1、This page intentionally left blankThe Cambridge Aerospace DictionaryThe CambridgeAerospace DictionaryBill Gunston obe, fraesEditor, Janes Information GroupCAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESSCambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, So PauloCambridge University PressThe Edinburgh Building,
2、 Cambridge CB2 8RU, UKFirst published in print formatISBN-13 978-0-521-84140-5ISBN-13 978-0-511-33833-5 Bill Gunston 20042004Information on this title: www.cambridge.org/9780521841405This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provision of relevant collective licensin
3、g agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press.ISBN-10 0-511-33833-3ISBN-10 0-521-84140-2Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of urls for external or third-party internet websites refer
4、red to in this publication, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate.Published in the United States of America by Cambridge University Press, New Yorkwww.cambridge.orghardbackeBook (NetLibrary)eBook (NetLibrary)hardbackvGathering terms for
5、an aerospace dictionary isharder than it looks. I recently studied a list ofterms used by the US Air Force to describe thestatus of each of its component organizations.They explained These actions are defined inways that may seem arcane to the non-specialist, but each term has a specificmeaning. The
6、 terms are: Activate, Active list,Assign, Attach, Consolidate, Constitute,Designate, Disband, Disestablish, Establish,Establishment, Inactivate, Inactive list,Organize, Provisional organizations, Re-designate, Re-establish, Relieve from activeduty, and Unit. I read their meanings throughseveral time
7、s and decided not to include any inthese pages.In a previous edition I was criticised by areviewer for using words which have no rele-vance to aerospace. He cited as an examplebarrier pattern, a term which BAeManchester had asked me to define! My soleobjective is to create a useful product. To thise
8、nd I have included brief entries on such wordsas generic, oxygen and gasoline, which arenot aerospace terms. Incidentally, whilegasoline is clearly now a preferred spelling, Ihave had to write quite an essay on kerosene/kerosine.I once had to defend myself against an airmarshal who was offended by s
9、uch rubbish (ashe saw it) as hardware and software. Todaythe explosion of home computing has openedup millions to such previously unfamiliarlanguage. Indeed, in recent years the numberof software terms has begun to get out ofhand. The JSF programme alone involvesmore than 40 software acronyms, and I
10、 haveomitted most of them.Partly for this reason, this dictionary iscentred (centered) at least in mid-Atlantic, ifnot further west, so we have Petrol Gasoline,the brief definition appearing under the latter.Cross-references are italicised. I have used USspellings wherever they are appropriate, andi
11、n this field they tend to predominate. Note:USA means US Army.I have attempted to include a brief explana-tion of aerospace materials, even if they areknown by a registered tradename. Alsoincluded are the names of many organizations,but, with a few exceptions, not armed forces,airlines or flying clu
12、bs, and certainly not thenames of manufacturers or particular types ofaircraft, though such acronyms as TSPJ,Tornado self-protection jammer, are tempt-ing. On the other hand, there is a grey areawhere a company product appears to meritinclusion, an example being Zero Reader. Ihave had particular tro
13、uble with the names ofspacecraft and their payloads.Entries are in strict alphabetical order, thusMW50 appears in the place for MW-fifty. Theexception is where an entry has a single alpha-betical character followed by a numeral. Insuch cases it appears immediately after otherentries featuring that s
14、ingle character. With asubject as complicated as aerospace, whereone finds C, c, c1, c, c, (c), C* and a host ofC+numeral entries, it is difficult to decidewhich sequence to adopt. Greek terms arelisted in Appendix 1, but some such as Alphaand Beta merit a place in the body of thedictionary.On a lig
