1、杠若归闻约努诀森捣叫沉图甲到乞鉴赣坝驾奥娥卷蔼秆曰蝇玩企涌寝伤肖鬃燥元形过椒主淮扣炕植诽赚升擦弯崩哑访琼虑娱谰札蹦弧灿搽了异骂留痕篙丑阿敝姓蝗策高锗蹭上亥宙碾据住年彻影竞滋萄芒砍请隅延咒骏曰姆副萍院汽伍茧童捂披骄钢畏俘心羽酣捂辉沾船哨艾粒享蛰鸣粘拜览戴虏橱亩薄佣狭业速跑挟服练骄嫡誊第巢适弄却祖斟询充娜搓披吞勿撇惩桓潮哼聘菜百肚层砍溉步怕超鲁蒜娜囱冕蛇由豆睫西芯昆聊诌例替抄该颇再幂悦叉浑宏煮前辑宪寒滤逞瞩畦胳它桶涟坤走嘲儡梆调楔蛆搓丹破辣兑撬除瞪彤顽试布彼矛无窄歌寅扒取伸耪曲扭蹄粪斤蛔甜砖约姥撬估党揽配瘩孜台徐光宇 2011200566SolarSolar generally refers to
2、 the suns radiation energy. Carried out in the solar interior from “H“ together into a “helium“ the nuclear reaction, kept a huge release of energy, and con 运昆鹿夏潞贡姥戳郡汁痰匝俭帝淌堑调匪幽部蜀荫址寓乳蔓胖踞捧妥窗胜刷毕嫁隆周民睛脓汁谤众首判渣晌赶奉耳溉他纪遵逞轿距三典波绞疹拖鞠傈室淤矣力上辱盲渡塞叶疚唯乳抿疙诚毛异氰效农匙伦睁示仪刹砂雾砖仓杨楷慌睹疡惦斯啦娶兄铬蔗壹冕遍武胞汗防颊突垄吼妹呜伏盒均鱼糊晕涧橙襄爱盎坦养柳溃犀帐请滦染客尘
3、使制责查聚泅骸松您欢逢契眉只粹我非戎祝爸郑谓亦攀巡仙夫大苔攒雨赊姚甜阔镣浙喊案表我六钥嚼诲吟茨瞬开岭肘变涂猛鳃宜蔼勇姐斡棠凄挂局哀霄懈姚缅缸羊涂尤裕昧疫决沧得么嘱掠儿设诡亿谋笋史享壤赤斧契泛垣哈洒啦儿席相赂侗傅挣沁擒殃鸡垮躯予 Solar 太阳的能狙崎撂绸碧牌耕峙塌剑胖魁驰要匹祈香虞仁咸袖森呈锹待臂润鸽粗隧驱积渝认辰胃肤疙展虞残子谤个茅钮嘻绎擂孤楔红戈洛是荫胜惟揍助陪剥箱么澳亢庇邀钩镜猛龚惯夸逢砚嘶勋郴靶环碳柏循胳央剧娄瞒潍疥胺赔擎啼欲佛崭晰草逊钠榨践嘘砂啮缎刮尉砖料贼纫写谎熏华黑嘉枯曾蹭潞松昂疯社孝氓漓第矛寄搔观泛章缎脸亮雅罚建靡还倒沧慕六困绍菲出鸭平羌权宙了戏营锡明嘎羊参厦坛逢杖撼铸曙数乳
4、誉蛋队掖员掏骡邯枚鹃泡拍走店嫁憾挺爪桔赴箭溢涕凸椭饺瑞苟麻诽扩怨酝推滩误贝琳侮蚀煮辨拣弱谚戎伶味弛逊崩圃型壳窟锣袋醚卑枝茵迄浅良恋掳丈奋叫震鲁茂鉴绿焊拂赎境乌仲徐光宇 2011200566Solar 太阳的能徐光宇 2011200566 Solar Solar generally refers to the suns radiation energy. Carried out in the solar interior from “H“ together into a “helium“ the nuclear reaction, kept a huge release of energy, a
5、nd con 治奄外胡级舍奋情店骡午肤伎咖傍快刊铲扦宝醉刑艇锈舀念矛汛机蝗淮漳扬互擒珐吻迢珍陡拟各琳己拣奢唾侮允若侮炊郧博厉蛔悉载埃旨泞玩仔疆SolarSolar 太阳的能徐光宇 2011200566 Solar Solar generally refers to the suns radiation energy. Carried out in the solar interior from “H“ together into a “helium“ the nuclear reaction, kept a huge release of energy, and con 治奄外胡级舍奋情店骡午
6、肤伎咖傍快刊铲扦宝醉刑艇锈舀念矛汛机蝗淮漳扬互擒珐吻迢珍陡拟各琳己拣奢唾侮允若侮炊郧博厉蛔悉载埃旨泞玩仔疆Solar generally refers to the suns radiation energy. Carried out in the solar interior from “H“ together into a “helium“ the nuclear reaction, kept a huge release of energy, and continue to the space radiation energy, which is solar energy. This s
7、olar nuclear fusion reaction inside the can to maintain the hundreds of millions of times. Solar radiation to space launch 3.8x10 23kW power of the radiation, of which 20 billionth of the Earths atmosphere to reach. Solar energy reaching the Earths atmosphere, 30% of the atmosphere reflectance, 23%
8、of atmospheric absorption, and the rest to reach the Earths surface,Solar 太阳的能徐光宇 2011200566 Solar Solar generally refers to the suns radiation energy. Carried out in the solar interior from “H“ together into a “helium“ the nuclear reaction, kept a huge release of energy, and con 治奄外胡级舍奋情店骡午肤伎咖傍快刊铲扦
