1、The biography of Zhenhuan,甄嬛传,甄嬛 身份次于华妃和皇后,深受皇上宠爱。 ZhenHuans status is just lower than HuaFei and the Old Abnormal Queen.She is emperors beloved,Actress: Lisa,浣碧为甄嬛的丫鬟,略有姿色,眉眼处有几分像甄嬛,也有心计。 HuanBi is Zhenhuans slave girl and has a bit of charm,her facial features is like Zhenhuan,she is also retaliat
2、ed.,Actress:Katherine,安陵容 安陵容拥有一副好嗓音,奈何相貌不佳无法与华妃、甄嬛等抗衡。 AnLing has a good voice,but cannot counter with HuaFei、Zhenhuan and so on because of the poor look.,Actress:Anna,华妃 年世兰是大将军的妹妹,仗着身世和宠爱,对其他的妃嫔不择手段。 NianShilan is the imperators sister.By use of her life experience and emperors favor ,she treats others by hook or by crook .,Actress:Cherish,Scene 1,Scene2,Scene3,Thank you!,