1、北京十一学校,蜕变的课堂、成长的课堂Qualitative Change and Grow Class,王春易2012年3月28日,蜕变的课堂 Qualitative Change Class,过去: 教师讲学生听 教师板书学生记笔记 教师布置任务学生完成作业In the past:Students listen to teachers all the time.Students note what teachers write.Students do homework what teachers arranged.现在: 学生自主阅读、探究、讨论、梳理 教师指导、组织、帮助、管理、评价Now
2、:Students reading、research、discuss by themselves.Teachers direct、organize、help、manage and estimate.,蜕变的课堂 Qualitative Change Class,由教师掌控的地方学生学习的舞台Charged by teachers students study stage教学的进度取决学生学习进程Teaching schedule depend on student progress教师讲什么来自学生的问题What the teacher say from students question评价
3、的方案要与学生交流Estimate project have to discuss with student课后的作业不需要提醒homework no need to remind,使用显微镜的照片,辩论课照片,高三10班 白玥同学Grade 3,Class 10 student, Baiyue,生物学科的学习对我最大的收获是学会了学习。这是第一个让我产生想要学习探索而非顺从老师要求安排的学科。 The most of what I learnt from biology is that I learn how to study. This is the first study that I
4、want to learn by myself ,but not according the my teachers.,高三9班 孙天宇同学 Grade 3,Class 9,student, Suntianyu,生物学科的自主学习让我学会阅读,学会提出问题,学会与同学交流。每天抱着书到生物教室去上课是最幸福的事,就是上一天的生物课也不烦 From the biology self-study, I learn to reading, question and communicate with my classmates. To have class with in biology is the
5、 happiness, so I dont feeling bother.,困惑:我又不是“毛毛虫”, 为什么要改变?Question :I am not a caterpillar. Why should I have to change?,自我反思 self-reflection,课堂究竟是谁的课堂?The class belongs to whom?学生喜欢的课就一定是好课吗?Is it a good class that the student loved?教育的价值究竟在哪里?Where is the education value?,自我反思 self-reflection,老师太
6、爱讲了,使学生对老师讲有了依赖。Students depend on the teachers speech 教师面面俱到的讲,阻碍了学生的思考力。Teachers talk all the things and interrupt the students thinking.教师清清楚楚的讲,剥夺了学生的创造力。Teachers talk too clear, and deprive students creation,自我反思 self-reflection,不是学生不爱听的课要改Change the class that the student didnt love不是成绩不好的老师要改
7、Change the ways when scores are low任何一个以自我为中心的教师都要改Change the self-centeredness teachers越是爱讲、会讲的老师越要改Change the teachers love talk and good at talk教师讲的越多,学生自主学习的就越少The much the teachers talk and the less the students learn by themselves 教师讲的越清楚,学生自主钻研的意识越弱The clear the teacher talked, the weaker the
8、 self- delve,迷茫:我该如何变革呢?Confused: How to change?,2010年9月,学科教室奇迹般的诞生了,它为我们生物学科教学带来了春一般的生机。 In September 2010,a subject classroom was born, it brought us a hope on biology teaching.,开始尝试 Begin to Try,还原生物教学的本质Revert the essence of biology teaching将大量的实验引入课堂Bring in class plenty experiment 从学科教学走向学科教育C
9、hange the subject teaching to subject education,收获的不仅仅是知识,还有方法、能力 和情感.What we received is not only knowledge, but also methods, competence and emotion .,不仅取得满意的成绩,还是一个热爱生活的人,一个爱护环境的人,一个关爱生命的人,一个崇尚自然的人,一个具有科学 素养的人We are not got the proud results, also we love life ,environment, nature and science.,动手
10、做,学生们总是乐此不疲,学生制作的果酒,味道醇香,尝尝学生制作的泡菜,实验:宏观微观,实验:课上课下Experiment:Class timeSpare time,实验:定性定量Experiment:Qualitative - Quantitative,实验:室内室外Experiment: Indoor - Outdoor,实验:中学实验大学实验Experiment: Secondary experiments - University experiments,凝胶电泳,一学年完成了30个学生分组实验 30 students into groups Experience experiment
