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Paradise Lost (Blackwell)古今英语对照.pdf

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1、JOHN MILTONPARADISE LOSTPraise for this edition“Barbara Lewalski is the doyenne of the community of Milton scholars, but she alsoremains committed to the enterprise of teaching. In this exemplary edition ofParadise Lost both qualities are in evidence: the text is scrupulous and the scholar-ship rigo

2、rous, but both the introduction and the notes are accommodated to the needsof students who will be coming to the poem for the first time. This is an editionthat will please students and professors alike, and its sheer quality is a tribute to BarbaraLewalskis passion to provide readers with all the h

3、elp they need to understand thegreatest of all English poems.” Gordon Campbell, University of Leicester“Teachers and scholars will welcome Barbara Lewalskis Blackwell edition ofParadise Lost, one not only informed by the erudition of a prominent and highlyrespected Miltonist but advantaged by her so

4、und decision to reproduce the originallanguage, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and italics of the 1674 text.” Edward Jones, Editor, Milton Quarterly“For the student or general reader, looking for an old-spelling edition that is faithfulto the original punctuation, this edition has much to re

5、commend it. Its annotationis crisp, purposeful and well judged.” Thomas N. Corns, University of Wales, Bangor“A superb teaching text. Lewalskis edition respects Miltons original poem andoffers supremely clear introductions, bibliography and special material to guide thestudent reader and educated la

6、y person alike to new discoveries in a work that, quitesimply, has it all: good, evil, God, Satan, humans, angels, love, despair, war, politics,sex, duty, and sublime poetry set in a cosmic landscape that inspires wonder andseduces new readers in every generation.” Sharon Achinstein, Oxford Universi

7、tyJOHN MILTONPARADISE LOSTEDITED BYBARBARA K. LEWALSKIEditorial material and organization 2007 by Blackwell Publishing LtdBLACKWELL PUBLISHING350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148-5020, USA9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ, UK550 Swanston Street, Carlton, Victoria 3053, AustraliaThe right of Barbara

8、K. Lewalski to be identified as the Author of the Editorial Material in this Work has been asserted in accordance with the UK Copyright, Designs, and Patents Act 1988.All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by a

9、ny means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, except as permitted by the UK Copyright, Designs, and Patents Act 1988, without the prior permission of the publisher.First published 2007 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd1 2007Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication DataMilton

10、, John, 16081674.Paradise lost / John Milton ; edited by Barbara K. Lewalski.p. cm.Text based on the second edition of Paradise lost (1674) in twelve books using Harvard copy 14486.3 B as copy text.Includes bibliographical references.ISBN 978-1-4051-2928-2 (alk. paper) ISBN 978-1-4051-2929-9 (pbk. :

11、 alk. paper)1. Bible. O.T. GenesisHistory of Biblical eventsPoetry. 2. Adam (Biblical figure)Poetry. 3. Eve (Biblical figure)Poetry. 4. Fall of manPoetry. I. Lewalski, Barbara Kiefer, 1931 II. Title.PR3560 2007821.4dc222006025797A catalogue record for this title is available from the British Library

12、.Set in 11/13.5pt Danteby Graphicraft Limited, Hong KongPrinted and bound in Singaporeby Markono Print Media Pte LtdThe publishers policy is to use permanent paper from mills that operate a sustainable forestry policy, and which has been manufactured from pulp processed using acid-free and elementar

13、y chlorine-free practices. Furthermore, the publisher ensures that the text paper and cover board used have met acceptable environmental accreditation standards.For further information onBlackwell Publishing, visit our website:Figure 1 Engraved portrait of Milton at age 62 (William Faithorne)Note on

14、 This EditionThis is one of three volumes presenting the complete poetry and major prose of JohnMilton in original language and in readily accessible paperbacks. The shorter poemsare edited by Stella Revard; the major prose by David Loewenstein.AcknowledgmentsLibrarians at the Houghton Library at Ha

