1、雅思强化写作补充讲义一、 IELTS 概述二、 评分标准1. 雅思写作 Task-1 各成绩档次描述(评分标准)成绩 完成任务情况 连贯与衔接 词汇资源 语法结构的范围和准确性9 完全满足任务的所有要求;对于题目的回应清晰而完整;不露痕迹地使用衔接手段;分段得体;词汇使用广泛、自然而老到;极少出现小错误如“笔误”语法结构的使用广泛、准确而灵活;极少出现小错误如“笔误”7涵盖题目要求;(留学类)清晰概括主要趋势,差别或阶段;(普通培训类)清晰表达写作目的,语气一贯、得体;清晰呈现并说信息和观点组织有逻辑性;文章从头至尾有延续性;衔接手段使用合理,虽然可能有一些使用过少或过多词汇使用丰富、有一定的
2、准确性和灵活性;能使用较不常见词汇,对语体和搭配有所了解;在词汇的选择、拼写和构词法上偶尔有错误使用多种复杂结构;多数语句无误;语法和标点掌握较好,但可能会犯一些错误;明核心信息,但可以进行更加充分的扩展6 回应题目要求;(留学类)进行了概括,信息选择合理;(普通培训类)写信目的基本清晰,语气可能有不够一贯之处;呈现并说明核心信息,但细节可能不够相关,不适合或不准确信息和观点组织连贯;文章有延续性;衔接手段使用有效,但是句子内部和句子之间的衔接可能有误或过于机械;指代关系可能不能总是清晰、合理地使用使用适当范围的词汇;试图使用较不常见词汇,但有一些不准确;在拼写和构词法上有错误,但这些错误不至
3、于影响交际能使用简单和复杂句子结构;语法和标点出现一些错误,尽管这些错误很少导致交流障碍。5 基本上回应题目要求;格式可能有时不准确;信息有一定组织但缺少总体延续性;衔接手段不充使用有限词汇量,但只是在最低层面上满足题目;只能使用基本句子结构;试图使用复杂句,但复杂句(留学类)机械描述细节,缺少清晰概括;可能缺少数据支持;(普通培训类)提出写信目的,有时不清晰;语气可能多变,有时不得体;呈现核心信息,但涵盖不完整;可能有过于注重细节的倾向;分,不准确,或过度使用;缺少指代和替换,显得重复过多;拼写和构词法上可能出现明显错误,造成读者的某些阅读困难;的使用准确性不如简单句;语法错误较多,标点有误
4、用;错误造成读者的某些阅读困难2. 雅思写作 Task-2 各成绩档次描述(评分标准)成绩对于任务的回应 连贯与衔接 词汇资源 语法结构的范围和准确性9 完全满足任务的所有要求;对于题目的回应非常切题,观点不露痕迹地使用衔接手段;分段得体;词汇使用广泛、自然而老到;极少出现小错误如“笔误”语法结构的使用广泛、准确而灵活;极少出现小错误如鲜明,论证非常充分; “笔误”7 涵盖题目要求;文章立场清晰;提出、引申、并支持主要观点,但可能有过度概括,分支观点不够紧凑;信息和观点组织有逻辑性;文章从头至尾有延续性;衔接手段使用合理,虽然可能有一些使用过少或过多;每个段落都有明确的主题;词汇使用丰富、有一
5、定的准确性和灵活性;能使用较不常见词汇,对语体和搭配有所了解;在词汇的选择、拼写和构词法上偶尔有错误;使用多种复杂结构;多数语句无误;语法和标点掌握较好,但可能会犯一些错误;6 回应题目要求,虽然有的部分涵盖不够完整;立场切题,虽然结论可能不清晰或重复;主要观点切题,但有的观点可能论证不够充分或信息和观点组织连贯;文章有延续性;衔接手段使用有效,但是句子内部和句子之间的衔接可能有误或过于机械;指代关系可能不使用适当范围的词汇;试图使用较不常见词汇,但有一些不准确;在拼写和构词法上有错误,但这些错误不能使用简单和复杂句子结构;语法和标点出现一些错误,尽管这些错误很少导致交流障碍。不清晰; 能总是
6、清晰、合理地使用;有分段,但不总是有逻辑性;至于影响交际;5 只是部分回应题目要求;格式可能有时不准确;有立场,但发展不够清晰,可能缺少结论;有主要观点,但观点有限并且论证不够充分;可能有不相关细节;信息有一定组织但缺少总体延续性;衔接手段不充分,不准确,或过度使用;缺少指代和替换,显得重复过多;没有分段,或者分段不充分;使用有限词汇量,但只是在最低层面上满足题目;拼写和构词法上可能出现明显错误,造成读者的某些阅读困难;只能使用有限的句子结构;试图使用复杂句,但复杂句的使用准确性不如简单句;语法错误较多,标点有误用;错误造成读者的某些阅读困难;三、中西方的差异1. 英汉两种语言的差别2. 中西
7、方文化的差异西方人的普遍观点 中国人的普遍观点家庭父母与孩子是平等的;子女成年后,迅速独立。富裕家庭的孩子父母有责任照顾孩子;包括工作、生活、住房等。穷人的孩更有教养,接受良好教育的机会更多,更有可能成功子早当家,更有可能成功,但接受良好教育的机会较少快餐 垃圾食品西方食品,甚至是经济发达的象征老龄人口老年人有选择生活的权利;可以去敬老院或自己生活照顾老人是子女不可推卸的责任学习方法 不需要背公式和定理 被鼓励心算大学教育大学教育重要,但中学毕业时已经具备就业能力大学教育是教育中非常重要的一部分,大多数中学毕业生没有就业能力,不接受教育就没有前途课外活动 有益身心健康和性格的发展学生,尤其是高
8、中生应该集中精力学习,课外活动可有可无政府政府是官僚主义、低效率、高成本的代名词;应该大力推行私有政府进行宏观调控,利用资源;私人企业以营利为主,不顾及投资化 公众利益旅游业可能破坏环境,影响一些本土文化应该大力发展,是经济收入的主要来源汽车不健康的生活方式,污染问题的根源之一 经济发展、现代化的象征全球化 主要是社会文化的影响 主要是经济的影响四、 TASK-2(一)雅思写作话题1. 雅思写作 TASK-2 常见的十大话题总结(1)教育(2)现代科技与大众媒体(3)全球化及影响(4)文化和风俗 (5)政府话题(6)犯罪(7)平等(8)环境保护(9)动物(10)社会生活2. 最新真题荟萃07.
9、1.6 The world of work is changing rapidly, so people cannot always depend on their jobs. Analyze the reasons of such phenomenon and offer the measures to solve it. 07.1.13 Some people think universities should provide knowledge and skills related to future career; others think the true function of t
10、he university is to give access to knowledge for its own sake. What is your opinion of the main function of the university? 07.1.20 *Some people say the government should pay for the health care and education, but others say that it is not the governments responsibility. Discuss and give your opinio
11、n. 07.2.3 Individuals can do nothing to improve the environment, only governments and large companies can make a difference. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 07.2.10 *People think the public library will be replaced by the computer. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 07.3.3 *Some peopl
12、e think schools should select pupils according to their academic ability, and others believe pupils with different abilities should be educated together. Discuss both views and give your opinion. Use an example to support your idea. 07.3.10 More and more people use the mobile phone or computer to co
