1、,标题,客户名 客户所在地 日期,此报告仅供客户内部使用。未经蓝程咨询公司的书面许可,其它任何机构或个人不得擅自传阅、引用或复制。 本文只提供演示文稿纲要,需辅助以口头讲解和叙述。,客户企标,使用指引,本工具文档包含了最常用的一些图表以帮助我们更为方便快捷地制作PowerPoint文件 在应用这些图表之前,你需要首先在你所做的文档里应用蓝程的PPT模版,那么所有蓝程的报告文档可以统一模式 如果你需要在你的演示中应用某图表,只需复制该图表在你的文档中,然后修改。一般有两种复制方法: 在普通视图下,按 Ctrl-A选择所有对象,复制,然后切换到新文档中粘贴 在幻灯片浏览视图下,选择你要复制的幻灯片
2、单页,然后复制、粘贴到新的文档里,当然也是在浏览模式下,使用指引,标题和正文在模版中已经预设,所以你只需要应用即可。应用时选择菜单中格式 中的幻灯片版式。你即可选择你需要的版式,再填入文字 按增加缩进量,文字缩进一级后字体大小和粗细或项目符号会自动改变 行间距也是预设的,不要按两次回车以增加行间距 记住,复制是最有效而准确的方式将一个对象的格式应用到另一个上。所以如果你要插入一个新的对象如文本框,并且对格式不那么确定,请从工具文档中复制,使用指引,一些“要”和“不要” 不要在按照文本自动调整格式下输入文本,在编辑时会很难调整 文本中排列间隔不要用空格,而用tab键:不要在一个文本框中输入太多的
3、文本,以后将很难修改格式,1,2,The upper triangle controls the indentation of the first line of a paragraph,The bottom triangle controls the indentation of the second and the consequent line of a paragraph,These triangles control the level 2 text,Table mark,Table mark controller,定制你的工具栏可以显著提高制作速度 在菜单中选择工具栏定制,将出现如
4、下的对话框,选择其中常用的图标置于桌面的工具栏上:,使用指引,以下的快捷键都是在左手操作的,当你右手使用鼠标时这些快捷键将极为方便。请经常使用以便记住: Ctrl-C: 复制 Ctrl-X: 剪切 Ctrl-V: 粘贴 Ctrl-S: 保存 Ctrl-A: 全选 Ctrl-Z: 撤销 Ctrl-D: 复写 用鼠标移动对象十分方便。但是需要垂直或水平移动的时候可同时按住Shift键 如果你需要复制对象到指定地方,按住Ctrl移动即可复制。同时按 Ctrl 和 Shif可以使复制的对象和原对象垂直或水平,使用指引,移动鼠标以选中对象。但是当对象没有填充内容是只有点中边框才能选中,而边框又不易看到。
5、所以除了矩阵和表格一般可将对象填充颜色设为白色 如果想选中分散的对象,按住 Shift 键然后选中一个一个对象 按住鼠标左键拖动覆盖住你想选择的多个对象,你能选中拖动区域内所有的对象。结合Shift键可以十分方便地选中一些小的或隐藏的对象 快捷键 Ctrl-A 可使你选中幻灯片中所有的对象或者文本框中所有的文本 按住 shift 击中文本框的任一部分,你便能选中整个文本框 在文本框中,按击鼠标左键三次可选中整个段落;两次选中词或词组。,使用指引,Project name or document title (max. two lines) Type of document Client nam
6、e (max. two lines) Location, date of presentation (month day, year),Project name or document title | Date (month day, year),This document was created for the exclusive use of our clients. It is not complete unless supported by the underlying detailed analyses and oral presentation. It must not be pa
7、ssed on to third parties except with the explicit prior consent of RittenHouse & Partners.,Content Page,A. Chapter ?1. Sub chapter ? 1.1 Section ?B. Chapter ?1. Sub chapter ? 1.1 Section ?C. Chapter ?1. Sub chapter ? 1.1 Section ?,A. Chapter page (after chapter point: 4 “space bars“),Action/reaction
8、,Action/reaction,Action/reaction,Against the tide/with the tide,Against the tide,With the tide,.,.,.,.,.,.,Balance/imbalance,Balance/imbalance,Balance/imbalance,Bar chart,Graph Title,Chances/risks,Change of direction,Moment of directional change,China map,Level 1 text Level 2 text Level 3 text,Circu
9、lation (2 factors),Circulation (3 factors),Circulation (4 factors),Circulation (5 factors),Circulation (6 factors),Circulation (7 factors),Circulation (8 factors),Columns and tables,Column Title 1,Category 1,Type your phrases and sentences here Type your phrases and sentences here,Column Title 2,Typ
10、e your phrases and sentences here Type your phrases and sentences here,Column Title 3,Type your phrases and sentences here Type your phrases and sentences here,Category 2,Type your phrases and sentences here Type your phrases and sentences here,Type your phrases and sentences here Type your phrases
11、and sentences here,Type your phrases and sentences here Type your phrases and sentences here,Category 3,Type your phrases and sentences here Type your phrases and sentences here,Type your phrases and sentences here Type your phrases and sentences here,Type your phrases and sentences here Type your p
12、hrases and sentences here,Column chart,Graph Title,CAGR ?%,Column chart,Graph Title,Graph Title,Unit,Unit,Column chart,Category 4,Category 3,Category 2,Category 1,Column 1,000,000,000,000,000,Graph Title,Category 5,000,Total,Series 1,Column 2,000,000,000,000,000,000,Series 2,Series 1,Series 2,Column
13、 chart,Sub Title,Sub Title,Sub Title,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,Label,Label,Label,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,Label,Label,Label,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,Label,Label,Label,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,Label,Label,Label,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,Label,Label
