1、国培计划系列讲座 董永民教好初中英语(一)发挥小组合作学习教好初中英语(二)精心设计英语课堂教好初中英语(三)练好教学微技能功底教好初中英语(四)掌握知识教学模式教好初中英语(五)掌握技能教学模式教好初中英语(六)善于开发课程资源教好初中英语(七)运用各种教学辅助教好初中英语(八)贯彻英语课程标准教好初中英语(九)经常反思课堂教学教好初中英语(十)提高教研与自修技能教学理念 1. Modern Teacher-student RelationshipTeacher-centered Learner-centered Learning-centeredTeacher vs. Learner-Ce
2、ntered InstructionTeacher- Learner-CenteredCenteredFocus is on instructorFocus is on both students and instructorFocus is on language forms and structures (what the instructor knows about the language)Focus is on language use in typical situations (how students will use the language)Instructor talks
3、; students listenInstructor models; students interact with instructor and one anotherStudents work aloneStudents work in pairs, in groups, or alone depending on the purpose of the activityInstructor monitors and corrects every student utteranceStudents talk without constant instructor monitoring; in
4、structor provides feedback/correction when questions ariseInstructor answers students questions about languageStudents answer each others questions, using instructor as an information resourceInstructor chooses topicsStudents have some choice of topicsInstructor evaluates Students evaluate their stu
5、dent learningown learning; instructor also evaluatesClassroom is quietClassroom is often noisy and busy2. Quotations “Education is not filling a bucket, but lighting a fire.”- William YeatsDont forget that we remember:10% of what we read26% of what we hear 30% of what we see50% of what we see Approach; Principles; Models; TechniquesTask 21. 教态培养2. 课堂教学语言技能3. 板书技能4. 导入技能5. 呈现技能6. 机械性操练组织技能7. 意义练习组织技能8. 交际性练习组织技能9. 强化巩固技能10. 复习课组织技能11. 提问的技能12. 纠错的技能Task 3课堂教学语言技能 教案 1:联系呈现单词或短语过程中的交际语言