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1、仪表管路吹扫、试压方案Blowing and pressure test plan of instrument pipe-route1、编制说明:仪表管路吹扫、试压工作宜在仪表管路安装已经结束,并经过技术核对无误后进行。仪表管路吹扫、试压是仪表工程的重要环节,管线吹扫使仪表管路清洁、畅通、无阻塞,保证现场仪表正常使用;管路试压是检验管线焊接,管线与设备连接及设备与设备连接内在质量的有效手段,通过管路试压能消除质量隐患,对装置安全、正常运行意义重大。为了确保该项工作能安全有效的完成,编制了该方案。2、编制依据:2.1、工程合同及相关文件2.2、仪表工程设计文件。2.3、现行自动化仪表工程施工及验

2、收规范 。2.4、现行工业金属管道工程施工及验收规范 。2.5、工艺管道、设备专业,吹扫、试压方案。3、工程概况:工程概况应包括:工程名称、范围、地点、规模、特点、主要技术参数、主要实物工程、工期要求及投资等方面的内容。附:主要实物工程量表:序号 吹扫、试压项目单位数量备注1 仪表风支管线 系统2 伴热支管件 系统3 测量管线 套温度仪表 支流量计 台节流孔板 台调节阀 台4管件安装仪表 在线分析仪表 台温度仪表 支浮筒液位计 台单双法兰液位计 台5设备安装仪表 浮球液位计 台其它 台6 气动信号管路 系统4、操作方法及技术要求:Operation method and technique r

3、equest:4.1、吹扫:Blowing:4.1.1、一般规定General Prescriptions:a、仪表管路吹扫宜同工艺管道系统同步进行,也可用无油空气压缩机自备气源进行吹扫。Blowing instru. pipeline at the step of process pipe blowing simultaneously. Blowing is also permitted with self-supply air-source by air compress.b、仪表管路吹扫应先工艺管线,后仪表管线;先主管线,后支管线。After basic eligibility of p

4、rocess pipe blowing, blowing instru. conduit. First, man pipeline, and then pipeline.c、仪表风管路系统吹扫过程中,当目测无烟尘时,在排气口放置靶板检验,5 分钟内靶板上无铁锈、尘土、水份及其它杂物为合格;测量管线、伴热管线、气动信号管线,目测排出气体无尘烟、杂质为合格。During the course of system blowing of instru. wind-conduit, if seeing non-smoke, place target-plate at drain outlet. Non-

5、existence of iron-rust, dust, water, or other waste in fire minutes, it is passable. Seeing non-smoke gas from measuring pipeline, tracing pipeline, pneumatic signal pipeline is qualified.4.1.2、仪表风管吹扫 Blowing of instrument wind-pipe:本方案以所附仪表风系统图进行叙述Explain and state with adherent system drawing of i

6、nstru. wind:No.1. System Drawing of instru. Wind-branch, pipeline.、与工艺管道系统同步进行吹扫操作步骤:Operating procedure of con-step blowing:a、确认、1、2、3 系统内所有阀门处于关闭状态。Verifying all valves of system ,,1,2,3,shut off.b、断开气源球阀 1、2、3 后仪表风管线,并错开接口。Disconnecting air supply globe-valve 1, 2, 3, and staggering joint.

7、c、待工艺仪表管线吹扫基本干净后,打开仪表风支管线阀和排放阀,吹扫合格后,关闭排放阀。After basic purging cleaning of process instru. pipeline, Open wind-213Wind conduit ofprocess Instru现场仪表箱仪表风支管线213线管风表仪 艺工现场仪表箱气动仪表Pneumatic instruLocal instru. BoxBranch pipeline of instru. windbranch pipe-line valve I and drain valve, blowing to eligibili

8、ty and then closing drain valve .d、分别打开气源球阀 1、2、3,检验合格后关闭。系统内所有用气支线吹扫合格后,关闭仪表风支管线阀,并打开排放阀,排净系统内气体后关闭。Opening air-supply globe valve 1,2,3 and closing after test qualifiedly one by one. When all air-usage branch-lines of system blow to eligibility, shut valve I, open drain valve,and close it after bl