13、mmunicate, and no longer write letters to each other. Some people think the skills of letter writing will soon disappear completely. Do you agree or disagree? How important do you think letter-writing is? 07.3.31 It is now possible to perform. everyday tasks as banking, shopping and business transac
14、tions without meeting people face-to-face. What is the effect it may bring on the individual and the society as a whole? 07.4. 14 The society would benefit from the ban on all forms of advertising because it serves no useful purposes and can even be damaging. To some extent do you agree or disagree
15、with this opinion? 07.4. 21 Customers are faced with increasing amounts of advertising due to the competition among companies. To what extent do you think consumers are influenced by advertisements? And what measures can be taken to protect their interests? 07. 4. 28 Air transport is increasingly us
16、ed to export fruits and vegetables to other countries where they cannot be grown or are out of season. Some people believe that this is a good thing, but others consider this use of air transport cant be justified. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 07.5.12 The unpaid community service sh
17、ould be a compensate part in high college programs (such as helping your neighbour or teaching the children sports or working for the charity).To what extent do you agree or disagree? 07.5.19 Nowadays, computer is used more and more in education. Do you think in which areas computer is more importan
18、t and in which areas teachers are more important? 07.06.02 Many developing countries are increasingly expanding their tourism industry. Why is this the case? Is it a positive development? 07.6.9 Nowadays, some people claim that public museums and art galleries will not be needed because people can s
19、ee historical objects and works by using computer. Do you agree or disagree? 07.06.16 In many countries, traditional foods are being replaced by international fast foods. This is having a negative effect on both families and societies. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 07.07.07 In some countr
20、ies, schools aim to provide a general education across a range of subjects. In others, children focus on a narrow range of subjects related to a particular career. For todays world, which of these systems is more appropriate? 07.07.14 Lectures were used in the past as an old way of teaching a large
21、number of students. As new technology is now available for education, some people suggest that there is no justification for lectures. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 2007.7.21Good relationship between different countries would become more important than ever before. Do you agree or disagre
22、e?2007811The range and quality of the food have been improved by the advancement of science and technology. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages about this and present your view.20070816The resources on the earth are above a dangerous level. What the causes of this problem? How to solve this pro
23、blem?2007.8.18Should we invent a new language for people from different countries to use for the international communication? Do you think there are more benefits or more problems with it?20070825Some people say that it is the responsibility for the individuals to save money for their own care when
24、they retire. To what extend do you agree or disagree?20070908 Cars cause many problems. What are some of these problems? Should we discourage people to use cars?20070922 Higher education should be funded in several ways. All costs by the government, all costs by government loan for students and repa
25、id after graduation, or all costs by students. Discuss benefits of each method and which do you prefer the best?20071006Some people claim that children nowadays have more pressures than before from society, education as well as business. Do you agree or disagree? 20071013Nowadays, some employers thi
