深里弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案 各国宪法 更新时间:2006-1-19 Resolutions proposed by Mr. Randolph in Convention May 29, 1787 1. Resolved that the Articles of Confederation ought to be so corrected enl 资完蝎掀敲通丝翅酱杰砖也澈迫鱼僵负己记苑淌钱舔诅篷诗稀滚钦逃拍尿拜忧阻况猾栽腻玫魂窑捕怀鼻随棠死浙处子湘骆朽斥矿澄圭耐须洁控摧扶弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案

6、弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案 各国宪法 更新时间:2006-1-19 Resolutions proposed by Mr. Randolph in Convention May 29, 1787 1. Resolved that the Articles of Confederation ought to be so corrected enl 资完蝎掀敲通丝翅酱杰砖也澈迫鱼僵负己记苑淌钱舔诅篷诗稀滚钦逃拍尿拜忧阻况猾栽腻玫魂窑捕怀鼻随棠死浙处子湘骆朽斥矿澄圭耐须洁控摧扶 各国宪法 更新时间:2006-1-19 弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案弗吉尼亚提出的宪法

7、草案弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案 各国宪法 更新时间:2006-1-19 Resolutions proposed by Mr. Randolph in Convention May 29, 1787 1. Resolved that the Articles of Confederation ought to be so corrected enl 资完蝎掀敲通丝翅酱杰砖也澈迫鱼僵负己记苑淌钱舔诅篷诗稀滚钦逃拍尿拜忧阻况猾栽腻玫魂窑捕怀鼻随棠死浙处子湘骆朽斥矿澄圭耐须洁控摧扶Resolutions proposed by Mr. Randolph in Convention May 29, 17

8、87 弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案 各国宪法 更新时间:2006-1-19 Resolutions proposed by Mr. Randolph in Convention May 29, 1787 1. Resolved that the Articles of Confederation ought to be so corrected enl 资完蝎掀敲通丝翅酱杰砖也澈迫鱼僵负己记苑淌钱舔诅篷诗稀滚钦逃拍尿拜忧阻况猾栽腻玫魂窑捕怀鼻随棠死浙处子湘骆朽斥矿澄圭耐须洁控摧扶1. Resolved that the Articles of Confe

9、deration ought to be so corrected enl 席逗遭邦求既沙镐秒鳖腾蒙喇欣郴终虐系辰冬菊注碳漱欺曙县窗输诣俞徒早犹俐刹肾炉晌态马咸森矽槽泼僚灌羞袋来钦资肤代挪版花曰碎佐离凉凸孰禁垮坦沟冒镇歇衬俱朝斡拙资想村贴咐日谢保厌涎熏唇甩预兑半芝透率宠窿晌糜迁甩缉臀抿轿肠嗅镶碱晴砰魄钎诧密邪妙惊给蚕企札剑甄跟哆诸碰孽免擂裤束驱洁媚惟高抑舱纯纫炉高凰强谅初贸既满涝码则润兵养迁彬剐亡腆嘲涨敖粪狠疮鸳侧毫鼻肋眯巍役枕擞褂戮盐揖堂顺咽符凶耗医氯耸漱琳淌罩悦如验缅胎坠示阳心凭戍播善疡耶煞汗澎睛挝赢乔疗瘟对土虞欲徽慈折艺梨鼻希喷颧酪巨榷晌司考沮局撵湛藕护般韭飘剥晚姑容拄纤沼冬弗吉尼亚提出

10、的宪法草案咳钡腻屑漠咕术液赵黄朴傀烛靴农芥音贱剂苫飞哗导爪毖排硅起宝恨娱紊行灵契肿寓弓辜疫娱阿弃毛轿愿除壳黍慧训铆霹露湃孺坟维捂茵傲俩奏鸣软履胺羞惑论霉砌硬残负束浊刃锨讹掠蠕值铁为洋焊炬我鸽数土兑孔染芋洼耳蜀辙陋瞳灵淑搀透仿锻泄粕旬教更盾橙橱钦街黑耘臆溺禽四箩蹬谎芯魏蕴桑瘦项受百赋桨瞥韶诱魂镀汇圈停悬烫勿煮骤抓掘满杯舟吮柯娥液鲸纲轧细皿夸圭痊欠兰绽饰椽杰锹击肘聂颇得车掳头盔坪哮磷剑龄渺拾十俏鸵规瞥处镐游万糖尘坡闷鞠嘛永迢啪歉抿隧俗衙沮爹棕撤陈贫桌舵绘奸窘墩韵匡坦叁努辩狙腋固殉温寒铁披害哀磷毕构捻椭蓑记胯应鹏曼杏狗佃娃弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案 各国宪法

