1、英语剧本:Big words of western tour (大话西游)Big words of western tour (大话西游)Chapter 1Site:The weddingCharacters:牛魔王 、至尊宝、紫霞、小妖Aside: The story begins with a wedding. The Bull King is going to have a concubine.牛:Today is my wedding. I am going to have a concubine. Ha ha ha .妖:Concubine? Dose your wife agree
2、 to it?牛:Oh! She is not lovely anymore. Shes right now at the Flame Mountain. She can do nothing about it!(至尊宝从后台走入人群中)牛:Let me introduce my brother to you! My bro!Come here! This is my brother.(牛深情地转向紫霞)牛:Zixia, listen to me. I think I ve fallen in love with you once I know you. I want to show my s
3、incerity. So I request you to marry me in front of my bros. This Pandoras Box is my gift to you. I hope you would say yes.妖:I object!牛:What?妖:Zixia has a means to test her lover. If you can pass it, I will shout up!至:Whats this? Really?妖:This test is that she would marry the guy who can make her Mag
4、ic Sword go out of the scabbard.(剑从至的怀中落下)妖:Magic Sword?牛:Let me do this!(紫跑出,拾剑)紫:Its not true! Its just a joke. It is still meaningless even if you can put it out!(紫跑下)妖:King, Iron Fan Princess has come.牛:Aaa(牛惊慌地跑下)Aside: The monkey king leaves the front hall, running to back gardenChapter 2Site:
5、 Bull Kings back gardenCharacters: 至尊宝、紫霞(至跑过来,突然看到紫独自坐在台阶上,于是走过来)至:Why are you hiding here?(紫抽剑,指向至。两人定格,至走出来,独白)至:At this time, the blade is really close to me, 0.01 cm I think. But after a short period of time, 0.01 second I think, the owner of the sword will fall for me whole-heartedly. Because
6、Ive decided to tell lies, Ive told many lies in my life, but I think it is the most wonderful lie!紫:Ill kill you if you come closer!至:You should kill me! Kill me! Id found my best love, but I didnt treasure her. I left regretful after that. Its the ultimate pain in the world. Just cut my throat, ple
7、ase dont hesitate! If God can give me a chance, I will tell her there words. “I love you”. If God wants to give a time limit, Ill say this love will last 10 thousand years!(紫长叹,抛剑,拾剑,抱剑)紫:What can you tell your wife?至:I have to tell her the truth. So I must get the Pandoras Box back. Then go back wi
8、th you and explain everything. But I hate myself that I cant get the box back. I 紫:I help you!至:No, its dangerous!紫:You dont want to?至:I do! But 紫:I trust you! Ill get the Pandoras Box back tonight. Wait for me here at midnight.(猪喊)至:Let me do something to my boss first. See you tonight.(依依不舍)Aside:
9、 The night Chapter 3Site: DungeonCharacters: 至尊宝、猪八戒、沙僧、唐僧猪和沙:Master, master(两人同时悄声说)猪:We come to save you.沙:We come to bring you out.唐:I wont go.猪和沙:Stay here? Why?唐:Therere full of obstacles in the way of getting scriptures. This is because were not united enough. So we let the devils do bad to us
10、. Thats fine. This prison has no difference with the outside world, to me; the outside world is just a bigger prison. You go out first. I have something to tell him.(猪和沙下)唐:You come in and have a sit!至:To be honest, Im not your disciple. I dont want to be your disciple. Master I know youre a good gu
11、y. Please let me go!唐:Do you know “dong , dong, dong ”?至:What is “dong, dong, dong”?唐:“dong, dong, dong ” is (唐唱 Only you)至:Stop. Stop. I cant take this anymore, please stop 唐:Ohoh 至:Damn you, you Ive said I cant take this anymore. Dont disturb or Ill kill you.唐: Monkey King, you can kill me. Life a
