1、常用的英文标点符号有十二种,它们是: l.Apostrophe 上标点() 2.Comma 逗号(,) 3.Colon 冒号(:) 4.Dash 破折号(-) 5.Exclamation Point 惊叹号(!) 6.Hyphen 连字号(-) 7.Parentheses 括号( ) 8. Period 句号() 9. Question Mark 问号 C?) lO.Quotation Marks 引号(“) 11.Semicolon 分号(;) l2.Triple Dots 删节号() 现将各种标点符号的用法分别帮助如后: l. 上标点() (l)表示字母的省略。Cant you read
2、those road signs? (2)表示数字的省略。Today is Thursday, June 1, 89. (3)表示字母的复数。There are five ss in “sleeplessness.” (4)表示单字的复数。Our teacher told us not to use so many sos. (5)表示数字的复数。Her 7s and 9s look alike. (6)表示所有格。Its Vice Burns umbrella. 2. 逗号(,) (1) 用在以 and ,but ,for, nor ,or ,so ,yet等连接词连接的两个主要子句之间。M
3、y father is fond of fishing, but my mother prefers hiking. (2) 在复合句中,如果附属子句在前,主要子句在后,用在附属子句之后。While I was making a telephone call, someone knocked at my door注意:如果主要子句在前,则不用逗号。 (3) 用以分开非限制形容词子句与主要子句。Her father, who is a famous scholar, teaches English. (4) 用以分开非限制同位语。Kent Howard, my English teacher,
4、is from America. (5) 用在 yes, no ,well等字之后。(a) Yes, he is a hard-working student. (b) No, it is impossible. (c) Well, you may go if you insist. (6) 向人说话时,用在对方名字或称谓之后,之前或前后。(a) John, come here. (b) Open the door, John.(c) It is, Sir, not my fault. (7) 用以分开引用句(a) “You are beautiful,” he said.(b) Our te
5、acher said, “Freedom is not license.” (c) “No,” she said, “I was just testing your patience.” (8) 用以分开星期,月日,年份。On Sunday, May 28, 1989, her first child was born. (9) 用以分开地名、省名、国名、街道名、巷弄名等。Candy lives at 4 Alley 10, Lane 76, Ching Hua Street, Section 4, Taipei, Taiwan. (10)用以分开一系行的单字,片语或子句。(a) Her mo
6、ther sells tomatoes, potatoes, and peaches.(b) She ran up the stairs, across the porch, and into the house. (c) We all agreed that she was beautiful, that she was intelligent, and that she was ambitious. (11)用以表示字的省略。The lion is the symbol of courage; the lamb, of meekness. (the lamb is the symbol o
7、f meekness). (12)用在 such as及 especially的前面。(a) They enjoy outdoor sports, such as hiking and riding. (b)He likes all extracurricular activities, especially basketball playing. (13)用以分开乃此非彼的结构。He wanted to see Cliff, not Steve. (14)用在追问句之前。It is warm today, isnt it? 3. 冒号(:) (1) 用在解释或逐项行举之前(在 as foll
8、ows, the following as these或given below之后)。(a) I bought the following articles: sheets, towels, and blankets(b) The table lamp consists of three parts: a stand, a bulb, and a shade. (2) 用在正式或事务信函中称谓之后。Dear Sir: Dear Mr. Reagan: Gentlemen: 注意:在非正式或交际信函中称谓之后用逗号。Dear Mary, Dear John, (3) 用在数字之后,表示时间。Ou
9、r class starts at 8:10 a.m. and ends at 12:00 noon. (4) 用在较长的引用句或正式问句之前。(a) This is my favorite quotation: “It is difficult to say what is impossible, for the dream of yesterday is the hope of today and reality of tomorrow.” (b) The question is: What can we do for our country? (5) 用在讲释第一个主要子句的第二个主要句
10、子之前。Her intention is obvious: she wants to marry him. 4. 破折号(-) (1) 表示犹豫,句意的暂时断开, 或思想的突然断开。(a) II dont know. Youd better ask her. (b) The entire teaching facilitiesconsole, tapes, earphones, and tape recorderswere stolen last night.(c) Ill givelets see, what can I give? (2) 用以强调同位语。She has only one
