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1、2015 届 本 科 生 毕 业 论 文电子商务网站原型设计Prototyping Design of E-commerce Website学生姓名 谢道贤 学号 201011611122所在学院 信息学院 班级 电子 1113所在专业 电子信息工程申请学位 工学学士指导教师 李小立 职称 讲师副 指 导 教 师 职称答辩时间 2015 年 6 月 6 日目录目 录设计总说明 .IINTRODUCTION .III 第 1 章 绪论 .11.1 网站打印机产生的背景 .11.2 设计电子商务网站原型系统的目的及意义 .21.3 课题引入 .21.4 课题研究的内容 .31.5 本章小结 .3第

2、 2 章 系统总设计 .32.1 系统需求分析 .32.1.1 总体结构框图 .32.2 本章小结 .4第 3 章 场景应用 .43.1 电脑版和手机版 .43.2 场景演示 .63.2.1 场景 A 演示介绍 .63.2.2 场景 B 演示介绍 .123.3 菜单搜索功能 .163.4 电脑版场景 A .173.5 企业简介、联系我们 .173.6 本章小结 .17第 4 章 系统设计开发过程 .174.1 总体思路 .174.2 需求分析 .174.3 确定网站风格 .184.4 设计功能模块 .184.5 确定目录结构和主页栏目 .184.6 数据库链接 .184.7 Div 和表格布局

3、、CSS 美化界面 .194.8 javascript 特效和部分功能 .204.9 系统调试过程 .224.10 完工 .22目录第 5 章 后台管理功能 .225.1 登录介绍 .235.2 产品排序介绍 .245.3 产品增删改功能介绍、产品详细编辑功能介绍 .275.4 优惠推荐功能介绍 .325.5 订单搜索功能介绍 .345.6 订单删除功能、订单备注功能 .355.7 企业简介栏目、联系方式栏目的编辑功能 .365.8 平台注册功能 .365.9 本章小结 .37第 6 章 总结 .38鸣 谢 .39参考文献 .40设计总说明I设计总说明移动互联网,是指将手机载体和互联网二者结合

4、起来成为一体,各种互联网技术、平台、商业模式和应用在这个手机载体上运行以产生各种信息交互的总称。随着 4G 时代的开启以及移动终端设备的凸显,我国移动互联网的发展越发越烈。未来,是一个以手机为载体去控制各种各样的智能终端电子设备的物联网世界。物联网就是物物相连的互联网。这有两层意思:其一,物联网的核心和基础仍然是互联网,是在互联网基础上的延伸和扩展的网络;其二,其用户端延伸和扩展到了任何物品与物品之间,进行信息交换和通信,也就是物物相息。物联网通过智能感知、识别技术与普适计算等通信感知技术,广泛应用于网络的融合中,也因此被称为继计算机、互联网之后世界信息产业发展的第三次浪潮。物联网是互联网的应

5、用拓展,与其说物联网是网络,不如说物联网是业务和应用。因此,应用创新是物联网发展的核心,以用户体验为核心的创新 2.0 是物联网发展的灵魂,即移动互联网。以手机为载体,在其上运行的各种应用程序的技术,现在已经深入人心,它渗透入了我们生活的方方面面。比如现在最流行线下 OTO、网络购物。这也是本课题的设计任务来源,将手机网站、电脑网站分别和网站打印机连接起来,这就是物物相联了,是物联网物物相联的基本特征。只不过这些物更多的是以手机为终端载体,但它仍然是属于移动互联网。物联网和移动互联网的关系,是父集和子集的关系,移动互联网是物联网的很重要的一部分,未来的物联网更多的也体现在移动互联网上。本课题主

6、要是围绕移动互联网和线下OTO 具体使用场景,来开发设计一套电子商务网站原型系统,将互联网技术融入餐饮行业,实现用户在手机上或者电脑上都可以浏览餐饮商家的全部菜单、挑选菜单。当用户挑选好菜单后完成下单,餐饮商家后台链接的网站打印机会立刻将该用户的下单信息打印出来。那么根据哪种标准把这个课题做好呢?要实现这种场景应用,本课题主要以 asp 技术为标准,将 asp 作为后台技术开发语言,将各种信息通过 asp 程序和 javascript 程序处理,汇总传送到与之配套的网站打印机,然后打印出来;以 access 数据库为后台开发数据库,将各种信息通过 asp程序和 javascript 程序处理,

