1、1. able,ible-able 能力2. academ-college 学府3. acid,acu-sour,sharp 尖,酸,锐利4. act-to do, to drive 行动5. add-plus 加6. aero,aeri-air 空气,充气7. ag-do,act 做,代理做8. agon,angu-struggle 挣扎,斗争,痛苦9. agri-field,land 田地,农业10. alt-high 高11. alter, altern-other, to change 其他的,改变状态12. ally-unite 同盟,联合13. ami, amat-love 爱,情
2、爱14. ambul-walk 行走,走路15. ampl-large 大16. anim-life, spirit 生命,精神17. ann-year 年,一年18. anthrop-man,human 人,人类19. anci, antiq-old 古老20. anxi-angry 愤怒,焦虑21. apt-fit, ability 适应,能力22. arch-ruler,rule,chief 统治者,统治,主要的23. arbit(r)-judge 判断24. arc(h)-bow 弓25. arm-weapon 武器26. art-skill, joint, trick 技巧,关节,诡
3、计27. astro, aster-star 星星28. aug-increase 增加29. audi, audit,aur-hear 听30. auto-self 自己31. avi-bird 鸟32. back-向后33. ball, bol-throw,dance,ball 抛,舞,球34. bas, base-low, foundation 低下,基础35. ban-prohibit 禁止36. bank-bench 长凳37. bar-stick 栅,栏38. bat-beat 打,击39. bell, bel-war, fight 战争,打斗40. bin, bi-two 两,二
4、41. bio, bi-life 生命,生物42. brace-two arms 两臂43. break-破,破裂44. cas, cid-fall 落下,降临45. cand-white, glow 白,发光46. cant, cent-sing, song 唱,歌47. cap,capt,cept,ceive,cip,cup-take, hold, seize 拿,抓,握住48. cap,cipit-head, 头49. cord-heart 心脏,一致50. calc-count 石头,计算51. calori-heat 热52. camp-field 田野53. car,char-de
5、ar 可爱的54. card, chart-paper 纸片55. cause-reason 原因56. cav-hole 洞57. ced, ceed, cess-go 行走,前进58. celer-quick, speed 快速59. celebr-赞美60. cent-hundred 一百61. centr-center 中心62. cern,cert,cret,crep-sure, separate 搞清,区别63. character-trait 性格,特征64. cid, cis-cut, kill 切开,杀65. circ, cycl-ring, circle 圆,环66. ci
6、t-quote,call 引用,唤起67. cil-call 召集68. civ-citizen 公民69. claim, clam-cry out, shout 呼喊,叫喊70. class-grade 等级71. clear,clar-clear 清楚,明白72. clin, cliv-lean, slope 倾斜,斜坡73. clos, clus, clud-close 关闭74. cogn-know 知道75. colony-殖民76. com-banquet 宴会77. cosm-world 世界,宇宙78. cost,cos-费用79. count-数,数数80. cracy,cr
7、a-rule 统治或政体 crat=ruler 统治者81. creed, cred-believe, trust 相信,信任82. cre, creas-grow, make 增长,产生83. crit, cris-judge, discern 判断,分辨84. custom-habit 习惯85. cult-till 耕种,培养86. cur-care 关心87. cur(r), curs, cours-run 跑,发生88. demn-harm 伤害89. dem(o)-people 人民,人们90. dens-make thick 变浓厚91. dent-tooth 表示牙齿92. d
8、i-day 日,日子93. dict,dic-say, assert 说话,断言94. dign-worthy,noble 值得,高贵95. divi, divid-separate 分,分开96. dom-house 屋,家97. dorm-sleep 睡眠98. dox-opinion 观点99. drawpulll 拉100. doc, doctto teach 教101. don,ditgive 给予102. down向下103. du, dub ,doubtwo 二,双104. duc, duct, ducelead, bring 引导,带来105. durlast, hard 持久
9、,坚硬106. dyn, dynamopower 力量107. em,empt,ampltake, procure 拿,获得108. edeat 吃109. ego我,自己110. electrelectricity 电的111. emper,impercommand 命令,统治112. equ, equiequal, even 相等,平均113. errwander, mistake 漫游,犯错误114. aesthetfeeling 感觉115. evage 年龄,时代116. ex, extr(e), exterout 出去117. expertspecialist 专家,专长118.
