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1、1经合组织反贿赂公约(一)(2010-12-21 22:40:37) 标签: 杂谈分类: 刀笔先生 国际商务交易活动反对行贿外国公职人员公约及相关文件CONVENTION ON COMBATING BRIBERY OF FOREIGN PUBLIC OFFICIALS IN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS TRANSACTIONSand related Documents经济合作与发展组织Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development金融财政与企业事务委员会Directorate for Financial, Fisc

2、al and Enterprise Affairs国际投资与跨国企业委员会Committee on International Investment and Multinational Enterprises国际商务交易活动反行贿工作组Working Group on Bribery in International Business Transactions目 录 TABLE OF CONTENTS在国际商务交易活动中反对行贿外国公职人员公约 3CONVENTION ON COMBATING BRIBERYOF FOREIGN PUBLIC OFFICIALS IN INTERNATIONA



5、vember 1997前 言 PREAMBLE缔约各方: 鉴于行贿行为已是国际商业交易活动中,包括贸易与投资活动中,普遍存在的现象,引起了道德和政治方面的严重忧虑,破坏了良好的管理与经济的发展,扭曲了国际竞争条件;The Parties,Considering that bribery is a widespreadphenomenon in international business transactions, including trade and investment, which raises serious moral and political concerns, undermi

6、nes goodgovernance and economic development, and distortsinternational competitive conditions;2鉴于所有国家在国际商业交易活动中都负有反行贿责任;Considering that all countries share a responsibility to combat bribery in international businesstransactions;参照经济合作与发展组织理事会于 1997 年 5 月 23 日通过的第 C(97)123/FINAL 号关于在国际商务交易活动中反行贿的修订

7、建议案,该建议案特别呼吁采取行之有效的措施,遏止、预防和打击国际商务交易活动中的行贿外国公职人员的行为,尤其呼吁根据该建议案中公认通则和各个缔约方司法管辖及其它法律准则,立即采取协调有效的方式对这种行贿行为进行定罪;Having regard to the Revised Recommendation on Combating Bribery in International Business Transactions, adopted by the Council of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (O

8、ECD) on 23 May 1997, C(97)123/FINAL, which, inter alia, called for effective measures to deter, prevent and combat the bribery of foreign public officials in connection with international business transactions, in particular the prompt criminalisation of such bribery in an effective and co-ordinated

9、 manner and in conformity with the agreed common elements set out in that Recommendation and with the jurisdictional and other basic legal principles of each country;采纳了近年来取得的在打击行贿公职人员活动中新成果,包括联合国,世界银行,国际货币基金组织,世界贸易组织,美洲国家组织,欧洲理事会和欧盟等组织的反行贿活动中取得的新成果,以进一步促进国际间的了解与合作;Welcoming other recent development

10、s which further advance international understanding and co-operation in combating bribery of public officials, including actions of the United Nations, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the World Trade Organisation, the Organisation of American States, the Council of Europe and the Eu

11、ropean Union;欢迎各公司,商业组织,工会组织以及其它非政府组织做出努力,参与打击行贿行为;Welcoming the efforts of companies, business organisations and trade unions as well as other non-governmental organisations to combat bribery;赞赏各国政府在国际商务交易活动中防止向个人和企业索贿中所发挥的作用;Recognising the role of governments in the prevention of solicitation of

12、bribes from individuals and enterprises in international business transactions;承认要在这一领域取得成果,不仅需要各个国家做出努力,而且也需要多边合作,监视及后续行动;Recognising that achieving progress in this field requires not only efforts on a national level but also multilateral co-operation, monitoring and follow-up;承认使各个缔约方所采取的措施达 到等效是

13、本公约最基本的目标和宗旨,这就要求要完整无损地批准本公约,不得有影响实现这种等效的减损条款。Recognising that achieving equivalence among the measures to be taken by the Parties is an essential object and purpose of the Convention, which requires that the Convention be ratified without derogations affectingthis equivalence;特此各缔约方约定如下: Have agree

14、d as follows:第一条 : 行贿外国公职人员罪Article 1: The Offence of Bribery ofForeign Public Officials1. 缔约方应当采取必要的措施设定:任何人,无论是直接地还是通过中间方,故意地向外国公职人员或者为外国公职人员或第三方提议给予、承诺给予或事实上给予不当的金钱或其它利益,以期该外国公职人员在履行其职责中采取行动或不行动,进而在国际3商业活动中获得或保留其业务或其它不当利益的行为,依法定为犯罪。1.Each Party shall take such measures as may be necessary to esta