26、nk the academic qualities are more important than the life experiences and personal qualities when they choose the employees. Why this phenomenon exists? Is this a negative or a positive development?20071020Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin to learn a foreign language in p
27、rimary school than in secondary school. Does the advantage overweigh the disadvantage?20071103Some people think that governments should pay the course fees for those who want to go to university. Do you agree or disagree?20071117Nowadays, a large amount of advertisement aimed at children, some peopl
28、e think they have lots of negative effects on children and should be banned. To what extent you agree or disagree?20071124Some people think that giving aids to the poorer countries has more negative impact than positive one ,to what extent do you agree or disagree?20071201在很多国家人们把只用了很短时间的东西丢弃,造成了一种t
29、hrowaway society,问这种状况会导致什么后果和如何处理这种问题。20071208Many people believe that main aim for university education is to help graduates to find better job, while some people believe that university education has wider benefit for individual and society. Discuss both views and give your opinion.20071215We can
30、 see more images of disasters and violence shown on TV programmes. Explain the reasons and effects on the individual and the society.20080112Some people think that in order to reduce crime, the best way is to give longer prison sentence, whilst others think that there is other alternatives. Discuss
31、both views and give your opinion.20080119Some people think the traditional ideas and experience of the older generation is not helpful to the young. Do you agree or disagree?20080126In countries where there is high unemployment most pupils should be offered only primary education; there is no point
32、in offering secondary education to those who will have no hope of finding a job. To what extent do you agree or disagree?20080202Some people think that people can use animals in any way for the benefits of human beings, whilst others think that they cannot use animals for human purposes. Discuss bot
33、h sides and give your opinion.20080216Some people think tomorrow is the most important thing in life, whilst others focus on the present. How important it is for individuals and countries to think about the future rather than focusing on the present? 20080223In some countries, people are possible to
34、 have a wide variety of foods that have been transported from all over the world. To what extent the benefits of this development outweigh the drawbacks?20080301Most countries spend much money on education, as they start to realize the importance of education. In your opinion, which two subjects do
35、you think are most important and which one is least important for schools to teach young people? Please give your answers.Subjects: Literature Sports Mathematics Economy Physics HistoryMusic GeographyPhilosophy Foreign languagesGive reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
36、 own knowledge or experience.20080308The number of cars keeps increasing and road systems should be expanded. Some people think the government should pay for it. Others think the car owners should pay for it. What is your opinion?20080313People should look after their health as a duty to the society
37、 they live in rather than personal benefits. To what extent do you agree or disagree?20080329It is responsibility of the government of a country that ensures the peoples healthy lifestyle. Some people believe that they should be free to make decisions individual themselves. Discuss both views and gi