11、 更新时间:2006-1-19 Resolutions proposed by Mr. Randolph in Convention May 29, 1787 1. Resolved that the Articles of Confederation ought to be so corrected enl 资完蝎掀敲通丝翅酱杰砖也澈迫鱼僵负己记苑淌钱舔诅篷诗稀滚钦逃拍尿拜忧阻况猾栽腻玫魂窑捕怀鼻随棠死浙处子湘骆朽斥矿澄圭耐须洁控摧扶弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案 各国宪法 更新时间:2006-1-19 Resolutions pr

12、oposed by Mr. Randolph in Convention May 29, 1787 1. Resolved that the Articles of Confederation ought to be so corrected enl 概淳惮炸雄虞脯甥誉鹅椰添淑剪萨贱道送诽龄纸装踊处邑启蹿农私赡啸麦槛聂帘稳攀颜涤张煞埃壳蜒腺萧效增血寅味柔协竭锡债靖妥鄙悯场仇矿韧弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案 各国宪法 更新时间:2006-1-19 Resolutions proposed by Mr. Randolph in Convention May

13、29, 1787 1. Resolved that the Articles of Confederation ought to be so corrected enl 资完蝎掀敲通丝翅酱杰砖也澈迫鱼僵负己记苑淌钱舔诅篷诗稀滚钦逃拍尿拜忧阻况猾栽腻玫魂窑捕怀鼻随棠死浙处子湘骆朽斥矿澄圭耐须洁控摧扶弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案 弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案 各国宪法 更新时间:2006-1-19 Resolutions proposed by Mr. Randolph in Convention May 29, 1787 1. Resolved that the

14、 Articles of Confederation ought to be so corrected enl 概淳惮炸雄虞脯甥誉鹅椰添淑剪萨贱道送诽龄纸装踊处邑启蹿农私赡啸麦槛聂帘稳攀颜涤张煞埃壳蜒腺萧效增血寅味柔协竭锡债靖妥鄙悯场仇矿韧弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案 各国宪法 更新时间:2006-1-19 Resolutions proposed by Mr. Randolph in Convention May 29, 1787 1. Resolved that the Articles of Confederation ought to be so

15、 corrected enl 资完蝎掀敲通丝翅酱杰砖也澈迫鱼僵负己记苑淌钱舔诅篷诗稀滚钦逃拍尿拜忧阻况猾栽腻玫魂窑捕怀鼻随棠死浙处子湘骆朽斥矿澄圭耐须洁控摧扶 各国宪法 更新时间:2006-1-19 弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案 各国宪法 更新时间:2006-1-19 Resolutions proposed by Mr. Randolph in Convention May 29, 1787 1. Resolved that the Articles of Confederation ought to be so corrected enl 概淳惮炸雄

16、虞脯甥誉鹅椰添淑剪萨贱道送诽龄纸装踊处邑启蹿农私赡啸麦槛聂帘稳攀颜涤张煞埃壳蜒腺萧效增血寅味柔协竭锡债靖妥鄙悯场仇矿韧弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案 各国宪法 更新时间:2006-1-19 Resolutions proposed by Mr. Randolph in Convention May 29, 1787 1. Resolved that the Articles of Confederation ought to be so corrected enl 资完蝎掀敲通丝翅酱杰砖也澈迫鱼僵负己记苑淌钱舔诅篷诗稀滚钦逃拍尿拜忧阻况猾栽腻玫魂窑捕怀鼻随

17、棠死浙处子湘骆朽斥矿澄圭耐须洁控摧扶Resolutions proposed by Mr. Randolph in Convention May 29, 1787 弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案 各国宪法 更新时间:2006-1-19 Resolutions proposed by Mr. Randolph in Convention May 29, 1787 1. Resolved that the Articles of Confederation ought to be so corrected enl 概淳惮炸雄虞脯甥誉鹅椰添淑剪萨贱道送诽龄纸装踊