12、nd death are very minor. When you know why you should make sacrifices, you will come back and sing this song with me. Namonitabhaya (至跑走)Aside: The Monkey King succeeds in escaping form the Bull King, and he reaches the Spiders Cave with the Grapes. Unfortunately, the Monkey King and his friends mee
13、t the Queen of Spider.The Monkey have heard that if the blade slashed fast and accurately, the guy whos cut open wont die at once. He can still see. So he asks the Queen of the Spider to kill him as fast as she could and to tear his heart out and let him have a look.After the Monkey Kings death, he
14、appears in the Hole of Waterfall Chapter 4Site: The Hole of WaterfallCharacters: 至尊宝、观音至:Goddess. Im about to understand your words. I used my eyes to see in the past. What I was dying. I started using my heart to see this world. Then I could see all things clearly. That girl has left a drop of tear
15、 in my heart. I felt her sorrow.观:Have you given up all things in human world?至:Yes! Life and death is just minor! But I dont understand why can humans hatred last 10 years, 50 years, and even 500 years. What hatred is it?观:So that Tang Monk went to the west and got scriptures, which clean out heart
16、s.至:OK, I want to stay here, there are many things waiting for me to do.观:I want to warn you again. After wearing the gold ring, youre no longer a normal human. You cant have human desires anymore. If you do so, the gold ring will get smaller and smaller. Its very uncomfortable.至:OK.观:Before wearing
17、 the ring, what do you want to say?至:I had had found my best love, but I didnt treasure her. When I lost her, I regret. Its the most pain in the world. If God can give me another chance, I will say there words to her “I love you”! If there is a time limit, I hope, it is 10 thousand years.本文来自: VOA英语
18、网 文章地址: http:/ - 孙悟空 vs 猪八戒 An English play- Pig Guy has been defeated by Monkey King 悟空:师傅,是不是太累了?休息一下再走吧。 Master, are you tired? Lets have a rest. 唐僧:没关系,前面不远就有人家了,到了那里再休息吧。 I am fine. Lets have a rest later. Look! There is a house over there. 悟空认真地扶持唐僧继续行走,同时另一边老头、老妈、小媳妇出场。 小媳妇(做哭状):爹、妈,本人 Daddy,
19、 mommy, I, I 老头:女儿,快走吧,不然那猪精来了,就走不了了。 Honey, hurry up. The spirit is coming soon. 小媳妇走几步又回头跑回老妈的怀里,抱头痛哭。老头在一边叹息,擦泪。 唐僧、悟空走到他们面前。 悟空:师傅,到了。 Master, here we are. 唐僧(走到老头面前行礼,悟空看见了正在哭的母女俩,觉得奇异,上下端详):老施主,本人是从 东土大唐前往西天取经的和尚,想借贵地休息一晚,不知便当否? Excuse me, sir. I am the monk from the east. Can we stay over her
20、e tonight? 老头(做呜咽状):哦,是东土大唐来的高僧啊,能够能够。 (别过脸去继续哭泣) Oh, you are the monk from the east. Sure. Sure, come in, please 唐僧正在奇异,老妈闻声抬起头,认真端详唐僧,忽然扑到唐僧面前。 老妈:高僧啊,你可要救救本人的女儿,救救本人们一家啊。 Master, please save my daughter, save my family 唐僧:老施主休要伤心,有什么事渐渐说。 Dont be sad, madam. Take it easy. What happened? 老头:高僧有所不知
21、,本人们这里有一只猪精,今天要来跟本人女儿成亲,大家都斗不过它,如今正 准备把女儿送进来逃避 Master, there is a spirit here. He wants to marry my daughter, tonight. We are all afraid of him. 唐僧:施主莫怕,本人这徒弟身手高强,或许他能帮上你们。 Calm down, sir. My apprentice has great capability. Maybe, he can help you. 老头:唉,高僧啊,以前也来过自称身手高强的师傅,结果都被这猪精打跑了。今天你们就躲着 别出来了吧。 A
22、las! , master, there have been many people who boast to be very capable. But every time, they were defeated by the spirit. Youd better keep away tonight. 悟空:噢,有这么凶猛的妖怪?本人倒要会他一会。待会你们尽管躲起来,外面发作什么事,都不 用管。 What? Is the spirit really so strong? Id like to see how great he is. All of you just stay inside.