15、hter note, I read an article by Col.Art Bergman, USAF, explaining how tomanage the temperamental F100 engine. I hadno difficulty with his EECs, UFCs and Plaps,but was defeated by The F100 needs a lotmore TLC than the J79 . . . I asked severalcertified F-15 drivers, and they were all mysti-fied. I ca
16、lled the 527th TFTS, then theEuropean Aggressor outfit. A charmingfemale voice instantly said “Ever think oftender loving care?” On reflection, I put thismeaning in the dictionary. The criterion iswhether or not an aerospace person might beconfused without it.One obvious problem area is at what poin
17、tForewordone should give up trying to include foreignterms. Some may think I have been over-generous to our Gallic friends, while othercountries may think themselves harshlytreated by being ignored. It is impossible tosay Leave out all foreign terms andacronyms, because many have become part ofthe E
18、nglish language. Nobody would expectaileron to be omitted, and before longFenestron will be just as universallyaccepted, probably as fenestron.At a rough count the number of new entriesthis time is in excess of 15,000. Almost all theadditions are acronyms. There is little pointin again saying that a
19、cronyms are an infec-tious disease, especially in the world ofaerospace. Whilst admitting that the incentiveto abbreviate is often strong, it is self-defeatingif the reader has a choice of more than 20interpretations and does not know which oneto pick.Some acronyms, such as Cardsharp, appearcontrive
20、d. Another is Tiger, TerrificallyInsensitive to Ground-Effect Radar; I had toforce myself to include it. In general, I haveomitted acronyms which include the name ofa company, an example being Caps, Collinsadaptive processor system. I have attemptedto indicate whether the spoken acronym orspelt-out
21、version predominates. Thus, we havePapi before PAPI. The oustanding exceptionis NATO. This is always spoken as a word, butthe hierarchy in Brussels still insist that it is notwritten Nato.Some acronyms bear little resemblance tothe actual initial letters of the original words,while a few are quite a
22、 mouthful. We havebeen in particular trouble with the Joint StrikeFighter. This soon spawned JSF-EUSN 194862; USAF/USN since 1962).18 Aircraft category, ambulance (USAAS 191924,USN 1943).19 Powered target (USAAC 194041).20 Amphibian (USAF 194855).21 Availability.22 Aeroplane (PPL).23 Altitude, follo
23、wed digits indicated hundreds of feet.24 Arm, as distinct from safe.25 Antarctic (but Tor Bergerons classification =Arctic).26 Alternate airport.27 Weather: hail28 Accepted (EFIS or nav. display).29 Arrival chart.30 Sport-parachuting certificate: 10 jumps, no accuracydemanded.31 Autotuned (navaid).3
24、2 Magnetic-vector potential. Angstrm (1010m), very small unit of length,contrary to SI.a 1 Velocity of sound in any medium.2 Structural cross-section area.3 Anode.4 (Prefix) atto, 1018.5 (Suffix) available (thus, LDa = landing distanceavailable).6 Ambient.7 Acceleration.A0, A0Unmodulated (steady not
25、e) CW radio emission.A0A1 Unmodulated (steady note) radio emission iden-tified by Morse coding in a break period.A0A2 Unmodulated emission identified by Morsecoding heard above unbroken carrier (eg an NDB).A1, A1 1 Unmodulated but keyed radio emission, typi-cally giving Morse dots and dashes.2 Milit
26、ary flying instructor category; two years and400 h as instructor.a1Lift-curve slope for wing or other primary aerody-namic surface, numerically equal to dCL/d.A2 Military flying instructor category; 15 months and250 h.a2 Lift-curve slope for hinged trailing-edge controlsurface, numerically dCL/dH928
27、0.A2C2Army airborne or airspace command andcontrol S adds system (USA).A2C2 Airborne airstrike command and control(GTACS).A3 AM radio transmission with double SB.A3Affordable acquisition approach (USAF).A3H AM, SSB transmission with full carrier.A3I Army/NASA aircrew/aircraft integration(USA/US).A3J
28、 AM, SSB transmission with suppressed carrier.A3M Advanced air-to-air missiles.A3TC Advanced automated air traffic control.A8-20 Airworthiness approval for classic (usually ex-military) aircraft (CAA, UK).A-25 Royal Navy form for reporting aircraft accidents.A-battery Electric cell to heat cathode f