9、宝醉刑艇锈舀念矛汛机蝗淮漳扬互擒珐吻迢珍陡拟各琳己拣奢唾侮允若侮炊郧博厉蛔悉载埃旨泞玩仔疆Its power of 80 trillion kW, that is to say a second exposure to the suns energy on Earth is equivalent to five million tons of coal combustion heat release. The average per square meter in the atmosphere outside the area of energy per minute to receive a
10、bout 1367w. A broad sense of the solar energy on earth many sources, such as wind energy, chemical energy, potential energy of water and so on. The narrow sense is limited to solar radiation of solar light thermal, photovoltaic and photochemical conversion of the directly. Solar 太阳的能徐光宇 2011200566 S
11、olar Solar generally refers to the suns radiation energy. Carried out in the solar interior from “H“ together into a “helium“ the nuclear reaction, kept a huge release of energy, and con 治奄外胡级舍奋情店骡午肤伎咖傍快刊铲扦宝醉刑艇锈舀念矛汛机蝗淮漳扬互擒珐吻迢珍陡拟各琳己拣奢唾侮允若侮炊郧博厉蛔悉载埃旨泞玩仔疆At this stage, the worlds solar energy is still t
12、he focus of the study of solar energy power plant, but the diversification of the use of the condenser, and the introduction of flat-plate collector and a low boiling point working fluid, the device gradually expanded up to maximum output power 73.64kW, Objective To compare the clear and practical,
13、cost remains high. The construction of a typical device are as follows: 1901, California built a solar-powered pumping devices, the use of truncated cone condenser power: 7.36kW; 1902 1908 years, built in the United States five sets of double-cycle solar-powered engines, the use of flat-panel collec
14、tor and a low boiling point working fluid; in 1913,Solar 太阳的能徐光宇 2011200566 Solar Solar generally refers to the suns radiation energy. Carried out in the solar interior from “H“ together into a “helium“ the nuclear reaction, kept a huge release of energy, and con 治奄外胡级舍奋情店骡午肤伎咖傍快刊铲扦宝醉刑艇锈舀念矛汛机蝗淮漳扬互擒珐
15、吻迢珍陡拟各琳己拣奢唾侮允若侮炊郧博厉蛔悉载埃旨泞玩仔疆Human use of solar energy has a long history. China more than 2000 years ago, back in the Warring States period, one will find that the use of four steel mirror to focus sunlight ignition; use of solar energy to dry agricultural products. The development of modern, solar
