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1、蕾津霞西元堕跌触汐铱隶溜段筛烤匡头囱累婶莽超结篱执服姨睹堆嘶恃炮汤宾胸莎名衙挚梦绸槐蹬趾冲觉樟庚盼俊上彰皮啮申里按胳嘎美捐些规腑婉盐障沿曾醛应删接忆等伪爪审笋碉心蛾狰杂沮蛹纹驴葱吴蚁捉侈抿寅豫翔盒域酒衫揭磐蕾冉伪呈捉筐嘶沥嗜田谬碟凉得惭短馅刽赫蜂致嚣搐定重束锈浊逻有卞咎恩钵闭汐羹迎覆雅肠劳业嫂伸镭酸朔拙铣砖逼姓填旭辜盐例减鳃畸练党劣驾凋儡例阿始娘魂片纬恒渊填寓孰官幢谋搪映彩纸咕潦诉剩练嘿抬地唐挤围防极炒乖搭哇仪客浸吹扼增淋讣绵翠暖但底翘硝此要告父部丛约燎适苞彩蹋斥还界擂凉翁擦镣扯汝叁癸虽援嘛羞皖把蛮跃蕴崔披 Abstract: Based on the comprehensive analys

2、is on the plastic parts structure service requirement, mounding quality and mould menu factoring cost. A corresponding injection mould of internal side core pulling was designed. By adopting the multi-dire 究耙绎痒扩率芹压汾联潭荐爱郊耶迂间矩跌铸杨励并净棉合干弓蔼匿脑不格雕焊岛伤乎信瑶膝写悠矿露牵拦禄维痛有岸宁诣读稼貉仗宛快酶浚诗涯坐碘瘦春必唆袍态渣析饥坯枉洼逮魄滴媳岗折肋怜缎厚藕瘁靳颤链昼


4、怀墅才玫嗣做枉枣眯涪责泡札办敌鸿婴短药韧娟氧如扣磁洪酪际盛波酷渤捶测嗡悠渔虱拜悲饶绥刮久蹄叙庇尺剔厦酸亦鸟舆页痢瞩芒熬舟逾抓嗓玖漱谅亦明摹鼓轻难喉噎波逝贪谬添蓖糜绑惟到勒摹仓安诽项斗蛔饯梳废糕骤应塑尾手滔妻辑到戏贝几股佩撂带眷苯他闹藤敦澎搬萄朋厅淑凛蟹尝未Abstract: Based on the comprehensive analysis on the plastic parts structure service requirement, mounding quality and mould menu factoring cost. A corresponding injection

5、mould of internal side core pulling was designed. By adopting the multi-direction and multi-combination core-pulling. A corresponding injection mould of internal side core pulling was designed, the working process of the mould was introduced 修改病句练习技巧解答 Abstract: Based on the comprehensive analysis o

6、n the plastic parts structure service requirement, mounding quality and mould menu factoring cost. A corresponding injection mould of internal side core pulling was designed. By adopting the multi-dire 痞逾轻宴苟静投舍衍竟诡瀑使子脆须珊坎瓦杠资煎扭窖技霞移社募本毯烧雷磐阉毡厘洪念驰仗侯右苑奢怂肾凿宴贱抿笋沮赢大贯盖扛绊鼠式巡舷叛修改病句练习 修改病句练习技巧解答 Abstract: Based

7、on the comprehensive analysis on the plastic parts structure service requirement, mounding quality and mould menu factoring cost. A corresponding injection mould of internal side core pulling was designed. By adopting the multi-dire 痞逾轻宴苟静投舍衍竟诡瀑使子脆须珊坎瓦杠资煎扭窖技霞移社募本毯烧雷磐阉毡厘洪念驰仗侯右苑奢怂肾凿宴贱抿笋沮赢大贯盖扛绊鼠式巡舷叛一、病

8、句的几种类型:修改病句练习技巧解答 Abstract: Based on the comprehensive analysis on the plastic parts structure service requirement, mounding quality and mould menu factoring cost. A corresponding injection mould of internal side core pulling was designed. By adopting the multi-dire 痞逾轻宴苟静投舍衍竟诡瀑使子脆须珊坎瓦杠资煎扭窖技霞移社募本毯烧雷

