1、1初等教育和学前教育模拟考试题(六)本试卷共 100 分,考试时间 120 分钟题号 语文 数学 英语 总分得分语文部分(共 35 分)一、本大题共 5 个小题,每小题 2 分,共 10 分。在每小题列出的四个选项中,只有一项最符合题目要求,请选出来。题号 1 2 3 4 5 总分答案1下列词语中加点的字,读音全都正确的一组是A. 翘楚(qio) 僭(jin)越 卡脖子(qi) 兔起鹘落(h)B. 嗔怒(zhn) 稽(q)首 创可贴(chung) 翻箱倒箧(qi)C. 恫吓(dng) 骁勇(xio) 抹不开(m) 叱咤(ch)风云D整饬(ch) 胴体(tng) 国库券(qun) 暴殄天物(ti
2、n)2下列词语中,没有错别字的一组是A. 杂糅 影碟机 绿草如荫 失之东隅,收之桑榆B. 宣泄 协奏曲 张皇失措 众口铄金,积毁销骨C掣肘 亲和力 两全齐美 言者无罪,闻者足戒D纹身 黄粱梦 引吭高歌 盛名之下,其实难副3下列语句中,标点符号使用正确的一项是A.2010 年以来,令普通百姓印象深刻的是食品接力涨价的现象:从“蒜你狠”“豆你玩”到“姜你军”,再从“糖高宗”“油你涨”到“苹什么”,新词可谓层出不穷。B.12 月 1 日,主题为亚太地区形势和中国政策的首届“蓝厅论坛”研讨会在外交部南楼“蓝厅”举行。C.巴赫的音乐,面对的是每个听者的心灵。它总是如微风细雨,悄然而来,轻柔曼 妙;总是如
3、涓涓细流,清清地、浅浅地流淌稳定,安详,恬静,圣洁。D1 月 1 日,中俄原油管道投入运行。中俄原油管道是中国四大油气资源进口通道之一,其他三条是中哈原油及中亚天然气管道、中缅油气管道、海上通道(船运石油和液化天然气)。4下列语句中,加点词语使用恰当的一项是A.据新民晚报报道,近几年,国家公布的一些纲领性文件真正落实到基层的不过五成。B.陕北一座经济欠发达的小城,交通要道连红绿灯都装不起,以致大小交通事故经常发生,但市政府最近却决定斥资数千万元建大型广场。C.兽兽、犀利哥、罗玉凤、小月月这些极具喜剧感的人物在 2010 年先后粉墨登场,使人们茶余饭后的空闲充实起来。D在 2011 年纳达尔和费
4、德勒的第一次交手中,纳达尔功败垂成,在先失一局的情况下,连扳两局,以大比分 2:1 取得阿布扎比表演赛的胜利。5下列语句中,没有语病的一项是A.电信业内人士报料,“高额吸费电话”之所以能大行其道,是因为电信运营商参与了不法垃圾短信公司和声讯服务台的收益分成的结果。2B.近日,微软研发中心宣布,一贯技术领先、功能创新闻名的微软科技电脑公司,在近期率先计划推出具有国际领先水平的新一代家用电脑产品。C在孔子文化节期间,记者在曲阜见到了很多来自全国各地、甚至海外的华人华侨,真切地感受到了儒家文化巨大的影响力。D我国科学家完成了核动力堆中燃烧后的核燃料铀钚材料回收的实验,这意味着我国已经探明的铀资源从大
5、约只能使用 50 年变成了足够用上 3000 年。6阅读下文,回答问题。(3 分)子曰:“君子不重则不威,学则不固。主忠信,无友不如己者;过则勿惮改。 ”有子曰:“礼之用,和为贵。先王之道,斯为美;小大由之。有所不行,知和而和,不以礼节之,亦不可行也。 ”【注】 礼:在春秋时代, “礼”泛指奴隶社会的典章制度和道德规范。孔子的“礼” ,既指“周礼” ,礼节、仪式,也指人们的道德规范。(1)翻译上面选段中画线的句子。_(2)孔子认为君子应当具有哪些品格?为什么孔子认为“知和而和” “亦不可行”?_7补写出下面名句名篇中的空缺部分。 (8 分)子曰:“德不孤, 。” (论语)身无彩凤双飞翼, 。
6、(李商隐无题)秦爱纷奢,人亦念其家。 ,用之如泥沙? (杜牧阿房宫赋)想当年,金戈铁马, 。 (辛弃疾永遇乐京口北固亭怀古)吴楚东南坼, 。 (杜甫登岳阳楼)转轴拨弦三两声, 。 (白居易琵琶行)多情自古伤离别, 。 (柳永雨霖铃),抱明月而长终。 (苏轼赤壁赋)三、阅读下文,完成 13 题。 (12 分)最好的作品何一飞县文联作家蒋单嘴上经常挂着一句话:我笔下都是高洁之士。这倒不是他吹的,他写的大多是医家、书家、藏家系列小说,笔下人物都有高士之意,作品在省内外很受好评。蒋单本人也是个高士。别看他是个作家,却长得五大三粗,满面油光,有水镇人喊他屠夫。他呵呵地认了,完全没有被作践的样子。他确实傲
7、过屠夫,上世纪 70 年代初知青回城后,先是在肥得流油的县肉食水产公司系条油油的裙子卖肉。据说手上功夫甚是了得,卖肉不用秤,全凭手感。但他摸惯了杀猪刀的手硬是喜欢上了码字儿,并且写得小有名气。80年代初,县里成立文联,就把他调了过来。那时肉食水产公司这个单位肥得不得了,文联却是清贫单位,人家笑他米箩跳到糠箩,他就笑笑。后来肉食水产公司倒了,人家说他有眼光,他也只是笑笑。蒋单喜欢交朋友,三教九流都有,也肯帮忙。搞运输的刘老板加盟某大品牌家具公司,新开了一家家具城,要挂一副对联,上联取自品牌公司的企业宗旨:以人为本,构建绿色社会;上联弄好了,却没有对得上的下联,找了许多写手也没有合适的,最后找到了
8、蒋单。怎3么弄个这样的上联?蒋单问,言下之意这上联不咋的。他不待刘老板回答,自己泡了杯茶,顺着浓浓的热气喝了一大口,放下杯子说,有了,下联是:让爱做主,营造温馨世界。水镇人都说这是绝对,而且极适合家具城用,把个刘老板喜得拿了两条蓝芙蓉王烟来答谢。蒋单没收,说刘老板要是方便的话,以后文联搞文学讲习班你来个小赞助吧。县里招商引资,引进了大老板张董事长在县里建一个大型电子厂,总投资 3000 万,前期投入 l000 万。张董事长来签约那天,给县领导提了个要求,要在水镇找个作家给他的老爷爷也就是他父亲的爷爷写个传记。光绪年间他父亲的爷爷在水镇做过县令,勤政为民,爱民若子,后来累死在任上。这样一个小要求
10、说张董事长慢喝,我不胜酒力先走一步。说毕,迈开腾腾大步走了。过了五天,蒋单却把书稿退给了张董事长,说这书他写不了,也不能写。张董事长以为蒋单嫌钱少,叫秘书从财务室拿来 5 万元钱,啪地一声砸在蒋单面前。先给你 5 万,张董事长说,写完再给你 5 万,蒋先生总该满意了吧?蒋单像是被羞辱了一般,屠夫性格就出来了,拿起钱径往张董事长身上砸去,愤然说道,我这一生,何曾被这劳什子累过。张董事长把这事告到了县领导那里。县领导一个电话把蒋单叫了过来,狠狠批评了蒋单一顿。然后又许诺说,县里正在调整干部,只要把书写好,可以把他讽到文化局当局长。蒋单拒绝了。他说,我查阅了县志,张董事长的老爷爷是水镇县史上最大的贪