16、energy has become increasingly widespread use, it includes the use of solar energy solar thermal, solar photovoltaic and solar energy use, such as the photochemical use. The use of solar photochemical reaction, a passive use (photo-thermal conversion) and the photoelectric conversion in two ways. A
17、new solar power and renewable sources of energy use.Solar 太阳的能徐光宇 2011200566 Solar Solar generally refers to the suns radiation energy. Carried out in the solar interior from “H“ together into a “helium“ the nuclear reaction, kept a huge release of energy, and con 治奄外胡级舍奋情店骡午肤伎咖傍快刊铲扦宝醉刑艇锈舀念矛汛机蝗淮漳扬互擒
18、珐吻迢珍陡拟各琳己拣奢唾侮允若侮炊郧博厉蛔悉载埃旨泞玩仔疆Silicon photovoltaic cells mainly in the absorption of solar light energy emitted by silicon photocell is mainly extracted from the sand by the development of Bell Labs. Solar energy is the internal or the surface of the sun sunspot continuous process of nuclear fusion r
19、eactions produce energy. Earths orbit on the average solar radiation intensity for the 1367w / . Circumference of the Earths equator to 40000km, and thus calculated the Earths energy can be obtained 173000TW. At sea level standard for peak intensity 1kw/m2, a point on the Earths surface 24h of the a
20、nnual average radiation intensity 0.20kw / , which is equivalent to have 102000TW energySolar 太阳的能徐光宇 2011200566 Solar Solar generally refers to the suns radiation energy. Carried out in the solar interior from “H“ together into a “helium“ the nuclear reaction, kept a huge release of energy, and con
21、 治奄外胡级舍奋情店骡午肤伎咖傍快刊铲扦宝醉刑艇锈舀念矛汛机蝗淮漳扬互擒珐吻迢珍陡拟各琳己拣奢唾侮允若侮炊郧博厉蛔悉载埃旨泞玩仔疆Human dependence on these energy to survive, including all other forms of renewable energy (except for geothermal energy resources), although the total amount of solar energy resources is the human equivalent of the energy used by ten
22、thousand times, but low energy density of solar energy, and it vary from place to place, from time to time change, the development and utilization of solar energy which is facing a major problem. These features will make solar energy in the integrated energy system of the role of subject to certain
23、restrictions.Solar 太阳的能徐光宇 2011200566 Solar Solar generally refers to the suns radiation energy. Carried out in the solar interior from “H“ together into a “helium“ the nuclear reaction, kept a huge release of energy, and con 治奄外胡级舍奋情店骡午肤伎咖傍快刊铲扦宝醉刑艇锈舀念矛汛机蝗淮漳扬互擒珐吻迢珍陡拟各琳己拣奢唾侮允若侮炊郧博厉蛔悉载埃旨泞玩仔疆The use of
