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1、NANJING XIAOZHUANG UNIVERSITY英语专业学士学位论文格式手册南京晓庄学院外国语学院2012-12英语专业本科学位论文格式手册1总则(1) 语言:论文用英文撰写。封面、文内作者、参考文献可以用汉语;文内例句若需要中英文对照,也可以用汉语。(2) 长度:30005000英文词(不含目录、摘要、参考书目)。(3) 打印:论文采用A4 号纸,单面打印。页面设置:页边距为左3.2厘米,上、下、右各2.5厘米。页码:从正文起计第一页,用阿拉伯数字,页底居中。其它不需页码。2组成部分:(1) 中文封面:英文标题:Arial Black字体、三号、加粗、居中、全大写。中文标题:黑体、

2、小二号、居中。中英文标题区域上下共占八行(含空行),由于各论文标题行数不同,请自行控制空行的数量,一切以美观大方为准。封面其它部分位置请勿变更。实际操作中,可直接拷贝模板,替换其中的标题、姓名、学号等项目。(2) 英文封面:英文大标题格式同上,其余部分均为Times New Roman四号。姓前名后,中间空格。注意间隔号的使用:Li Chuan(李楚安)。页头页尾各空一行。(3) 目录页:“CONTENTS”行:四号、 Times New Roman、加粗、居中、全大写。正文:小四、Times New Roman、左顶格。次层次比上一层次退后两空格。整页均为固定值20磅;标题空行处理请参见模板

3、。(4) 中英文摘要与关键词(Abstract and Key Words )标题行:宋体四号加粗、居中。正文:中文宋体小四,英文Times New Roman五号。整页均为1.5倍行距。摘要150 200字(100150words),关键词35个。摘要用第三人称,现在时。常见句型结构参见模板。(5) 正文内的英文大标题:大标题前空后各空一行,均为三号空行。大标题格式:Arial Black字体、三号、加粗、居中。大标题除冠词、介词、并列连词和不定式“to” 外,首字母一律大写。例外:介词和连词长度若超过5个字母,必须大写;末词首字母永远大写。书名斜体;演说、诗歌名加引号。论文标题应尽量简明、

4、具体,必要时可以使用副标题。应避免使用“试论”、“浅析”、“A Preliminary Study of”之类字眼。(6) 正文内容:结构层次:正文分为章、节、小节。章的编号:1. ,2.,3.,;节的编号:1.1, 1.2,2.1, 2.2;小节的编号:1.1.1, 1.1.2。若小节以下还需分出层次,采用(i),(ii),(iii)标识。章与章之间、节与节之间空一行,但小节及小节以下层次间不空行。连续性标题也不空行。小标题(章、节、小节):左顶格、小四、Times New Roman、加粗。单独成行,无结尾标点。大小写要求同论文正文大标题。正文文字:五号、Times New Roman,行

5、距固定值20磅。(7) 参考文献(Bibliography ):栏目标题:前空一行,左顶格、五号、Times New Roman字体、加粗。文献项目:英文小五号、Times New Roman字体,中文小五号、楷体,行距均为固定值20磅。外文的书名/刊名需斜体,大小写格式要求同论文正文大标题。篇目顺序:英文文献在前,按照作者姓名字母顺序排列;中文文献在后,按照作者姓名拼音顺序排列;篇内顺序:作者姓名、文献题名文献类别标识、书刊名、出版地:出版者、出版年月或期数。页码仅出现在正文内。文献类别标识:专著 M,论文集 C,论文集中析出论文 A,报纸文章 N,期刊文章 J,学位论文 D,其他(如字典、

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7、手册对各类标题的字体、字号作了详尽说明,仅作资料备用,学生不必记忆。在实际操作中,可直接使用WORD中的格式刷。IV 附录:论文模板分 类 号:学校代码:11460学 号:03402112南 京 晓 庄 学 院本 科 生 学 士 学 位 论 文中英文化差异对翻译的影响EFFECTS OF CULTURAL DIFFERENCES ON TRANSLATION所在院(系): 外 国 语 学 院学 生: 司 马 园指 导 老 师: 莫 文 水研究起止日期:2009 年 9 月至 2010 年 6 月二一二年六月学位论文独创性声明本人郑重声明:本论文是本人在导师指导下独立从事研究所取得的成果。文中除