12、都认为蒋单的辞职报告应该是他写得最好的作品。(北京文学2010 年第 3 期)1请对小说画线处肖像描写的作用作简要分析。(4 分)2统观全文,简要概括蒋单这个人物形象的性格特征。(4 分)43为什么水镇人认为蒋单的辞职报告“应该是他写得最好的作品”呢?(4 分)数学部分(共 30 分)1设 的共轭复数是 ,若 , ,则 等于( )zz48zAzA B C Dii1i2设函数 则 的值为( )2()xf, , , , (2)fA B C D15671689183右图是一个几何体的三视图,根据图中数据,可得该几何体的表面积是( )A B C D9024不等式 的解集是( )25(1)xA B C
13、D3, 3, 132, , 132, ,5已知 为 的三个内角 的对边,向量 若abc, , A AB, , ()(cosin)A, , ,m,且 ,则角 的大小分别为( )mnossinc,A B C D63, 236, 36, 3,6已知 ,则 的值是( )4cssi57siA B C D23523457若圆 的半径为 1,圆心在第一象限,且与直线 和 轴相切,则该圆的标准方程是( C30xyx)A B227(3)xy22()(1)C D22(1)()1223()xy8已知 ,则 的值等于 234log3xf8()()fff俯视图 正(主)视图 侧(左)视图23225B ABCEO xy9
14、.如图,在直角坐标系中放入一个边长 OC 为 9 的矩形纸片 ABCO将纸片翻折后,点 B 恰好落在 x 轴上,记为 B,折痕为 CE,已知 tanOB C 34(1)求 B 点的坐标;(2)求折痕 CE 所在直线的解析式10.已知:如图,在半径为 4 的O 中,AB,CD 是两条直径,M 为 OB 的中点,CM 的延长线交O 于点 E,且 EM MC连结 DE,DE= .15(1) 求证: ; (2) 求 EM 的长;AMBEC(3)求 sinEOB 的值.11.在直角坐标平面中,O 为坐标原点,二次函数 的图象与2(1)4yxky 轴交于点 A,与 x 轴的负半轴交于点 B,且 6OABS
15、(1)求点 A 与点 B 的坐标;(2)求此二次函数的解析式;(3)如果点 P 在 x 轴上,且ABP 是等腰三角形,求点 P 的坐标A BCEDOM6英语部分(共 35 分)答题卡题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7答案题号 8 9 10 11 12 13 14答案题号 15 16 17 18 19 20 21答案题号 22 23 24 25 26 27 28答案题号 29 30 31 32 33 34 35答案第一节 单项填空 (共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)1. May I put my luggage on the seat beside you, sir? .AGo a
16、head BWith pleasure CNever mind DTake it easy2. -Do you know Lin Bo came_ first in the competition of IMO 2009 held in Germany?- Yeah. Were proud of him because he was just _ 18-year-old boy then.A. the; a B. the; / C. /; an D. /; the3. Mary came _ into the classroom to find out where her mobile was
17、Ato run Brunning Crun Dto be running4. Since this summer our school has developed an on-line system _students can choose their own teachers.A. which B. when C. that D. where 5. You _ receive a wonderful birthday present tomorrow, as I have promised. A. may B. need C. can D. shall6. As a solution, th
18、e state has created _ are called natural reservations, where animals live in conditions similar to those in their natural habitat.A. that B. how C. what D. whether7. -As you are working hard at English all the time, you must do best in this English test.- No, that doesnt necessarily_.A. follow B. ap
19、pear C. happen D. show8. Your train was late last nightYes, it was midnight _it finally arrivedA. that B. when C. since D. until79. The law that anyone _ in public will be punished has been carried out in China since Jan.1, 2011.A. smoked B. is smoking C. have smoked D. smokes10. I have the habit of