15、rvard, the Beinecke Library at Yale, theJohn Carter Brown Library at Brown, the Henry E. Huntington Library, and the BritishLibrary have graciously made copies of the 1667 and 1674 editions of Paradise Lostavailable to me for comparison, and the director of the J. Pierpont Morgan Libraryin New York

16、City made available the manuscript of Book 1. I am especially gratefulto the curator of rare books at the Houghton Library for permission to use Harvard14486.3B (1674) as copy text, and for permission to reproduce William Faithornesengraving of Milton at age 62 (the frontispiece to Miltons History o

17、f Britain, 1670) aswell as the title pages of the 1667 and 1674 editions and the illustrations to Books 2,5, 8, 9, and 11 from the 1688 Folio edition of Paradise Lost. All the photographs arecourtesy of Houghton Library, Harvard College Library. This project profitedgreatly from the wise early guida

18、nce of Andrew McNeillie, then literature editor atBlackwell, the helpful oversight of his successor, Emma Bennett, and the meticulouscare of the copy-editor and project manager, Janet Moth. David Loewenstein andStella Revard, editors of the companion volumes to this one, offered useful critiquesand

19、wise counsel; Ken Hiltner served as research assistance during crucial early stages,and graduate and undergraduate students of Milton over many years have helpedme determine what does and does not need commentary.ContentsNote on This Edition viAcknowledgments viList of Illustrations viiiChronology i

20、xIntroduction xvTextual Introduction xxxPARADISE LOST 1In Paradisum Amissam Summi Poet (Samuel Barrow M.D.) 5On Paradise Lost (Andrew Marvell) 8The Verse 10Book 1 11Book 2 37Book 3 67Book 4 91Book 5 122Book 6 149Book 7 175Book 8 196Book 9 216Book 10 251Book 11 285Book 12 312Textual Notes 333Appendix

21、: Sketches for Dramas on the Fall, from the Trinity Manuscript 341Select Bibliography 344List of Illustrations1 Engraved portrait of Milton at age 62 (William Faithorne) v2 First title page to Paradise Lost, 1667 xxxi3 Title page to Paradise Lost, 1674 34 Illustration to Book 2, 1688 365 Illustratio

22、n to Book 5, 1688 ( John Baptista Medina) 1216 Illustration to Book 8, 1688 ( John Baptista Medina) 1957 Illustration to Book 9, 1688 ( John Baptista Medina) 2158 Illustration to Book 11, 1688 ( John Baptista Medina) 284ChronologyHistorical and Literary EventsKing James (“Authorized”) Bible.Death of

23、 Shakespeare.Ben Jonsons Works published.Donne appointed Dean of St. Pauls.Shakespeares First Folio published.Death of James I; accession ofCharles I.Outbreak of plague.William Laud made Bishop of London.Miltons LifeDec. 9, born in Bread Street, CheapsideLondon, to John and Sarah Milton.Educated by

24、private tutors, includingthe Presbyterian cleric, Thomas Young.Brother Christopher born.Portrait at age 10 painted by CorneliusJanssen.Begins to attend St. Pauls School;friendship with Charles Diodati begins. (?)First known poems, paraphrases ofPsalms 114 and 136.Admitted to Christs College,Cambridg

25、e (Feb. 12).Writes funeral elegies, “In quintumNovembris,” verse epistles, andProlusions in Latin; “On the Death of a Fair Infant,” “At a Vacation Exercise”in English.1608161116142016151616161816201621162316234162516268x ChronologyMiltons LifeTakes BA degree (March).Writes “On the Morning of Christs

26、Nativity” (Dec.).Writes “LAllegro” and “Il Penseroso”(?).“On Shakespeare” published in theSecond Folio of Shakespeares plays.Admitted to MA degree ( July 3).Writes Arcades, entertainment for theCountess of Derby(?). Writes sonnet“How soon hath Time” (Dec.).Starts to live with his family atHammersmit

27、h.Writes “On Time,” “At a SolemnMusic”(?).A Maske (Comus) performed at Ludlow with music by Henry Lawes(Sept. 29).Moves with his family to Horton,Buckinghamshire. Begins notes on hisreading in Commonplace Book.Publication of A Maske.Mother dies (April 3).Writes “Lycidas.”“Lycidas” published in colle

