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1、1中石化英语 汉译英:1 How to be Happy如何获得幸福1 2 City Design城市设计13 Population人口24 Earthquake地震35 The Aftermath of BP Gulf Oil Spill英国石油公司墨西哥湾原油泄漏36 Green Computers“绿色”电脑47 Cell Phones 手机58 Touch Tech触屏技术59 Fossil Fuels and Our Life化石燃料与我们的生活610 Carbon Emissions碳排放711 Marine Pollution海洋污染812 Chinas Growth and t

2、he Clean Energy Tech 中国的经济增长与清洁能源技术813 Market Economy市场经济914 CPI 消费者物价指数915 The Internet 互联网916 Apple Expands its Touchy-Feely Vision苹果公司用 iPad延续梦想1017 3G Technology 3G技术1118 Carbon Capture and Storage碳捕获和储存1119 GlobaIWarming 全球变暖1220 Alternate Energies替代能源1221 Biofuels生物燃料1322 Coal Chemicallndustry

3、煤化学工业1323 Resource Curse资源诅咒1424 Company Management公司管理1425 Recruitment Drives Take Talent from Wide Pool人才库1526 Tips for Job Seekers找工作的秘诀1527 Chinese Oil Market中国石油市场1628 0il Trade石油贸易1629 How I Lost My Head in the Volcanic Ash Cloud令人发疯的火山灰1730 Project Management项目管理172【练习参考答案】汉译英:第一篇 How to be H

4、appy 如何获得幸福1吵闹的邻居的确对我们家庭不和(domestic upset)有很大影响。Noisy neighbors are one ofthe major causes ofdomestic upset.2在职场上,如果一个同事对我们表示威吓的话,会造成难以言表的抑郁情绪(unwretchedneSS)oA colleague at work who bullies or dismisses us creates untold wretchedness3我们不可能适应这种敌对关系,这种不良的人际关系会损害身心健康。We can never fully adapt to hostil

5、e relationships, which inevitably damage our wellbeing.4如果这种坏情绪长时间留在人们的心里,会让人陷入无法解决的恶性心理困境。If this bad mood stays inside our mind, it will lead us to an unresolved destructive depression.5我们不应当回避这些问题,而是要正确面对它们。We should not avoid these problems but face them instead.第二篇 City Design 城市设计1随着大量市民被迫迁到遥远

6、的郊外,汽车的需求量正在飞涨。The demand for cars is soaring as growing numbers of citizens are pushed into distant suburbs2生态城市(eco-city)将把传统设计要素同最先进的绿色技术相结合。The eco-city will combine elements oftraditional design with the latest green technologies.3预计到 2010年将有一千辆燃料电池车(fuel-cell vehicles)投入使用,而到 2012年将增至一万辆。One t

7、housand fuel-cell vehicles will be estimated to put to use by 2010 and increase to 10,000 by 2012.4如今,各地方政府几乎无一不在探讨有关生态农村、生态城镇或生态城市计划的话题。 These days, there is hardly a local govemment that does not talk about plans for an eco-village, town or even city.5全世界大约一半的人口居住在城市,所以研究能缓解城市对环境影响的途径势在必行。It is fa

8、irly necessary to search for ways to reduce the environmental impact of cities because around half of the worlds population isnow city-dwellers (is now living in cities).第三篇 Population 人口1亚洲大陆面积占世界陆地面积的 29%。Asia makes up twenty-nine per cent ofthe worlds land area.2人口的增加使土地必须生产更多的粮食。The increasing p

9、opulation makes it necessary for the earth to produce more grain.3我们应该先进行抽样调查再写报告。We should conduct a sampling investigation before we 3write the report.4我承认我在工作中因缺乏经验犯过这样那样的错误。I admit that due to lack of experience I have made mistakes of all kinds.5中国的现代化工业和商品经济的发展,促进了职业流动和人口流动。The development of

10、modem industry and commodity economy in China has promoted occupational (mobility) and population mobility.第四篇 Earthquake 地震1会议的准备工作正在顺利地进行着。Preparations for the meeting are proceeding smoothly.2科技发展在解决老问题的同时也带来了一些新问题。As technological advancement solves old problems, it also creates new ones.3. 1976

11、年唐山大地震是历史上最严重的自然灾害之一。The 1976 earthquake in Tangshan was one of the greatest natural disasters in history.4近几年来,中国、日本和美国对地震发生的时间、地点的预测取得了一定的进步。In recent years, China, Japan and the U.S have made certain progress in forecasting when and where earthquakes will occur.5地震能造成惨重的人员伤亡,毁坏建筑物,如大楼、桥梁、大坝等设施。Ea