23、 Dont come out no matter what happens. 这时起了风声(音乐) ,老头一家吓得站起来混身发抖。小媳妇吓得直往老妈怀里钻。悟空镇定 地举手表示,让师傅及老头一家人躲到房间里面去。自己也手搭凉篷看了看,便不慌不忙地也躲 在了门后,显露一段红袖子。 猪八戒大笑着张牙舞爪地走上场来,嘴里大喊:小娘子,本人来了。 Darling, here I am. 站在台上停一下,见没有动静,觉得奇异,往房屋里看去,见显露一段红袖子,快乐地一拍手掌。 八戒:小娘子还害臊呢,不敢出来见老猪吗?来,来,来,本人们就要是夫妻了,还害什么羞呀!。 Darling, dont be so
24、shy! Please come to me. Come on, we will be a couple. 猪八戒跑上去悄悄拉住红袖子,把小娘子拖了出来,小娘子作出害臊的样子,有时又做出猴子的 容貌。 八戒:小娘子,不用怕,本人固然长得丑,但身手高强,一定会让你过上好日子的。 Darling, dont be afraid. Although I am ugly, I am so powerful. I am sure that I can make you happy. 小娘子笑着点头,抓耳挠腮。 八戒:小娘子,你快乐的时分干嘛要像猴子一样?Darling, why do you look
25、like a monkey ? 小娘子:本人一快乐就觉得痒,所以就抓一抓。 When I am happy, I always tickle. 八戒:快乐就好,快乐就好。本人们快入洞房吧。 Fine, lets go to the bedroom. 八戒拉住小娘子就往房子里面钻。小娘子作出动脑筋的样子,又把八戒拉回来。 八戒:哇,小娘子,你好大的力气啊,干嘛把本人拉出来啊? Darling. Why are you so powerful? 小娘子:夫君,你这容貌进去会吓着本人的父母的,还是去你家里吧。 Honey, your appearance will frighten my paren
26、ts. Wed better go to your home. 八戒:去本人家?那太好了,本人们这就走吧。 Go to my house?OK. thats a great idea. Lets go. 两人走了几步,小女子做出腿疼摔了一下的样子,八戒忙扶起她,作出惋惜的样子。 小女子:本人一个弱女子,哪里能走这么远?夫君背本人吧。 I cannot walk any further. Can you carry me on your back? 八戒:背你?好,好,好。谁让你是本人的媳妇呢? Carry you on my back? All right. Youre my wife aft
27、er all. Come on. 八戒把小女子背上:娘子,本人们这就动身了。 Darling, Lets go. 小女子(在八戒头上一点):走吧,呆子。 Okay. Lets go. 音乐响起(直到八戒摔倒)。八戒在台上走一圈,做出越走越慢,越走越累的样子。小女子在他背 上抓耳挠腮,十分快乐。 八戒:小娘子,你怎样这么重啊? Darling, why are you so heavy? 小女子:不是本人重,只怕是你不想背本人吧? Do you think so? Dont you want to carry me?) 八戒:不,不,不,本人背,本人背。 Yes, I do. I do. 继续困
28、难地走。小女子自得地在背上笑。八戒膂力不支,一跤摔倒,小女子倒地之后, 灵敏地越上台上的假山,先做出猴子笑看八戒的样子,再做出摔疼了的样子在那里嗟叹。 八戒听到女子的嗟叹,忙东张西望找小媳妇。 八戒:娘子,摔着了没有?娘子,摔着了没有?娘子,你摔到哪去了?怎样看不见你了?Darling, are you OK? Darling, where are you? Why cant I see you? 小女子(偷偷地笑,再装作痛苦的样子):夫君,本人在这里呢。 Honey, I am here. 八戒:哇,娘子, 你怎样摔到高的中央去了? Darling. Why did you go up th
29、ere? 小女子:还不是你这呆子害的。 Thats your fault. 八戒:对不起,娘子。对不起,娘子。 Sorry, darling. Im very sorry. 小女子:看你这么辛劳,本人也摔疼了,那就休息休息吧。 You look so tired, and I feel sore. Lets have a rest. 八戒:太好了。 本人们就休息一下吧! Have a rest? Thats a good idea. Lets have a rest. 八戒听了快乐地坐在下面休息,小女子认真地端详他。 小女子(撒娇地):夫君,你是哪里的神仙,本人都还不晓得,怎样能嫁给你呢?你可
30、要通知本人。 Honey, how can I marry you? I dont even know where you come from. You must tell me the truth first. 八戒:唉,别提了,想当年本人本是天上的天篷元帅,上天入地,八面威风。只因冒犯了嫦娥, 被玉帝贬下凡尘,错投了猪胎,长成这般容貌。 Alas! Dont mention it. I was Tianpeng marshal, I could fly between heaven and the world. Only because I made a big mistake, I wa
31、s punished by Yudi. So I became a pig. Thats why I am so ugly. 小女子:亏你长得这么丑,还敢出来见人。You look too ugly to meet people. 八戒:原本本人也不想出来,只是南海观音点化本人,叫本人在这里等候前往西天的取经人。等了这么久, 也不见,便出来逛逛,能碰到娘子你,是本人终身的造化,还管它什么西天取经呢?(八戒快乐地过 去想拉小女子的手) I didnt want to come here. Nanhai Guanyin asked me to wait for Tangseng. Ive been
