1、 1 / 11目录: 第 1 章 介绍 第 2 章 管道 第 3 章 防爆墙 第 4 章 液氧泵系统 第 5 章 内部系统清洁 第 1 章 介绍 在液氧和气氧系统的 PID 检查中,容易忽视一些问题,考虑到这个系统的重要性,接下来将介绍 PID 检查。 第 2 章 管道 气氧和液氧管线部分介绍的内容如下: Purge line installation 导淋管线安装 Reducer and Elbow 变径和弯头 Vertical Vent 垂直放空 Check valves 止回阀 Piping downstream of throttling valve 控制阀的下游管道 By-pass
2、valve 均压阀(旁通阀) Valve installation on potentially hazardous cryogenic liquid lines 在有潜在风险的低温液体管线的阀门安装 Gaskets and root valves 垫片和根部阀 Flanges and Fittings 法兰和配件 Bonding and grounding 跨接和接地Title 2 PIPING 管道- 倒淋管安装:3A 液氧管线倒淋有两种连接形式-3A & 3B 3A 形式用于冷箱或隔箱内管道 , 连接方法如下(E-DS-14-4-3): 3B 形式用于保冷管道。连接方法如下 (E-DS-
3、14-4-3):2 / 11Title 2 PIPING 管道-变径和弯头 Reducer and Elbow 变径 (GD-SR-COM-009 p14) A horizontal GOX reducer at the inlet of a throttling valve, if any, shall be eccentric with bottom flat.水平氧气管道节流阀入口如有变径,变径要底平。 A GOX piping reducer shall have a reducing section ratio not greater than 3/1. 氧气管线的变径的缩小比率不能
4、超过 3/1. The lengths of reducers shall not be less than those of standard piping reducers. Details please refer to GB12459-1990. 变径的长度不能小于标准变径的长度(详见 GB12459-1990) 弯头弯头的半径需大于等于 1.5D.3 / 11Title 2 PIPING 管道-垂直放空 Vertical Vent 垂直放空 Key words 关键词: Discharge Point Height 排放口高度 (GD-SR-COM-011 p14/17) Rain
5、Protection Device 防雨装置 And blue area is hazard zone for vertical venting system. 蓝色区域为垂直排放的危险区域。 Take care the discharge point height. 需注意排放点高度。 防雨装置 (GD-SR-COM-011 p40) 方案 A: for small vents (up to ND50 / 2) 用于小口径放空( 2及以下) 方案 B: for larger vent diameter 用于大口径放空 方案 C: for silencers 用于消音器提醒:在排放管道小于等于
6、 3”时,排雨孔为 10mm。在管道大于 4”时,排雨孔为 20mm.Botm viewND 1/2“ to 2“ ND 3“ and 4“ ND 4”AANDsection A- ND1Title 2 PIPING 管道-止回阀 Check Valve 止回阀(GD-SR-COM-009 p17) When a check valve is required downstream of a throttling valve, it shall be installed at a minimum distance of 8D downstream of the throttling valve
7、. 节流阀后有止回阀时,节流阀后需要保持至少 8D 的直管道。 4 / 11 节流阀 Throttling valve (GD-SR-COM-009 p20) Throttling valves shall have a straight length of pipe downstream equivalent to a minimum of 8 times the diameter, where the diameter is based on the valve outlet size. 节流阀下游需保持至少 8D 的直管道距离,D 为阀门出口尺寸。 The first elbow (if
8、 radius 5D) downstream a throttling valve shall be at a minimum straight length of 20 D based on the valve outlet size, or alternatively installed inside protective barrier or made of the same material as for the downstream 8 D pipe. 节流阀下游的第一个弯头(半径5D)需保持 20D 的直管段距离,或安装在防爆墙内,或者保持 8D 直管道距离的豁免材料(如铜、镍,铜
9、镍合金等) 。 (详情见 p15/p16 Table 1 和 Table 2) 均压阀 (旁通阀 )By-pass Valve (GD-SR-COM-009 p21) As the by-pass valves are throttling valves, they shall have a straight length of pipe upstream and downstream equivalent to a minimum of 8 times the diameter (based on the valve outlet size). Except for by-pass inte
10、grated isolation valves. 因为旁通阀是用来节流的,所以上下游均需满足最低 8D 直管道的要求。 The by-pass valve diameter shall not exceed of the main line diameter and shall not exceed ND80.均压阀直径不能超过主管道直径的,且最大不能超过 ND80.5 / 11Title 2 PIPING 管道- 液体管道上的阀门 Valve Installation On Liquid Line 在有潜在风险的低温液体管线的阀门安装 (G-EP-14-3-2): H1This valve
11、is installed on LOX line aim to avoid the hydrocarbon accumulate in dead end.液氧管线上安装此类阀门主要是防止在死端的碳氢化合物集聚。LOX pump suction isolate valve is H1 type. Details please refer to PID.液氧泵入口的隔离阀均为 H1 类型阀门。 详情参照 PID. 在有潜在风险的低温液体管线的阀门安装 (G-EP-14-3-2): H2此类液氧管线上安装的阀门主要是防止在死端的碳氢化合物集聚。 LOX pump discharge isolate