15、blish that it is a criminal offence under its law for any person intentionally to offer, promise or give any undue pecuniary or other advantage, whether directly or through intermediaries, to a foreign public official, for that official or for a third party, in order that the official act or refrain

16、 from acting in relation to the performance of official duties, in order to obtain or retain business or other improper advantage in the conduct of international business.2. 缔约方应当采取必要的措施设定:共同参与,包括煽动,协助,唆使,或授意他人行贿外国公职人员的行为是犯罪行为。企图行贿外国公职人员或共谋行贿外国公职人员与企图行贿本国公职人员或共谋行贿本国公职人员一样,同为犯罪。2.Each Party shall tak

17、e any measures necessary to establish that complicity in, including incitement, aiding and abetting, or authorisation of an act of bribery of a foreign public official shall be a criminal offence. Attempt and conspiracy to bribe a foreign public official shall be criminal offences to the same extent

18、 as attempt and conspiracy to bribe a public official of that Party.3 上述第 1 和第 2 段中所设定的罪名以下称为“行贿外国公职人员罪“ 。3.The offences set out in paragraphs 1 and 2 above are hereinafter referred to as “bribery of a foreign public official”.4.本公约中如下术语含义为:4.For the purpose of this Convention: a. “外国公职人员”系指任何因委任或选任

19、而在外国立法,行政或司法机构中任职的人,任何代表外国国家,包括政府机构和国营企业,行使公共职能的人或国际公共组织的任何官员或代理人。b. “外国国家”包括从国家到地方的各级政府机构及政府机构的各个部门。c. “履行公务的作为或不作为”包括公职人员任何利用其职位的行为,而无论这种行为是否在其法定的权限内。a. “foreign public official” means any person holdinga legislative, administrative or judicial office of a foreign country, whether appointed or ele

20、cted; any person exercising a public function for a foreign country, including for a public agency or public enterprise; and any official or agent of a public international organisation;b. “foreign country” includes all levels and subdivisions of government, from national to local;c. “act or refrain

21、 from acting in relation to the performance of official duties” includes any use ofthe public officials position, whether or not within the officials authorised competence.第二条 : 法人的责任Article 2: Responsibility of Legal Persons缔约方均须依其法律准则采取必要的措施,确立法人行贿外国公职人员应承担的责任。Each Party shall take such measures a

22、s may be necessary, in accordance with its legal principles, to establish the liability of legal persons for the bribery of a foreign public official.第三条 : 制裁Article 3: Sanctions1. 对行贿外国公职人员的行为应当适当量刑,有效地予以刑事处罚,以示劝戒。惩罚的量刑应当与行贿缔约方本国公职人员行为的量刑相当,如果行贿者为自然人,则量刑中应包括剥夺其足够的自由权以便能够行之有效采用各缔约方公认的法律援助和引渡措施。1.The

23、 bribery of a foreign public official shall be punishable by effective, proportionate and 4dissuasive criminal penalties. The range of penalties shall be comparable to that applicable to the bribery of the Partys own public officials and shall, in the case of natural persons, include deprivation of

24、liberty sufficient to enable effective mutual legal assistance and extradition.2. 如果在缔约方的法律制度中,刑事责任不适用于法人,则该缔约方应当确保对行贿外国公职人员的法人给予行之有效的量刑适当的非刑事制裁,以示劝戒, 包括经济方面的制裁。2. In the event that, under the legal system of a Party, criminal responsibility is not applicable to legal persons, that Party shall ensur

25、e that legal persons shall be subject to effective, proportionate and dissuasive non-criminal sanctions, including monetary sanctions, for bribery of foreign public officials.3. 缔约方应当采取其认为必要的措施,规定行贿外国公职人员的贿金及行贿外国公职人员的非法所得或与该行贿非法所得价值相当的财产可以予以查封和没收充公或者规定可采用同等效力的经济制裁。3. Each Party shall take such measu

26、res as may be necessary to provide that the bribe and the proceeds of the bribery of a foreign public official, or property the value of which corresponds to that of such proceeds, are subject to seizure and confiscation or that monetary sanctions of comparable effect are applicable.4. 缔约方对行贿外国公职人员的

27、行贿者除了给予上述条款中规定的刑事或经济制裁外,还应当考虑给予民事或行政制裁。4. Each Party shall consider the imposition of additional civil or administrative sanctions upon a personsubject to sanctions for the bribery of a foreign publicofficial.第四条 : 司法管辖权限Article 4: Jurisdiction1. 缔约方应当采取可能是必要的措施,设定对部分或全部在其境内发生的,行贿外国公职人员的行为的司法管辖权限。1.