11、in a school year,使用高倍显微镜观察几种细胞检测生物组织中的糖类、脂肪和蛋白质用高倍显微镜观察叶绿体和线粒体探究植物细胞的吸收和失水比较过氧化氢酶在不同条件下的分解探究酶的专一性绿叶中色素的提取和分离探究酵母菌细胞的呼吸方式探究细胞大小与物质运输的关系观察根尖分生区细胞的有丝分裂果酒和果醋的制作制作泡菜并检测亚硝酸盐含量大肠杆菌的培养与分离植物的组织培养果胶酶在果汁生产中的作用 -淀粉酶固定化及淀粉水解作用的检测生物体维持PH稳态的机制探索生长素类似物促进插条生根的最适浓度DNA的粗提取与鉴定多聚酶链式反应扩增DNA片段,在做的过程中,学生不仅表现出极大的热情,旺盛的求知欲,而
12、且他们的观察、分析、判断、推理能力都在潜 移默化中得到提升。 The process of doing, students not only showed great enthusiasm and strong desire for knowledge, but also their abilities of observations, analysis, judgment, reasoning were enhanced in depicting.,实验操作Operation of experiment,实验结果 Results of experiment,实验分析Analysis of E
13、xperiment,实验报告Report of experiment,实验题目subject实验步骤Step自变量、因变量Independent variable, dependent variable无关变量Irrelevant variable实验结果results实验结论conclusion,不足之处Inadequacies失败之处Failures我的思考I think,课时教学单元教学teaching by units,同一个模块不同章节之间的整合Integration of same module in different charpter,课时教学单元教学teaching by u
14、nits,不同模块之间的整合integration of different module,必修一:细胞呼吸 + 选修一:传统发酵技术 必修一:酶的作用与本质 + 选修一:酶的研究与应用必修一:细胞的分化 + 选修一:植物组织培养技术必修二:DNA结构与复制 + 选修一:DNA与蛋白质技术必修二:基因工程育种 + 选修三:基因工程,单元教学teaching by units,贯穿了系统论的思想,利于形成知识体系Its helpful to setup a knowledge system by penetrating thought of system theory节约了课时,为学生的自主探究
15、提供了可能We provide chances of exploration on their own for student by shorten class hours,一学年整合了16个单元,细胞的物质基础细胞的结构细胞的代谢细胞的生命历程遗传的定律遗传的细胞学基础遗传的分子基础生物的变异生物的进化内环境稳态生命活动调节植物的生命活动调节生物与环境基因工程细胞工程胚胎工程生态工程,案例:“细胞的结构” Case:structure of cell,整合范围:两章六节的内容过去要用8课时,第一课时:细胞膜第二课时:细胞质第三课时:细胞核第四课时:物质的跨膜运输的实例第五课时:生物膜的流动镶
16、嵌模型第六课时:物质跨膜运输的方式第七课时:实验:观察细胞质流动第八课时:实验:观察植物细胞质壁分离,案例:“细胞的结构”Case:structure of cell,细胞膜 模型,对我们组的同学来说,学习细胞生物学是一种乐趣! In our group for the students, learning cell biology is a pleasure!用橡皮泥制作细胞模型也带给了我们久违的欢乐! Use plasticine to make cell models also bring us the joy!生命如此神奇,生命如此绚丽多彩! Life is so amazing, l
17、ife is so colorful!,放弃教师享受的课堂,将课堂还给学生Give up teachers enjoy the classroom, returned the classroom to students.放弃驾轻就熟的教案,让学生自主学习To give up at home lesson plans,make students independent learning放弃精心制作的课件,给学生探究机会To abandon the the courseware elaborate, explore opportunities to students放弃完整规范的板书,引导学生自己
18、总结Give up the complete specification writing on the blackboard, and guide the students summarize,教师讲为主学生自主学习为主 Teachers speak mainly students independent learning,当我真的将课堂还给学生的时候,学生有快乐,有喜悦,也有苦恼和焦虑,甚至有不解与埋怨. When I really will be returned the classroom to students, students have the pleasure, joy, and
19、 distress and anxiety, and even puzzled and complain . .,纠结:面对学生不理解, 是否还要坚持?Entangled: in the face of the students do not understand, Do you still insist?,学习规划书自主学习的导航仪Learning Strategic Plan - autonomous learning navigator,单元内容 Unit content单元规划 Unit plan单元评价 Unit evaluation单元检测 Unit testing,学习合作小组自