7、汇总插入到 access 数据库中保存起来,在需要时调用;以html、css 和 javascript 布局和美化界面效果,生成非常怡人友好的人机交互界面。采用Dreamweaver CS6 作为开发工具。程序运行环境为 windows 操作系统环境。这套开发出来的能在手机上和电脑上浏览和下单并触发打印机立即打印的程序,实用性强,功能完善,可以方便快捷帮助用户下单,帮助餐饮商家接单和统计数据,是餐饮行业必不可少的运营必备工具之一。在人民追求尽善尽美的今天,UI 界面设计的重要性越来越凸显。本系统的设计原则就是围绕UI 设计与程序设计进行的,界面上要简洁明朗大方,操作上要方便流畅。UI 的本意是

8、用户界面,是英文 User 和 interface 的缩写。从字面上看是用户与界面 2 个组成部分,但实际上还包括用户与界面之间的交互关系。界面设计,在漫长的软件发展中,界面设计工作一直没有被重视起来。做设计总说明II界面设计的人也被贬义的称为“美工” 。其实软件界面设计就像工业产品中的工业造型设计一样,是产品的重要卖点。一个友好美观的界面会给人带来舒适的视觉享受,拉近人与电脑的距离,为商家创造卖点。界面设计不是单纯的美术绘画,他需要定位使用者、使用环境、使用方式并且为最终用户而设计,是纯粹的科学性的艺术设计。检验一个界面的标准既不是某个项目开发组领导的意见也不是项目成员投票的结果,而是最终用

9、户的感受。所以界面设计要和用户研究紧密结合,是一个不断为最终用户设计满意视觉效果的过程。在人和机器的互动过程(Human Machine Interaction)中,有一个层面,即我们所说的界面(interface) 。从心理学意义来分,界面可分为感觉(视觉、触觉、听觉等)和情感两个层次。用户界面设计是屏幕产品的重要组成部分。界面设计是一个复杂的有不同学科参与的工程,认知心理学、设计学、语言学等在此都扮演着重要的角色。用户界面设计的三大原则是:置界面于用户的控制之下;减少用户的记忆负担;保持界面的一致性。本次设计的参考资料很多,可供查阅的条件也很多,从知网上,网络中,都可以找到参考的资料。本次

10、设计着重参考了 Dreamweaver 设计和 asp 构架,并且查阅了一部分数据库书籍,参考了商业网站综合案例,对于本次设计的帮助极大,而且能够对于这个设计的构架细节都做出足够的支持和帮助。关键词:网站打印机;互联网打印机;OTO;点餐系统INTRODUCTIONIIIINTRODUCTIONMobile Internet, it refers to the phone and the Internet combine the two carriers become collectively one, a variety of Internet technologies, platforms

11、, business models and applications running on the phone carrier to produce a variety of information exchange. As well as highlighting the 4G era of open mobile terminal equipment, the development of Chinas mobile Internet increasingly more intense. The future is a mobile phone for the carrier to con

12、trol a wide variety of intelligent terminal electronic device networking world. Things that material objects connected to the Internet. This has two meanings: First, the core and foundation of things is still the Internet, is based on the Internet extension and expansion of the network; second, to e

13、xtend and expand its client to any goods and items of information exchange and communication, that is, physical objects interest. Things through IntelliSense, identification technology and pervasive computing, communications sensing technology, widely used in converged networks, has been called the

14、second computer, the Internet world information industry development of the third wave. Things is an application to expand the Internet of Things is not so much a network as it is a business and networking applications. Therefore, the application of innovation is the core of the development of thing

15、s, to the user experience as the core of innovation 2.0 is the soul of the development of things, that the mobile Internet.Mobile phone carrier, various applications of technology to run on it, and now has gained, it penetrates into every aspect of our lives. For example, now the most popular line o

16、f OTO, online shopping.This design is also the subject of the origin of the tasks, the mobile phone sites, computer website and printers are connected together, and this is linked to the physical objects, is the basic characteristic of things associated with physical objects. But these things are ba

17、sed more on the phone for the terminal carrier, but it still belongs to the mobile Internet. Relationship Things and mobile Internet, is the relationship between a parent and a subset of the set, the mobile Internet is a very important part of things, more things future is also reflected in the mobi

18、le Internet. This paper mainly around mobile internet and cable OTO specific usage scenarios, to develop a suitable food industry convenient meal service applications, Internet technology will be integrated into the food and beverage industry, to achieve a user on the phone or computer can browse ca

19、tering All menu businesses, the selection menu. Upon completion of the user menu selection of good order, food businesses linked site printer back INTRODUCTIONIVimmediately the next single user to print out information.So depending on which standard to this issue to do it? To achieve this scenario a

