1、摘要I振铃检测及模拟摘挂机摘 要随着信息科技的日益发展,智能家居逐渐得到普及,而远程家电控制系统则是智能家居的一个重要组成部分。本系统设计的是由用户通过拨打家里的电话来实现远程控制家用电器。本系统是以AT89S52 为控制核心,通过振铃检测来实现模拟摘挂机;通过音芯片 ISD4004 完成语音的录制和播放,用来提示用户进行密码输入等一系列的操作;通过解码芯片 MT8870对 DTMF 信号进行解码,用按键操作来实现密码输入及对控制对象的选择;通过ZigBee 模块组网来实现对具体家用电的控制。并结合具体的软件程序实现了远程家电控制系统。振铃检测及模拟摘挂机部分则是本文的重点。系统通过设计了一个
2、具有整流、滤波、稳压等一系列功能的模拟电路以及相应的软件程序来实现对电话线路中铃流信号的检测和模拟摘挂机。并通过实际测试,最终实现了振铃信号检测及模拟摘挂机的功能。关键词:远程家电控制;模拟摘挂机;MT8870;ISD4004;ZigBeeAbstractIIAbstractWith the increasing development of information technology, smart home gradually gained popularity, and the remote appliance control system is the smart home is an
3、 important component.This system is designed by the user by calling your home phone to remote control home appliances. The system is based AT89S52 as the control center via the ring detection to achieve analog hook; through a complete voice chip ISD4004 voice recording and playback, used to prompt t
4、he user for the password input and a series of operations; through the decoder chip MT8870 DTMF signals on decode the password with the key operation to achieve the object of the control input and choice; through networking ZigBee module to achieve the specific household electric control. Combined w
5、ith specific software programs to achieve the remote appliance control system.Ring detection and analogue hook part is the focus of this article. By designing a system with a rectifier, filter, regulator and a series of functional analog circuits and the software program to achieve the ringing signa
6、l on the telephone line and the analog detection hook. Through the actual test, and finally realize the ringing signal detection and simulation pick hang up function.Keywords: reAbstractIIImotecontrolofhomeappliances; anaAbstractIVloghookandhangup; MT8870; ISD4004; ZAbstractVigBee目录目 录摘 要 .IAbstract.II1 绪 论.21.1设计背景21.2发展现状21.3功能及特点22 总体设计.2目录2.1硬件设计22.1.1主要芯片22.1.2振铃检测及模拟摘挂机模块目录22.1.3DTMF信号解码模块22.1.4语音提示模块22.1.5目录控制模块22.2软件设计22.2.1振铃计数部分22.2.2语音提示目录部分22.2.3密码服务部分22.2.4控制部分23 详细设计.23.1振铃检测部