8、以参引或注释形式标明出处者外,不含任何其他个人或机构已发表或未发表的著述或研究结果。对本文的研究做出贡献的个人和机构,均已在“致谢”中加以说明。本人完全了解,违反上述声明所引起的一切法律责任将由本人承担。本人签名_年 月 日EFFECTS OF CULTURAL DIFFERENCES ON TRANSLATIONbySima YuanA ThesisSubmitted to School of Foreign Languages ofNanjing Xiaozhuang Universityin Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for the Degr

9、ee ofBachelor of ArtsSupervised byMo WenshuiJune, 2012Abstract and Key Words 1Abstract: This study aims to investigate the influence of the similarities and differences between Chinese and English existential sentences on Chinese college students acquisition. Comparisons in terms of structure, meani

10、ng and form-meaning mapping give rise to five hypotheses. Corpus-based experimental investigations are carried out to test the hypotheses. The results show that semantic sameness may not hinder acquisition, yet differences between them in form-meaning mapping cause interference while structural diff

11、erences do not. Furthermore, learners language production may be influenced by their language exposure. The paper concludes that high frequency of occurrence of L2 items in the teaching material may help reduce interference from learners native language and make their language more target-like.Key w

12、ords: existential sentences; mapping; acquisition; language exposure摘要:本文报告了对英语专业四个年级 120 篇英语议论文作文内容的分析结果, 旨在发现大学生抽象思维特点,为进一步研究大学生思维能力的培养提供前期数据,同时为改进大学生英语作文的教学提出切实可行的建议。笔者根据作文写作思维过程的基本环节:审题、立意、布局、论述,通过质化分析法找出了对应的 4 个作文内容参数及其评分标准:文章切题性、论点明确性、篇章连贯性、说理透彻性,再依据这 4 个参数分析学生抽象思维特征及其存在问题。关键词:英语专业; 英语议论文; 抽象思

13、维1 中文摘要为教学法类,英文为语言学类,故不对应。请注意摘要中的常见句型及表达方式。CONTENTS1. Introduction12. Literature Review and Theoretical Framework.22.1 Definition of Humor2.2 Classification of Humor3. Realization of Humor Interpreted by Pragmatic Theories.53.1 Humor Explained by Reference Theory3.2 Humor Explained by Cooperative Pr

14、inciple3.2.1 Cooperative Principle and Conversational Implicature3.2.1 Humor in Conversational Implicature3.3 Humor Explained by Speech Act Theory3.3.1 Humor and Illocutionary Act3.3.2 Humor and Prelocutionary Act4. Project Findings and Discussion84.1 Data from Questionnaires and Tests4.2 Data Analy

15、sis and the Limitation5. Conclusion10Bibliography.11Acknowledgements121Effects of Cultural Differences on Translation1. IntroductionCulture is a concept which has wide and complicated context, and it includes “knowledge, belief, policy, art, law, ethics, customs, and abilities and habits formed by p

16、eople as social members.” Language is the transition of culture. English and Chinese are based on two different cultures, and they impress different cultural customs and historical traditions. Translation is not only an art, but also a science, so translation does not mean to transfer one language t

17、o another. As the bridge of trans-cultural communication, fulfilling humans culture, and emerging different expressions in different countries.Common things in human experiences seem to express themselves in similar terms in quite unrelated languages. The expressions are usually metaphorical, and ma

18、y be as similar as “Strike while the iron is hot,” which appears in Chinese as “While hot strike the iron.”Western culture is based on things, making nature as its standard, the culture tend to develop its external display, so it lays stress on creating things, and moreover, on the way how human cre

19、ates things. Instruments used in this study involved two English language proficiency tests. Therefore, during the process of translation, we should consider how to get out of the sentence structures of the former article, using different forms to express the meanings.2. Detail Examples of the Effec

20、t of Social Customs on Translation2.1 The Differences of Daily Life and Social CustomsBloom (1976)2 argued that teachers role is to provide the students with optimal conditions which can facilitate learning so that students can achieve similar results. Obviously, these kinds of greeting are not suit

