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1、F.A.Q. 良好平均品质 FCL 整箱货LCL 拼箱货LIBOR 伦敦银行同业拆放利率GSP 普遍优惠制A.W.B 空运提单C.O.D货到付款DPV 完税价格LG 担保书保证书(与 L/C 区分,L/C 是信用证)MT 公吨the Customs General Administration 海关总署 prevent and counter smuggling activities 查缉走私 the Peoples Republic of China 中华人民共和国 Supervision and Control 监管 postal articles 邮递物品 Up to date 到目前为

2、止 means of transport 运输工具 the State Council 国务院Customs statistics 海关统计 pilot project 试验项目attach great importance to 高度重视 air waybill 空运提单Customs law 海关法International Trade Administration 国际贸易管理署unfair foreign trade practices 不公平外贸手段return on investment 资本回报file for relief 申请救助comparable goods 同类货物 i

3、ncrease market share 增加市场份额anti-dumping legislation 反倾销法in some cases 在某些情况下 International Trade Commission 国际贸易署 less than fair value 低于公平价格dumping margins 倾销幅度,倾销差价market share 市场份额across the country 遍布全国rest wit 取决于 participate in 参加 anti-dumping duties 反倾销税shipping marks 唛头 Bill of Lading (B/L)

4、提单 over-landed cargo 溢卸货物 short-landed cargo 短卸货物 over-carriedcargo 漏卸货物或溢载货物 shut-out cargo 退关货物shipping order 装船通知 broken and damage cargo 残损货物 pilferage or theft of cargo 货物被盗被窃packing list 装货单. 1.中华人民共和国海关是国家的进出关境监督管理机关。The customs of the Peoples Republic of China is a state organ responsible fo

5、r the supervision and control over imports and exports.2海关依法独立行使职权 The customs exercise their functions and powers independently.3中国海关高度重视信息技术的发展.China Customs attaches great importance to the development of information technology4.信息技术对海关的现代化进程发挥着至关重要的作用。Information technology provides crucial infr

6、astructure for the customs modernization program.5.海关2000计划将给我国海关的作业管理带来革命性的变化。The Customs 2000 Projectwill bring a revolutionary change to the operational management of China Customs.6.政府将成立特别工作小组调查毒品走私活动。The government will set up aspecial working party to look into the activities of drugs smuggli

7、ng in that city.7. 国家在对外开放的口岸设立海关。The state sets up Customs at ports opening to foreign countries 8. 国家在海关业务集中的地点设立海关 The state sets up Customs at places which call for concentrated Customs operation.9.您知道交货时间对我们来说很重要。You may know that time of delivery is a matter of great importance to us10. 我希望你们能

8、在收到我方信用证后马上交货。I hope that the goods can be dispatched promptly after you get my LC11. 我们在收到你方信用证的两三个星期内就能交货。Shipment can be effected within two or three weeks after receipt of your LC12. 货物 CIF 的10%是进口商的正常利润。10% of the total CIF value is the normal margin of profit of theimporter.13中国海关在进出口监管方面履行四项主

9、要任务。Chinas Customs takes on four main tasks in the supervision and control of imports and exports .14.由于提单上的收货人与原合同规定的不符,因而该货物不能装运。The cargo should not be loaded because the consignee in the B/L did not correspond/accord with the stipulation of the original contract.15.查禁走私的政策应由海关贯彻执行。It is the duty

10、 for the Customs to carry out the state police of prevention and countering of the smuggling.16.残损货物只有经过海关检验后,才能予以减税或免税 Only after examination by the Customs could the duty on broken and damaged cargo be reduced/abated or exempted.17.无论如何我都不能接受你方的发盘 Under no circumstance can I accept you partys offe

11、r. 18你怎么能说宗教除了控制人们思想之外一无是处呢?How can you say that the religion is nothing other than to control the peoples idea.19.般来说有收到信用证以后3个月内可以交货。As a rule,we deliver all our orders within three months after receipt of the covering LC.20.保税仓库可由私人公司设立,但必须经海关承认。Bonded warehouse may be set up by private companies

12、 but recognized by the Customs.21.海关关税会束缚出口商的资金,因此阻碍对外贸易的发展。Customs Duties will tie up the exports capital and istherefore a barrier to the development of foreign trade.22. 如内地保税仓库设在距设有海关的港口较远的地方,海关必须对未完税的原材料从进口地点到内地保税仓库的运输实行监管。If the inland bonded warehouses are set up at places far away from the C

13、ustoms ports , the Customs has to institute supervision and control of the conveyance / transport of rawmaterial on which duties has not been paid from the import place to the inland warehouse.23. 海关对在仓库内变腐烂的货物不征收关税,因为这些货物不能投放到自由流通领域。The Customs should not levy on the decaying cargoes in thewarehous

14、e, because such cargoes cant be put into the free circulation area.24. 很明显,保税仓库制度会为进口商或出口商带来许多好处,因此促进国际贸易的发展。It isapparent that the scheme of bonded warehouse will benefit exporters or importer very much , which promotes the development of international trade.25.海关应对免税运入保税仓库中的进口原材料实行监管。The Customs s