9、owing system air out.e、将气源球阀 1、2、3 后仪表风管线复位。Resetting instru. wind-pipe line behind globe valve 1,2,、自备气源进行吹扫操作步骤:Blowing Operation procedure with self-supply air-source.a、用临时管线连接排放阀与空气压缩机储气罐出口;断开仪表风支管线阀与管线连接,并错开接口或采取保护措施。Connecting drain valve and tank outlet of air compressor by temporary

10、 pipe-line. Disconnecting valve I from pipe line and staggering connector or taking protective measure.b、检查、确认阀,1、2、3 处于关闭状态。Inspecting and affirming valve 1, 2, 3 closed.c、断开各气源球阀后仪表风管线,并错开接口。Disconnecting instru. wind-pipe behind every air-supply globe valve, and staggering joint.d、当储气罐压力达到 0.50.7

11、Mpa 时,打开阀,在阀断开处检验,合格后,关闭压缩机,使阀复位,并使阀处于关闭状态。Opening valve and testing at the broken of valvewhen pressure in tank is up to 0.5-0.7MPa. Shutting off the compressor and returning valve which keeping it closed after eligibility,.e、重新开启压缩机,关闭阀,使储气罐压力升至 0.50.7Mpa。Restarting compressor and shutting valve u

12、ntil pressure in tank up to 0.50.7MP a.f、打开阀,分别打开各气源球阀,1、2、3 分别检验合格后关闭(可重复 e、f步操作,至合格为止) 。Opening valve II and opening air-source globe valve, test it respectively until eligibility then shut it.g、关闭压缩机,排净系统内气体后关闭阀。Closing the compressor and shutting valve II when blowing internal gas out . h、将气源球阀

13、1、2、3 后仪表风管线复位。Resetting instrument wind-pipe line where lain behind air-source globe valve 1,2,、仪表伴热管线:Tracing pipeline of instrument.、热水伴热管线:Hot-water tracing pipeline.本方案以所附热水伴热系统图、蒸气伴热系统图进行叙述。回水管回水支管线6549873C2B1A 热 水管保温箱 液位表 仪 表(图二)仪表热水伴热No.2.Systematic drawing of 1.hot-water traci

14、ng蒸汽支管线凝结水支管线BA1保温箱 仪表设备2(图三):仪表蒸汽伴热系统图回水支管线6549873C2B1AHot-water pipe Heating Box Level meter Instrument4.、与工艺管线系统同步进行吹扫操作步骤:(本文以阀进气,排气为吹扫路径,反之以阀进气,阀排气)Blowing Procedure at the same step of process pipe system:(Notes: blowing path is this: air-supply into valve I, air-relief from valve. On t

15、he contrary , air into valve , drain from valve a、确认阀、1、2、39 处于关闭状态。Make sure valve , , closed.b、待工艺热水管吹扫基本干净后,打开阀和阀,热水支管线合格后,关闭阀。After clean blowing almost of process hot-water pipe, open valve I and valve . Do not shut valve until blowing of hot-water branch pipeline is passable.c、打开回水支管线排放阀,按回路依次

16、进行吹扫,合格后关闭各回路截止阀。No3.Steam tracing system drawingdrawing12Steam Branch PipelineBranch pipeline of condensation waterInstrument equipmentHeating boxOpen valve ,and blow in turn according to loop. Closing all retaining valves of loop after eligibility.d、排净系统内气体后关闭阀。Closing valve when blowing internal

17、gas out . e、单独吹扫回水支线管。Blowing water-return branch pipe singly.如果伴热系统工艺专业采用水冲洗的方式,可按上述步骤同样进行。但冲洗后应打开低点排放阀 7、8、9,排净管线内的积水。If process adopts water-washing to tracing system, blowing procedure is the same as above .However, after purging, open lower-spot drain valve 7,8,9 to remove the accumulated water

18、 of pipelines.对蒸汽伴热管线,吹扫前拆除疏水器,吹扫合格后正确复位,吹扫步骤同 ad。For steam tracing pipe-line, dismantling compensator prior to blowing and wrest resetting after blowing eligibility .Blowing procedure is the same as ad.、自备气源进行吹扫操作步骤:Blowing procedure with self-supply air-source:a、用临时管线连接排放阀与空气压缩机储气罐出口;断开热