28、ction ofelegies for Edward King.Begins Continental tour (May 1638);meets Grotius, Gallileo, CardinalBarberini, Manso; visits Academies inFlorence and Rome; visits VaticanLibrary; visits Naples, Venice, andGeneva.Writes “Mansus,” other Latin poems.Learns of Charles Diodatis death.Returns to England (

29、 July).Takes lodgings in Fleet Street.Begins teaching nephews Edward andJohn Phillips and a few others.Historical and Literary EventsCharles I dissolves Parliament.Galileos Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems publishedin Italian.Donnes Poems and HerbertsThe Temple published.Laud made Arc

30、hbishop ofCanterbury.Carews masque, CoelumBritannicum.Trial and punishment of PuritansWilliam Prynne, John Bastwick, and Henry Burton.Descartes, Discourse on Method.First Bishops War with Scotland.16291631163216331634163516371638163891639Chronology xiMiltons LifeWrites Epitaphium Dmonis(epitaph for

31、Charles Diodati).Begins work on Accidence CommenctGrammar, Art of Logic, ChristianDoctrine(?).Publishes anti-episcopal tracts: OfReformation; Of Prelatical Episcopacy;Animadversions upon the RemonstrantsDefense.Publishes The Reason of Church-government and An Apology for.SmectymnuusMarries Mary Powe

32、ll (May?), whoreturns (Aug.?) to her royalist familynear Oxford.Writes sonnet, “Captain or Colonel”when royalist attack on Londonexpected.Publishes Doctrine and Discipline ofDivorce (Aug.).Publishes second edition of Doctrineand Discipline; Of Education ( June); The Judgement of Martin Bucer concern

33、ing Divorce (Aug.); Areopagitica(Nov.).Publishes Tetrachordon and Colasterion on the divorce question.Mary Powell returns. Moves to a largehouse in the Barbican.Poems of Mr. John Milton published( Jan., dated 1645).Writes sonnet to Lawes.Daughter Anne born ( July 29).Father dies; moves to High Holbo

34、rn.Begins writing History of Britain(?).Historical and Literary EventsLong Parliament convened (Nov. 3); impeachment of Laud.George Thomason, Londonbookseller, begins his collection of tracts and books.Impeachment and execution ofStrafford (May)Root and Branch Bill abolishingbishops.Irish rebellion

35、breaks out (Oct.).Civil War begins (Aug. 22).Royalists win Battle of Edgehill.Closing of theaters.Westminster Assembly of Divinesto reform Church.Solemn League and Covenantsubscribed.Thomas Browne, Religio Medici.Royalists defeated at Battle ofMarston Moor ( July 2).Execution of Laud.New Model Army

36、wins decisivevictory at Naseby ( June).Edmund Waller, Poems.First Civil War ends.Crashaw, Steps to the Temple.16401641164216431644164516461647xii ChronologyMiltons LifeDaughter Mary born (Oct. 26).Writes sonnet to Lord General Fairfax.Translates Psalms 8088.Publishes Tenure of Kings andMagistrates (

37、Feb.).Appointed Secretary for ForeignTongues to the Council of State(March 15).Publishes Observations on Irishdocuments; Eikonoklastes (“The IdolSmasher”) (Oct.).Given lodgings in Scotland YardPublishes Defensio pro populo Anglicanoin reply to Salmasius (Feb. 24).Birth of son, John (March 16).Moves

38、to Petty France, near St. James Park.Milton totally blind.Writes sonnet, “When I consider how my light is spent”(?) and sonnets to Cromwell and Sir HenryVane.Daughter Deborah born (May 2).Mary Powell Milton dies (May 5).Son John dies ( June).Translates Psalms 18.Publishes Defensio Secunda (“A Second