10、fabricmake 制作119. fac, fic=face 脸,面120. fac.face.fect,fic,fig=make, do 做,制作121. fabl,fabulspeak 讲,说122. federleague 联盟123. fall, fail, faulterr, deceive 犯错误,欺骗124. faretravel 旅行125. ferbing, carry 带来,拿来126. fend,fensstrike 打击127. fessspeak 说128. festfeast 节目129. fidtrust, faith 相信,信念130. flictstrike
11、 打击131. firm 坚定132. finend 结束,范围133. fix 固定134. flamblaze 火焰135. flatblow 吹136. flect, flexbend 弯曲、137. flor,flourflower 花138. fluflow 流动139. fore 前面140. force, fortstrong 强大,力量141. formshape 形状142. found,fundbase 基础143. fract,tragbreak 打碎144. frig,frigercold 表示冷145. frontforehead 前额146. fugflee 逃,离
12、开147. fortluck 运气148. fumsmoke 烟149. fuspour 流,泻150. gagevow 誓约151. gen,geni,generbirth,produce 基因;出生;产生152. gest,gistercarry,bring 带来,产生153. gllight 光154. gnos(t),gnorknow 知道155. gradstep,grade 步,级156. gram,graphwrite 写,图157. grat,greepleasing 感激,高兴158. grav,grief,grievheavy 重159. gressgo, walk 行走1
13、60. gardguard 守护;注视161. habitdewell 居住162. hapchance 机会,运气163. halebreathe 呼吸164. hand手165. hard硬的,难的166. head头167. heart心,精神168. heir, heritoffspring 后代169. helicspiral 螺旋170. her, hesstick 粘附171. hold保持,维持172. honhonor 光荣,尊敬173. hor(r )-dread 害怕174. hospit,hostguest 客人175. humearth 土,地176. hydr,hy
14、drowater 水177. hibithold 拿住178. idea,ideoidea 思想,观点179. ident相同的180. idolimage 形象,偶像181. imag,imitimagine,likeness 想象,相像182. insulisland 岛屿183. integrwhole 完整184. inter在内,在中间;相互185. itgo 行走186. jectthrow,cast 投掷,扔187. journday 日期188. joy快乐,喜悦189. judg,judicjudge 判断190. jur判断,法律191. junct,joinjoin 结合
15、,连接192. just公正,正当193. juvenyoung 年轻194. know知道195. laborlabor 劳动196. land土地,陆地197. lapsslip 滑,滑走198. latbring out 拿出,带走199. laterside 边200. laxloose 松201. lease松202. lav,lutewash 洗,冲洗203. lay放204. lect,ligchoose,gather 选择,收集205. lect,legspeak,read 讲,读206. leg,legislaw 法律207. lev,lieveraise,lighten 提
16、高,举起,变轻208. liberfree 自由209. licen=allow 表示允许210. licallure 引诱211. light,lit发光,光,轻212. limin,limitthreshold 门槛,限制213. lineline 直线,线条214. lingulanguage 语言,愿意为舌头215. liquwet 湿216. literletter 文字,字母217. liver自由218. load装载219. locplace 地方220. log,loguspeak 说话221. logscience 科学,学科222. longeng 长223. logus
17、peak 说话224. lys,lystbreakdown 裂开,分解225. lunmoon 月亮226. lustlight,shine 光,照亮227. lumenlight 光228. lud,lusplay 玩,戏剧229. mach,mechmachine 机器230. man,manuhand 手231. magn,max大232. majgreat 大,伟大233. mali坏234. man人235. man,mainstay 逗留236. mand,mendorder 命令237. marin,marsea 海洋238. marksign 记号,符号239. marmarr