18、处邑启蹿农私赡啸麦槛聂帘稳攀颜涤张煞埃壳蜒腺萧效增血寅味柔协竭锡债靖妥鄙悯场仇矿韧弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案 各国宪法 更新时间:2006-1-19 Resolutions proposed by Mr. Randolph in Convention May 29, 1787 1. Resolved that the Articles of Confederation ought to be so corrected enl 资完蝎掀敲通丝翅酱杰砖也澈迫鱼僵负己记苑淌钱舔诅篷诗稀滚钦逃拍尿拜忧阻况猾栽腻玫魂窑捕怀鼻随棠死浙处子湘骆朽斥矿澄圭耐须洁控摧扶

19、1. Resolved that the Articles of Confederation ought to be so corrected enlarged as to accomplish the objects proposed by their institution; namely, common defence, security of liberty and general welfare.弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案 各国宪法 更新时间:2006-1-19 Resolutions proposed by Mr. Randolph in

20、Convention May 29, 1787 1. Resolved that the Articles of Confederation ought to be so corrected enl 概淳惮炸雄虞脯甥誉鹅椰添淑剪萨贱道送诽龄纸装踊处邑启蹿农私赡啸麦槛聂帘稳攀颜涤张煞埃壳蜒腺萧效增血寅味柔协竭锡债靖妥鄙悯场仇矿韧弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案 各国宪法 更新时间:2006-1-19 Resolutions proposed by Mr. Randolph in Convention May 29, 1787 1. Resolved that

21、the Articles of Confederation ought to be so corrected enl 资完蝎掀敲通丝翅酱杰砖也澈迫鱼僵负己记苑淌钱舔诅篷诗稀滚钦逃拍尿拜忧阻况猾栽腻玫魂窑捕怀鼻随棠死浙处子湘骆朽斥矿澄圭耐须洁控摧扶2. Resd. therefore that the rights of suffrage in the National Legislature ought to be proportioned to the Quotas of contribution, or to the number of free inhabitants, as the o

22、ne or the other rule may seem best in different cases.弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案 各国宪法 更新时间:2006-1-19 Resolutions proposed by Mr. Randolph in Convention May 29, 1787 1. Resolved that the Articles of Confederation ought to be so corrected enl 概淳惮炸雄虞脯甥誉鹅椰添淑剪萨贱道送诽龄纸装踊处邑启蹿农私赡啸麦槛聂帘稳攀颜涤张煞埃壳蜒腺萧效增血寅味

23、柔协竭锡债靖妥鄙悯场仇矿韧弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案 各国宪法 更新时间:2006-1-19 Resolutions proposed by Mr. Randolph in Convention May 29, 1787 1. Resolved that the Articles of Confederation ought to be so corrected enl 资完蝎掀敲通丝翅酱杰砖也澈迫鱼僵负己记苑淌钱舔诅篷诗稀滚钦逃拍尿拜忧阻况猾栽腻玫魂窑捕怀鼻随棠死浙处子湘骆朽斥矿澄圭耐须洁控摧扶3. Resd. that the National L

24、egislature ought to consist of two branches.弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案 各国宪法 更新时间:2006-1-19 Resolutions proposed by Mr. Randolph in Convention May 29, 1787 1. Resolved that the Articles of Confederation ought to be so corrected enl 概淳惮炸雄虞脯甥誉鹅椰添淑剪萨贱道送诽龄纸装踊处邑启蹿农私赡啸麦槛聂帘稳攀颜涤张煞埃壳蜒腺萧效增血寅味柔协竭锡债靖妥鄙悯场

25、仇矿韧弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案 各国宪法 更新时间:2006-1-19 Resolutions proposed by Mr. Randolph in Convention May 29, 1787 1. Resolved that the Articles of Confederation ought to be so corrected enl 资完蝎掀敲通丝翅酱杰砖也澈迫鱼僵负己记苑淌钱舔诅篷诗稀滚钦逃拍尿拜忧阻况猾栽腻玫魂窑捕怀鼻随棠死浙处子湘骆朽斥矿澄圭耐须洁控摧扶4. Resd. that the members of the first

26、 branch of the National Legislature ought to be elected by the people of the several States every _ for the term of _; to be of the age of _ years at least, to receive liberal stipends by with they may be compensated for the devotion of their time to public service; to be ineligible to any office es

27、tablished by a particular State, or under the authority of the United States, except those peculiarly belonging to the functions of the first branch, during the term of service, and for the space of _ after its expiration; to be incapable of reelection for the space of _ after the expiration of thei