12、rthquakes cause severe casualties and destroy constructions like buildings, dams and bridges.第五篇 The Aftermath of BP Gulf Oil Spill 英国石油公司墨西哥湾原油泄漏1如何尽快处理墨西哥湾的原油泄漏是 BP公司最为关注的问题。How to urgently deal with the oil spill at the Gulf of Mexico remains the biggest concem for BP.2这起事故使环保人士对生态环境有了不小的担忧。This

13、accident has many environmentalists concerned about the damage it does to the ecosystem.3原油泄漏不仅会污染海洋环境,更糟糕的是它还会给多种海洋生物带来很大的威胁。Oil spills do not just pollute the ocean, to make things worse, they pose great threat to many species of aquatic life as well.4所有小动物都要依靠妈妈给它们提供食物和保护。All baby animals are dep

14、endent on their mothers for food and protection.5南极洲是多种企鹅的家。 Antarctica is the natural habitat for many species ofpenguins.第六篇 Green Computers 绿色 电脑1许多政府机构继续执行鼓励使用绿色电脑的标准和规定。Many govemmental agencies have continued to implement standards and regulations that encourage green computing.2绿色设计是指设计节能和对环境

15、无害的零件。Green design means designing energy-efficient and environmentally sound components. 43今年该公司将实行(carry out)公司范围内的成本削减计划。The company will carry out (embark on) its company-wide cost-cutting plan this year.4环保、慈善(philanthropy)和良好的员工关系是该公司成长壮大的重要因素。Environmentalism, philanthropy and good employee r

16、elations have been important factors (tenets) during the growth ofthe company.5绿色使用是指减少计算机和其它信息系统的能源消耗,并尽量以环保的(environmentally sound)方式来使用。Green use means reducing the energy consumption of computers and other information systems as well as using them in an environmentally sound (harmless) manner.第七

17、篇 Cell Phones 手机1如今不管男女老少几乎都拥有手机。Today almost everyone, men and women, old and young has a cell phone.2这种新的网络连接形式能使大量的数据得以快速地传输。The new type ofInternet connection could carry much data at a very high speed.3电子邮件正在取代(edge out)传真、电话、快速邮递。它缩短了科学合作者(scientific collaborators)之间的距离。E-mail is starting to e

18、dge out the fax, the telephone, express mail, which shrinks distance between scientific collaborators.4手机从发明到现在已有很长的历史,而且在技术方面有了长足的(by leaps and bounds)进步。Mobile phones have come a long way since their invention and have advanced by leaps and bounds in regard to technology.5快速的数据传输速度可以帮助解决网络传输量巨大增长的

19、问题。The high speed of data transmission can help solve the problem of how to handle the enormous growth in the Intemet.第八篇 Touch Tech 触屏技术1这项技术使移动通讯行业产生了突破性变革。This technology revolutionized mobile communication.2多触摸功能是其最大的卖点之-(eye-catching feature)。The multi-touch capability is among its most eye-cat

20、ching features.3戴尔是一家跨国技术公司,总部设在德克萨斯州。Dell Inc. based in Texas, is a multinational company.4制造商经常在用户购买新电脑的时候提供免费更换服务。Manufactures often offer a free replacement service when users purchase a new PC5很多多点触控界面(interfaces)的产品已经出现,而且正在广泛地应用。Many products for multi-touch interfaces have already existed an

21、d are being widely applied.第九篇 Fossil Fuels and Our Life 化石燃料与我们的生活1大多数替代能源不仅可以给我们带来清洁空气,它们还是可再5生的。Not only do the majority of the altemative energies give us clean air, they are renewable as well2许多生活日用品都是由石油制成的。Many ofthe products we use daily are made from petroleum.3尽管许多国家在研发并开始使用不同的替代能源,在未来很长的一

22、段时间化石燃料仍将是占据主导地位的能源。Though many countries are researching and developing and are applying different altemative energy, fossil fuels will remain crucially important for a long time in the future4专家预计北京的汽车占有量将超过每千人 200辆。It is estimated (projected) that the car ownership in Beijing will exceed 200 per

23、thousand people.5在未来几十年,世界人口仍将持续增长。这意味着能源需求将进一步增加。World population will continue to grow in the next few decades. This will mean an increasing in the demand for energy.第十篇 Carbon Emissions 碳排放1在很多以煤为主要能源的发展中国家,减少碳排放是一件极具挑战的工作。Reducing carbon emission is a great challenge to developing nations where

24、coalis a major source of energy.2. 20世纪末的世界人口是 20世纪六十年代的两倍。The world population by the end of the 20th century was twice as much as that of the 1960s3如果没有先进的技术,环境污染无法得以改善。Without advanced technology, environmental pollution could not be improved.4过量饮食对人体带来的危害与过量饮酒带给人体的伤害一样严重。Excessive eating could b