11、interestfood. (3) 用在结语之前。Professor Chu collects postage stamps, coins, sea shells, matchboxesin short, anything that interests him. (4) 用在未完成句之后。She said, “He was everything to me, but-” 5. 惊叹号(!) (1) 用在以强烈情感说出的字句之后。(a) What a surprise!(b) How beautiful a girl she is!(c) What a beautiful girl she is
12、! (2) 用在祈使句之后。(a) Help! My house is on fire!(b) Be quiet! 6. 连字句(-) (1) 用以表示分数或连接由 21至 99中的十位数及个位数。(a) Three-fourths of the freshman students are girls. (b) There are twenty-two boy student and ninety-eight girl students in the Department of English. (2) 用在行末连接分写的单字。He is a graduate student of Natio
13、nal Chengchi University. (3) 用以连接复合字中的各字。We had a heart-to heart talk last night. 7. 括号( ) (1) 用来在句中附加评论或解释。I saw the two students (they are lovers) kissing each other. 8. 句号( . ) (1) 用在叙述句,祈使句及礼貌问句之后。(a) I wish to enter an ideal university. (b) Turn in your papers, please. (c) Will you please send
14、me a copy of your university catalogue. (2) 用在间接问句之后。She asked if you would come to her birthday party. (3) 用在缩写名字和其他字的第一个字母之后,或缩写字之后。(a) Prof. W. W. Wang has returned to Taipei.(b) Dr. Tang earned his Ph. D. degree from Georgetown University in Washington, D. C. (District of Columbia). 9. 问号(?) (1)
15、 用在直接问句之后。Do you find English writing difficult? (2) 用在括号中表示存疑。 Chaucer was born in 1340(?) and died in 1400. 10. 引号(“ ”) (1) 用在引用句的前后。(a) Our teacher said, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.”(b) “I dont like her, ” she explained, “because she is far too proud.” (2) 如果引用句本身是叙述句而且位在一个问句之后,必
16、须先用引号,再用问号。Did he say, “I am going to college next year”?如果引用句本身是问句,则必须先用问号,再用引号。Did he say, “Are you going to college next year?” (3) 引用文句有两段或两段以上时,只在每一段开端时和最后一段退出时用引号。“Mom and Dad did not come home with them because Sunday was parents day off; the boys did the housework and cooked the meal of the
17、week, while Father and Mother stayed on for church service.“But by the time diner was ready the boy had climbed into bed. The shoe had to be cut off his swollen and discolored leg. Why on earth hadnt he told somebody? Go quick and fetch the doctor!” (4) 引用句中另有引用句时, 用单引号表示She said, “ I quite agree to
18、 the saying To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness on earth.”注意:美式英文中,双引号在外,单引号在内,英式英文中恰好相反。 11. 分号 (;) (1) 用以连接两个或两个以上的主要子句。(a) The singular form is mouse; the plural form is mice.(b) she made up her mind; she laid her plans; she began her trip. (2) 用在连接两个主要子句的连接副词 (consequently, however
19、, moreover, nevertheless, so, still, then, therefore, thus, etc.)之前。 He did not pass the examination; therefore, he was unhappy. (3) 用在连接两个主要子句的连接词 (and, but, or, nor, for)之前,当主要子句本身有逗号时。Henry, a freshman, lives at home; but Karl, his brother, does not. 12. 删节号 () (1) 用以表示引用句中省略的文字。如删节号用在句尾,另加原句句尾的标点符号。In his essay LUCK Winston Churchill wrote: “The longer one lives, the more one realizes that everything depends upon chance a mans own contribution to his life story is continually by an external superior power.” 注意:英文中表示等等用 etc.而不是用删节号()。