1、把生命教育融入英语课堂 “Five Senses” 教学案例减小字体 增大字体 作者:教育文稿网 来源:教育文稿网 发布时间:2009-06-14 13:28:38如歌的英语课堂谈初中英语课堂教学的氛围创设.挖掘生动教材,优化英语教学 牛津英语与 SBS 教材 .浅谈初三击剑特色班英语学习自主意识的培养策略一、教材依据九年义务教育课本英语牛津上海版八年级第二学期(试验本)Chapter 3Page 28, Page 37二、设计思想1、指导思想:上海市中小学生生命教育指导纲要提出:帮助学生认识生命、珍惜生命、尊重生命、热爱生命,促进中小学生身心健康发展,迫切需要系统科学地开展生命教育。作为教学
2、改革的实践者,必须把生命教育与“二期课改”紧密结合,必须充分发挥各门学科的功能;必须主动地、创造性地在课堂教学的各个环节、各个方面加强落实,挖掘并丰富生命教育的内涵。2、设计理念:上海市中小学英语课程标准 (征求意见稿)提出了课堂教学应体现学生主体性原则。怎样的教学才能培养出具有主体精神、富有创新和个性的人呢?回归教育的本质,作为素质教育的延神和补充的“青少年的生命教育”已经刻不容缓了,因为真正的教育是为了唤醒人的内心对生命的情感和对生命的责任。英语学科虽然是生命教育的隐性课程,它仍然蕴涵着丰富的生命教育内容。在这节课的设计中,我试图选择教材里面一个很小的切入口,把课外与教材密切相关的材料作为
3、教学补充知识贯穿到课堂里,对学生进行认识生命、珍惜生命、尊重生命、热爱生命,提高生命质量的教育教学活动。另外,从尊重生命存在,珍视生命价值、实现生命意义的角度出发,这堂课也是我对“构建充满生命气息、促进生命自由发展的课堂”的一次大胆尝试。3、教材分析:本课的设计是源于牛津英语八年级第二学期教材第三章中,阅读的导入练习(P28.What do you know about?)和口语训练部分(P.37 Speak up)的内容,是让学生学习用英语表达五官的方法,用英语表达五官的功能,并让学生想象如果失去了一种感官功能,人的生活会变成怎样。从语法角度看,是让学生理解和学会初步运用“与现实生活相反的虚
4、拟语气” 。从对学生的情感和价值观的培养上来看,是要唤起学生对生命的关爱。 4、 学情分析:我所任教的初二年级的两个班的学生已具有一定的听、说、读、写能力,本阶段在继续抓好这四项基本技能训练的同时,应增强他们的交际会话能力,阅读理解能力,动手操作能力和自学能力,进而培养他们的分析问题和解决问题的能力。初二年级的学生也已经具备了一定的生命感悟力,借助语言文字材料,把一些有教育意义的人物和事件展现给学生,可以帮助学生认识自我,关爱他人、关注社会,陶冶心灵。三、教学目标:1、知识与技能:用英语表达五官以及五官的功能、重要性;虚拟语气的理解和初步使用;短文泛读。2、过程与方法:教师创设情景,启发教学,
5、以学生为中心,讨论,分享,总结。3、情感、态度、价值观:唤起学生对残疾人的关怀以及培养学生对生活的乐观态度,以及呼吁关爱生命的主题,培养学生的合作精神和善待生命的品质。四、教学重点:讨论五种感官的功能和重要性。五、教学难点:挖掘短文的内涵和对学生情感、态度的培养六、 教学准备:为了更好地对教学内容进行设计和组织,我借助了多媒体教学。我通过网络、书籍查阅了有关五官以及五官的功能、重要性的材料,从而为题目编制收集到了确切的素材。为了更好地落实三维目标, 结合教学内容,我还努力地寻找教学素材,海伦凯勒的身残志坚的故事,也纳入了我备课的范畴。另外,为了帮助他们加深对海伦的故事的理解,我特意剪辑了一部分
6、影片,为了升华本课的主题,我还准备了海伦的英文原版著作假如给我三天光明的节选录音。七、 教学过程: 我主要采取如下步骤和方法实现教学目标:、激发兴趣,激活思维,轻松导入:请一名学生上台品尝三种颜色、味道不同的饮料,其余同学用一般疑问句询问他一些问题,根据他的回答判断出饮料的名称。以此为铺垫,过度到教学生用英语表达人的味觉、嗅觉、视觉、听觉和触觉五种感官。教授生词,集体诵读。教师通过设置真实的活动场景,让大家有切身体验的机会,既可以活跃课堂气氛,又可以轻松导入主题.引入一组有关人的感官的竞答题,让学生为其他小组的学生选题,答题,借助学生的互动,把课堂推进下一个环节。用小组竞答的方式,可以促进学生
7、的参与热情,每一道题目之后的解释,是为了让学生更多地了解有关五官的知识,是对课内知识的拓展。这样的形式也利于加大课堂教学内容的容量,提高教学效率,更能帮助学生加深对自己各个感官的功能的了解。2、 读后访说,逐层训练,强化能力:让学生根据所给句型,讨论人的五种感官的功能。为后面的教学步骤准备好充分的词汇量、信息量。教师创设情景,在教室里喷洒香水,问学生能否闻闻到香味。教师在课堂教学过程中要注意给学生有更多参与体验活动的时间与空间。这一环节的设置,缓解了课堂紧张的节奏,模拟了真实的场景,让学生体验嗅觉给我们带来的美好的感受,转而为下一步骤中的想象,铺设台阶。学生回答后,进一步问:If you lo
8、st your sense of smell, what might happen? (假如你失去了嗅觉,你会怎样?)要求学生回答,操练句型:If you lost your sense of smell,you couldntcould同时小结虚拟语气的用法。为了活化课堂,接下来设计了小组辩论的环节,每组同学都要用事实证明本组同学所代表的感官是最为重要的,进一步操练句型。小组辩论的形式,使得教学任务有计划地分配到了不同的小组,可以提高课堂效率,更重要的是,学生的积极性被充分调动起来了,课堂气氛进入了高潮。学生通过讨论和辩论,对人类各个感官的重要性有了充分的认识。进而提醒自己要善于保护自己的五
9、官。3、 短文欣赏,迁移知识,升华主题:现实生活中有很多的残疾人,他们还是通过自己的毅力获得了成功。短文欣赏:海伦.凯勒的一生。这篇短文是作为泛读项目引入课堂的,想通过海伦凯勒的身残志坚,并且取得成功的事例,促进本课情感目标的达成。为了加深他们对海伦学习识字、拼写这一过程的理解,我特意剪辑了一部分影片,帮助他们理解短文。另外为了把本环节的设置目的提高一个层次,我还安排了学生的小组讨论环节,讨论海伦一生获得成功的原因。这应该是本课的一个亮点。生命教育与具体学科教学结合时,要充分重视让学生的体验,帮助他们感悟真实生活。为此,要精心设计教材的呈现形式与活动内容,并提供能让学生体验与感悟的相关资源(包
10、括影视教材、多媒体课件、网络资源等) ,使生命教育得到较有质量的实施。 组织学生们讨论“作为一个健康人,能为残疾人做些什么”这样一个话题,让学生根据自己的特长,或者口头表演,或者书面表述,制作成海报。这是对本课主题的升华。唤起学生对残疾人的关怀,以及培养学生的合作精神和善待生命的品质。既可以以学生为本,发挥他们的主动性,也可以让同学们相互借鉴,取人之长,补己之短。这样做,也提高了课堂的容量。小组学习的形式,培养了学生的合作意识。把海伦的英文原版著作假如给我三天光明的节选录音引入课堂。除了达成升华主题的目的之外,还向学生推荐了一本非常适合他们阅读的课外书籍,希望能帮助他们丰富课外知识,提高英语语