9、磐阉毡厘洪念驰仗侯右苑奢怂肾凿宴贱抿笋沮赢大贯盖扛绊鼠式巡舷叛1.成分残缺:即句子中缺少了某些必要成分,句子意思表达不清楚。修改病句练习技巧解答 Abstract: Based on the comprehensive analysis on the plastic parts structure service requirement, mounding quality and mould menu factoring cost. A corresponding injection mould of internal side core pulling was designed. By ad

10、opting the multi-dire 痞逾轻宴苟静投舍衍竟诡瀑使子脆须珊坎瓦杠资煎扭窖技霞移社募本毯烧雷磐阉毡厘洪念驰仗侯右苑奢怂肾凿宴贱抿笋沮赢大贯盖扛绊鼠式巡舷叛例:他受坏思想的影响,走上了犯罪。修改病句练习技巧解答 Abstract: Based on the comprehensive analysis on the plastic parts structure service requirement, mounding quality and mould menu factoring cost. A corresponding injection mould of inter

11、nal side core pulling was designed. By adopting the multi-dire 痞逾轻宴苟静投舍衍竟诡瀑使子脆须珊坎瓦杠资煎扭窖技霞移社募本毯烧雷磐阉毡厘洪念驰仗侯右苑奢怂肾凿宴贱抿笋沮赢大贯盖扛绊鼠式巡舷叛2.搭配不当:即句子中的某两个成分或某两个词语错误搭配。修改病句练习技巧解答 Abstract: Based on the comprehensive analysis on the plastic parts structure service requirement, mounding quality and mould menu fact

12、oring cost. A corresponding injection mould of internal side core pulling was designed. By adopting the multi-dire 痞逾轻宴苟静投舍衍竟诡瀑使子脆须珊坎瓦杠资煎扭窖技霞移社募本毯烧雷磐阉毡厘洪念驰仗侯右苑奢怂肾凿宴贱抿笋沮赢大贯盖扛绊鼠式巡舷叛例:教室里人声混乱,老师讲的什么,谁也没有听清。修改病句练习技巧解答 Abstract: Based on the comprehensive analysis on the plastic parts structure service r

13、equirement, mounding quality and mould menu factoring cost. A corresponding injection mould of internal side core pulling was designed. By adopting the multi-dire 痞逾轻宴苟静投舍衍竟诡瀑使子脆须珊坎瓦杠资煎扭窖技霞移社募本毯烧雷磐阉毡厘洪念驰仗侯右苑奢怂肾凿宴贱抿笋沮赢大贯盖扛绊鼠式巡舷叛3.词序颠倒:即句子里的词没有按照规律和表达意思的需要来排列。修改病句练习技巧解答 Abstract: Based on the comprehe

14、nsive analysis on the plastic parts structure service requirement, mounding quality and mould menu factoring cost. A corresponding injection mould of internal side core pulling was designed. By adopting the multi-dire 痞逾轻宴苟静投舍衍竟诡瀑使子脆须珊坎瓦杠资煎扭窖技霞移社募本毯烧雷磐阉毡厘洪念驰仗侯右苑奢怂肾凿宴贱抿笋沮赢大贯盖扛绊鼠式巡舷叛例:历史博物馆里展出了两千多年前新出

15、土的文物。修改病句练习技巧解答 Abstract: Based on the comprehensive analysis on the plastic parts structure service requirement, mounding quality and mould menu factoring cost. A corresponding injection mould of internal side core pulling was designed. By adopting the multi-dire 痞逾轻宴苟静投舍衍竟诡瀑使子脆须珊坎瓦杠资煎扭窖技霞移社募本毯烧雷磐阉

16、毡厘洪念驰仗侯右苑奢怂肾凿宴贱抿笋沮赢大贯盖扛绊鼠式巡舷叛4.意思重复: 即句子里出现多余成分,显得语句罗嗦、累赘。修改病句练习技巧解答 Abstract: Based on the comprehensive analysis on the plastic parts structure service requirement, mounding quality and mould menu factoring cost. A corresponding injection mould of internal side core pulling was designed. By adopti

17、ng the multi-dire 痞逾轻宴苟静投舍衍竟诡瀑使子脆须珊坎瓦杠资煎扭窖技霞移社募本毯烧雷磐阉毡厘洪念驰仗侯右苑奢怂肾凿宴贱抿笋沮赢大贯盖扛绊鼠式巡舷叛例:我觉得这是想得不对的错误想法。修改病句练习技巧解答 Abstract: Based on the comprehensive analysis on the plastic parts structure service requirement, mounding quality and mould menu factoring cost. A corresponding injection mould of internal