38、ve your opinion.20080405 长距离飞行消耗的燃油比开汽车多,所以有人建议限制不必要的飞机旅行,比如坐飞机旅游,而不是要限制汽车的使用,你同意还是不同意. Some people think that schools should concentrate on academic classes. They think music and sports classes are not useful.1.10 Some people think childrens spending time on TV, video and PC games is good, while ot
39、hers think it is bad. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.1.12 Some people think that criminals should be given longer terms in prison, so as to reduce the crime rate. Others held that there are some other alternatives. To what extent do you agree or disagree?1.19 Old generations often hold
40、 some traditional ideas on the correct way of life, thinking and behavior. However, some people think that it is not helpful for the young generations to prepare for modern life in the future. Whats your opinion?1.26 Unemployment is getting increasingly serious in many countries. Some people think s
41、tudents only need to get primary education, while others think secondary education is necessary. Whats your opinion?2.2Some people think people can exploit animals for any purpose they need, while others do not think so. What is your opinion?2.14An increasing number of people choose to live in big c
42、ities. What problems will this bring about? Should the government encourage people to live in small towns?2.16 An American film actor once said, “Tomorrow is important and precious.” Some people think individuals and society should pay more attention to the future than to the present. Do you agree o
43、r disagree?2.23 Some people think imported food exerts positive impacts on our lives. To what extent do you agree?3.1 Schools offer a wide range of courses such as physical education, music, economics, philosophy, math, English,geography, physics and history. Among all these subjects, which one do y
44、ou think is the most important and which one is the least important?3.8The number of cars keeps increasing, so road systems should be expanded. Some people think the government should pay for it, while others think the car owners should pay for it. What is your opinion?3.13 People should look after
45、their health as a duty to the society they live in rather than personal benefits. To what extent do you agree or disagree?3.29. Some people think government should ensure the healthy lifestyle of people, but others argue that it should be decided by individuals. Discuss and give your opinion.(二)雅思写作
46、 TASK-2 常见类型(1) Argument (80%) 观点类To what extent do you agree or disagree? Or What is your opinion? Or what do you think of it? 讨论类Discuss both views(sides) and give your opinion.Discuss advantages and disadvantages.(2) Report(10-20%)Causes and suggestions, proposals, purposes,effect;solutions, sugg
47、estions. What _?or How_?(3) Mixed type(5%)Argument + Report Discuss both views and give your opinion + what or how ? ?(三)写作步骤1. 审题1. topic 名词,动词(range) 2. key words 副词, 介词短语3. 问句(要求)Ideas: 1 different angle1) individuals2) society3) nation2. classification20 个万用理由:与他人、交流、情感、经验和文化、既经济、方便、安全、健康、又节省时间、
48、扩展空间、提高效率、培养兴趣、增强耐力、奉献爱心、保护环境、崇尚科学、遵守道德、具有成就感和娱乐性2. 确定篇章结构五段论(1) 第一段(引言段): 引出话题,表明作者的观点第二段(正文第一段):论据一第三段(正文第二段):论据二第四段(正文第三段):让步段第五段(结尾段): 结论或重申作者的观点(2) 第一段(引言段): 引出话题,陈述不同的看法,不表明作者的观点第二段(正文第一段):其中一方的观点,论据(不同意)第三段(正文第二段):另一方的观点,论据一(同意)第四段(正文第三段):另一方的观点,论据二(同意)第五段(结尾段): 表明作者的观点,简述理由(3)第一段(引言段): 提出问题第
49、二段(正文第一段):原因一第三段(正文第二段):原因二第四段(正文第三段):解决方案一、二第五段(结尾段): 总结四段论 (1)第一段(引言段): 引出话题,表明作者的观点第二段(正文第一段):论据一、二、三 第三段(正文第二段):让步段第四段(结尾段): 结论或重申作者的观点(2)第一段(引言段): 引出话题,陈述不同的看法,表明双方观点均有道理,不表明作者的观点第二段(正文第一段):其中一方的观点,论据(不同意)第三段(正文第二段):另一方的观点,论据(同意)第四段(结尾段): 表明作者的观点,简述理由(3)第一段(引言段): 引出话题,陈述不同的看法各有优缺点,表明或不表明作者的观点第二段(正文第一段):优点或缺点第三段(正文第二段):缺点或优点第四段(结尾段): 通过比较,得出结论或表明作者的观点(4)第一段(引言段): 提出问题第二段(正文第一段):原因一、二第三段(正文第二段):解决方案一、二第四段(结尾段): 总结(5)第一段(引言段): 陈述问题,第二段(正文第一段):原因一第三段(正文第二段):原因二第四段(结尾段): 解决方案一、二3列提纲4. 写作(15-20 句, 270-280)(1) 引言段(3-5 句) Introduction to