18、y 结婚240. massbig 大241. mate伙伴242. meas,mens测量243. medmiddle 中间244. memormemory 记忆245. mentmind 思考,神智246. mercy善良247. merg,merssink 沉,没248. meter,metrmeasure 计量,测量249. merc,merchtrade 交易250. mendfree from fault 改错251. militsoldier 兵252. migrremove 迁移253. minproject 伸出,突出254. mini,minsmall 小255. mirwo
19、nder,look 惊奇,看256. miss,mise,mitsend,cast 送,放出257. miserwretched 可怜的258. mobmove 动259. modmode,manner 方式,模式,风度260. mon,monu,monitwarn 警告261. mortdeath 死262. motmove 运动263. monstrshow 显示264. mormoral 道德265. mountascend 登上266. musmuse 来自希腊神话指掌管音乐艺术的女神,所以有娱乐的意思267. mutchange 改变268. muni,munpublic 公共的26
20、9. myth神话270. natborn 天生的271. navship 船272. nectlink 结;系273. negdeny 否认274. nom(y)a field of kvowledge 某一领域的知识275. nomin,nonymname 名称,名字276. normrule,norm 规则,规范277. notknow 知道,注意278. nounce,nuncispeak 讲话,说出279. novnew 新的280. numernumber 数目281. nutritnourish 营养282. operwork 工作283. optchoose 选择284. op
21、tim最佳,优选285. ora,oratmouth 嘴,说286. ordinorder 命令,顺序287. ori,origrise,begin 升起,开始288. organ机构289. out出来290. pactfastened 紧的291. par,pairget ready 准备292. par,pearcome in sight 看见293. parequal 平等294. part,portpart,divide 部分,分开295. passpass through 通过,走过296. passfeeling 感情297. pathfeeling, suffering, il
22、lness 感情,痛苦,病298. pati忍耐299. pay支付300. part(i)father 父亲301. pedfoot 脚302. pel, pulsdrive, push 驱动,推303. pen,punpenalty 处罚304. pend,penshang 悬挂305. pend,pens,pondweight, expend 称重量,称银子,引申为花钱306. pertry 尝试307. person人,个人308. petseek 追寻,寻求309. petr石310. phas显示311. phillove 爱312. phonsound 声音313. pi怜悯31
23、4. pictpaint 描画315. physic物质316. place地方,位置317. plain清楚,悲哀318. plaud,plausclap hands 鼓掌319. platflat 平坦320. plantplant 种植321. play玩322. ple,plen,plet,plifull,fill 满,填满323. plexfold 重叠324. plic,pli,plyfold 重叠,折叠325. plod,plos碰撞326. plor,ploit探索327. point,punct,pundhpoint,make,sharp 点,变尖328. pol柱,极329
24、. polic,polis,polit=state,city 国家,城市330. pon,poundput 放置331. popul,publpeople 人民332. portcarry 拿,运333. pos,pose,positput 放334. poss,potent,power能够,能力335. post驿站336. prais,preci,pricevalue 价值337. prehens,prehendcatch 抓住338. presspress 挤;压339. primfirst,chief 第一,主要的340. pristake 拿住,抓住341. privsingle 单
25、个,个人342. prob,provtest 测试,证明343. proper,perpriones own 拥有,引申为恰当的344. ployuse,involve 用,参与345. posterbehind 后面346. proachnear 接近347. proximclose,near 接近,靠近348. psycho心理349. purpure 纯洁350. putthink 认为,思考351. quaintknow 知道352. quail质量353. quanti量354. quest,quir,quis,querseek,search 寻求,询问355. quot数量356.
26、 roborstength 力量357. radi辐射,光线358. radicroot 根359. ragemad 疯狂360. ratcalculate 计算361. rangerank 排列,顺序362. rap,rapt,ravsnatch 捕,夺363. rasscrape 刮擦364. rat,reas评价;推理365. real真实366. reck注意367. rectstright,right 正,直368. reg,reig控制369. rendgive 给370. ridlaugh 笑371. rig硬;浇水372. riv河岸373. rod,rosbite 咬374.
