1、英语单词顺口溜学英语,最难的是记忆单词。大部分人用于 英语学习的时间 80%花在记忆单词上,记了忘,忘了记,很多年下来大多一事无成。原因是繁杂无绪的单词记忆起来枯燥无味,常常使人身心疲惫,不了了之。要突破这个瓶颈,最重要的是找到一个有效的方法,让学者能够轻松有趣、不费力地记忆单词。 有关单词记忆的书籍可以说汗牛充栋,各种记忆方法名目繁多。纵观所有,尚无一良法解决单词记忆难题。词根记忆法试图以词根为轴线,按词缀的变化衍生出不同单词,其优点是以词根作引导,便于联想词义。但是,8000 常用考试单词内,大多数单音节词、双音节词、大量的多音节词并不含有任何词根,根本无法用词根法来分析记忆。虽然有些有词
3、好的效果。例如:某一作者记忆 fraid(害怕)这个单词,按代码记忆是:一个(a)+ 佛(f)+喇(ra)+我(i)+ 得(d)害怕,代码意及其组合衍生意与词义的关系牵强繁杂,莫名其妙,很难联想到词义。近义词记忆法、分类记忆法、形近词记忆法、故事记忆法、循环记忆法、阅读记忆法等只是死记硬背法的翻版,仍然需要持之以恒的毅力,多数人难以坚持下来。 像 sofa(沙发) 、tank(坦克) 、bowling(保龄球)等直译单词谁都容易记住,如果所有单词都像这样一读便知,傻瓜也能学会英语,可惜此种单词极少。能否找到一种与此类似、通过读单词即可自然联想出词义的方法呢?答案是肯定的。我们知道,一个单词的发
4、音可以表示出某种汉语意义谐音义,如:“perceive”“百事悟” 理解,察觉;“abortion”“儿不行” 流产,堕胎;“escape”“意思开跑” 逃跑。这些 单词的谐音意与词义相等或接近,使人一读单词就能够马上联想到单词意思,实际上等同于直译单词,因此非常好记。但这种较为直接的单词也在少数,大部分单词的谐音义初看起来与词义风马牛不相及,难以联想到词义。如果不加深入地酝酿研究,只是随便地解释和联想,往往会显得牵强迂回或怪诞。如果谐音与词义间不存在必然性或者习惯性,今天联想到一个意思,明天又会联想到另外一个意思,仍然没有改变词根记忆法和象形代码法的弊端,同样也不利于记忆。但是,一个单词的整
5、体或者其中某一特征部分的发音可以联想出很多的汉语意义,只要深入地斟酌,或者与其他的单词谐音义联合起来,总能找到一个与单词的词义最贴切、最符合人的思维习惯、有必然性或习惯性联系、能自然过渡到词义的汉语意义。如:“abandon”(抛弃、放弃) ,其发音可表示为“爱伴蹬” 、 “一板凳”、 “儿不等”、 “一笨蛋”,有作者的联想释义是:“ 一板凳 ” 一人坐冷板凳被抛弃; “儿不等”一不孝子不等老父亲一起走抛弃了他;“一笨蛋” 一个笨蛋会被人抛弃。像这样的牵强附会,不免使人感到乏味无趣,而且“形单影只” 地记忆一个 单词,容易联想出许许多多的意思,当很多的单词都有可能联想成该意思时,就无法确定单词
6、的词义了,效果自然不佳。这也是以往谐音联想法倍受争议的原因。笔者将其与“爱伴蹬”联系起来,而且与 单词 divorce(离婚) 、abbey(修道院) 、cloister(寺院)的谐音意义联合编成顺口溜:爱伴蹬(abandon),抛弃扔;地位失( divorce) ,闹离婚;爱逼(abbey)修道院;隔绝( clois-)寺院恨(注:括号前汉字均为谐音义,下同) 。从中可看出,谐音义与词义贴切生动,过渡自然,单词一读,词义顺口溜出。而且几个相关意义单词联合记忆,有内在情节(俨然是一段悲怜的爱情故事) ,有必然性或者习惯性,单词的词义互相制约,不会联想成其它意思,能够达到精确地记忆,且增添了美感
7、和趣味。再如:bachelor(单身汉,学士) ,一作者谐音联想为“白窃了” 单身汉是学士,刚毕业没有钱财,小偷偷不到什么东西白窃了。绕了一大圈,谐音意与词义牵强附会。作者将其编为顺口溜:学士单身汉,盼妻来(bachelor ) (做伴) 。自然贴切,朗朗上口,其趣味性立增。其他如:看守(cancel)一取消,扒手(parcel)偷邮包;灵魂守(soul),邪恶否(foul);伟世(wealth)财富捞,还是(health)健康好;跛子想快跑(cripple) ,残废却没门( maim) ;等等。这些单词 的谐音与词义间贴切自然,幽默风趣,相关单词词义内在联系紧密,情节生动,而且采用特殊的顺口
8、溜形式,更是易记易识。可以说,单词谐音与词义的结合达到了完美境界。 谐音诱导思意,趣味吸引注意,顺口溜便于记忆,记单词轻松容易,学语言酿歌为记(language) ,莫失得(method)方法条理。 先上传部分口诀:“semina”(种子)种子“是命那! ”(semina);“cynical” (愤世嫉俗的) “ 僧尼看”(cynical) (世道) ,愤世嫉俗嘲。 “embroidery”(n.刺绣,润色)绣花活儿,爷们不乐意的呢(embroidery) ;embryo(n. 胚胎)姨妈不呕(embryo) ,胚胎(没有) ,哭(cry )得很伤心,石头(-stal )变水晶(crystal
9、 ) ;对头( debt)要债务,装聋来对付(deaf) ;示爱(thigh )伸大腿,身(thin)瘦(是不美) ;排队客悠悠(queue) ,快客(quick)性急走;年轻人幼稚(youth) ,嘴巴很冒失(mouth) ;僧侣梦卡(monk)没,妖怪蒙死的(monster) ;屠夫不切( butcher)肉,太忙比之(busy)售。漂亮必有体(beauty) ,丑陋阿哥你(ugly) ,迷恋要卡命(charming) ,追求气死已( chase) 。部长有你(-ni-)先生(Mister) ,美事吹死(Mistress)夫人;业余爱模特(amateur) ,儿郎(alone )独无二;c