20、 surfing the Internet to _ the latest news at home and abroadA. live up to B. put up with C. keep up with D. look up to第二节 完型填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 20 分)We had a small kitchen and the table was barely large enough to seat us allSometimes we just had sandwiches, but that didnt 11 and we still ate toge
21、therWe each had a place at the table 12 Momma said, “Suppers ready“, there was never any question that we 13 slid into our own places, with no 14 between us kids about who would sit whereOur family was 15 during meals, yet it was at the table that we learned to take 16 by helping from preparing the
22、meal and setting the table to cleaning up 17 . Momma taught us how to behave at home, so we would know how to behave later in 18 We were 19 to offer to help if we were guests in someone elses homeIt was at my place at the table that I heard a lot of good 20 and had an opportunity to talk and make co
23、mmentsThe lessons I learned 21 enabled me to know more about how to 22 meals and teach my own children23 , I read that 75 percent of families do not eat meals together any moreIt seems that 24 people dont make it to the table for even one mealFamilies often eat in front of the television 25 on their
24、 way to some activityIt is 26 that statistics show the children of families who eat meals together five or more times a week have higher academic performanceTeenagers are also shown to have 27 rates of smoking and illegal drug useThere is 28 to having “a place at the table“It is a place where we fee
25、l loved and 29 . It is a place where much is learned and 30 are made11Amatter Bmean Ccount Dbenefit12ASince BWhile CUntil DWhen13Aslowly Bsecretly Cquickly Dproperly14Aimpression Bargument Cpermission Didea15Ainformal Bserious Ccautious Dnervous16Apride Bturns Cresponsibility Ddecisions17Ameanwhile
26、Bafterward Cahead Dbehind18Apublic Bpanic Cneed Dsecret19Arequested Bpersuaded Cforced Dexpected20Asongs Bprograms Cconversations Djokes21Amaking up Bgrowing up Cturning up Dstaying up22Aorder Bbuy Cchoose Dprepare23ARecently BLuckily CFinally DObviously24Ayounger Bfew Cmost Dwealthier25Aand Bor Cbu
27、t Dyet26Apuzzling Bconfusing Cworrying Dinteresting27Aslower Blarger Clower Dhigher28Anothing Bsomething Ceverything Danything29Aaccepted Bignored Churt Dexposed30Amistakes Befforts Cpromises Dmemories第三部分:阅读理解(共 5 小题,每题 1 分,满分 5 分)In disaster emergencies, it is often unsafe for 8responders to enter