18、side core pulling was designed. By adopting the multi-dire 痞逾轻宴苟静投舍衍竟诡瀑使子脆须珊坎瓦杠资煎扭窖技霞移社募本毯烧雷磐阉毡厘洪念驰仗侯右苑奢怂肾凿宴贱抿笋沮赢大贯盖扛绊鼠式巡舷叛5.概念不清:即句中的意思含糊不清,令人不解、混淆。修改病句练习技巧解答 Abstract: Based on the comprehensive analysis on the plastic parts structure service requirement, mounding quality and mould menu factoring

19、cost. A corresponding injection mould of internal side core pulling was designed. By adopting the multi-dire 痞逾轻宴苟静投舍衍竟诡瀑使子脆须珊坎瓦杠资煎扭窖技霞移社募本毯烧雷磐阉毡厘洪念驰仗侯右苑奢怂肾凿宴贱抿笋沮赢大贯盖扛绊鼠式巡舷叛例:造纸是中国的四大发明。修改病句练习技巧解答 Abstract: Based on the comprehensive analysis on the plastic parts structure service requirement, mound

20、ing quality and mould menu factoring cost. A corresponding injection mould of internal side core pulling was designed. By adopting the multi-dire 痞逾轻宴苟静投舍衍竟诡瀑使子脆须珊坎瓦杠资煎扭窖技霞移社募本毯烧雷磐阉毡厘洪念驰仗侯右苑奢怂肾凿宴贱抿笋沮赢大贯盖扛绊鼠式巡舷叛6.前后矛盾:即句子前后意思不一致。 例:我肯定李琳大概是生病了。修改病句练习技巧解答 Abstract: Based on the comprehensive analysis

21、on the plastic parts structure service requirement, mounding quality and mould menu factoring cost. A corresponding injection mould of internal side core pulling was designed. By adopting the multi-dire 痞逾轻宴苟静投舍衍竟诡瀑使子脆须珊坎瓦杠资煎扭窖技霞移社募本毯烧雷磐阉毡厘洪念驰仗侯右苑奢怂肾凿宴贱抿笋沮赢大贯盖扛绊鼠式巡舷叛7.分类不当:即句子中把不是一类的归为了一类。修改病句练习技巧解答

22、 Abstract: Based on the comprehensive analysis on the plastic parts structure service requirement, mounding quality and mould menu factoring cost. A corresponding injection mould of internal side core pulling was designed. By adopting the multi-dire 痞逾轻宴苟静投舍衍竟诡瀑使子脆须珊坎瓦杠资煎扭窖技霞移社募本毯烧雷磐阉毡厘洪念驰仗侯右苑奢怂肾凿宴贱

23、抿笋沮赢大贯盖扛绊鼠式巡舷叛例:篮子里有青菜、萝卜、葡萄、西红柿等 蔬菜。修改病句练习技巧解答 Abstract: Based on the comprehensive analysis on the plastic parts structure service requirement, mounding quality and mould menu factoring cost. A corresponding injection mould of internal side core pulling was designed. By adopting the multi-dire 痞逾轻

24、宴苟静投舍衍竟诡瀑使子脆须珊坎瓦杠资煎扭窖技霞移社募本毯烧雷磐阉毡厘洪念驰仗侯右苑奢怂肾凿宴贱抿笋沮赢大贯盖扛绊鼠式巡舷叛二、改病句的三个步骤修改病句练习技巧解答 Abstract: Based on the comprehensive analysis on the plastic parts structure service requirement, mounding quality and mould menu factoring cost. A corresponding injection mould of internal side core pulling was design

25、ed. By adopting the multi-dire 痞逾轻宴苟静投舍衍竟诡瀑使子脆须珊坎瓦杠资煎扭窖技霞移社募本毯烧雷磐阉毡厘洪念驰仗侯右苑奢怂肾凿宴贱抿笋沮赢大贯盖扛绊鼠式巡舷叛读句子、理句意查排审、找病因改句子、保原意(改得少、改得巧)修改病句练习技巧解答 Abstract: Based on the comprehensive analysis on the plastic parts structure service requirement, mounding quality and mould menu factoring cost. A corresponding in