25、e as harmful to health as excessive drinking.5该公司正在就如何有效减少二氧化碳排放做一项实验性研究。The company has been working on a pilot study in an effort to cut carbon enussion efficiently.第十一篇 Marine Pollution 海洋污染1一些污染源已经通过立法得到控制。Some sources ofpollution have been brought under control by legislation.2用电动车来取代汽油和柴油车可减少城

26、市污染。Replacing petrol and diesel vehicles with electric cars can free our cities from pollution.3要从源头(at source)来规范危险化学品的生产和使用。The production and use of dangerous chemicals should be regulated at source.4最近所发生的一切除了会造成明显可见的短期影响外,也会导致严重的长期问题。6In addition to the visible short-term impacts, what has happ

27、ened recently can also causeresult in severe long-term problems.5污染的海岸水域引发的死亡和疾病每年要耗费全球经济 128亿美元。Death and disease caused by polluted coastal waters cost the global economy US$12.8 billion a year.第十二篇 Chinas Growth and the Clean Energy Tech 中国的经济增长与清洁能源技术1环境污染和自然灾害是经济发展应付出的代价。Environmental pollution

28、 and natural disasters are the price we have to pay. for developing the economy.2化石能源的紧缺促使很多能源公司去开发替代能源。The shortage of fossil fuels has made many energy companies develop alternative energy sources.3丰田汽车公司已经开始大规模生产其混合动力车 Prius,这在很大程度上超过了其它汽车制造大企业。Toyota Auto has begun mass-producing its hybrid mode

29、l Prius, which has leapfrogged other auto giants.4政府通过政策激励来促使国有企业节能减排。Govemments are boosting (promoting) energy conservation and emission reduction through policies and incentives.5随着人口的成倍增长(multiply),世界将会对能源有如饥似渴般的需求。As population multiplies, the world will become energy-hungry.第十三篇 Market Economy

30、 市场经济当今,经济学在商业方面起着越来越大的作用。Economics plays an increasingly important part in business today.商人们清楚地认识到研究工作的重要性,Businessmen see clearly the necessity for research.他们需要通过研究来发现什么样的条件有助于出售他们的商品,They need research to discover what sort of conditions will help them sell their goods,对他们的商品有什么需求,what demand t

31、here will be for their goods,以及能够得到什么样的国际市场等等。what foreign markets will be available and so on.第十四篇 CPI 消费者物价指数20世纪 30年代的大萧条(Great Depression)对大部分的美国人产生了巨大的影响。he Great Depression of the 1930s had a profound (serious) effect on most of the population of the United States.工厂倒闭,工人失业,TFactories closed a

32、nd workers were out of work;公司和银行破产,businesses and banks collapsed;农民不能偿付贷款并失去了他们的农场,farmers could not repay their loans and lost their farms.他们中的许多人只能离开家乡去寻找工作。Many of them had to leave their farms to search for jobs (look for jobs).20世纪 30年代的大萧条不仅影响了美国,它把整个世界都搅乱了。The Great Depression of the 1930s

33、didnt only affect the USA alone but tumed the whole world upside down.第十五篇 The Internet 互联网近几年来,计算机不仅被越来越多的人运用于生产和技术领域,7In recent years more and more people have used computers not only in production and technology,而且也用于日常生活。but also in everyday life. 原因很简单,因为计算机比人的效率高的多。The simple reason is that th

34、ey are far more efficient than man.它们比人有更好的记忆力,能储存大量的信息。They have much better memories and can store large amounts of information.计算机可以做许多我们做的事情,Computers can do many of the things we do,而且做的更快、更好。but faster and better. 它们可以在工厂里控制机器,计算出第二天的, They can control machines in factories, work out tomorrows

35、 weather,甚至可以做翻译工作。and even do translation work.十六篇 Apple Expands its Touchy-Feely Vision16苹果公司用iPad延续梦想最初,iPad 主要被当作一款媒体消费设备用它来读书、看视频、或翻阅带有视频以及文字和图片的新型电子杂志,要比用 iPhone的效果更理想。iPad used mainly as amedia consumption device -a better place than the iPhone to read books, watch video, or flick through new

36、 electromc versions of magazines that offer video as well as text and pictures.但是,与 iPhone -样,关键之处将在于人们如何接受它、使用它,以及应用程序开发者多快能寻找到利用其特性打造新体验的办法。But, as with the iPhone, the real story will lie in how it is taken up and used - and how quickly other application developers find ways to exploit its unique

37、 characteristics to create new experiences.人们当然有理由对它持有疑虑。There are certainly reasons for doubt.它的屏幕更大,因此它可能不如智能手机那么便携;它缺少内置的键盘,因此作为一个输入设备,它可能不如 PC或 Mac那么有用。The larger screen may make it less portable than a smartphone, its lack of a built-in keyboard less useful as an input device than a PC or Mac.