10、hild(小孩)、chess(棋, 国际象棋)瞧得(child)孩子气,气死(chess)因下棋。蚊子茅厕可多(mosquito) ,死叮(sting)刺痛恼火”,其效如何? 面的内容是 Tom 同学自己 学习英语归纳出来的学习方法,大家可以参考下,好的地方可以借鉴参考:我们 学习英语很长时间了,我小小总结了一下自己的学习心得,在此献丑,希望各位不吝赐教。 俗话说熟能生巧, 英语学习就是要多多练习。 首先要多听,练习听力。只有大量地听进耳朵,才有可能说出来。建议先从简单的开始,如,VOA 的慢速听力,大量的听,大致能够听懂以后,在听听常速的,由浅如深。 然后是说,可以对照听力发音,不断修正自己
11、的发音、语调。不要怕出错,关键是要及时修正。说,我们同样要求大量。从某种意义上说,学习英语就是一种体力活。这里我们要遵从人的学习规律,如我们小时候一样,首先是大量的听到我们的母语,然后才会说母语。听很重要,正是因为我们会说话以前大量的听了本地区的语言,所以,我们后来的发音和本地区的人一样。各种各样的方言也是这样传承下来,形成了壮观的方言文化。 接着是读,大量的读可以提高常用词汇、常用词组、语法习惯和特定表达的出现频率。出现的频率也多,我们的记忆也就更深刻。读需要培养兴趣,以便我们能够坚持下来。建议从简单的英文读物开始,如书虫 ,词汇量在 1000 到1500 左右,又如各种名著的简写版,生词较
12、少,容易读懂,适合培养兴趣。在阅读达到一定量,阅读能力提升后,可以阅读一些词汇量较多的读物。 在我们有了基础后,掌握了一定量的词汇和表达后,可以试着写一些东西,同样从简单的开始,注意修正。写出的东西自己要看,找出错误,然后要别人看,找出自己没有找出的错误。也要求大量的写。 在把英语当作一门语言来学习的时候,我们可以有一些娱乐项目,如听英文歌,看英文电影,听不懂不要紧,你可以完全当作娱乐,就让它响在耳边。会有潜移默化的作用。 上面四个方面我们可以同时入手,听、说、读、写四位一体,由简单到复杂,循序渐进,长期坚持,日积月累。经过不懈努力和坚持,我们可以学好英语。本文为恒星英语网友 Tom 的投稿,
13、转载请完整保留并注明出处 . Www.HX 恒星 英语学习网Its been a month that the summer vacation went by. We have a long holiday, which is longer than the others. Most of us were plan to find a part-time job in order to kill the boring time while we got the news. So it was the same with me, of coz. Ive been itching to take
14、the part-time job when I was in the junior high school, more for getting some value experiences than for money. Because lots of my friends have works experiences and have a more independent life. They are willing to share their interesting work experiences with me. In the work life, they met many di
15、fficulties; they would try to do something on their own. Different kinds of setbacks made them more strong and go easy on everything afterward. I felt somehow ashamed of myself ,I like to be independent, but it is difficult for me. I live under my parents wings, then hide mine. My parents arrange ev
16、erything for me,let me denpend on them for food and clothing.I know I cant go on like this. If I couldnt get rid of the protect from them ,I cant be independent.Their love will cut my wings.For this reason,I took the part-time job together with my friends.Our work was demanding, and if our speed was
17、 slowly ,we couldnt make much money.Sometimeswe felt disappointed,and made much complaints,even had the thoughts of coming back.But we kept on it.In the work life,we had something fun,something that made us felt sad.I almost forgot. There was a warm-hearted old man,he was a factory security. He took