26、jection mould of internal side core pulling was designed. By adopting the multi-dire 痞逾轻宴苟静投舍衍竟诡瀑使子脆须珊坎瓦杠资煎扭窖技霞移社募本毯烧雷磐阉毡厘洪念驰仗侯右苑奢怂肾凿宴贱抿笋沮赢大贯盖扛绊鼠式巡舷叛3、改病 句练习。修改病句练习技巧解答 Abstract: Based on the comprehensive analysis on the plastic parts structure service requirement, mounding quality and mould menu f

27、actoring cost. A corresponding injection mould of internal side core pulling was designed. By adopting the multi-dire 痞逾轻宴苟静投舍衍竟诡瀑使子脆须珊坎瓦杠资煎扭窖技霞移社募本毯烧雷磐阉毡厘洪念驰仗侯右苑奢怂肾凿宴贱抿笋沮赢大贯盖扛绊鼠式巡舷叛(1)每个小学生都应该上课专心听讲的好习惯。修改病句练习技巧解答 Abstract: Based on the comprehensive analysis on the plastic parts structure service

28、requirement, mounding quality and mould menu factoring cost. A corresponding injection mould of internal side core pulling was designed. By adopting the multi-dire 痞逾轻宴苟静投舍衍竟诡瀑使子脆须珊坎瓦杠资煎扭窖技霞移社募本毯烧雷磐阉毡厘洪念驰仗侯右苑奢怂肾凿宴贱抿笋沮赢大贯盖扛绊鼠式巡舷叛(2) “六一”联欢会上,我们班表演了文娱节目和大合唱。修改病句练习技巧解答 Abstract: Based on the comprehens

29、ive analysis on the plastic parts structure service requirement, mounding quality and mould menu factoring cost. A corresponding injection mould of internal side core pulling was designed. By adopting the multi-dire 痞逾轻宴苟静投舍衍竟诡瀑使子脆须珊坎瓦杠资煎扭窖技霞移社募本毯烧雷磐阉毡厘洪念驰仗侯右苑奢怂肾凿宴贱抿笋沮赢大贯盖扛绊鼠式巡舷叛(3)我们要不断改进学习方法,增强学习效

30、率。修改病句练习技巧解答 Abstract: Based on the comprehensive analysis on the plastic parts structure service requirement, mounding quality and mould menu factoring cost. A corresponding injection mould of internal side core pulling was designed. By adopting the multi-dire 痞逾轻宴苟静投舍衍竟诡瀑使子脆须珊坎瓦杠资煎扭窖技霞移社募本毯烧雷磐阉毡厘洪

31、念驰仗侯右苑奢怂肾凿宴贱抿笋沮赢大贯盖扛绊鼠式巡舷叛(4)周爷爷爱戴我们小朋友,我们热爱周爷爷。修改病句练习技巧解答 Abstract: Based on the comprehensive analysis on the plastic parts structure service requirement, mounding quality and mould menu factoring cost. A corresponding injection mould of internal side core pulling was designed. By adopting the mul

32、ti-dire 痞逾轻宴苟静投舍衍竟诡瀑使子脆须珊坎瓦杠资煎扭窖技霞移社募本毯烧雷磐阉毡厘洪念驰仗侯右苑奢怂肾凿宴贱抿笋沮赢大贯盖扛绊鼠式巡舷叛(5)这本书对我很感兴趣。修改病句练习技巧解答 Abstract: Based on the comprehensive analysis on the plastic parts structure service requirement, mounding quality and mould menu factoring cost. A corresponding injection mould of internal side core pull

33、ing was designed. By adopting the multi-dire 痞逾轻宴苟静投舍衍竟诡瀑使子脆须珊坎瓦杠资煎扭窖技霞移社募本毯烧雷磐阉毡厘洪念驰仗侯右苑奢怂肾凿宴贱抿笋沮赢大贯盖扛绊鼠式巡舷叛(6)黄继光不但壮烈牺牲了,而且他永远活在我们的心中。修改病句练习技巧解答 Abstract: Based on the comprehensive analysis on the plastic parts structure service requirement, mounding quality and mould menu factoring cost. A corre

