1、Genitive Case,Adjective Endings Frau Caplan-Carbin,R E S E,N E S E,M R M N,S R S R,nominative,accusative,dative,genitive,A noun that is in the genitive case shows a close relationship to another noun.,Der Hund der Frau.,The womans dog.,Der Knochen des Hundes.,The dogs bone.,the Genitive Case,shows p
2、ossession,Welt (f.),Volk (n.),Die Vlker der Welt.,The people of the world.,Der Abfahrt eines Schiffes,Eine Frage der Chance,DerGeist der Lampe,Die Schnheit der Natur,Time expressions - Genitive,eines Tages = one day, some day,einen Tag vs. in einem Tag vs. eines Tages,Ich bleibe einen Tag. I will st
3、ay for one day.,Ich komme in einem Tag. I will come in one day.,Ich komme eines Tages. I will come some day.,eines Tages,Masculine and Neuter nouns of only one syllable add “es” in the genetive case.,Genitive nouns,Genitive nouns,Masculine and Neuter nouns of more than one syllable add only “s”.,Gen
4、itive nouns,Feminine and plural nouns have no special genetive endings.,Der Mann der Frau. the womans husband,Der Autor der Bcher.,feminine singular genetive case,plural,the author of the books,Showing close relationship or possession,two ways,genetive case dative + von,Wessen?,wer,wen,wem,wessen,Whose?,Das Ende,Vielen DankPrint Notepage 2 for a summary handout.,