20、pplication, the subject mainly asp technology as the standard, the asp as a back-end technology development language, all kinds of information through the asp and javascript program processing program, a summary is transmitted to the accompanying website printer, then print it out; to access back-en

21、d database development database, all kinds of information through the asp program and javascript program processed, summarized into the access database saved, only when needed; in html, css and javascript interface layout and landscaping effect, generating very pleasant friendly interactive interfac

22、e. Dreamweaver CS6 use as a development tool. Program operating environment for windows operating system environments. The developed can be viewed on the phone and computer and printer orders and trigger immediate printing, practical, functional, easy and quick to help users orders, orders to help f

23、ood businesses and statistics, catering One indispensable tool for industry operators is essential.In pursuit of perfect people, the importance of UI interface design more and more prominent. The system is designed around the principle that UI design and program design, and the interface to be simpl

24、e and clear appearance, to facilitate smooth operation. UI was intended user interface is in English and User interface abbreviations. Literally user interface with two part, but in fact also includes the interactive relationship between the user and the interface. Interface design, in the long soft

25、ware development, interface design work has not been seriously. People who do the interface design were derogatory called “art.“ In fact, software interface design as industrial products, industrial design, is an important selling point of the product. A friendly and beautiful interface will bring a

26、 comfortable visual enjoyment, to narrow the distance between people and computers to create a selling point for businesses. Interface design is not simply the art of painting, he needs to locate the user, the environment, usage and designed for end users, is purely scientific nature of art and desi

27、gn. A standard test interface is neither a project development team led by the results of the project are not the views of members voted, but the end-user experience. Therefore, it should be closely integrated interface design and user research is a continuous design satisfactory visual effects proc

28、ess for the end user. Man and machine interaction process (Human Machine Interaction) in, there is a dimension that we call interface (interface). From a psychological sense to points, the interface can be divided into sensory (visual, tactile, auditory, etc.) and two levels of emotion. User interfa

29、ce design is an important part of the screen product. Interface design is a complex there are different disciplines involved in the engineering, cognitive psychology, design, linguistics and so on in this play an important role. Three user interface design principles: set under the control of a user

30、 interface to; reduce the burden on the users memory; INTRODUCTIONVconsistent interface.The reference design is a lot, there are many conditions are available for inspection from known online network, you can find reference information. The reference design focuses on the design and asp Dreamweaver

31、architecture, and access to a part of the database of books, reference is made to commercial websites integrated case, for helping this great design, but also the details of the architecture of this design have made adequate support and Help.KEYWORDS: Website printer; Internet printer; OTO; ordering

32、 system广东海洋大学 2015 届本科生毕业设计 1 电子商务网站原型设计电子信息工程,201011611122,谢道贤指导教师:李小立第 1 章 绪论1.1 网站打印机产生的背景随着互联网技术的飞速发展,网络购物已不在是什么新鲜的名词。自小米公司的雷军在互联网上搞饥饿营销以来,越来越多的企业意识到电子商务平台分销渠道的重要性,并建立了自己的电子商务宣传平台,将自家产品发布上去供消费者浏览和下单。但问题来了。企业在互联网上有了一个网站,用户可以不限时间不限地点的到他们的网站下单。但用户下了单,企业管理员如果不登录后台进去查看数据,他们就不能及时知道已经有订单产生。这样就影响了货物的及时配

33、送。下单的用户不能及时收到货物,影响体验不说,而且他们还会认为,这个企业的电子商务网站系统不完善,连个管理人员都没有。一旦这样的观念在用户脑海中形成,他们下次就不会在你的网站下单了,而且还会形成一个恶性循环,就是订单越来越少。最终,这是个失败的电子商务网站系统。而这一切的根源,就在于企业管理员能不能及时知道有订单产生和迅速安排货物发送。做电子商务,不是说有一个宣传平台就行了的,它不仅涉及到信息流,还涉及资金流和物流。但信息流是一切电子商务活动的基础,如果用户下了单企业却不知道,资金流和物流就无从说起 1。为了解决这个问题,曾经有过不少解决方案。比如短信通知管理者,邮件通知管理者。但这些都是有延迟的,效果不好。而网站打印机的横空出世,却如此完美的解决了这个难题。自从有了网站打印机,企业商家把他们的电子商务平台或者网店对接好这个网站打印机,那么用户下的单这台打印机就能在毫秒级别的时间差内将这个订单信息打印出来。这对网站管理员来说是福音,对企业来说也是福音。有了这个网站打印机,电子商务活动中的信息流环节可以说是完美解决。至于资金流和物流那些,中国现在也在不断完善相应法规


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