19、水支管线阀与管线连接,并错开接口或采取保护措施。Joining drain valve with storage tank of air compressor by temporary pipeline. Separating valve I on hot-water branch pipe from pipes. Besides, staggering connector or adopting protective measures. b、检查、确认系统内所有阀门处于关闭状态。Checking and affirming all valves of closed.c、当储罐压力达到 0.5

20、0.7Mpa 时,打开阀,在阀断开处检验,合格后关闭压缩机,使阀复位,并使阀处于关闭状态。Opening valve and testing at the broken of valve ,when tank pressure is up to 0.57MPa .After eligibility, shutting off compressor and returning valve .Keeping valve closed.d、重新开启压缩机,关闭阀,使储气罐压力升至 0.50.7Mpa。Restarting compressor and shutting valve off. Maki

21、ng tank pressure raising to 0.50.7MPa.e、打开回水支管线排放阀,分别打开 A、B、C 回路阀门,依次进行吹扫(吹扫过程中,重复 d、e 步操作) ,合格后关闭各回路截止阀。Opening drain valve of water return branch pipeline and loop valves such as A.B.C. and blowing one after another. Closing every loop retaining valves after eligibility .f、排净系统内气体后关闭阀。Closing valv

22、e Iv after blowing inner gas out.g、单独吹扫回水管线,对蒸气伴热管线,吹扫前拆除疏水器,吹扫合格后正确复位,吹扫步骤同 af。Single-blowing water return pipeline .For steam tracing pipeline, dismantling compensator prior to blowing. Resetting correctly when blowing is qualified .Blowing procedure is the same as af .4 .1.4、测量管线吹扫操作步骤:Blowing pr

23、ocedure of measuring pipeline:a、确认参与吹扫的测量管线的仪表位号。Verifying instru. tag No of measuring pipeline .b、断开测量管线与仪表设备的连接,并使管线与设备(或三阀组)错开或采取适当的保护措施。Separating measurement pipe line from instru. device staggering and taking proper protective measure.c、检查、确认管线阀门的开关状态。一次阀关闭,排放阀关闭,二次阀关闭。Inspecting and verifying

24、 the status of pipe line valve. Primary valve, drain valve, secondary valve shall be closed.d、依次打开各位号测量管线的一次阀、排放阀进行吹扫,合格后关闭排放阀。Opening every primary valve, drain valve and blowing. Shutting drain valve after eligibility.e、打开二次阀,吹扫合格后关闭。Opening secondary valve and closing when blowing is qualified.f、

25、吹扫合格后,关闭一次阀,使测量管线与设备(或三阀组)复位。After blowing-eligibility, closing primary valve and keeping measured pipeline and equipment where they are.4.1.5、气支信号管路吹扫. Blowing of pneumatic signal conduit对气动信号管路的吹扫,可采用正式的仪表风作为气源,对各管线依次进行吹扫,管线清洁、无烟尘即为合格。 Adopting formal instrument wind as air-source and blowing one

26、by one. Pipeline-cleanness and non-smoke mean eligibility. The method is applied for:a、球阀与过滤器减压阀管线吹扫(带气源分配合) 。Blowing of ball valve and reducing valve of filter (with manifold).b、气动信号回路。Pneumatic signal loop.4.2、试压:Test pressure4.2.1、管线试压的一般规定:General regulation of test pressure of pipeline:a、管路系统的压

27、力试验,宜采用液压;当试验压力不小于 1.6Mpa,且管路内介质为气体时,可采用气压进行。ydraulic-pressure shall be used to pressure-test of audit system. Air-pressure is permitted when test-pressure is lower than1.6MPa and conduit medium is gas.b、液压试验压力应为系统设计压力的 1.5 倍,当达到试验压力后,停压 10 分钟,无泄漏为合格。Hydraulic test pressure shall be 1.5 times of des

28、ign pressure. Waiting for ten minutes up to test-pressure. Non-leakage is passable.c、气压试验压力应为系统设计压力的 1.15 倍,当达到试验压力后,停压 5 分钟,压力下降值不大于试验压力的 1%为合格。Gas test-pressure shall be 1.15 times of design pressure. Waiting for 5 minutes up to test-pressure. Test-pressure is qualified when pressure reducing is n