15、hall exercise supervision and control over the imported materials taken into a bonded warehouse without payment of duty.26.经营保税仓库的机构应对货物在保税仓库中的严重损失负主要责任。The agency operating the bonded warehouse shall take mainresponsibility for serious loss of goods in the warehouse.27.货物一旦进口就置于海关监管之下。Once the good

16、s are imported, they are placed under the supervision and control of Customs.28.如果暂准进口货物需捐赠,则需办理所有的海关手续。Should temporarily imported goods be donated, all Customs procedures must be processed./carried out29. 暂准进口单证册的使用大大简化了货物进出口的手续。The adoption of ATA carnet greatly simplified the procedures regardin

17、g imports and exports.30. 除非有特别许可,否则,货物必须从设关地点进出,这一规定不得免除。Except in case of special permission, the rule that all goods must enter or leave the territory from a place where there is a Customs establishment is not waived.31. 你们一定要在交货期前30天把信用证开达我方。Your LC must reach us 30 days before delivery32.有没有法律来

18、帮助国内生产商对抗国外的竞争者?Are there nolaws to help domestic producers fight overseas competitors?33.我国争取鼓励进口商以低于公平价值销售。Our country seeksto discourage the importation of merchandise at “less than fair value”.34.侵销是商品在进口国的价格低于在出口国国内的价格。Dumping is the selling of goods at pricesin importermarket lower than the pr

19、ices at which comparable goods are sold in the domestic market of the exporter.35.值得关注的是大量的倾销会破坏美国的企业。The concern is that a flood ofdumpingwill destroy American business.36.商业部门经常复审并且根据合理情况来调整倾销幅度。Commerce reviews annually and adjusts the dumping margins as circumstances warrant.37.如果调查没有发现“低于公平价值销售

20、”的证据,那么此案即可结束。If the investigation finds no evidence of “sales at less than fair value”, the caseis closed.38.如果倾销成立,海关必须对每一个国外生产商任意一批货物征收已估定的反倾销税。Ifa finding of dumping is made, Customs must collect the anti-dumping duties assessed one each individual shipment from each foreign producer.39.如果制造商相信他

21、们的国外竞争是侵销的话,可能向美国国际贸易管理署商务部申请救助。Manufacturers that believe their foreign competition is “dumping” may file for relief with the U.S. Department of Commerces International Trade Administration (ITA).40. 通过海关监管是进出中国关境的必由之路。To pass through the Customs supervision and control is the only access to arriva

22、l in and departure from the Chinese Customs territory.41.我们采用不可撤销的信用证,凭装运单据结汇付款方式。We usually accept payment by irrevocable LC payable against shipping documents。42. 非经对外经济贸易部核准的单位经营进出口业务是不合法的。It is illegal to engage in operations of imports and exports by the authorizations other than authorized by

23、the Foreign Economy and Trade Department.43. 除非船长在船舶报告书上保证船上无非法货物,否则海关关员将不准该船进港。The Customs officers will not permit the ship to enter port unless the master of the vessel ensure that there is no illegal cargo in it.44.如果船长不能保证船上没有具体的传染病,那么此船必须交由检疫员处理。In the event that the captain could not ensure t

24、here is no specific infectious disease in vessel, the vessel is subject to disposal of by the quarantine officer.45.海关征税关员是在装卸港口负责收税的关员。 The collector of Customs is the officer who is in charge of levy at port of discharge.46.非法撕毁海关封志应受到重罚。The law imposes heavy penalties for unauthorized breakage of

25、 Customs seal.47. 海关应对过境货物予以监管,并检查进出境人员的证件。 TheCustomshouldexercise/institute supervision and control over transit cargo, and examine the papers of the persons entering or leaving the territory.48.你可以就该商品归类问题向海关关员提出异议,但对海关的裁定必须先行服从。You can take issue with customs officer on the problem of the commod

26、itys classification, but should be subject to the verdict(decision)of customs at first.49. 如果海关关员不履行它们的正常职责,不对保税仓库中所进行的加工作业实行监管,就会出现海关关员的薪金和其他津贴由谁付的问题。If Customs personnel are diverted from their normal functions to supervise and control manufacturing operations in bonded warehouse, the question of

27、who should pay for the salaries and other emoluments of the Customs staff arises.50.如果你们订货数量大,我们准备减价2。We are prepared to make a 2 reduction if your older is big enough51. 如果您们答应提前交货,我们可以接受你方的价格。We may accept your price only if you can make an earlier shipment52 .该公司今年的生意亏本几乎是由于新的国内税和美元升值造成的 The lose

28、 this year of the company arose almost from the new civil duties and the appreciation of US dollar.53.单证册上列明货物在展览结束后没有复运出口,则单证持有人有义务缴纳该批货物的税费。In the event that goods listed in the carnet are not re-exported after the exhibition ends, the holder of the carnet is liable to all duties and taxes due.54.