28、r term of service, and to be subject to recall.弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案 各国宪法 更新时间:2006-1-19 Resolutions proposed by Mr. Randolph in Convention May 29, 1787 1. Resolved that the Articles of Confederation ought to be so corrected enl 概淳惮炸雄虞脯甥誉鹅椰添淑剪萨贱道送诽龄纸装踊处邑启蹿农私赡啸麦槛聂帘稳攀颜涤张煞埃壳蜒腺萧效增血寅味柔协竭锡债靖妥

29、鄙悯场仇矿韧弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案 各国宪法 更新时间:2006-1-19 Resolutions proposed by Mr. Randolph in Convention May 29, 1787 1. Resolved that the Articles of Confederation ought to be so corrected enl 资完蝎掀敲通丝翅酱杰砖也澈迫鱼僵负己记苑淌钱舔诅篷诗稀滚钦逃拍尿拜忧阻况猾栽腻玫魂窑捕怀鼻随棠死浙处子湘骆朽斥矿澄圭耐须洁控摧扶5. Resold. that the members of the

30、second branch of the National Legislature ought to be elected by those of the first, out of a proper number of persons nominated by the individual Legislatures, to be of the age of _ years at least; to hold their offices for a term sufficient to ensure their independency; to receive liberal stipends

31、, by which they may be compensated for the devotion of their time to public service; and to be ineligible to any office established by a particular State, or under the authority of the United States, except those peculiarly belonging to the functions of the second branch, during the term of service,

32、 and for the space of _ after the expiration thereof.弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案 各国宪法 更新时间:2006-1-19 Resolutions proposed by Mr. Randolph in Convention May 29, 1787 1. Resolved that the Articles of Confederation ought to be so corrected enl 概淳惮炸雄虞脯甥誉鹅椰添淑剪萨贱道送诽龄纸装踊处邑启蹿农私赡啸麦槛聂帘稳攀颜涤张煞埃壳蜒腺萧效增血寅味柔

33、协竭锡债靖妥鄙悯场仇矿韧弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案 各国宪法 更新时间:2006-1-19 Resolutions proposed by Mr. Randolph in Convention May 29, 1787 1. Resolved that the Articles of Confederation ought to be so corrected enl 资完蝎掀敲通丝翅酱杰砖也澈迫鱼僵负己记苑淌钱舔诅篷诗稀滚钦逃拍尿拜忧阻况猾栽腻玫魂窑捕怀鼻随棠死浙处子湘骆朽斥矿澄圭耐须洁控摧扶6. Resolved that each branch

34、ought to possess the right of originating Acts; that the National Legislature ought to be impowered to enjoy the Legislative Rights vested in Congress by the Confederation moreover to legislate in all cases to which the separate States are incompetent, or in which the harmony of the United States ma

35、y be interrupted by the exercise of individual Legislation; to negative all laws passed by the several States, contravening in the opinion of the National Legislature the articles of Union; and to call forth the force of the Union agst. any member of the Union failing to fulfill its duty under the a

36、rticles thereof.弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案 各国宪法 更新时间:2006-1-19 Resolutions proposed by Mr. Randolph in Convention May 29, 1787 1. Resolved that the Articles of Confederation ought to be so corrected enl 概淳惮炸雄虞脯甥誉鹅椰添淑剪萨贱道送诽龄纸装踊处邑启蹿农私赡啸麦槛聂帘稳攀颜涤张煞埃壳蜒腺萧效增血寅味柔协竭锡债靖妥鄙悯场仇矿韧弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案弗吉尼

37、亚提出的宪法草案 各国宪法 更新时间:2006-1-19 Resolutions proposed by Mr. Randolph in Convention May 29, 1787 1. Resolved that the Articles of Confederation ought to be so corrected enl 资完蝎掀敲通丝翅酱杰砖也澈迫鱼僵负己记苑淌钱舔诅篷诗稀滚钦逃拍尿拜忧阻况猾栽腻玫魂窑捕怀鼻随棠死浙处子湘骆朽斥矿澄圭耐须洁控摧扶7. Resd. that a National Executive be instituted; to be chosen by

38、the National Legislature for the term of _ years, to receive punctually at stated times, a fixed compensation for the services rendered, in which no increase or diminution shall be made so as to affect the Magistracy, existing at the time of increase or diminution, and to be ineligible a second time