14、,Label,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,Label,Label,Label,Sub Title,Sub Title,Sub Title,Series 1,Series 2,Series 3,Dash Line,Conflict,?,Conflict,Consequences (2),.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,Consequences (3),Consequences (4),.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,Consequences (5),.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,Consequences (2),Consequence
15、s (3),Consequences (4),Consequences (5),Consequences,1,2,3,4,5,6,Consultants profil (English), Firstname Lastname,Position: ,Year of birth: ,Nationality: ,Languages,19901994,Education,Updated: MM/YY,Professional experience,Methodological competence,Since 10/1992,Industry competence,Key projects,Coop
16、eration,Cooperation,Cost breakdown chart,Value,Value,Value,Value,Value,Value,Unit,Gross Margin,Cost,Component (%),Component (%),Component (%),Component (%),Component (%),Component (%),Dead end,Dependance,Development,Dice,Direction,Factors (2),Factors (3),Factors (3),Factors (3),Factors (4),Factors (
17、4),Factors (4),Factors (4),Factors (6),Factors (6),Factors (8),Factors (4),Factors (5),Factors (5),Feedback,Feedback,Feedback,Feedback,Feedback,Filter,Filter,Initial situation,1. Criterion,2. Criterion,3. Criterion,Result,Flexibility,Flexibility,Ability,Intention,Flexibilty,Flexibility,Focus expansi
18、on,t,t,Growth,Guidelines,Harmony,Hurdles and brakes,Company X,Impact,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,Influence (1 factor),Influence (2 factors),Influence (2 factors),Influence (4 factors),Influence (4 factors),Influence (6 factors),Input/output,.,.,Interaction,Margin chart,100%,?%,Label,?%,Label,?%,Label,?%,Label,?%,
19、Label,Total in Value,Index,Label,Label,Label,Label,Label,Label,000,000,000,?%,?%,?%,000,?%,?%,000,000,Matrix,Matrix,Matrix,Dimension 2,Dimension 1,Scale,Scale,Scale,Scale,Level 1 text Level 2 text Level 3 text,Level 1 text Level 2 text Level 3 text,Level 1 text Level 2 text Level 3 text,Level 1 text
20、 Level 2 text Level 3 text,Matrix,Label,Label,Label,Label,Dimension II,Content,Dimension I,Label,Label,Content,Content,Content,Content,Measures plan planned activities,Overview: ,Activities,Wk .,Wk .,Wk .,Wk .,Wk .,Wk .,Wk .,Wk .,Wk .,Wk .,Comments,Measures plan planned measures,Activity: ,As of: ,O
21、bjective:,Results:,Responsible: ,Support: ,Measures: ,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,Measures plan planned individual steps,Measure: .,No.,As of: ,1.,.,Individual steps,Responsible,Support,Form of result,Start,Dura- tion,Dead- line,Pro- ject,Com-pleted,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,Models,Type your phrases and sentences here,Le
22、vel 1 text Level 2 text,Step 1,Step 2,Step 3,Step 4,Type your phrases and sentences here,Type your phrases and sentences here,Type your phrases and sentences here,Moon chart,Bar,Ball,Bar,Arrow,Multipliers,.,+,+,+,.,+,= Projektteams,Multipliers,Mutuality,Mutuality,Obstacle,Obstacle,.,.,Obstacle,Organ
23、izational and flow chart,Organizational and flow chart,Pantene,Jiehua,New Brand,Rejoice,Head & Shoulders,Ulan,Whisper,Ariel,Tide,JV Brands,Crest,Professional Marketing,Safeguard,Zest Camay,Assistant Brand Manager, 2-5 per Brand,Media & Commercial Production,Marketing Manager,Dimitri Panayatapolous,S
24、chool Program Group,Nurses for School Program,Randall Beard Marketing Director,Rene Co Marketing Director,Ken Doi Marketing Director,Robin Oxendine Marketing Manager,Peter Foyston Marketing Manager,Laundry,Haircare,Toothpaste/Soap,Skincare/Paper,Vacant General Manager,Brad Casper General Manager*,Va
25、cant General Manager,Virginia Lee Vice President*,Marketing Organization,Organizational and flow chart,Competitive Models,Market Results,Feasible Scenarios India China Philippines,Success Requirements,Bacardi Strategy,Asia Whisky Opportunity Assessment,Market Archetype Model Sizing Pricing,Bacardi S
26、trategy Overlap,Determine Whether to Proceed Further,Execute,Will whisky help to build Bacardi rum globally?,Are there opportunities for whisky in the rest of the world?,Yes,Develop Objectives & Strategies Financial Goals Market Priorities Acquisition or Organic Growth Product/ Marketing/ Distributi
27、on Strategies,Process Map,Option,1,2,3,Option,1,2,3,4,Option,quit,develope,Penetration,Pie chart,Chart Title,Label %,Label %,Label %,Label %,Label %,Series 1,Series 2,Series 3,Chart Title,Label %,Label %,Label %,Label %,Label %,100%=XXXX,100%=XXXX,Pie chart,Chart Title,Label %,Label %,Label %,Label