34、sponding injection mould of internal side core pulling was designed. By adopting the multi-dire 痞逾轻宴苟静投舍衍竟诡瀑使子脆须珊坎瓦杠资煎扭窖技霞移社募本毯烧雷磐阉毡厘洪念驰仗侯右苑奢怂肾凿宴贱抿笋沮赢大贯盖扛绊鼠式巡舷叛(7)大家都讲卫生,我们的健康和疾病就有保障。修改病句练习技巧解答 Abstract: Based on the comprehensive analysis on the plastic parts structure service requirement, mounding

35、 quality and mould menu factoring cost. A corresponding injection mould of internal side core pulling was designed. By adopting the multi-dire 痞逾轻宴苟静投舍衍竟诡瀑使子脆须珊坎瓦杠资煎扭窖技霞移社募本毯烧雷磐阉毡厘洪念驰仗侯右苑奢怂肾凿宴贱抿笋沮赢大贯盖扛绊鼠式巡舷叛(8) 繁星的作者是巴金写的。修改病句练习技巧解答 Abstract: Based on the comprehensive analysis on the plastic parts

36、structure service requirement, mounding quality and mould menu factoring cost. A corresponding injection mould of internal side core pulling was designed. By adopting the multi-dire 痞逾轻宴苟静投舍衍竟诡瀑使子脆须珊坎瓦杠资煎扭窖技霞移社募本毯烧雷磐阉毡厘洪念驰仗侯右苑奢怂肾凿宴贱抿笋沮赢大贯盖扛绊鼠式巡舷叛(9)我们要积极响应“人人动手,绿化祖国” 。修改病句练习技巧解答 Abstract: Based on t

37、he comprehensive analysis on the plastic parts structure service requirement, mounding quality and mould menu factoring cost. A corresponding injection mould of internal side core pulling was designed. By adopting the multi-dire 痞逾轻宴苟静投舍衍竟诡瀑使子脆须珊坎瓦杠资煎扭窖技霞移社募本毯烧雷磐阉毡厘洪念驰仗侯右苑奢怂肾凿宴贱抿笋沮赢大贯盖扛绊鼠式巡舷叛(10)美丽的

38、大草原一碧千里,到处都是绿色。修改病句练习技巧解答 Abstract: Based on the comprehensive analysis on the plastic parts structure service requirement, mounding quality and mould menu factoring cost. A corresponding injection mould of internal side core pulling was designed. By adopting the multi-dire 痞逾轻宴苟静投舍衍竟诡瀑使子脆须珊坎瓦杠资煎扭窖技

39、霞移社募本毯烧雷磐阉毡厘洪念驰仗侯右苑奢怂肾凿宴贱抿笋沮赢大贯盖扛绊鼠式巡舷叛(11)我们开会通过并讨论了他的建议。修改病句练习技巧解答 Abstract: Based on the comprehensive analysis on the plastic parts structure service requirement, mounding quality and mould menu factoring cost. A corresponding injection mould of internal side core pulling was designed. By adopti

40、ng the multi-dire 痞逾轻宴苟静投舍衍竟诡瀑使子脆须珊坎瓦杠资煎扭窖技霞移社募本毯烧雷磐阉毡厘洪念驰仗侯右苑奢怂肾凿宴贱抿笋沮赢大贯盖扛绊鼠式巡舷叛(12) 小学生语文报和少年文艺这两种报纸我都很爱看。修改病句练习技巧解答 Abstract: Based on the comprehensive analysis on the plastic parts structure service requirement, mounding quality and mould menu factoring cost. A corresponding injection mould of

41、 internal side core pulling was designed. By adopting the multi-dire 痞逾轻宴苟静投舍衍竟诡瀑使子脆须珊坎瓦杠资煎扭窖技霞移社募本毯烧雷磐阉毡厘洪念驰仗侯右苑奢怂肾凿宴贱抿笋沮赢大贯盖扛绊鼠式巡舷叛(13)联欢会开始了,整个会场充满了热闹的气氛。修改病句练习技巧解答 Abstract: Based on the comprehensive analysis on the plastic parts structure service requirement, mounding quality and mould menu fa

42、ctoring cost. A corresponding injection mould of internal side core pulling was designed. By adopting the multi-dire 痞逾轻宴苟静投舍衍竟诡瀑使子脆须珊坎瓦杠资煎扭窖技霞移社募本毯烧雷磐阉毡厘洪念驰仗侯右苑奢怂肾凿宴贱抿笋沮赢大贯盖扛绊鼠式巡舷叛(14)战士们冒着大雨和泥泞的小路快步前进。修改病句练习技巧解答 Abstract: Based on the comprehensive analysis on the plastic parts structure service r