21、able to greet people from English countries, as they may think that you are prying into their secrets and private things. A similar historical event may give rise to equivalent expressions in different countries. This sort of answers is suitable for Chinese who have been cultivated by the oriental c

22、ulture, but if we translate them literally into English, as “No, no, its not good enough”, the westerners may feel unacceptable and even dissatisfied. So, the proper greetings used in western countries are “How do you do?”, “Hello!”, “Good morning!” or talking about the weather. It has been argued t

23、hat teachers role is to provide the students with optimal conditions which can facilitate learning 2 间接引用。一般是对原文 paraphrase 或 summarize,不需引号与页码。最后的句号应放在括弧之后。2so that students can achieve similar results (Bloom, 1976).3Both of Chinese culture and English culture require people to respect the old. As

24、differences of cultural thoughts exist, the ways to show our respect are relatively different. For example, when we get out having a family travel, we will firstly care about the physical situation of the old, and then decide whether we need to have arrest or not. But old foreigners dislike being co

25、nsidered as they are old people, and they never think that they are less vigorous and less spirit. This argument was discussed as early as 1997 (Wang, 1989).4The disadvantage of the multiple regression analysis is that it cannot show the complex interrelations between independent variable (Wang How

26、could I answer the child? I do not know what it is any more than he.I guess it must be the flag of my disposition, hopeful green stuff woven (1892:23).12Indeed, only those foreigners who know a little about Chinese culture may understand these explanations, and most of them can not get the marvels i

27、nside. So such words with peculiar cultural meaning should be added some explanations to illustrate their pragmatic usages. After the year all other years of the rooster, according to an old Chinese saying, become either-good-or-bad-luck years for them.Goethe wrote that “it takes more culture to per

28、ceive the virtues of The Magic Flute than to point out its defects” (qtd in Newman, 1998:104).13A similar historical event may give rise to equivalent expressions in different countries. When Caesar crossed the Rubicon, he had his army burn the bridges behind them, so that they had no choice but to

29、march on and conquer Rome.In six months time, he was tramped into marriage with her, though “he had no respect for her” (40).1410 直接引用。引文在四行或四行以上,需单独成段,不需引号。上下各空一行,整段向右退 8 个字符。字体字号不变,但行距从“固定值 20 磅”变为“单倍行距” (两个空行均为单倍行距) 。11 直接引用。诗歌不超过两行,直接引用,加双引号,两行间用斜线分开。12 直接引用。诗歌超过两行,需单独成段,规则同注 9。13 无原著,内容来自二手资料,需

30、在来源前加上“qtd in”字样。在参考文献部分,以二手资料撰写条目。14 论文是文学评论,需从同一作品反复引用。为方便起见,从第二次引用起,只注页码。4Actually, it was once translated into “five stresses, four points of beauty and three aspects of love” without any explanation. As a result, it would cause misunderstanding that foreigners who had little knowledge about Chi

31、na may probably consider it as “four beauties, and five lovers”.The Web-based Oral English Teaching Mode advocated by College English Curriculum Requirements is a new and developing mode with broad prospects and will exert a far-reaching influence on English teaching reforms. In Chinese, a sentence

32、can be embedded in a noun phrase to modify its head noun and such a process is called gelatinization. Gelatinization usually results in relative clauses or adjectival clauses. Studies on such constructions in the past were mostly guided by structuralism linguistics with a focus on structures, ignori

33、ng semantic, pragmatic and cognitive factors.In the preface, Pineland claims “This Icelandic is the story of an adolescent whose needs are not understood by his descendants” (Hardliners, 99:128).152.2 Analogy and ImaginationThis usage wants to express that it is extremely easy to invest or deposit m

34、oney in United Carolina Bank. (1) Do your teeth a flavor. No matter what the flavor, when your kids brush with Crest, they are doing their teeth a flavor. Arent your kids worth Crest?16In this advertisement for Crest, “Do your teeth a flavor” completely imitates the phrase “do somebody a favor”. The