11、言素养。布置课后任务,让学生制作海报,谈谈人类感官的重要性,并且介绍保护我们的感官的方法。把学生的作品张贴在我们的教师里。除了课堂内的设计与实施以外,要同时考虑课后相关的教育内容,通过课后任务的布置,借助教室的板报、壁报等场所,对课内教育进行延续和补充。八、课堂教学实录:Step I: Warm-upContents: 1. Play a game: Guess what it is!2. Try this quiz to find out how much you know about the sensesActivities:T: Good morning, everyone! Today
12、 lets start with a guessing game. I have prepared three cups of drinks for you. I will invite one of you to come to the front of the class, and taste the flavour. The rest of us can ask him some “Yes/No” questions. E.g., Is it sweet? / Does it have any colors? And try to find out what drink is in th
13、e cup. Can you understand?Who would like to come to the front? (Some students put up their hands)T: S1, Please! First, please have a look. Then smell it. Finally, taste it. Do you have any questions to ask him?S2: Is it sweet?S1: Yes.S2: Is it white?S1: Yes.S2:I guess it must be a cup of milk.S1: Ye
14、s.T: Good, you are very clever! Now, change another one. Look into this cup first. Then, smell it. Finally, taste it. Any questions?(A student finds out it is a cup of orange juice.)T: Good thinking.Its the last cup. First, please have a look. Then smell it. Finally, taste it. Its your turn to ask q
15、uestions(Another student finds out it is a cup of water)T: You are really bright.Thank you, S1. Which one do you like best?S1: I like orange juice best. T: You can take it with you and go back to your seat.Boys and girls, when I give you a cup of drink, how do you know what drink it is. Can you smel
16、l it? Sts: Yes.T: Good! We can use our nose to smell it. This is the sense of smell.Any other way?S1: We can taste it.T: Yes, we can use our tongues to taste it. This is the sense of taste.S2: We can look at it.T: We can use our eyes to look at it. This is the sense of sight.Do you know any other se
17、nses?S3: We can use our ears to listen to music. This is the sense of hearing.S4: W can use our skin to feel if it is hot or cold. This is the sense of touch.T: The nose, the tongue, the eyes, the ears and the skin are organs. Smell, taste, sight, hearing, and touch are five senses. Now, read these
18、words with me.(Students learn new words.)T: Read by yourselvesHave you learnt all of these words by heart? Try this quiz to find out how much you know about the senses.I will divide you into two groups, Group 1 and Group 2. Ss in Group 1 must choose one letter and read the question for Groups. Group
19、 2 must answer the question as soon as possible. And then, change the roles. Understand?Lets begin from Group 1. Any volunteers? S1, please. Choose one of the letters. Read the question. Who can answer the question? S2, please. Do you think so?/ Do you agree with him?/ Any other opinion? Good! Its y
20、our turn to choose the letter. Read the question, please. Who knows the answer? S3, please. Yes. Choose the question, please.( The quiz Anne spelled “earth.“ Helens brain flew; that day, she learned 30 words.)T: Then, let us enjoy a part of film. After watching this film, can you tell me how Anne ta
21、ught Helen that everything had a name by spelling W-A-T-E-R into Helens hand as water flowed over her palm?(Appreciate the film.)T: Can you understand this part? Now, read the last paragraph together.(Reading material: Helen Keller learnt everything by her sense of touch. She learnt to talk, to writ