38、但 iPad的 9.7英寸高分辨率显示屏(high-resolution screen),将成为计算机业播种梦想(dream to be sketched)的下一个处女地 (virginterritory)。But the iPads 9.7 inch, high-resolution screen is about to become the virgin territory on which the computer industrys next dreams will be sketched.第十七篇 3G Technology 3G 技术3G的全称为第三代数字通信。3G is shor

39、t for the Third Generation Digital Communication. 1995年问世的第一代数字手机只能进行语音通话;The first generation of digital communication developed in 1995 0nly allowed voice transmission on the phone.而 1996到 1997年出现的第二代数字手机便增加了接收数据的功能,如接收电子邮件或网页;By 1996 and 1997, the 2G digital cellphones had a new feature that is d

40、ata transmlssion, such as emails and access to the Intemet. 第三代与前两代的主要区别是在传输声音和数据的速度上的提升,它能够处理图像、音乐、视频等多种媒体形式,提供包括网页浏览、电话会议、电子商务等多种信息服务。The biggest difference between 3G and the first two generations lies in the features that voice and data can be transmitted at a much faster speed and that photos,

41、music, and videos can be transmitted and that it provides services like access to the Intemet, teleconferencing, e-8commerce and the like.十八篇 Carbon Capture and Storage 碳捕获和储存1目前,碳捕获和存储设施已经安装到其它应用程序设计的部件上。以石油公司为例,几十年来,他们已经将二氧化碳注入衰退井(fading wells)中以提高采收率。Current Carbon Capture Storage facilities have

42、 been patched together with components largely designed for other applications. Oil companies, for example, have been mjecting carbon dioxide into fading wells for decades in order to enhance recovery. 2一个普遍存在的问题是关于海底或地下储存安全的长期预测是非常困难和不确定的。储存的二氧化碳可能会泄漏到大气中。A general problem is that long term predict

43、ions about submarine or underground storage security are very difficult and uncertain and C02 might leak from the storage into the atmosphere.十九篇 GlobaIWarming 全球变暖 全球气候变暖主要是由于人们焚烧化石矿物以生成能量时产生的二氧化碳等多种温室气体导致。全球平均气温总体看为上升趋势。Global warming is primarily caused by the carbon dioxide and other greenhouse

44、gases from the buming of fossil fuels for energy by humans.The global average temperature is generally on a rise. 进入 20世纪八十年代后,全球气温明显上升。Weve seen a significant rise in global temperature since the 1980s.全球变暖的后果,会使全球降水量重新分配( reallocation),冰川消融,海平面上升,既危害自然生态系统的平衡,更威胁人类的食物供应和居住环境。Global warming will re

45、sult in the reallocation of global rainfall, the melting of glaciers, and the rise of sea level. This will damage the balance of the ecosystem and threaten food supply and the living condition for human beings. 二十篇 Alternate Energies 替代能源清洁能源是不排放污染物的能源,它包括核能和“可再生能源”。Clean energy refers to energy sou

46、rces that release zero pollutants. This includes nuclear energy and renewable energies. 可再生能源是指可以通过自然现象补充(replenish)的能源,如水力发电、风力发电、太阳能、生物能、海潮能这些能源。Renewable energy comes from natural processes that are replenished constantly, hydroelectric power, wind power, solar power, biofuels, tidal power are al

47、l renewable energy sources.可再生能源不存在能源耗竭的可能,因此日益受到许多国家的重视,尤其是能源短缺的国家。Renewable energy sources are inexhaustible and therefore have attracted the attention of many countnes, especially those with a great shortage of energy sources.二十一篇 Biofuels 生物燃料生物燃料必须有四个特性。需要低成本我们成功的基准是1美元 1加仑,即每桶 40-50美元。Biofuels

48、 have to have four qualities. They need to be low-cost - our benchmark for success is $1 a gallon, $40-50 a barrel.生物燃料还必须要低碳。They must be low-carbon.先进的生物燃料还需要有规模效应。如果只是生产出精品类型的生物燃料(boutique biofuels),那是毫无意义的。只有大规模的生产和销售才能够改变局面。Advanced biofuels also need to be scalable. There is no point making boutique biofuels. Only mass production and mass distribution can tum the dial (change 9the situation).第四,先进的生物燃料从环境,


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