32、 waiting for a long time, but nobody has come. Its lucky to meet you here. 小女子(把手甩开):你说自己是天上的神仙,怎样连本人都背不动,真让人难以置信。 You said that you were an immortal in the heaven . Why cant you carry me? Its impossible! 八戒:本人真的是天上的神仙,你干嘛不信呢你。 I am really the immortal. Why dont you believe me? 小女子:那你拿出点本领来瞧瞧。 Show
33、me some gongfu then. 八戒:好,让本人露两手来给你看看。 OK, let me show you my gongfu. 从石头后拿出钉钯,舞了起来。小女子暗暗点头。当八戒的钉色舞到小女子面前时,被小女子一把 抓住,往石山后面一拖,八戒被拖了过去。 八戒:娘子,你怎样这么大的力气? Darling. Why are you so strong? 小女子:有本领你把本人拖进来呀。 Pull me out if you can . 八戒做出用力拖的样子,没有发现拖出来的却是悟空。悟空一松手,八戒摔倒在地。 八戒:娘子,你怎样这么狠心把本人摔倒了? 不要开玩笑了。 How coul
34、d you let me fall down? Dont kid any longer. 悟空大笑:呆子,看看本人是谁! You Silly! Look at me. Who am I? 八戒一看,吓得跳起来:齐天大圣,本人的妈呀。 My god! You are Mahatma! 八戒转身想跑,被悟空拦住,两人打了起来,八戒不是对手,被悟空压住,不能动弹。 悟空:呆子,你可还敢在这里害人不成? You silly! Dare you harm others any more? 八戒:不敢了,不敢了。No, I dare not! 悟空: 你可还敢在这里娶媳妇? Dare you wive y
35、et? 八戒:不敢了。大圣爷爷饶本人。 No,no. Please forgive me, Mahatma. 悟空:量你也不敢。 I bet you dare not. 悟空放开,八戒转身想跑,被悟空一把抓住耳朵,疼得直叫。 悟空:呆子,想往哪里去? You silly, where are you going? 八戒:本人已容许你,不再肇事了,干嘛还不放本人走? Ill never make trouble any more. Why dont you let me go? 悟空:呆子,本人带你去见取经人。 You silly, Im taking you to meet the sutra
36、-seeker. 八戒:什么?取经人来了? What? Has Tangseng come? 悟空:走吧。 Yes. Lets go! 两人在台上走半圈,来到房前。 悟空:师傅,出来吧,这妖怪曾经被本人降服了。 Master, please come out! The spirit has been defeated ! 唐僧等人走了出来,老头一家还有些战战兢兢。 悟空:呆子,还不跪下,见过师傅。 You silly, kneel down to meet your master. 八戒忙对着唐僧下跪,口喊师傅。唐僧十分吃惊。 Master, nice to meet you here. 唐僧
37、:徒儿,这是怎样回事? My prentice, whats up? 悟空:师傅,这是观世音菩萨特意让他在此等候陪您上西天取经的。 Master, he will accompany you to the west at Guanyins behest. 唐僧:哦,多谢观世音菩萨,既然这样本人就收你为徒,赐你法名为 八戒。 I see! Thank Guanyin! Since then, I will take you as my prentice and name you Bajie. 八戒:谢谢师傅(站了起来) 。 Thank you, my master! 老头:祝贺高僧又收神徒。 C
38、ongratulations! 唐僧:徒儿们,本人们上路吧。 (八戒还依依不舍地看着小女子) Lets go ahead, my prentices. 悟空:八戒,还看什么呢?走了。 Bajie, there is nothing to attach to. Lets go! 八戒依依不舍地走到前面领路。英语小品剧本 - 英语剧本 魔豆 The Magic Beans Act 1 Scene 1 (Jacks mother was gambling.) Mom: Oh, no, not again. (Roaring) Jack, Jack, where are you? Jack: Here
39、 I am, mom. Whats up? Mom: Send that old cow to the market to exchange some money back. Jack: But mom, if I sold Rose, we would have no milk anymore. Mom: Shut up. Do as I said. Jack: (sign) All right, all right. Act 1 Scene 2 (In the market.) Girl: Sir, do you want any matches? If you buy ten boxes
40、, Ill give a 40 percent discount. Jack: Sounds terrific. But I dont have any money. Girl: Please, sir, I havent eaten anything for three days. Id like to exchange your cow with my matches. Jack: Sorry, but I dont need matches. Good-bye, and good luck to you. Old man: Sir, since the sun is burning, w