29、o more then 1 of test-pressure.d、液压试验介质应用洁净的水,当管路材质为奥氏不锈钢时,水的氯离子含量不得超过 0.0025%,试验后应将液体排净。Clean water shall be applied to hydraulic test-medium .When material of conduit is stainless steel CL- Content in water shall be not beyond 0.0025%.在环境温度为 5以下进行试验时,应采取防冻措施。After test, draining liquid out. Freezi

30、ng-proof measure shall be taken when testing under 5 environmental temperature.e、压力试验用的压力表应校验合格,其精度不应低于 1.5 级,刻度上限值宜为试验压力的 1.52 倍。Pressure gauge used to test pressure shall be qualified. Its precision is no lower than 1.5 level.f、压力试验过程中,若发现有泄漏点,应在泄压后处理,处理后,应重新试验。solving it after pressure relief, an

31、d testing again.g、当工艺系统规定进行真空度或泄漏量试验时,其内的仪表管路系统应随工艺系统一起进行试验。While process system requires testing of vacuum or leakage amount instrument conduit system in it shall test together.h、试验合格的仪表管路系统,得到质检人员及甲方现场代表的确认后,填写系统试压记录。As for those passable instrument test-conduits, quality inspector and client fiel

32、d representative shall check and verify. And then, noting pressure test record.i、仪表管路压力试验宜与管道同步进行,也可独立试验。Doing pressure-test of instrument conduit with pipes, or testing independently.4.2.2、仪表风系统操作步骤:Test-pressure procedure for instrument wind.a、在被试验系统内连接一块压力表。Connecting a pressure meter in measured

33、 system.b、确认系统内所有阀门处于关闭状态。Make ensure all the valves of system are closed.c、打开仪表风支管线进气阀,待压力升至设计压力的 1.15 倍,关闭进气阀。Open gas-inlet value of instrument wind branch pipe. Close it when pressure is up to 1.15 times of design pressure.d、观察压力表指针,在 5 分钟内压力下降值1%为合格。Observing pressure gauge pointer: If the desc

34、ending degree of pressure is less than 1% within five minutes, it is passable.e、如果不合格,应仔细检查系统内下列部位,并在漏点处作明显的标识。If not certificated, examine carefully the following parts of system and mark clear sign at Leakage place.(1) 、各种管件、阀门、螺纹连接处、填料压差处。Connecting parts of various pipe-pieces, valves, and bolts

35、 nuts, and parts of filling and pressurizing.(2) 、管路所用管材是否有裂缝,沙眼或机械损伤。Whether existence of split, trachoma and mach me-damage in conduit or not.f、发现漏点、泄压应统一处理。Finding leakage, dealing with after pressure-relief together. g、重复 b、c、d、e、f 步骤,试验合格为止。Executing b, c, d, e, f again until test is possible.h

36、、关闭系统内所有阀门。Close all the valves of system.自备气源试压时,用临时管线连接储气罐出口与系统内任一阀门接口,打开进气阀充气压力升至试验压力后,关闭进气阀,试验步骤同仪表风系统操作步骤。When testing pressure with self-supply gas-source, connect outlet of storage tank with any valve, charging gas. Waiting by momentary pipeline. Switch on charging valve, and charge gas. Wait

37、 it rising to test-pressure, and closing charging valve. Testing procedure is the same as Test-pressure procedure for instrument wind.4.2.3 试压试验 test-pressure4.2.3、1 伴热管路试压操作步骤:Operating procedure of test-pressure of tracing conduit:a、在被试验系统内设置一块压力表。Placing a pressure meter in tested system.b、确认管路系统

38、内所有阀门处于关闭状态。Verifying all the valves of system closedc、打开伴热支管线截止阀,依次打开各回路截止阀,压力升至试验压力后关闭伴热支管线截止阀。Opening retaining valves of tracing branch pipeline and back valves of every loop gradually. Closing retaining valves of tracing branch pipeline when rising to testing pressure.d、启动秒表,观察压力表指针,在 10 分钟内无压降

39、为合格。Starting stopwatch and observing pointer of pressure meter. If non-existence of pressure dropping within 10 minutes, it is qualified.e、如果不合格,应仔细检查漏点,并作适当的标记,泄压后统一处理。If it is not passable, examining leakage carefully and marking proper sign and disposing with after pressure-relief.f、漏点处理完后,重新升压试验