27、 rogask 要求,问375. rotwheel 轮子,转376. rud,rudi粗糙的,原始的377. ruptbreak 断裂378. scarholy 神圣379. safe,save安全,节约380. salsalt 盐381. san,sanithealthy 健康的382. satis,satur,sat,setenough,full of food 足够,饱足383. scend,scens,scentclimb 爬,攀384. school,school学习385. sciknow 知道386. scrib,scriptwrite 写387. scope范围388. sec
28、ret秘密389. sect,segcut,divide 切,割390. sens,sentfeel 感觉391. secut,sequ,suefollow 跟随392. senold 老393. sertjoin,insert 加入,插入394. servserve,keep 服务,保持395. sess坐396. setfix 安置好397. severearnest 诚恳398. short短 399. shut关400. sidsit 坐401. sightvision 眼光402. signmark 记号,信号403. simil,simul,semblalike,same 相类似,
29、一样404. siststand 站立405. socicompanion 同伴,引申为社会406. solalone 单独407. solsun 太阳408. solid坚固的409. sorb吸410. solv,solu,solutloosen 松开411.sophwise 智慧,聪明412.sortkind 种类413.space,spat空间414.sphere球415.splendshine 发光416.stallplace 放417.speciloook,kind 外观,种类418.spect,spec,spinlook,see 看419.sper,pairhope 希望420.
30、spirbreathe 呼吸421.spond,sponspromise 承诺422.stair楼梯423.st,sta,stad,stat,stan,stant,stead,stinstand 站,立424.stillsmall drop 小水滴425.sting,stinct,stimulpierce 刺426.strain,stricttighten 拉紧427.stitut,stitset up,place 建立,建设,放428.structbuild 建立429.stuff塞满430.sum,sumadd up 总,加431.sult,saultleap 跳432.sum,sumpt
31、take 拿,取433.super极好的,超级的434.sursure 肯定435.surg外科436.surgrise 升起437.tachnail 钉子438.tact,tang,tingtouch 接触439.tain,ten,tinhold 拿住,保留440.tailcut 剪 ,割441.take拿,取得442.technskill,ability 技术,能力443. tectcover 盖上 444.telefar 远,引申为电,电从远方来445.temper,temportime 时间或时间引起的现象446.tempttry 尝试447.tend,tent,tensstretch
32、 伸展448.terr,timfrighten 恐,怕449.terminlimit 界限450.temn,temptscorn 藐视451.terrearth 土地452.testtest,testimony 测试,证据453.textweave 编织454.therap治疗455.thesis,thetsetting 放置456.the(o)god 神457.thermheat 热458.tight紧的459.tirdraw 拉460.tomcut 切割461.torttwist 扭曲462.tour,torn,tournturn 转,环绕463.tolerendure 容忍464.tou
33、ch摸,碰465.tractdraw 拉,拖466.treathandle 处理467.tremquiver 颤抖468.tributgive 给予469.trud,truspush 推470.trutrue 相信,真实471.tut,tuitprotect 保护472.typtype 模式,形状473.turbstir 搅动474.un,unione 单一,一个475.undwave 波动476.upup,over 向上477.urbcity 城市478.us,utuse 用479.vac,van,voidempty 空480.vance,vant先,在前481.vad,vit,vasgo
34、走482.vagwader 漫游483.vail,valstrong 强壮484.vaporsteam 蒸气485.varivary,change 变化486.ven,ventcome 来487.veil,vealcover 盖上488.ventwind 风489.ver,vert,versturn 转490.verg倾向,倾斜491.vestigfoot track 脚印,踪迹492.via,vi路493.vid,visseparate 分开494.vis,vidsee 看495.viol暴力496.votvow 发誓497.vengpunish 罚,引申为报仇498.vey,via,voyway 道路499.vict,vincconquer,overcome 征服,克服500.viv,vit,viglife 生命501.voc,cokcall voice 叫喊,声音502.volwish,will 意志,意愿503.vol,volv,voltroll,turn 卷,转504.voreat 吃505.vulgpeople 人群506.wait等待507.wake醒508.war小心,谨慎509.wave波浪,波动510.whole完全511.wis,wit知,智512.with在,处于513.worth价值514.zealardor 热心515.zooanimal 动物