1、How Kangaroo got his Tail Based on an Australian Aboriginal Legend A long time ago, some animals looked different to the way they look now. Kangaroos had no tails and wombats had high, round heads. Mirram the Kangaroo and Warreen the Wombat were good friends. They lived together in a hut that Warree
2、n had built from tree bark. They liked being with each other, but Mirram liked to sleep outside at night and he made fun of Warreen who always wanted to sleep inside.How the Bear Lost his Tail retold by Sanjit Bear with tailThis is the story of Bears tail. Ive heard it told in Germany, and in North
3、America by the Iroquois Indians. A long time ago, Bear had a beautiful, long, furry tail. He thought it was really cool. He laid it out behind him and people had to walk round it. He asked everyone: “Dont you think my tail is the most beautiful tail youve ever seen?“ People thought Bear was very vai
4、n, but they were frightened of his big claws and didnt want to make him angryWhen Ilus had first built his new seat, the city of Troy, he prayed Zeus to show some sign of blessing for it His prayer was heard, and a wooden image of Pallas- A-thena fell from heaven to within the walls of the city Know
5、n as the Palladium, the statue afforded the city safety and protection At religious meetings of the goddess it was carried through the city streets amid joys and songs of praiseAfter the flames of war had spread for ten years before the walls of Troy, a prophet foretold that Troy could never be expe
6、cted to fall as long as the Palladium was treasured by itspeople In order to steal it out, Odysseus and Diomedes slipped into the capital one night indisguise , known to none but Hellen The bad woman took out them to He cuba, the queen of Troy, at whose feet Odysseus immediately bowed down and asked
7、 formercy The queen granted their request, and with the help of Helen, they successfully brought the image back to the Greek camp at dawnLater it was said that Aeneas got hold of it and carried itwith him to his new land, where it was Preserved together with the goddess fire当 伊 拉 斯 最 初 建 造 特 洛 伊 城 时
8、 , 他 祈 求 宙 斯 赐 福 于 这 座 城 市 。 宙 斯 听 到 祈 求 后 , 一 尊 木 制 的智 慧 雅 典 娜 像 从 天 堂 落 到 了 城 墙 里 。 人 们 将 它 称 作 雅 典 娜 神 像 。 这 尊 木 像 担 任 着 保 卫 和 看 守 城 市的 任 务 。 在 祭 神 的 宗 教 仪 式 中 , 它 在 欢 快 的 气 氛 和 赞 美 的 歌 声 中 被 抬 着 走 过 城 市 的 所 有 街 道 。在 特 洛 伊 建 成 之 前 , 战 火 已 弥 漫 了 十 年 。 一 位 预 言 家 说 : 只 要 雅 典 娜 的 神 像 受 人 民 的 爱 戴 ,特 洛
9、 伊 城 就 永 远 不 会 衰 灭 。 为 了 将 神 像 偷 出 城 , 一 天 夜 里 奥 德 修 斯 和 狄 俄 墨 德 斯 乔 装 改 扮 潜 入 首都 , 这 一 切 只 有 海 伦 知 道 。 这 个 可 恶 的 女 人 把 他 们 介 绍 给 特 洛 伊 皇 后 赫 克 犹 巴 。 奥 德 修 斯 立 刻 跪倒 在 她 的 面 前 乞 求 怜 悯 。 皇 后 答 应 了 他 们 的 要 求 , 在 海 伦 的 帮 助 下 , 他 们 在 拂 晓 的 时 候 成 功 地 带着 雕 像 回 到 希 腊 营 地 .据 说 后 来 埃 弥 斯 得 到 了 雕 像 并 带 着 它 到 了
10、 自 己 的 新 领 地 。 木 像 和 神 火 一 起被 保 存 在 这 块 土 地 上 .In the conflict between Cronus and Zeus, Prometheus had adopted the cause of the Olympian deities. To him and his brother Epimetheus was now committed the office of making man and providing him and all other animals with the faculties necessary for thei
11、r preservation. Epimetheus proceeded to bestow upon the different animals the various gifts of courage, strength, swiftness, and sagacity. Taking some earth and kneading it with water, Prometheus made man in the image of the gods. He gave him an upright stature. Then since Epimetheus had been so pro
12、digal of his gifts to other animals that no blessing was left worth conferring upon the noblest of creatures, Prometheus ascended to heaven, lighted his torch at the chariot of the sun, and brought down fire. But it was only rather grudgingly that Zeus granted mortals the use of fire.Then there came