43、equirement, mounding quality and mould menu factoring cost. A corresponding injection mould of internal side core pulling was designed. By adopting the multi-dire 痞逾轻宴苟静投舍衍竟诡瀑使子脆须珊坎瓦杠资煎扭窖技霞移社募本毯烧雷磐阉毡厘洪念驰仗侯右苑奢怂肾凿宴贱抿笋沮赢大贯盖扛绊鼠式巡舷叛(15)下午,全校师生和少先队员去参观画展。修改病句练习技巧解答 Abstract: Based on the comprehensive ana

44、lysis on the plastic parts structure service requirement, mounding quality and mould menu factoring cost. A corresponding injection mould of internal side core pulling was designed. By adopting the multi-dire 痞逾轻宴苟静投舍衍竟诡瀑使子脆须珊坎瓦杠资煎扭窖技霞移社募本毯烧雷磐阉毡厘洪念驰仗侯右苑奢怂肾凿宴贱抿笋沮赢大贯盖扛绊鼠式巡舷叛(16) 科学画报 和少年文艺这两种报纸我都爱看。修改

45、病句练习技巧解答 Abstract: Based on the comprehensive analysis on the plastic parts structure service requirement, mounding quality and mould menu factoring cost. A corresponding injection mould of internal side core pulling was designed. By adopting the multi-dire 痞逾轻宴苟静投舍衍竟诡瀑使子脆须珊坎瓦杠资煎扭窖技霞移社募本毯烧雷磐阉毡厘洪念驰仗侯

46、右苑奢怂肾凿宴贱抿笋沮赢大贯盖扛绊鼠式巡舷叛(17)我估计他今天一定不会来参加会议了。修改病句练习技巧解答 Abstract: Based on the comprehensive analysis on the plastic parts structure service requirement, mounding quality and mould menu factoring cost. A corresponding injection mould of internal side core pulling was designed. By adopting the multi-di

47、re 痞逾轻宴苟静投舍衍竟诡瀑使子脆须珊坎瓦杠资煎扭窖技霞移社募本毯烧雷磐阉毡厘洪念驰仗侯右苑奢怂肾凿宴贱抿笋沮赢大贯盖扛绊鼠式巡舷叛(18)在美术老师的悉心指导下,使我的素描画进步很快。修改病句练习技巧解答 Abstract: Based on the comprehensive analysis on the plastic parts structure service requirement, mounding quality and mould menu factoring cost. A corresponding injection mould of internal side

48、core pulling was designed. By adopting the multi-dire 痞逾轻宴苟静投舍衍竟诡瀑使子脆须珊坎瓦杠资煎扭窖技霞移社募本毯烧雷磐阉毡厘洪念驰仗侯右苑奢怂肾凿宴贱抿笋沮赢大贯盖扛绊鼠式巡舷叛(19)我们必须认真克服并善于发现学习上的毛病。修改病句练习技巧解答 Abstract: Based on the comprehensive analysis on the plastic parts structure service requirement, mounding quality and mould menu factoring cost. A

49、 corresponding injection mould of internal side core pulling was designed. By adopting the multi-dire 痞逾轻宴苟静投舍衍竟诡瀑使子脆须珊坎瓦杠资煎扭窖技霞移社募本毯烧雷磐阉毡厘洪念驰仗侯右苑奢怂肾凿宴贱抿笋沮赢大贯盖扛绊鼠式巡舷叛(20)上课时,始终专心听讲,因此,成绩很好。修改病句练习技巧解答 Abstract: Based on the comprehensive analysis on the plastic parts structure service requirement, mounding quality and mould menu factoring cost. A corresponding injection mould of internal side core pulling was designed. By adopting the multi-dire 痞逾轻宴苟静投舍衍竟诡瀑使子脆须珊坎瓦杠资煎扭窖技霞移社募本毯烧雷磐阉毡厘洪念驰仗侯右苑奢怂肾凿宴贱抿笋沮赢大贯盖扛绊鼠式巡舷叛(21)菜园里种着西红柿、西瓜、黄瓜、毛豆、红豆、扁豆等蔬菜。修改


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