28、Each Party shall take such measures as may be necessary to establish its jurisdiction over the bribery of a foreign public official when the offence is committed in whole or in part in its territory.2. 如果缔约方对其本国国民在境外犯罪有权进行法律起诉,则也应按照同样的法律准则,采取可能是必要的措施,设定起诉其本国国民在境外行贿外国公职人员的相应的司法管辖权限。2.Each Party which

29、 has jurisdiction to prosecute its nationals for offences committed abroad shall take such measures as may be necessary to establish its jurisdiction to do so in respect of the bribery of a foreign public official, according to the same principles.3. 如果不止一个缔约方对本公约中所述的犯罪指控事件有司法管辖权,则应由一国提出请求,当事的各缔约方协商

30、确定最适切的司法起诉管辖权限。3.When more than one Party has jurisdiction over an alleged offence described in this Convention, the Parties involved shall, at the request of one of them, consult with a view to determining the most appropriate jurisdiction for prosecution.4. 缔约方应复审其现行的司法管辖依据在反对行贿外国公职人员的法律适用方面是否具有效力

31、,否则应采取补救措施。4.Each Party shall review whether its current basis for jurisdiction is effective in the fight against the bribery of foreign public officials and, if it is not, shall take remedial steps.第五条 : 执行5Article 5: Enforcement行贿外国公职人员案件的侦查与检控应当符合各缔约方适用的法规和法理,不得受国家经济利益,可能影响与另一国关系或相关的自然人或法人的身份等因素的

32、影响。Investigation and prosecution of the bribery of a foreign public official shall be subject to the applicable rules and principles of each Party. They shall not beinfluenced by considerations of national economic interest, the potential effect upon relations with another State or the identity of t

33、he natural or legal persons involved.第六条 : 诉讼时效法规Article 6: Statute of Limitations适用于行贿外国公职人员罪的任何诉讼时效法规都应当酌留出足够的时间,以用于犯罪案件的侦查与检控。Any statute of limitations applicable to the offence of bribery of a foreign public official shall allow an adequate period of time for the investigation and prosecution o

34、f this offence.第七条 : 洗钱Article 7: Money Laundering如果缔约方已经把行贿本国公职人员的行为定性为犯罪,以便适用反洗钱法律,则也应当按照同样的条件把行贿外国公职人员的行为定性为犯罪并适用反洗钱法律,而无论这种行贿行为在什么地方发生。Each Party which has made bribery of its own public official a predicate offence for the purpose of the application of its money laundering legislation shall do

35、so on the same terms for the bribery of a foreign public official, without regard to the place where the bribery occurred.第八条 : 会计制度Article 8: Accounting1. 为了有效地打击行贿外国公职人员的犯罪行为,缔约方应当在其会计帐薄管理,财务状况披露,会计审计标准等有关的法律法规框架范围内采取必要的措施禁止应当遵守这些法律法规的公司另设帐外帐户,进行帐外或性质不明的交易活动,入帐本未发生的支出,入帐去向不明的债务和使用虚假帐薄,从事行贿外国公职人员或隐

36、瞒行贿行为。1.In order to combat bribery of foreign public officials effectively, each Party shall take such measures as may be necessary, within the framework of its laws and regulations regarding the maintenance of books and records, financial statement disclosures, and accounting and auditing standards

37、, to prohibit the establishment of off-the-books accounts, the making of off-the-books or inadequately identified transactions, the recording of non-existent expenditures, the entry of liabilities with incorrect identification of their object, as well as the use of false documents, by companies subj

38、ect to those laws and regulations, for the purpose of bribing foreign public officials or of hiding such bribery.2. 缔约方应当对公司在会计帐薄,会计记录,会计帐目和财务报表中的不作为行为和弄虚作假行为给予行之有效的量刑适度的民事,行政或刑事惩罚,以示劝戒。2. Each Party shall provide effective, proportionate and dissuasive civil, administrative or criminal penalties fo