12、valve is H2 type. Details please refer to PID.液氧泵出口的隔离阀均为 H2 类型阀门。 详情参照 PID。 Title 2 PIPING 管道- 氧气用垫片 GOX Gaskets 氧用垫片 GOX Gaskets 6 / 11Title 2 PIPING 管道-根部阀 Root Valves 根部阀 Base on the PID, some root valves for tubes marked in R112, R109, R111 and MS are installed in GOX or LOX system. 根据 PID,液氧和气
13、氧管线上仪表管的根部阀门类型如:R112, R109, R111& MS。 现场 PID 检查时,需仔细检查这些根部阀,防止用错。 一般手动阀门材料表在文件:500_Piping50X_General502_Manual valves and singular equipment. 还有些手阀材料表列在文件:500_Piping52X_Cold box site erected527_Instrumentation bookTitle 2 PIPING 管道-接地 Bonding and Grounding GOX piping grounding 氧管道接地 (GD-SR-COM-009 p
14、21/p22) Electrical continuity across any equipment, connection, except insulating joints, shall be ensured by construction or proper installation instructions. 所有设备、连接的导电连续性应由正确的安装来保证。The resistance to earth (or ground) of the pipe work system shall not exceed 10 ohms at any point throughout the ins
15、tallation. 任何点接地电阻需小于 10 欧姆。 Electrical continuity across flange connection shall be ensured through one of the three following solutions: 法兰间的连续导电性可采用如下三种方式之一: Conductive gaskets (e.g. graphite type gaskets or metallic spiral wound ), 导电的垫片(如石墨垫或金属缠绕垫) Corrosion resistant material for flanges and b
16、olting,防锈蚀材料的法兰及螺栓 Electrical continuity strips 导电线/带 7 / 11Title 2 PIPING 管道-法兰和配件 Flanges and Fittings 法兰和配件 Flanges and Fittings (GD-SR-COM-009 p14) Slip-on flanges shall not be used. 平焊法兰不能用。 Threaded joints and socket weld connections shall not be used on piping above ND 50. 螺纹连接和承插焊不能用于大于 DN50
17、 的管道。 死区 Dead end (GD-SR-COM-009 p29) In particular, consideration shall be given to lines in stand-by service such as bypass pipes, vent pipes, or purge lines for which the connection should be on the top of the main line or at least at the same level horizontally. 特别是,备用管线,如旁通、放空、或导淋等,需从主管道的顶部或至少水
18、平的位置连接出来。 Title 3 防爆墙 PROTECTIVE BARRIERS 防爆墙主要从以下几个方面介绍: (GD-SR-COM-010) Protective barriers layout 防爆墙平面图 Wall Crossings and Openings 穿墙和开孔 Roof 屋顶 Person access 人员通道 Equipment Outside Protective barriers 防爆墙外设备 防爆墙平面图 (GD-SR-COM-010 p9) The barrier shall be at least 300 mm away from oxygen piping
19、 under pressure during operation (instrumentation impulse line excluded). 正常运行带压的氧气管道需离防爆墙至少 300mm.(仪表导压管除外) 穿墙和开孔 Wall Crossings and Openings (GD-SR-COM-010 p11) Protective barriers shall have no hole or opening except those for access and for piping or equipment penetrations (i.e. manual valves st
20、ems).除了通道以及管道或设备穿过需要, (如阀门的阀杆) ,防爆墙不能有洞或开孔 300 mm minimum 600 mm minimum2500 mm minimumExposed volumeOxygencriticalcomponentSeparationDistance600 mm minimum8 / 11 Valves shall be equipped with a shield welded on the stem inside the wall with a maximum clearance between the valve stem and the barrier
21、 penetration not greater than 12 mm (0.5”). 阀门(2”)需在阀杆上焊接一块保护板,阀杆和防暴墙穿孔之间的最大间隙不超过12mm. 屋顶Roof (GD-SR-COM-010 p12) To limit the line of sight within the Safety or Separation Distances, partial jet proof roof can be used.为使视线限制在安全或隔离距离之内,可以使用局部防爆屋顶。 人员通道 Person access (GD-SR-COM-010 p13) Labyrinths or
22、 doors shall be used for personnel access inside protective barriers.防爆墙的人员进出通道可以使用迷宫通道或门。 250 m inuExposedvlum Equipmentor personel to brctdfmje fireandprojectils50% maxium of the orizntal sufaceOxygencritalcompenPartil jet prof rof9 / 11 This access shall be at least 800 mm width. 通道宽度不能小于 800mm.