41、ould you like some ice cream? Jack: Thank you, but I dont really feel like eating ice cream. See you. Mr. Bean: I have soybeans, mung beans, green beans, broad beans, green soybeans, peas, and above all, the most amazing beans in the world - magic beans. Jack: Wow, sounds wonderful. Beans is my favo
42、rite food, I cant wait to have a bowl of bean soup. I want to buy all the beans with this cow. Mr. Bean: This cow? What do I need this old skinny cow for? Go away, dont bother me, kid. Jack: Sir, please. My mom always told me “Helping someone in need is a honorable deed.” Mr. Bean: All right, all ri
43、ght. (Sign) Today isnt my day. Act 2 (Jack went home.) Jack: Mom, where are you? See what I have got. Mom: Oh, Jack, you must have brought me lots of shining gold. Oh, Im so excited. (Walked to Jack) What? You used our pretty cow to buy all this junks? Have you lost your mind? Jack: Mom, these are n
44、o junks. There are soybeans, mung beans, green beans, broad beans, green soybeans and magic beans. Mom: Magic beans? It doesnt look magical at all. The vendor must be cheating you. Ill keep other beans, but these magic beans, (opened the window) Ill just throw them away. Act 3 (The next morning) Jac
45、k: Ah, the sun is shining, the birds are singing, the breeze is whispering, it should be a perfect day. (He looked out of the window) Oh, my God, the magic beans have grown to a huge beanstalk! Its can be true, it must be my imagination! Prince: Help, help. Jack: The voice came from the clouds, how
46、strange! I must go and see whats going on up there. (He climbed up. Then he saw the prince was stocked in a castle.) Jack: Hi, what happen to you? How can I help you? Prince: Its a long stories, Ill tell you only if you take one of my leg hair. (Jack took the princes leg hair, and the prince became
47、as small as normal people. The prince opened the door, and welcomed Jack in.) Prince: Thank you a million for saving my life. How can I ever repay you? Jack: Thats no big deal. So whats your story? Prince: Once open a time, theres a greedy witch who would even destroy the world only to get my hen an
48、d harp. Jack: Your hen and harp? I dont see they worth it. Prince: You dont understand, the hen can produce many golden eggs, and the harp is made of gold it can sing beautiful melodies. One day, the witch turned me to a giant and flew away with my hen and harp. Jack: What are you going to do now? P
49、rince: Of course Im going to pay my revenge. Are you going to come with me? Jack: Well, Ill would like to, but - Prince: What? Jack: My mom always told me “No money, no help.” Prince: Lets make a dealyou help me to fight against the witch, and Ill give you ten thousand golden eggs. Jack: Thats the deal. Act 4 (At the witchs house) Witch: One egg, two eggs, three eggs. Oh, Im so rich, ha, ha, ha -