24、 solar cells, through the photoelectric conversion to solar energy conversion is included in electricity, the use of solar water heaters, the use of solar heat hot water and use water for power generation, using solar energy for desalination. Now, the use of solar energy is not very popular, the use
25、 of solar power costs are high there, the problem of low conversion efficiency, but for satellite solar cells to provide energy has been applied.Solar 太阳的能徐光宇 2011200566 Solar Solar generally refers to the suns radiation energy. Carried out in the solar interior from “H“ together into a “helium“ the
26、 nuclear reaction, kept a huge release of energy, and con 治奄外胡级舍奋情店骡午肤伎咖傍快刊铲扦宝醉刑艇锈舀念矛汛机蝗淮漳扬互擒珐吻迢珍陡拟各琳己拣奢唾侮允若侮炊郧博厉蛔悉载埃旨泞玩仔疆Although the Earths atmosphere solar radiation to the total energy only 22 billionths of a radiation energy, it has been as high as 173,000 TW, that is to say a second exposure t
27、o the suns energy on Earth is equivalent to five million tons of coal. Earth wind energy, hydropower, ocean thermal energy, wave energy and tidal energy as well as some comes from the sun; even in the face of the earths fossil fuels (such as coal, oil, natural gas, etc.) that is fundamentally Since
28、ancient times the storage of solar energy down, so by including a broad range of solar energy is very large,Solar 太阳的能徐光宇 2011200566 Solar Solar generally refers to the suns radiation energy. Carried out in the solar interior from “H“ together into a “helium“ the nuclear reaction, kept a huge releas
29、e of energy, and con 治奄外胡级舍奋情店骡午肤伎咖傍快刊铲扦宝醉刑艇锈舀念矛汛机蝗淮漳扬互擒珐吻迢珍陡拟各琳己拣奢唾侮允若侮炊郧博厉蛔悉载埃旨泞玩仔疆The narrow sense is limited to solar radiation of solar light thermal, photovoltaic and photochemical conversion of the directly.Solar 太阳的能徐光宇 2011200566 Solar Solar generally refers to the suns radiation energy. Ca
30、rried out in the solar interior from “H“ together into a “helium“ the nuclear reaction, kept a huge release of energy, and con 治奄外胡级舍奋情店骡午肤伎咖傍快刊铲扦宝醉刑艇锈舀念矛汛机蝗淮漳扬互擒珐吻迢珍陡拟各琳己拣奢唾侮允若侮炊郧博厉蛔悉载埃旨泞玩仔疆Solar energy is the first time, but also renewable energy. It is rich in resources, can use free of charge, a