39、r such omissions and falsifications in respect of the books, records, accounts and financial statements of such companies.第九条 : 公认的法律援助Article 9: Mutual Legal Assistance1. 缔约方应依照其法律,相关条约与协议尽最大可能地、及时地向另一方提供有效的法律援助,以便于其能够在本公约规定的范围内就犯罪案件对(涉嫌犯罪的)法人进行刑事侦6查、刑事诉讼以及在本公约规定的范围内对(涉嫌犯罪的)法人进行非刑事诉讼。被请求方应当毫不迟延地把有助

40、于办理请示援助之事务的任何辅助信息或文件资料通报给请求方,如果有要求的话,还应当把请求援助之事务的情形及后果也一并通报。1.Each Party shall, to the fullest extent possible under its laws and relevant treaties and arrangements, provide prompt and effective legal assistance to another Party for the purpose of criminal investigations and proceedings brought by a

41、 Party concerning offences within the scope of this Convention and for non-criminal proceedings within the scope of this Convention broughtby a Party against a legal person. The requested Party shall inform the requesting Party, without delay, of any additional information or documents needed to sup

42、port the request for assistance and, where requested, of the status and outcome of the request for assistance.2. 假若缔约一方以构成双重犯罪作为提供法律互助的先决条件,如果涉及寻求法律援助的犯罪案件属于本公约适用范围内,则应当视为构成了双重犯罪。2. Where a Party makes mutual legal assistance conditional upon the existence of dual criminality, dual criminality shall

43、 be deemed to exist if the offence for which the assistance is sought is within the scope of this Convention.3. 任何缔约方不得以银行保密为由拒绝对本公约适应范围内所涉及的犯罪事件提供司法互助。3.A Party shall not decline to render mutual legal assistance for criminal matters within the scope of this Convention on the ground of bank secrecy

44、.第十条 : 引渡Article 10: Extradition1. 行贿外国公职人员应当作为足以使犯者被引渡的罪行,并纳入到缔约各方的法律及缔约各方间达成的引渡条约之中。1. Bribery of a foreign public official shall be deemed to be included as an extraditable offence under the laws of the Parties and the extradition treaties between them.2. 假若缔约一方以是否缔结了引渡条约作为引渡罪犯的先决条件,在收到与其未缔约引渡条约其

45、它缔约方的引渡请求时,则可以考虑将本公约作为涉及行贿外国公职人员犯罪案件的罪犯引渡的法律依据。2. If a Party which makes extradition conditional on the existence of an extradition treaty receives a request for extradition from another Party with which it has no extradition treaty, it may consider this Convention to be the legal basis for extradit

46、ion in respect of the offence of bribery of a foreign public official.3. 任一缔约方都必须采取一切必要的措施以确保为审理行贿外国公职人员的犯罪案件而能够引渡其公民或起诉其公民。如果缔约方仅仅因为行贿外国公职人员的嫌犯是其公民而拒绝将其引渡的请求,则也应当将此案提交其本国的主管机关起诉办理。3.Each Party shall take any measures necessary to assure either that it can extradite its nationals or that it can pros

47、ecute its nationals for the offence of bribery of a foreign public official. A Party which declines a request to extradite a person for bribery of a foreign public official solely on the ground that the person is its national shall submit the case to its competent authorities for the purpose of pros

48、ecution.4. 对于行贿外国公职人员案件中的引渡行为要以各缔约方本国法律,适用条约和协议中设定的条件为准据。假若一缔约方以是否构成双重犯罪作为引渡罪犯的先决条件,如果涉及寻求引渡罪犯的犯罪案件属于本公约第一条适用范围内,则应当视为此先决条件满足。74.Extradition for bribery of a foreign public official is subject to the conditions set out in the domestic law and applicable treaties and arrangements of each Party. Where

49、 a Party makes extradition conditional upon the existence of dual criminality, that condition shall be deemed to befulfilled if the offence for which extradition is sought is within the scope of Article 1 of this Convention.第十一条 : 负责机关Article 11: Responsible Authorities为了处理本公约第四条第三段中关于司法管辖协商事宜,第九条中关于法律互助事宜和第十条关于引渡罪犯事宜,每一缔约都必须将其负责提出和应答请求的机关通报经济合作与发展组织总干事,在不影响缔约方间的其它协议的情况下,该负责机关应当行使该缔约方处理相关事宜的联络途径的功能。For the purposes of Article 4, paragraph 3, on consultation, Article 9, on mutual legal assistance and Article 10, on extradition, each Party shall notify to the Secretary-General of the OECD a


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