18、 good care of us.And that made us felt happy in the other city.We were very gratefull to him. What a nice old man!Unfortunately,I got a bad headache and a high temperature when I was planning to go back.That was because the roasting weather and the hard work.Thanks to my friends ,they looked after m
19、e ,as if my mother was around.Because of that ,I deeply felt the important of friendship . I just wanted to say,thank you! When I took the first salary of my life,I knew its very difficult to make money. All in all,my first work life was over,I learned lots of things. Thats meaningful.中考英语大预测选择题专项训练
20、Source: wantongEnglish 1.He works in_hopital now.( ) A.a B.the C./ D.an 2.Is_on the bus?( ) A.rooms B.the rooms C.a room D.some room 3.There is _old man in front of _home.( ) A.a,an B.an,the C.a,the D.the,a 4._bad weather!we cant go out have a picnic.( ) A.What a B.How a C.What D.How 5.Louis enjoys_
21、basketball.But he doesnt want_basketball alone.( ) A.to play,to play B.playing,playing C.to play,playing D.playing,to play 6.We must stop people_the enviromrnt!( ) A.protecting B.protect C.plolluting D.to pollute 7.-How long have you stayed in Guang Dong?( ) -_. A.Two yeas ago B.Since last year C.Fo
22、r last year D.Since I have come here 8.Usually,lily_in corlorful T-shirts in summer.( ) A.wears B.is wearing C.puts on D.dresses 9.-The shoes are too short.Would you show me_?( ) -OK.How about the bule ones? A.another pair B.other pair C.another one D.others one 10.His work is better than_in the cla
23、ss.( ) A.anyone elses B. anyone else C. anyone elses D. anyones else 11.Do you have_to tell us ?( ) A.something interesting B. anything interesting C.interesting everything D. interesting something 12. -How many students are there in KangLe Middle school?( ) -about_. A.two thousand B.two thousands C
24、. .two thousands of D.thousands of 13.I really dont know_the computer.( ) A.to repair B.how repair C.to how repair D.how to repair 14._the weather is fine this weeken,we wont go hiking.( ) A.Unless B.When C.If D.After 15.Look!There is cat playing _ a tree filled_oranges.( ) A.on,with B.in ,with C.on
25、,of D.in,of 16.He asked me_he should stay or leave.( ) A./ B.that C.whether D.which 17.Our monitor told me_classmates homework.( ) A.not copy B.not to copy C.didnt copy D.to not to copy 18.Shenzhen is _city in China.( ) A.the beautiful B.beautiful C.more beautiful D.the most beautiful 19.Tom is not