39、 Defense of the EnglishPeople”), answer to Regii Sanguinis(May 30).Historical and Literary EventsSecond Civil War.Prides Purge (Dec.) expels manyPresbyterians from Parliament,leaving c.150 members of the Houseof Commons (the Rump).Herrick, Hesperides.Trial of Charles I, executed Jan. 30.Eikon Basili

40、ke (“The Royal Image”)published in many editions.A republic without King or Houseof Lords proclaimed (Feb.).Salmasius, Defensio Regia.Marvell, Horatian Ode uponCromwells Return from Ireland.Vaughan, Silex Scintillans (Part 1).Hobbes, Leviathan.Regii Sanguinis Clamor (“Cry of the Royal Blood”), answe

41、r toMiltons Defensio, published.First Dutch War (to 1654).Cromwell dissolves RumpParliament (April 20).“Barebones” Parliament.Cromwell made Lord Protector(Dec.), under Constitution,“Instrument of Government.”1648164916501651165216531654Chronology xiiiMiltons LifeWrites sonnet, “Avenge O Lord thy Sla

42、ughterd Saints.”Publishes Pro Se Defensio (“Defense of Himself”) (Aug.).Works on Christian Doctrine(?).Marries Katherine Woodcock (Nov. 12).Daughter Katherine born (Oct. 10).Marvell appointed his assistant inSecretariat for Foreign Languages.Katherine Woodcock Milton dies (Feb. 3).Daughter Katherine

43、 dies (March 17).New edition of Miltons Defensio.Publishes A Treatise of Civil Power inEcclesiastical Causes (Feb.); The LikeliestMeans to Remove Hirelings out of theChurch (Aug.).Publishes The Readie and Easie Way toEstablish a Free Commonwealth (Feb.);2nd edition (April); Brief Notes upon a Late S

44、ermon (April).In hiding (May); his books burned(Aug.); imprisoned (Oct.?); released(Dec.).At work on Paradise Lost, ChristianDoctrine.Marries Elizabeth Minshull (Feb.).Moves to Bunhill Fields.Quaker Thomas Ellwood finds housefor Milton at Chalfont St. Giles toescape plague.Paradise Lost published.Hi

45、storical and Literary EventsMassacre of the Protestant Vaudoison order of the Prince of Savoy(April).James Harrington, Oceana,published.“Humble Petition and Advice,”constitution establishing moreconservative government.Death of Oliver Cromwell (Sept. 3).Richard Cromwell becomesProtector.Richard Crom

46、well deposed byarmy; Rump Parliament recalled;Rump deposed and again restored.Long Parliament restored; NewParliament called (April).Charles II restored, enters London(May).Dryden, Astraea Redux.Bunyan imprisoned (until 1671).Regicides imprisoned, ten executed.Repression of dissenters.Butler, Hudibr

47、as, Part I.Butler, Hudibras, Part II;Molire, Tartuffe.Bubonic plague kills 70,000 inLondon.Second Dutch War.Great Fire of London (Sept. 26).Bunyan, Grace Abounding.Dryden, Annus Mirabilis; OfDramatick Poesie.Dryden made Poet Laureate.1655165616571658165916601661166316641665166616671668xiv Chronology

48、Miltons LifePublishes Accidence CommenctGrammar.Publishes History of Britain, withWilliam Faithornes engraved portrait.Publishes Paradise Regained and SamsonAgonistes.Publishes Art of Logic.Publishes Of True Religion, Heresy,Schism and Toleration; publishes newedition of Poems (1645).Publishes Famil

49、iar Letters and Prolusions.Publishes 2nd. edition of Paradise Lost.Death (Nov. 810?); burial at St. Giles,Cripplegate (Nov. 12).4th (Folio) edition of Paradise Lost:illustrations chiefly by Juan Baptista deMedina, engraved chiefly by MichaelBurghers.Miltons Letters of State published, withEdward Phillips Life of Milton and foursonnets to Fairfax, Cromwell, Vane,and Cyriack Skinner (#2) omittedfrom 1673 Poems.Historical and Literary EventsCharles II Declaration ofIndulgence.Marvell, Rehearsal


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