20、主学习的加油站Study of cooperative group learning -independent study of the gas station,营造氛围Create an atmosphere培训组长Training leader捆绑式评价Bundled evaluation,评,模块成绩=模块测试成绩50%+平时成绩50% Module score = scores of the module test 50% +scores of the usual result 50%平时成绩不同单元有不同的赋分权重。Usually, the results of different
21、units have different Weights,分数的单一评价加强过程性评价Single evaluation of score - Strengthening Process evaluation,细胞的结构 Cell structure阅读20% Read实验10% Experiment小组交流10% Group exchanges 模型制作10% Modeling梳理概念图10% Comb concept map 单元检测40% Unit test,生物的进化 Biological evolution小组交流30% Group exchanges 整理笔记10% Organiz
22、e notes 完成配套练习10% Complete the matching exercise 梳理概念图10% Comb concept map 单元检测40% Unit test,过程性评价Process evaluation,学生对自主学习从不接受到喜欢,从不愿意到主动参与;小组讨论从最初的冷场到现在的热烈而深入。学生越来越会学了,越来越爱学了,学的越来越快乐了。,我现在的课堂 todays classroom,曾精心设计的导言没了,学生的问题就是 我课的起点 (start from The students problem)曾引以为豪的板书没了,取而代之是学生 个性化的(Person
23、alized) ,越做越好的知识框架图(the map of Intellectual framework)巧妙设计的难点突破没了,学生通过阅读、 小组交流、实验探究常常将难点一一化解(Reading, group exchanges, the experimental exploration ),我并没有失去课堂,重新开始设计学习规划书整合精讲的课件梳理学生提交的问题寻找精讲点拨的切入点,放弃了熟悉的教案完整的课件精美的板书流畅的讲解,Gave up:Familiar lesson plans Complete coursewareperfect writing on the black b
24、oard Smooth presentation,Restart:Design the book of learning planningIntegrate the coursewarecomb the studentsproblem Find the entry point of the teaching,教学方式的转变带动了学生学习方式的转变,他们的自主意识、质疑意识越来越强,自主学习的能力也在不断提高。 Changing the way of teaching drive students way of learning Change, their independent conscio
25、usness, questioning consciousness more and more strong, the ability of independent learning also constantly improve.,研究报告,创新论文,北京市十一学校科技创新论文Tin-ag-RP与ERb的相互作用及其对雌激素信号途径的调节作用,学生们已经逐渐撒开我们的手, 有的在蹒跚学步,有的在稳步 前进,有的在快速奔跑 The students have gradually cast our hands, Some toddlers, and some steadyForward, and
26、 some in the fast run .,忐忑:高三的生物课还能这样上吗?Apprehension: the third year biology class but also on?,今年的高三,相信学生自主学习能力 Believe students self-learning ability放弃了所有教辅资料 Give up all the supplementary information重新编写自主复习的规划书 Rewrite the planning book of the independent review重新开发自己训练体系 Re-develop their own tr
27、aining system经受了两次大考的考验 Withstood the test of the two exams我们正在从忐忑走向坚定!We are from apprehension to the firm!,自我反思/Self-reflection,课堂改变,学生才会改变; Change the classroom, students will change;课堂高效,教育才会高效; Efficient classroom, education will be efficient;课堂优质,学生才会卓越; High-quality classroom,Students will be
28、 excellent;课堂创新,学生才会创新; Classroom innovation, students will be innovative;课堂进步,教师才会成长。 Classroom progress, teachers will grow。,让课堂成为自主学习探究的场所 Let classroom become a place to independent study and explore 让课堂成为一种精神生活的空间 Let classroom become a space of spiritual life 让课堂成为学生生成想法的地方 Let classroom become a place of student generated idea 让课堂成为学生健康成长的乐园 Let classroom become a healthy growth of the park,完美的课堂永远是我无悔的追求,我的生活因它而精彩,我的生命因它而美丽。 The perfect classroom is always my pursuit without complaint.My life becomes wonderful and beautiful because of it .,