23、Labyrinth shall be designed to guarantee that there is a closed angle at the access opening of the walled area. 迷宫的设计需保证从墙外看来是一个死角。 防爆墙外设备 Equipment Outside Protective barriers (GD-SR-COM-010 p15) Equipment and instrumentation requiring control or maintenance by an operator when the system is in flo
24、wing condition shall be located outside the protective barriers. It includes:需要操作工在运行状况下操作或维护的设备和仪表,应安装在防爆墙外面,包括: all equipment subject to operators control (except valve positioners), 所有需操作工控制的设备(除阀门定位器) 。 instrumentation readouts and equipment which have to be maintained during operation, 需在运行状况下维
25、护和读数的仪表和设备 emergency buttons, 紧急按钮 sampling valves, 取样阀 air instrument shut-off valves, 控制阀的仪表气源根部阀 junction boxes, 接线箱 when lighting is installed, the manual switches. 当装有灯时,手动开关。 Title 4 液氧泵系统 LOX PUMP SYSTEM 液氧泵系统将从以下几个方面介绍: Emergency shut down 急停按钮 Insulation Material 绝热材料 LOX suction piping 液氧泵
26、入口管线 LOX discharge piping 液氧泵出口管线 By-pass line 回流管线(旁通管) Degassing piping 排气管线 Insulated Casing Steelwork 绝热隔箱钢构 控制箱和紧急停车按钮 Control Cabinet and Emergency Shut Down (GD-SR-ASU-008 p17) Visible and accessible local control cabinet (if any) as well as a local ESD (Emergency Shut Down) button shall be e
27、asily accessible. The start/stop (if any) and ESD buttons shall be clearly labeled and identified for each LOX pump system. 就地控制箱和急停按钮应安装在醒目和易接近的地方。现场启停按钮(若有) 和急停按钮需要贴上标签清晰标明是那一台氧泵的。10 / 11 隔热材料 Insulation Material (GD-SR-ASU-008 p24) The material used for insulation of the casing shall be non-organ
28、ic (e.g. perlite, rockwool, or equivalent). 隔箱内所有绝热材料均需是无机物。 (如珠光砂、矿渣棉或其它同等材料) 液氧泵入口管线 LOX pump suction piping (GD-SR-ASU-008 p18) There shall be a gas lock upstream the suction valve of the LOX pump. 在液氧泵入口阀门的上游需要有气封。 (H1 阀门)气封:在低温液体和阀门间形成气体隔离,减少通过阀门的冷量损失和液体的汽化。 There shall be, as a minimum: 至少需要如下
29、: 0.9 m (3ft) developed pipe length between the suction valve and the tip of the suction strainer, and 从入口阀到过滤器尖至少设计 0.9m 的 长度。 a bend in the line between the suction valve and the suction flange of the pump.在泵入口法兰和入口阀之间的管道设计有弯曲。 The suction piping connected to LOX pump shall have a continuous and p
30、ositive slope. Details please refer to PID. 氧泵入口管线应有一个连续且向上的坡度。具体参照 PID. 液氧泵出口管线 LOX pump Discharge piping (GD-SR-ASU-008 p20) A drain valve shall be installed on the piping upstream the discharge check valve. 在出口止回阀的上游,需安装导淋管线。 There shall be a gas lock downstream the discharge isolation valve if L
31、OX can be present when the discharge valve is closed. 当出口的隔离阀关闭后,当隔离阀下游仍有液氧的情况下,在隔离阀的下游应有气封。(H2 阀门) 液氧泵回流管线 LOX pump By-Pass Line (GD-SR-ASU-008 p22) The by-pass or recirculation line shall have a continuous and positive slope and shall be connected upstream the discharge check valve. 旁通或回流管线需要有连续且向
32、上的坡度,且需从出口止回阀的上游接出来。 液氧泵绝热隔箱钢构 LOX pump insulated casing steelwork (GD-SR-ASU-008 p23) When the insulated pump casings are directly connected to a cold box, blow-off plates against potential overpressure of the envelope are not required. For other casings (e.g. casing 11 / 11connected by vacuum jack
33、eted pipes or storage tank casings), lifting plates are required. 当泵箱直接连接冷箱时,防止超压的安全排放板是不需要的。但是对于其它情况,如隔箱是由真空管连接或贮槽的隔箱,安全排放板是需要的。 When two or more pump casings are connected together, a double wall made of a stainless steel sheet shall be installed in-between the casings. Separate access (ladders, s
34、tairs) shall be provided for each pump. 当两台以上的泵箱连接在一起时,隔箱之间需要安装双重的不锈钢板隔离。每台泵都需要独立的通道和爬梯。第 5 章 氧用设备清洁 Clean for oxygen service equipment (GT-RP-COM-036 p4) 所有氧用设备(包括管道)需按涉氧设备清洁,然后存放在封闭的包装里面或用堵头封死,以保持清洁以及与氧接触的面不被污染。 包装上标注“氧用设备” 。在安装前才能去除这些包装。 若安装前发现塑料袋被打开或堵头不见了,需再次检查确认清洁。Title 6 管道焊接 管道焊接需要注意事项 焊缝内部余高、内部清理、液氧管道焊缝铁素体含量控制