26、in.He_to the bookshop borrow some book to read ( ) A.has been B.have been C.has gone D.have gone 20.-_you taken any medicine _?( ) A.Do ,yet B.Has ,already C.Have, already D.Have ,yet 21.The boy wont go to bed_he finish his homework.( ) A.until B.till C.when D.bothA&B 22.Our school rules said classr
27、oom_twice a day.( ) A.must clean B.must be clean C.be clean D.must be cleaned 23.Its nice_you_me work out the maths problem.( ) A.for,to help B.of,to help C.of,helping D.for,helping 24.His composition is good_some spelling mistakes.( ) A.besides B.beside C.except for D.except 25.I _two years_writing
28、 the book.( ) A.take to B.spent in C.paid for D.cost on 26._have you been to Shantou?( ) A.How B.How long C.How often D.How many times 27.-_is it from school? ( ) -10minutes by bus. A.How long B.How often C.How far D.How soon 28.He spoke very fast and_people understood what he said.( ) A.few B.littl
29、e C. a few D.a little 29.The story is very_.Hes very_in it.( ) A.interesting,interesting B.interested ,interesting C. interesting, interested D. interested, interested 30.We often found our headmaster_the students.But his seat in his office is _Miss liu and Mr zhang( ) A.among,among B.among,between
30、C.between,among D.between,between 31.Youd better_ask the policemen for help.( ) A.to go B.go C.go to D. to go to 32.Dont play on the street,_?( ) A.would you B.will you C.are you D.do you 33.There are about 150_in our school.( ) A.woman teachers B.man teachers C.men teachers D.both A&B 34.I dont kno
31、w if he_.If he_,I will phone you.( ) A.will come,comes B.come,come C.will come,will come D.comes,will come 35.He didnt get up_to catch the early bus.( ) A.enough early B.early enough C.quickly enough D.enough quickly 36.An accident_the boy yesterday.( ) A.happened for B.happened to C.is happening D.
32、are hppening 37.Lvhanxian comes to Shenzhen_.( ) A.as old as B.as long as C.as many as D.as much as 38.Ive never seen_film.( ) A.such an interesting B.so an interesting C.so interesting an D.bothA&B 39.At last she decide_the black glasses.( ) A.buy B.buying C.bought D.to buy 40.This book _be Jones.H
33、is is still in his schoolbag.( ) A.may not B.cant C.mustnt D.needt 答案: : : : : : : : four season of a treeSource: 恒星英语学习网 恒星网友 2008-08-02 我要投稿 论坛 Favorite There was a man.He had four sons.He wanted his sons to learn not to judge things to go and look at a pear tree that was far away.The first son we