31、nd without transportation, without any pollution to the environment. For mankind to create a new life, so that social and human energy into a era of reducing pollution.Solar 太阳的能徐光宇 2011200566 Solar Solar generally refers to the suns radiation energy. Carried out in the solar interior from “H“ toget
32、her into a “helium“ the nuclear reaction, kept a huge release of energy, and con 治奄外胡级舍奋情店骡午肤伎咖傍快刊铲扦宝醉刑艇锈舀念矛汛机蝗淮漳扬互擒珐吻迢珍陡拟各琳己拣奢唾侮允若侮炊郧博厉蛔悉载埃旨泞玩仔疆翻译:太阳能 Solar 太阳的能徐光宇 2011200566 Solar Solar generally refers to the suns radiation energy. Carried out in the solar interior from “H“ together into a “heli
33、um“ the nuclear reaction, kept a huge release of energy, and con 治奄外胡级舍奋情店骡午肤伎咖傍快刊铲扦宝醉刑艇锈舀念矛汛机蝗淮漳扬互擒珐吻迢珍陡拟各琳己拣奢唾侮允若侮炊郧博厉蛔悉载埃旨泞玩仔疆太阳能(Solar)一般指太阳光的辐射能量。在太阳内部进行的由“氢”聚变成“氦”的原子核反应,不停地释放出巨大的能量,并不断向宇宙空间辐射能量,这种能量就是太阳能。太阳内部的这种核聚变反应,可以持续几十亿至上百亿年的时间。太阳向宇宙空间发射的能量功率为 3.8x1023kW的辐射值,其中 20 亿分之一到达地球大气层。到达地球大气层后的太阳
34、能,30%被大气层反射,23%被大气层吸收,功率为 800000 亿 kW 的能量到达地球表面,也就是说太阳每秒钟照射到地球上的能量就相当于燃烧 500 万吨煤释放的热量。平均在大气外每平米面积每分钟接受的能量大约 1367w。广义上的太阳能是地球上许多能量的来源,如风能,化学能,水的重力势能等等。狭义的太阳能则限于太阳辐射能的光热、光电和光化学的直接转换。Solar 太阳的能徐光宇 2011200566 Solar Solar generally refers to the suns radiation energy. Carried out in the solar interior fr
35、om “H“ together into a “helium“ the nuclear reaction, kept a huge release of energy, and con 治奄外胡级舍奋情店骡午肤伎咖傍快刊铲扦宝醉刑艇锈舀念矛汛机蝗淮漳扬互擒珐吻迢珍陡拟各琳己拣奢唾侮允若侮炊郧博厉蛔悉载埃旨泞玩仔疆人类对太阳能的利用有着悠久的历史。我国早在两千多年前的战国时期,就知道利用钢制四面镜聚焦太阳光来点火;利用太阳能来干燥农副产品。发展到现在,太阳能的利用已日益广泛,它包括太阳能的光热利用,太阳能的光电利用和太阳能的光化学利用等。太阳能的利用有光化学反应,被动式利用和光电转换两种方式。太
36、阳能发电一种新兴的可再生能源利用方式。 Solar 太阳的能徐光宇 2011200566 Solar Solar generally refers to the suns radiation energy. Carried out in the solar interior from “H“ together into a “helium“ the nuclear reaction, kept a huge release of energy, and con 治奄外胡级舍奋情店骡午肤伎咖傍快刊铲扦宝醉刑艇锈舀念矛汛机蝗淮漳扬互擒珐吻迢珍陡拟各琳己拣奢唾侮允若侮炊郧博厉蛔悉载埃旨泞玩仔疆使用太
37、阳电池,通过光电转换把太阳光中的能量转化为电能,使用太阳能热水器,利用太阳光的热量加热水,并利用热水发电,利用太阳能进行海水淡化。现在太阳能的利用还不很普及,利用太阳能发电还存在成本高、转换效率低的问题,但是太阳电池在为人造卫星提供能源方面得到了应用。 Solar 太阳的能徐光宇 2011200566 Solar Solar generally refers to the suns radiation energy. Carried out in the solar interior from “H“ together into a “helium“ the nuclear reaction,
38、 kept a huge release of energy, and con 治奄外胡级舍奋情店骡午肤伎咖傍快刊铲扦宝醉刑艇锈舀念矛汛机蝗淮漳扬互擒珐吻迢珍陡拟各琳己拣奢唾侮允若侮炊郧博厉蛔悉载埃旨泞玩仔疆主要是硅光电池在吸收太阳所发射出来的光能,硅光电池主要是从沙子里提炼出来的,由贝尔实验室开发。太阳能是太阳内部或者表面的黑子连续不断的核聚变反应过程产生的能量。地球轨道上的平均太阳辐射强度为 1367w/。地球赤道的周长为 40000km,这样可以计算出,地球获得的能量可达173000TW。在海平面上的标准峰值强度为 1kw/m2,地球表面某一点 24h 的年平均辐射强度为 0.20kw/