29、这个公司值得信赖,海关不检查其进口货物。The company is so trustworthy that the Customs will not check its imported cargo55.具体业务您可以和主管这项业务的王先生洽谈。You can talk the business over with Mr.Wang who is in charge of this line56.我们想了解一下你们在这方面的供货能力和销售条Wedlike to know the availability and the conditions of sale of this line57.如果按

30、这个价格买进我方实在难以推销 It would be very difficult for us to push any sales if we buy it at this price58.进口商应将一份经正式背书的可转让提单正本提交给载运船只,以取得货物放行。An original negotiable copy of Bill of Lading duly endorsed shall be surrendered by the importer to the carrying vessel in order to cause the release of the merchandise

31、 to him.59.提单经常被类似于其他非海运运输方式所使用的不可转让的单据所代替。Bills of lading are frequently replaced by non-negotiable documents similar to those which are used for other modes of transport than carriage by sea.60.祝大家生意兴隆,买卖越做越好!I wish you all brisk business and continued development in our business dealings!61. 为了便于

32、准备货物,我们希望允许分批装运。To make it easier for us to get the goods ready for shipment,we hope that partial shipment is allowed62. 我们很抱歉地通知你们,你们的货物的质量未达到合同规定的要求。 We are sorry to inform you that the shipment is not up to the standard stipulated in the contract63 我们的贸易政策是一贯的, 即坚持平等互利,互通有无的原则 We stick to a consi

33、stent policy in our foreign trade work,that isthe principle of equality and mutual benefits,as well as exchange of needed goods64.我们在外贸工作中采用了国际上的通用作法,根据世界市场的行情来调整价格。We have adopted the usual international practices in our foreign trade work, and readjust our price according to the international mark

34、ets65由于我方不熟悉买方的资信状况,还是采用预付现金的支付方式为好。It is better for us to adopt such method of payment as Cash in Advance due to not familiar with the buyers credit standing.66出口商把合同中所要求的单据呈交给银行,并指示银行在进口商承兑汇票后将这些单据递交给该进口商。The exporter presents the documents called for in the contract to his bank and instructs the

35、bank to deliver them to the importer against acceptance of the bill.67.如果提单上所填写的和实际货物有出入,船运公司就不得不在提单上加注批语,说明货物损坏和灭失的情况。If there is any difference between what is said on the Bill and the actual condition of the consignment, the shipping company has to write a clause on the Bill giving the damage or

36、loss.68不清洁提单必须不惜任何代价加以避免,出口商必须确保货物抵达码头时完好无损。Foul Bill of Lading must be avoided at all costs and the exporter must make sure that their goods arrive at the docks in good order and condition.69有时候货物出现某些瑕疵也在所难免,在这种情况下,出口商必须征得进口商的同意,允许在提单上有某些批注。Sometimes certain defects of the goods are unavoidable,in

37、such cases the exporter must get the agreement of the importer to certain clauses on the bill of Lading.70.提单是一个起着提单票面所描述的货物所有权凭证的作用的单据。Bill of lading is a document which serves to establish evidence of ownership over the goodsdescribed on the face of theinstrument.71.我们的价格和国际市场的价格相比还是合理的。Our price

38、is reasonable compared with that in the international market72. 从质量方面考虑,我认为这个价格是合理的。Taking the quality into consideration,I think the price is reasonable。73这些不可转让的单据使用起来还是十分令人满意的,除了在买方希望通过将纸质单据交付给新的买主即可出售在途货物的情况之外。These non-negotiable documents are quite satisfactory to use except where the buyer wi

39、shes to sell the goods in transit by surrendering a paper document to the new buyer.74为了使货物可以在途中被出售,CIF 条件下,必须保留买方提供提单的义务。In order to make it possible to sell the goods in transit, the obligation of the seller to provide a bill of lading under CIF mustnecessarily be retained.75. 既然买方没有出售在途货物的打算,那么 C

40、IF 合同下双方同意解除买方提供提单的责任。Since the buyer does not contemplate selling the goods in transit, the parties under CIF contract agree to relieve/exempt/remit the sell from the obligation to provide B/L.76. 保险单上记录着投保人承诺支付的保险费和承保人承诺为所规定的损失进行的赔偿。The policy records thepremiums which the insured party promises t

41、opay, and the compensation for a stated misfortune which the insurer promises to pay.77.在交货期前1个月,你方必须开立信用证。Youll have to open the LC one month before the time you want the goods to be delivered78. 公司委派我和你们具体洽谈业务 I have been assigned to negotiate business with you.79中国人民保险公司基本保险条款有平安险、水渍险和一切险三种。There

42、 are three basic covers in PICC, namely, Free from Particular Average, With Particular Average and All Risks.80.在出口交易中,进出口商双方都面临风险,因为总是存在着对方不履约的可能性。Both the exporter and importer face risks in an export transaction because there is always the possibility that the other party may not fulfill thecontract.81出口商延误履行订单和在进口国家结关困难都可能造成业务损失。Delays infulfillment of orders by exporters and difficult customs clearance in the importing country can cause loss of business.


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