28、 the scene to save potential survivors. Now, University of Missouri(MU) researchers have developed software for a robot with a laser(激光)sensor that can enter dangerous structures to assess the structures stability and locate any remaining people. This technology could lead to safer and more efficien
29、t rescue missions.“I worked with my students to develop a computer software that helps the user to analyze the data and conduct virtual navigation(导航), so they can have an idea of the structure before they enter it. The technology could save the lives of disaster victims and responders.” said Ye Dua
30、n, associate professor of computer science in the MU College of Engineering.The remote-controlled robot, built by researchers at MU of Science and Technology, is designed to remotely transport a Light Detection and Ranging unit (LIDAR) so that responders, such as police, firefighters, and rescue tea
31、ms, can know more about dangerous structures before entering. When inside the structure, the robot takes multiple scans using LIDAR that takes up to 500,000 point measurements per second. It also can scan through windows. After the scans, the software forms the data points into 3-D maps that can sho
32、w individual objects, create floor plans and color-code areas inside the structure for stability. Depending on the data size, the data maps can take up from half hour to two hours for the software to create.“Although the software and the robot can help in emergency situations, it could be commercial
33、ized for a variety of uses,” Duan said. “This system could be used for routine structure inspections, which could help prevent tragedies such as the Minneapolis bridge collapse in 2007. The researchers now are working on a proposal to make the robot faster and smaller than the current model, which r
34、esembles the NASA rovers sent to Mars, which weighs about 200 pounds.31. According to the passage, Ye Duan_.A. teaches geography at MUB. developed a software for robotC. made a breakthrough in computer engineeringD. is working on software for robot to save people32. LIDAR is used to_ according to th
35、e passage.A. assess the structures stability and locate remaining peopleB. to analyze the data and conduct virtual navigation C. take multiple scan inside the structure of the disasterD. form the data points into 3-D maps through windows33. According to the passage, we can conclude that_.A. the remo
36、te-controlled robot was invented by Ye Duan and his studentsB. the NASA rovers sent to Mars use the software created by Ye DuanC. the remote-controlled robot has been used in disaster emergenciesD. the robot that is smaller and lighter than the current is on the way34. What is the text mainly about?