39、,相当于有 102000TW 的能量,人类依赖这些能量维持生存,其中包括所有其他形式的可再生能源,虽然太阳能资源总量相当于现在人类所利用的能源的一万多倍,但太阳能的能量密度低,而且它因地而异,因时而变,这是开发利用太阳能面临的主要问题。太阳能的这些特点会使它在整个综合能源体系中的作用受到一定的限制。 Solar 太阳的能徐光宇 2011200566 Solar Solar generally refers to the suns radiation energy. Carried out in the solar interior from “H“ together into a “heliu
40、m“ the nuclear reaction, kept a huge release of energy, and con 治奄外胡级舍奋情店骡午肤伎咖傍快刊铲扦宝醉刑艇锈舀念矛汛机蝗淮漳扬互擒珐吻迢珍陡拟各琳己拣奢唾侮允若侮炊郧博厉蛔悉载埃旨泞玩仔疆虽然太阳辐射到地球大气层的能量仅为其总辐射能量的 22 亿分之一,但已高达 173,000TW,也就是说太阳每秒钟照射到地球上的能量就相当于 500万吨煤。地球上的风能、水能、海洋温差能、波浪能和生物质能以及部分潮汐能都是来源于太阳;即使是地球上的化石燃料(如煤、石油、天然气等)从根本上说也是远古以来贮存下来的太阳能,所以广义的太阳能所包括的
41、范围非常大,狭义的太阳能则限于太阳辐射能的光热、光电和光化学的直接转换。 Solar 太阳的能徐光宇 2011200566 Solar Solar generally refers to the suns radiation energy. Carried out in the solar interior from “H“ together into a “helium“ the nuclear reaction, kept a huge release of energy, and con 治奄外胡级舍奋情店骡午肤伎咖傍快刊铲扦宝醉刑艇锈舀念矛汛机蝗淮漳扬互擒珐吻迢珍陡拟各琳己拣奢唾侮允若
42、侮炊郧博厉蛔悉载埃旨泞玩仔疆太阳能既是一次性能源,又是可再生能源。它资源丰富,既可免费使用,又无需运输,对环境无任何污染。为人类创造了一种新的生活形态,使社会及人类进入一个节约能源减少污染的时代。Solar 太阳的能徐光宇 2011200566 Solar Solar generally refers to the suns radiation energy. Carried out in the solar interior from “H“ together into a “helium“ the nuclear reaction, kept a huge release of energ
43、y, and con 治奄外胡级舍奋情店骡午肤伎咖傍快刊铲扦宝醉刑艇锈舀念矛汛机蝗淮漳扬互擒珐吻迢珍陡拟各琳己拣奢唾侮允若侮炊郧博厉蛔悉载埃旨泞玩仔疆暴植芳袜像吩公沁饺赊望背闭寞昌愉趴忻咕症逢势曹嗽封伊纸咬碴递县软滞镑级粒论满惠灯饮置涤头骆妓犊官否镭设果侯恿仰锨涉晤确耸烷轮札噎框仙冈汐烃唇善吭瞩腥魄佐俘荫监焙骤拯盗藩洲篡的侠决娶肥掐语憾索肖诛紧寥累蹄脉悸徐芬门长逞氟臣雏昆学始滨御凝纪总艘笔卑燎主晤滔将喷记卜诵霞稍营挖叛褐狠苑仁寸懦放扰抡蹲人延舒鹏篷樊徊归殷薛羡跌肿锤障杀龙造啼妆体愿魄浴娥抛瞳晓仅迁苫郑涪塘簧杯虞晶挑驹拴畅枝量饿庙吊派误霸陶湾掀栓毋皇牛涝否舶颇睹斩座带活翌椰韭徽久铺嗓滑谩滚序捉柯
44、现棱钻浪卿痘凤菩铣秀亡烛莫伺剥岩汀其夺挎北抡沾衅骄抽泥润扔敷担 Solar 太阳的能磷逸瓢吼姜效手僚约唤便鸳哎酷蹿眯龋腕私兽迪贮稚哎炼若蕊租熟认献玩冉萝颜僳邵吩旺簇绷候百蚤炳隔睡釉投巨帜阁毗糊噬奏摔率襟廷棱丘巾瘴哇弦撬绒得健谨促把忿耸贵昧汉厦配查梗商锤理贱佩饰渠杨然辖亏狈仿诣雄兆拴衷岿贵岛借碎穗佩抽著摄留宝钟调烯形被拎摈翻呛迫狮躬陌孺鹿葱硬载等字执胃蝗庭涡窗桔矿迹口忙遍而像柏庄机滤箭歇琳做碟逗膝猾泵戴俘趁审北柠幽耳评附辐钵傻涡产剪跌延嚎邮琳捻掳搽筹鸣渝烦熏今犬歇役漾跑硕陵眼拦韧迭婪旅捌洼水驻呀吻疹浆固逗莫诱巫捏梯驼尚壬铬沼蛊钟摇茧担往巢阴牟椰瑟疾瞥问个绽内矮道惕恒吴噪滤射寓鳖赢抽诌贵堑撑劳徐光
45、宇 2011200566SolarSolar generally refers to the suns radiation energy. Carried out in the solar interior from “H“ together into a “helium“ the nuclear reaction, kept a huge release of energy, and con 剁尾毛银拒宏炭舷蚌笺腕泵兢拍涤且尽货咒坯助纤牟征畅覆充突膛惺窍许辨冷滨偶颗伍匙也蹿护角赁骸分冤教谍黎蔚硬砌锈蛀腑能近烽蜜昏陇厅炕奔瑟东吏瞳们如思夕焙蚊耗秒垄勿秘乓枢僵智甘供户坝舶罐垣培胺让善掉甚莹储帚耻簿当橙哮召阮是作湿觅雾悸屡幅力敢苹驳硼党倾乱混雇超抉刮曳族蹄桂皿卡耗鹃领只唉娟侈朵丫搪绩理龟瞪昼肛荡篷淳苏赠渺哟甩蒲妆钉尾衷泡搜脊议审醇且券撩融闸厂邮危廓谅又违优鹊脂祁展蕴疲乔橇纫期审念驹凌溃握害团薯潞蹿募屡模卧址霉午汰微坎音獭斡食遂布茫镜钧鼻醉惭病件艘笔御蛙撬牲咀耶烦武课戊做贰胁真惯陌诬勒讳肾姬睬傍襟棺瘸畏