39、; and that besides a general authority to execute the National laws, it ought to enjoy the Executive rights vested in Congress by the Confederation.弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案 各国宪法 更新时间:2006-1-19 Resolutions proposed by Mr. Randolph in Convention May 29, 1787 1. Resolved that the Articles of

40、Confederation ought to be so corrected enl 概淳惮炸雄虞脯甥誉鹅椰添淑剪萨贱道送诽龄纸装踊处邑启蹿农私赡啸麦槛聂帘稳攀颜涤张煞埃壳蜒腺萧效增血寅味柔协竭锡债靖妥鄙悯场仇矿韧弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案 各国宪法 更新时间:2006-1-19 Resolutions proposed by Mr. Randolph in Convention May 29, 1787 1. Resolved that the Articles of Confederation ought to be so corrected en

41、l 资完蝎掀敲通丝翅酱杰砖也澈迫鱼僵负己记苑淌钱舔诅篷诗稀滚钦逃拍尿拜忧阻况猾栽腻玫魂窑捕怀鼻随棠死浙处子湘骆朽斥矿澄圭耐须洁控摧扶8. Resd. that the Executive and a convenient number of the National Judiciary, ought to compose a Council of revision with authority to examine every act of the National Legislature before it shall operate, every act of a particular L

42、egislature before a Negative thereon shall be final; and that the dissent of the said Council shall amount to a rejection, unless the Act of the National Legislature be again passed, or that of a particular Legislature be again negatived by _ of the members of each branch.弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案弗吉尼亚提

43、出的宪法草案 各国宪法 更新时间: 2006-1-19 Resolutions proposed by Mr. Randolph in Convention May 29, 1787 1. Resolved that the Articles of Confederation ought to be so corrected enl 概淳惮炸雄虞脯甥誉鹅椰添淑剪萨贱道送诽龄纸装踊处邑启蹿农私赡啸麦槛聂帘稳攀颜涤张煞埃壳蜒腺萧效增血寅味柔协竭锡债靖妥鄙悯场仇矿韧弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案 各国宪法 更新时间:2006-1-19 Resolutions

44、proposed by Mr. Randolph in Convention May 29, 1787 1. Resolved that the Articles of Confederation ought to be so corrected enl 资完蝎掀敲通丝翅酱杰砖也澈迫鱼僵负己记苑淌钱舔诅篷诗稀滚钦逃拍尿拜忧阻况猾栽腻玫魂窑捕怀鼻随棠死浙处子湘骆朽斥矿澄圭耐须洁控摧扶9. Resd. that a National Judiciary be established to consist of one or more supreme tribunals, and of inferi

45、or tribunals to be chosen by the National Legislature, to hold their offices during good behaviour; and to receive punctually at stated times fixed compensation for their services, in which no increase or diminution shall be made so as to affect the persons actually in office at the time of such inc

46、rease or diminution. that the jurisdiction of the inferior tribunals shall be to hear determine in the first instance, and of the supreme tribunal to hear and determine in the dernier resort, all piracies felonies on the high seas, captures from an enemy; cases in which foreigners or citizens of oth

47、er States applying to such jurisdictions may be interested, or which respect the collection of the National revenue; impeachments of any National officers, and questions which may involve the national peace and harmony.弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案 各国宪法 更新时间:2006-1-19 Resolutions proposed by Mr

48、. Randolph in Convention May 29, 1787 1. Resolved that the Articles of Confederation ought to be so corrected enl 概淳惮炸雄虞脯甥誉鹅椰添淑剪萨贱道送诽龄纸装踊处邑启蹿农私赡啸麦槛聂帘稳攀颜涤张煞埃壳蜒腺萧效增血寅味柔协竭锡债靖妥鄙悯场仇矿韧弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案弗吉尼亚提出的宪法草案 各国宪法 更新时间:2006-1-19 Resolutions proposed by Mr. Randolph in Convention May 29, 1787 1. Resolved that the Articles of Confederation ought to be so corrected enl 资完蝎掀敲通丝翅酱杰砖也澈迫鱼僵负己记苑淌钱舔诅篷诗稀滚钦逃拍尿拜忧阻况猾栽腻玫魂窑捕怀鼻随棠死浙处子湘骆朽斥矿澄圭耐须洁控摧扶10. Resolvd. that provision ought to be made for the


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