35、 sentence structures are the same, and the effect is also goodThe superstition that naming an evil force will cause it to appear was once widespread. The texts were then segmented by the automatic segmentation system of Academia. (2) *Although the city is modern and convenient, but there are still s

36、ome problems.(3) ?How old are you, Professor Smith?17The results of segmentation show that the total corpus for editorials contains approximately 26229 words of running text; the total corpus for magazines contains approximately 22,900 words; and the total corpus for fiction contains approximately 9

37、,291 words. A simple complete sentence consists of a subject and a predicate. The subject is typically a 15 原文中的词语,因失去语境,指代不明。用方括号标注。16 例句按顺序用(1) (2) (3) (4)等统一编号,全文排序。每例左起头,回行时与上一行例句对齐。上下各空一行,例句连同空行的行距均为“单倍行距” 。 (注:正文为“固定值 20 磅” ) 。17不合语法的例句前用“*”;合乎语法,但有语用问题的例句前用“?”。同一组例句间不空行。5noun phrase, though o

38、ther kinds of phrases (such as gerund phrases) work as well, and some languages allow subjects to be omitted. The differences between the two tenses can be seen from the following two sentences:(4) a. I have been playing the piano since I was a child. b. I have played the piano since I was a child.1

39、8We can find that sentence (4a) is different from sentence (4b) in meaning. However, I know of no other grammarians that allow any of sentences. Now the descriptive part of the test: do educated Indonesians use sentences like this?The typical differences between English culture and Chinese culture a

40、re the understandings of words about animals. Both of Chinese and English have amounts of similes, sometimes they are similar, such as “fox” means cunning, “sheep” means a bashful, defenseless or easily-led person. But it happens rarely because of different customs, historical traditions, and concep

41、ts of aesthetic appreciation, and as a result, the differences of analogy exist.5) 己所不欲,勿施于人。Do as you would be done by.19As we all know, the cat is cute and obedient animal in Chinese tradition; while, it represents “malicious woman with hostile temptation” in English. Obviously, it is not the prod

42、uct of Chinese culture. As a matter of fact, direct translation can not be acceptable in Chinese culture. “Chick” has the meaning of “to be a coward”, as same as “mouse” in Chinese culture.Animals like bear is connected with stupid, foolish, and useless image in China; meanwhile, in the westerners o

43、pinion, although bear is a kind of dangerous, and cruel animal, the bears in the zoo are lovely and naughty, so if we want to mean someone is useless, we can not use the analogy in China into English. Not the same as people in China think rabbits are quick and smart; the westerners compare rabbits w

44、ith cowards.Labor creates the world as well as language. Due to different geographical situation and ecological atmosphere, the use of analogy is obviously different. China is the great agricultural country. In early years, peasants were mainly based on cattle-plough, and cattle were excellent helpe

45、rs of peasants in the agricultural process, so Chinese people had deep relationship with cattle. We usually say “to work hard and modestly as old cattle, and “he has the strong spirit like cattle”. This is stated by many linguists. “Whatever the ultimate goals, one will almost certainly wish 18 例句对照

46、比较。文中提到该例句时,用(4a)、(4b)、(4c)的格式。19 例句翻译,英汉对照。6not only to codify the text in terms of cohesive categories but also to inspect the individual instances of cohesion, to look closely at the actual words and phrases that enter into cohesive ties and see what patterns of texture then emerge. A particular

47、text, or a genre, may exhibit a general tendency towards the use of certain features or modes rather than others” (Halliday besides, “blue” also means “indecent, pornographic”, such as a blue joke, a blue film. On the aesthetic standard, oriental females always pursuit white skin as they think havin

48、g white skin is the most important way to become beautiful, but western females like wheat-colored skin and they consider having white appearance to be unhealthy. So every summer, amounts of western females crowd into beach to become sun-tanned.2.3.2 The Influence of Religious BeliefReligious belief

49、 is a part of humans spiritual activities, and it has great effect on the development of nations. In English-speaking countries, it is a custom to give best wishes to a newly-married person by saying “congratulation”. However, in the specific context of this humor, the speaker is an undertaker, and the hearer is a bereaved husband. What will the poor man feel w


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