40、,重复伴热管路试压操作至试压合格。After completion of dealing with leakage, testing again according the procedure same as procedure of test-pressure of tracing conduit until qualification.g、打开排放阀,排净管路内的积水,并关闭系统内所有阀门。Opening drainage valve and drain accumulated water out. And then closing all the valves.、伴热管中系

41、统单独试压时,用临时管线连接液压泵出口与分伴热支管线排放阀,打开进水阀,使系统内压力逐渐升至试验压力后,关闭进水阀,试验操作步骤同伴热管路试压操作至试压合格。 For system single test-pressure of tracing pipe, connecting outlet of hydraulic pump with drainage valve of branch tracing pipe by temporary pipeline. Opening water charging valve, making systematic pressure risin

42、g to test pressure, and closing charging valve. The procedure same as procedure of test-pressure of tracing conduit until qualification.until qualification.4.2.4、测量管线:Test pressure execution steps of measured pipeline4.2.4.1、随工艺管道系统同步进行试压操作步骤:Test pressure steps accompanying with process pipe system

43、:a、检查、确认每台设备测量管线所有阀门的状态。一次阀关闭,二次阀关闭,排放阀关闭。Check and verify the condition of all valves of measured pipeline of every equipment. Close the primary and secondary valve, drainage valve and open balance valve.b、打开一次阀、排放阀,进行适当排放。Opening primary valve, drainage valve and letting air out.c、关闭排放阀,打开一次阀、二次阀。

44、Shutting down drainage valve, open primary and secondary valve.d、如果试验介质为液体,检查测量管线系统内各处是否有渗漏,无泄漏为合格。如果试验介质为气体,用发泡济涂抹,测量管线系统内所有连接处,无泄漏为合格。If test medium is liquid ,inspect whether existence of leakage or not in measured pipeline system. Non-leakage is passable. To gas, drawing vesicant at all the conn

45、ections of measured pipeline system, non-leakage is qualified.e、发现漏点后,关闭一次阀,打开排放阀泄压后处理,处理完后重新检验,至合格。When discovering leakage spot, closing primary valve, open drainage valve to deal with A finishing dispersion, test again up to eligibility.f、试验无泄漏的测量管线,关闭一次阀、二次阀,打开排放阀、变送器排污丝堵,排净管线内的试验介质。For non-leak

46、age pipeline, closing primary and secondary valve; Opening drainage valve and draining plug off transmitter. Draining test medium in pipeline out.、测量管线按仪表信号单独试压操作步骤:Single test-pressure steps according to instrument tag NOa、用 6 或 8 铜管,通过变送器排污口(或测量管线排放阀)连接手压泵。Using 6 or 8 copper pipe, through

47、draining outlet/nozzle of transmitter, to connect hand-pressure pump.b、确认测量管线内阀门的状态。一次阀关闭,二次阀打开,排放阀关闭(如果平衡阀打开) 。Affirming the status of valves of measured pipeline. Primary valves closed, secondary valve open. Drainage valve closed(when balance valve is open).c、打开手压泵出口阀,手动打压,逐渐升压至试验压力。Open outlet va

48、lve of hand-pressure pump. By manual pressure, rising to test pressure gradually/slowly.d、关闭手压泵出口阀,保压 5 分钟,压力不下降为合格。Close outlet valve and pressure for 5 minutes. If pressure won,t descend, it is qualified.e、如果有泄漏,检查漏点,打开手压泵出口阀,泄压后处理,重复 c、d 步骤,至合格。Check leakage spot if existence. Open outlet valve o

49、f manual-pressure pump and dispose after pressure relief. Redoing c, d up to certification.f、试验合格的测量管线,拆除临时管线,恢复各阀门原来状态。For passable measured pipeline, taking apart temporary pipeline and restoring valves primary status/manner.g、填写试验记录Filling and writing test record.4.2.5、气动信号管路试压操作步骤:Test-pressure steps of pneumatic signal conduit:、气压信号管路试压用设备材料:空压机一台,气动减压伐一台,压力表一块,针形伐一个,直通中间接头,直通终端接头及 6 铜管,气源软管。Equipments and material for test-pressur


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