13、 the occasion that when gods and men were in dispute at Sicyon concerning the prerogatives of each, Prometheus, by an ingenious trick, attempted to settle the question in favor of man. Dividing into two portions a sacrificial bull, he wrapped all the eatable parts in the skin, cunningly surmounted w
14、ith uninviting entrails; but the bones he garnished with a plausible mass of fat. He then offered Zeus his choice. The king of Heaven, although he perceived the intended fraud, took the heap of bones and fat, and forthwith availing himself of this insult as an excuse for punishing mankind, deprived
15、the race of fire. But Prometheus regained the treasure, stealing it from Heaven in a hollow tube.By Zeus order Prometheus was chained to a rock on Mount Caucasus, and subjected to the attack of an eagle which, for ages, preyed upon his liver, yet succeeded not in consuming it. In his steadfastness t
16、o withstand the torment the Titan was supported by the knowledge that in the thirteenth generation there should arrive a hero, sprung from Zeus himself, to release him. And in fullness of time the hero did arrive: none other than the mighty Hercules. He killed the eagle and set Prometheus free. Herc
17、ules utters these words to the Titan The soul of man can never be enslavedSave by its own infirmities, nor freedSave by its very strength and own resolveAnd constant vision and supreme endeavor!You will be free? Then, courage, O my brother!O let the soul stand in the open doorOf life and death and k
18、nowledge and desireAnd see the peaks of thought kindle with sunrise!Then shall the soul return to rest no more,Nor harvest dreams in the dark field of sleep -Rather the soul shall go with great resolveTo dwell at last upon the shining mountainsIn liberal converse with the eternal stars.在克洛诺斯反对宙斯的斗争中
21、征服除非自身变得脆弱;也永远不能得解放除非自身充满决心和力量,以及不稍亏的目光和无以复加的努力!想自由吗?那就鼓起勇气,我的兄弟!啊!让灵魂站在生与死,知与欲敞开的门扉前,见到旭日点燃思想的顶峰!那时灵魂再不会依然故态,或在黑色的睡乡中收获梦幻灵魂将迈着坚定的步伐直上光芒万丈的山巅和不落的群星自由交谈。king pandion of athens had two daughters,procne and philomelawhen athens was threatened by the wild men,king tereus of thrace came to its helpout of
22、 gratitude king pandion offered tereus either of his daughters in marriage and the thracian king chose procne as wife for yearsthey lived in thrace and had one son,itylus by namethen procne became homesick and longed to see her dear sister philomelaat her repeated requests tereus sailed to athens to
23、fetch philomelaon the way back his evil heart took flame at the sight of philomela who was then in her beauty of maidenhoodhe seized and carried her away by force,cut out her tongue and imprisoned her in a lonely hut in the woodsto procne he lied,saying that philomela was deadphilomela stayed in pri
24、son for ayear,where she had woven her painful story into the web of a robe then she managed to send the robe to her sister as soon as she received the web procne came over to the woods and to reher sister away from the keepersback at the palace, the two women,hot for paying back ,killed little itylu
25、s and served him up to his father when tereus learned of the terrible truth he grasped his sword and chased the sisters into the woods there the gods turned procne into a swallow,philomela a nightingale and tereus a hoopoe 菲勒美拉雅典国王潘底翁有两个女儿,普鲁丝妮和菲勒美拉。当雅典受到蛮人的威胁时,色雷斯国王泰诺斯伸出了援助之手。出于感激,国王潘底翁让泰诺斯从自己的女儿中任