34、nt in the winter ,the second in the spring the third in summer ,the youngest son in fall. when they had all gone and come back ,he called them together to describe what they had seen.The first son said that the tree was ugly ,bent and weak .the second son said no-it was covered with green buds and f
35、ull of promise. the third son said it was laden with blossoms and they smelt so sweet and looked so besutiful.the last son disgreed with all of them ,he said it was ripe and droop with fruit ,full of life and fulfilmen. The man then said to his sons that they were all right,because they each had see
36、n but only one season in the trees life.he told them that they cannot judge a tree or a person,by only one season,and that the essence of who they are-the pleasure, the joy and love that come from that life -can only be measured at the end , when all the seasons are up .if you give up when it is win
37、ter ,you will miss the promise of your spring,the beauty of your summer ,the fulfilment of your fall .don let the pain of one season destory the joy of all the rest.英语语调练习的妙招语音语调也是英文口语练习中的重点。我们知道,标准的发音并不能保证流利和悦耳的口语。完美的发音加上蹩脚的语调仍然是对听众耳朵的折磨。要知道英文单词,和汉字所不同,是没有声调的,所以一个单词例如 people 可以以四种甚至四种以上的音调来念,那么在一个特
38、定的句子和语境中究竟怎么念呢?这就是语调的问题。英文语调是一种感觉,它并没有什么标准型,虽然众所周知目前世界上两种语调比较流行:英国型和美国型(当然还有很多人口讲澳洲英语,印度英语,新加坡英语甚至中国式的英语) 。简单说来语调的学习需要一个环境。就拿北京来说,尽管北京已经成为一个大的人口流动城市,或者称之为移民城市,如果一个人来到了北京,四五个月过后,在不知不觉间原本很标准的普通话就很有可能带上了些许的京腔京调。为什么呢?因为周围的大多数人讲话都有点京片子,这就是环境嘛。那么现在如果没有这个语言环境,也就是说不具备条件跑到英国或者美国去住那么一段时间该怎么办呢?答案也很简单:自己创造一个语言环
39、境。其中一个很简单的方法就是看 DVD,听电影对白,然后呢就充分发挥自己模仿的能力吧。试想,如果每天都是大量的好莱坞巨星或者 Pop Stars 天天对着你又哭又笑,又跳又唱,我想一点美国英语或者英国英语的味道都沾不上是根本都不可能的吧。当然还有其他的方法。其中之一叫做“机器人” 。在进行这种练习时需要以最慢的速度和最平的音调(就像机器人说话没有声调一样)一口气把一个句子读完。其实,这种方法不仅练习了音调,还练习了发音和讲英语的肺活量。当练习者以最慢的速度读句子,也就是以最慢的速度读句子中的单词时,练习者会把单词中的每一个元音发的更饱满。只有当元音饱满时,单词念出来才标准,才好听。长期以来,练
40、习者就会养成好的发音习惯,有助于提高发音的基础。其次,以最平的声调练习的目的主要是去除练习者本身错误的音调。同时较平的音调也是美国南方各州口音的特点之一。在练习者去除了本身错误的音调并且适应了平调以后,就一定要结合“听” 。无论是看 DVD 还是听电影对白还是什么其它的听力材料,一定要多听。如果要学美国音就多听美国电影,要学英国音就多听英国材料。这样,正如前面所提到的,在自己创造的语言环境当中就一定可以学好语音语调。再来说说肺活量。中文的特点是一个汉字只有一个音节,词句中音节和音节没有任何联系。也就是说没有连读,失去爆破,略读,弱读等等。一句话例如“成功需要一个人不懈的努力”,可以很连贯的念下
41、来,也可以一个字一个字的顿出来“成,功,需,要,一,个,人,不,懈,的,努,力” 。这两者在表达上没有什么差异。然而英文的单词可以由一个音节甚至多达十几个音节构成,单词在句子中的连读,失去爆破,略读,弱读比比皆是。换句话来说,如果我们把讲中文比作打手枪,那么将英文就是打机关枪, “嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟.” 。这样以来,由于两种语言本身的发音构造不同,大多数人初学英文都感觉到念一个句子通常喘不过来气,还没有念完一个段落就累得不行要休息一下下,所以也就更提不上连贯了。所以解决的方法就要通过提高肺活量。在这个叫做“机器人” 的联系中,练习者必须用最慢的速度并且一口气读完一个句子。虽然刚开始感到很难,但是伴随着练习量的不断增加和坚持,最终练习者会自然而然的加快语速和流利度,那时讲英文就像说汉语一样自然轻松了