22、e, to read, and to make friends. In fact, she went to college, wrote many books, travelled all over the world, met 12 U.S. presidents(总统), and lived until she was 87. )T: After reading this article, do you know how Helen learnt everything and why Helen became successful in her life. Please discuss i
23、t in your group. Sts: She learnt everything by her sense of touch.S1: She had a very good teacher. S2: She became successful because she never gave up studying. S3: She became successful because she loved her life. S4: She became successful because she was brave.Step III: Post-task activities Conten
24、ts: Topic: As healthy people, we should take care of those people who are disabled. What can we do for them?a. An interview/b. A posterListening: Three Days to SeeActivities:T: Helen is lucky, because she met a good teacher. But most of the disabled people are very unlucky. Life is difficult for the
25、m. As a healthy person, we should take care of those people who are disabled (残疾的).What can we do for them?Now work in a group of five. You have two choices. You can either make a poster or make an interview. And try to show us your opinion about this topic. (Students choose different tasks. After s
26、even minutes discussion, they give us their performances and show their beautiful posters.) T: Today, You have done a really good job. At the end of the class, can we enjoy a part of Helens great works Three days to See together? Lets begin.(Students listen to the recording: I have often thought it
27、would be a blessing if each human being were stricken blind and deaf for a few days at some time during his early adult life. Darkness would make him more appreciative(感激的) of sight; silence would teach him the joys of sound.)T: In her article, Helen thought: We should appreciate our sense of sight
28、and the sense of hearing.As healthy people, we should make the fullest use of our senses.Hear the music of voices, the song of a bird, as if we would be deaf tomorrow.Touch each object we want to touch as if tomorrow our sense of touch would fail. Smell the perfume of flowers, taste the flavor of ve
29、ry delicious food, as if tomorrow we could never smell and taste again. Make the most of every sense glory in all the pleasure and beauty which the world reveals to us through the several means of contact which Nature provides.Step III: Assignmenta. Create a proposal about importance of senses and w
30、ays to protect them.b. Decorate your poster and proposal and put them on our information board。九、教学反思:本课是我校在探索生命教育与学科渗透这一课题的过程中,我所开设的一节市级公开课。这不仅仅是一节基础型英语课,更是一节以英语语言为载体的主题性教育课,是我选择了课本中一个很小的切入口,把它作为本节课生命教育的立足点,把大量的课外补充知识贯穿到课堂内教学活动中的一次探索和尝试。从生命教育的学科渗透来看这节课,虽然英语课是生命教育的隐性学科,与其他学科相比更加注重语言知识的讲授、理解和运用,但是以教材
31、中有限的教育资源为切口,抓住一切契机融入相关的补充材料,在英语课堂上对学生进行生命教育,培养学生正确的世界观和人生观,还是很有可操作性的。本节课的教学让我对如下几点有了切实的感受:1、生命教育与具体学科教学结合时,要充分重视让学生的体验,帮助他们感悟真实生活。为此,要精心设计教材的呈现形式与活动内容,并提供能让学生体验与感悟的相关资源(包括影视教材、多媒体课件、网络资源等) ,使生命教育得到较有质量的实施,师在课堂教学过程中要注意给学生有更多参与体验活动的时间与空间。2、根据初二学生的认知和行为特点,在实施生命教育过程中,应着重培养学生的情感、态度、价值观。也应突出学生的自主体验,让学生通过活