37、A. The remote-controlled robot used in industries.B. The development of the remote-controlled robot C. The working principles of the remote-controlled robot.D. Software for the robot to improve rescue missions.35. The text is most probably a_.A. science news report B. science fiction storyC. newspap
38、er advertisement D. book review9语文答案部分1A(B“嗔”应读“chn”;C“咤”应读“zh”;D“胴”应读“dng”)2B(A“绿草如荫”应写作“绿草如茵”;C“两全齐美”应写作“两全其美”;D“纹身”应写作“文身”)3D(A 冒号提示范围到“苹什么”,所以“苹什么”后应用句号。B 书名号应改为引号,篇的标题只是篇的局部,不是篇的整体,虽然局部与整体有联系。C 破折号应改为冒号)4B(A 颁布:着重指向下颁发,颁布者一般是高级领导机关或成员,颁布的内容常是法令等。公布:着重指向公众发布,公布者除了高级领导机关或成员外,还可以是一般机关、单位、团体;公布的内容也
39、较广泛,除了法令等以外,还可以是方案、名单、账目、成绩、结果、数字、事实等。C 粉墨登场:原指演员化装上台演戏。比喻坏人经过一番打扮,登上政治舞台。和语境不符。D 功败垂成:快要成功的时候遭到失败含惋惜意。语意误解。)5D(A 句式杂糅,去掉“的结果”。B 语序不当,应将“计划”放到“在近期”前。C 搭配不当,“全国各地”不能修饰“华人华侨”。)6.必有邻 心有灵犀一点通奈何取之尽锱铢 气吞万里如虎乾坤日夜浮未成曲调先有情更那堪冷落清秋节 挟飞仙以遨游7.【答案】 (1)( 做人)要以忠和信为主,不要跟不如自己的人交朋友; 有了过错,就不要怕改正。但是,若有行不通的地方,还一味地为恰当而求恰当
40、,不用一定的规矩制度来加以节制,也是不可行的。(2)君子应当具有庄重威严、认真学习、慎重交友、过而能改的品格。因为孔子以为“和”是有原则的,凡事都讲“和” ,不用一定的规矩制度来加以节制,是行不通的。【参考译文】 孔子说:“君子(如果)不庄重就没有威严,就是学习了也不能巩固。 (做人)要以忠和信为主,不要跟不如自己的人交朋友;有了过错,就不要怕改正。 ”有子说:“礼的作用,以遇事做到恰当为可贵。古代那些圣明君主治理国家的方法,宝贵的地方就在这里;他们不论大事小事都要做得恰当。但是,若有行不通的地方,还一味地为恰当而求恰当,不用一定的规矩制度来加以节制,也是不可行的。 ”8.1、引出下文其卖肉的
41、经历;以外貌的“粗”和他“高士”的身份形成对比;为后文写他在原则问题上表现出的“屠夫”性格作埋伏。(4 分。写出两点即可得全分) 2、豁达(别人喊他“屠夫”,他不生气,不辩解,只是笑笑);有才气(作品在省内外很受好评);热情(主动帮助朋友解决难题,帮助县里招商引资);淡泊(刘老板 拿两条蓝美蓉王烟来答谢,他没收;张董事长高薪请他做策划总监,他拒绝);正直(宁辞职,不为贪官写虚假传记)3蒋单痛恨贪官、尊重历史真实的情感与群众相通(2 分);蒋单拒绝厚酬高位,宁愿辞职,不肯为贪官作歌功颂德的传记,这一做法体现出他的高洁精神,赢得了人们 的尊重(2 分)。所以水镇的人认为“蒋单的辞职报告应该是他写得
42、最好的作品”。(4 分。意思对即可)1-5 ACBDD 6-10 CABDC11-25 ADCBA 16-20CBADC 21-25 BDACB 26-30 DCBAD31-35 DCDDA主旨大意:灾难发生后,一项致力于如何了解人类无法到达生还人员的情况系统正在研究中,并取得了阶段性成果。31. D解析细节理解题。根据第二段可知 I worked with my students to develop a computer software that helps the user to analyze the data and conduct virtual navigation The t
43、echnology could save the lives of disaster victims and responders.可知 Ye Duan 正在致力于研发一种拯救灾难发生后人类无法到达的生还人员的系统。32 C解析细节理解题。根据第三段 When inside the structure, the robot takes multiple scans using LIDAR that takes up to 500,000 point measurements per second.可知 LIDAR 是用来扫描灾难后人类无法了解的生还人员的区域的状况的工具。1033. D解析 细节理解题。根据原文最后一段 The researchers now are working on a proposal to make the robot faster and smaller than the current model可知研究人员正在研究一种快而轻的机器人。34. D 解析 主旨大意题。本文重在研究提高人类救援任务的系统以及其研究的过程。所以 D 项正确。35. A 解析 推理判断题。综合全文可知本篇文章是最新研究发现,属于科学新闻报道。