28、%,Label %,Series 1,Series 2,Series 3,Level 1 text Level 2 text Level 3 text,100%=XXXX,Pie chart,Chart Title,Label %,Label %,Label %,Label %,Label %,Chart Title,Label %,Label %,Label %,Label %,Series 1,Series 2,Series 3,Chart Title,Label %,Label %,Label %,Label %,Label %,Chart Title,Label %,Label %,L
29、abel %,Label %,100%=XXXX,100%=XXXX,100%=XXXX,100%=XXXX,Plus/minus,.,.,Plus/minus,.,.,+,Plus/minus,Plus/minus,Plus/minus,Portfolio,+,+,Portfolio,+,+,+,+,Pressure,Pressure,Pressure,Prioritization,Prioritization,Process,Process,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,Process decrease,1,2,3,4,5,Progress,Project,Phase I,Phase
30、 II,Phase III,Project, weeks, weeks,Phase I,Phase II,4,3,1,2,Project procedure,Phases,Time required,Project features,.,.,Phase I.,Phase II.,.,.,Phase III., weeks, weeks, weeks,1,2,3,4,Puzzle,3 parts,1,2,3,To apply color, ungroup the object, then regroup it afterwards,=,Redesign (Cube),Redesign does
31、not mean:,But:,Solving individual problems,Creating a comprehensive solution,Redesign,“Shot gun“,“Marksman“,“Automatic pistol“,Open fire in an uncontrolled manner Rather dissatisfactory result,Lengthy sighting Good but rarely optimal result Not appropriate for dynamic environment and target,Rapid si
32、ghting Swift feedback Hit bulls eye after a few interactive shots!,Target solution,Actual situation,Resistance,.,.,Restructuring,Improvement of liquidity,Cost reduction,Reduction in personnel,Structural change,Positioning on the market,Improvement of liquidity,Cost reduction,Reduction in personnel,S
33、tructural change,Positioning on the market,Restructuring does not mean .,But .,Rethink,Separation,Separation,.,Separation,Spinning off parts of a company,Storyboard,Storyboard,Strengths/weaknesses,Strengths,Weaknesses,Weaknesses,Strengths,.,.,.,Today,Tomorrow,Table,Table,Table,Table,Target (1 factor
34、),Target (2 factors),Target (3 factors),Team organization,.,Client,RittenHouse,N. N. N. N.,N. N. N. N.,.,Client,RittenHouse,N. N. N. N.,N. N. N. N.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,Text blocks (2),.,.,Text blocks (3),.,.,.,Text blocks (4),.,.,.,.,Text blocks (5),.,.,.,.,.,Text blocks (2),.,.,.,.,Text blocks (3),.,.,
35、.,.,.,.,Text blocks (4),.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,Text blocks (5),.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,Text blocks (3 + 3),.,.,.,Text blocks (3 + 4),.,.,.,.,Text in box,Level 1 text Level 2 text Level 3 text,Level 1 text Level 2 text Level 3 text,Level 1 text Level 2 text Level 3 text,Text in box,Level 1 text Level 2 text Lev
36、el 3 text,Level 1 text Level 2 text Level 3 text,Level 1 text Level 2 text Level 3 text,Level 1 text Level 2 text Level 3 text,Text in box,Level 1 text Level 2 text Level 3 text,Level 1 text Level 2 text Level 3 text,Level 1 text Level 2 text Level 3 text,Level 1 text Level 2 text Level 3 text,Phase
37、 I Phase Name (Title Case),Phase II Phase Name,Timetable,Wk,Month,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,Issues,Value-added chain,Supplier,Customer,Development,Production,Sales,Distribution,Company,Vision,Vision,Waste of resources problem,Problem 3,Problem 1,Problem 2,Problem 4,Waste of resources solution,
38、Solution to problem 3,Solution to problem 1,Solution to problem 2,Solution to problem 4,As a short-term cash-cow, more public products are expected to be sole in contributing to the early break even,Project selling only Purely import Doesnt take up much corporate capacity,High unit price High profit
39、 margin,Short-term sales-up potential,Strong Swiss brand with original import concept,Current sales of public products account for 38% of Geberit gross sales turnover,Source: Geberit, RB&P analysis,The market size for public products itself is limited and shrinking Limited number of targeted high-en
40、d hotels and buildings for Geberit Many competitors within the industry Lack of one-set solution Combined selling approach is becoming difficult (e.g. Kohler to whom Geberit used to provide electronic produces and sell in projects has launched its own electronic products,Market size for Geberit public products is limited,