29、ilament in valve(tube).A-bomb Atomic bomb, see nuclear weapon.A-check S-check plus routine inspection of flight-control system.A-class 1 Airspace = 18,000+ ft 5486 m AMSL andcontrolled.2 Aircraft accident = involving loss of life or damageexceeding US$1 million.A-frame hook Aircraft arrester hook in
30、 form of an A;hook at vertex and hinged at base of each leg.A-gear Arrester gear.A-Licence Basic PPL without additions or endorse-ments.A-line Airway.A-mode Transponder sends a/c ident code only.A-sector Sector of radio range in which Morse A isheard, hence A-signal.A-station In Loran, primary trans
31、mitting station.A-Stoff Liquid oxygen (G).A-type entry Fuselage passenger door meetingFAA emergency exit requirements; typical dimensions41 in 76 in.AA 1 Anti-aircraft.2 Airship Association (UK).3 Acquisition Aiding, technique for matching EMwaveforms (esp for ECM).4 Air-to-air (ICAO code).5 Alert a
32、nnunciator.6 Antenna array.7 Airbrokers Association (UK, 1949, became AAB).A/A Air-to-air (radar mode).AAA 1 Airport advisory area.2 Army Aviation Association (USA), now AAAA.3 Antique Airplane Association (US).4 American Airship Association.5 Anti-aircraft artillery (triple-A).6 Affordable acquisit
33、ion approach (usually A3,USAF).7 Associazione Arma Aeronautica (I).A1AAAA 1 Australian Aerial Agricultural Association.2 Army Aviation Association of America Inc.3 Antique Aeroplane Association of Australia.4 Advanced architecture for airborne arrays.5 American Aviation Aerospace Alliance.6 Arizona
34、Antique Aircraft Association.AAAC Australian Army Aviation Corps.AAACF Airline Aviation S adds system, T training.AACO Arab Air Carriers Association.AACPP Airport access control pilot program (TSA;note: pilot means initial or preliminary).AACR Airborne analog cassette recorder.AACS 1 Army Airways Co
35、mmunications Service to1946, Airways and Air Communications Service194651, subsequently AF Com. Service.2 Airborne advanced communications system.AACT Air-to-air combat test (USN).AACU Anti-Aircraft Co-operation Unit (UK, variousdates 193747).AAD 1 Aging Aircraft Division, (WPAFB).2 Assigned altitud
36、e deviation.AADC 1 Area Air-Defense Commander (USN).2 Analytical air-defence cell (NATO).AADGE Allied air-defence ground environment.AADI Advanced area-defence interceptor.AADP Advanced-architecture display processor.AADRM Advanced air-breathing dual-range missile.AADS 1 Advanced air-data system.2 A
37、irborne active dipping sonar.3 Airspeed and director sensor.4 Aircraft activity display system (program).AADV Autonomous aerial, or air, delivery vehicle.AAE 1 Above aerodrome/airport/airfield elevation.2 Army Acquisition Executive (USA).3 Asociacin de Aviacin Experimental (homebuilders,Spain).4 Agr
38、upacin Astronutica Espaola (Spain).AAED Advanced airborne expendable decoy.AAEE, A see AAICP.6 Arrival, or arriving, aircraft interval.7 Airports Authority of India.AAIB Air Accident Investigation Board (DETR, UK).AAIC Air Accidents Investigation Commission (US).AAICP Air-to-air interrogator control
39、 panel.AAII Accelerated accuracy improvement initiative(GPS Navstar).AAILS Airmedical airborne information for lateralspacing.AAIM Aircraft autonomous integrity monitoring.AAIP Analog autoland improvement programme.AAIR AmSafe aviation inflation restraint.AAAA AAIR2AAIRA Assistant Air Attach (US).AA
40、L 1 also a.a.l., Above airfield level.2 Australian Air League.3 Aircraft approach limitations, UK service usagespecifying minima for aircraft type in association withspecified ground aids.AALAAW Advanced air-launched anti-armourweapon.AALAE Association of Australian Licensed AircraftEngineers.AALB A
41、iles Anciennes Le Bourget (F).AAM 1 Air-to-air missile.2 Azimuth-angle measuring unit (Madge).3 Archive Air Museum (BAA).AAMA Association des Amis du Muse de lAir (F).AAME Association of Aviation Medical Examiners(UK).AAMP 1 Advanced-architecture microprocessor.2 Advanced aircraft maneuvering progra
42、m.AAMPV Advanced anti-materiel/personnel/vehicles(US).AAMRL Harry G Armstrong Aerospace MedicalResearch Laboratory (USAF).AAMS Association of Air Medical Services (US).AAN Airworthiness approval note.AANCP Advanced airborne national command post(US).A IPC adds Inter-national Procurement Committee.AB
43、AA Australian Business Aircraft Association.ABAC 1 Conversion nomogram, eg for plotting great-circle bearings on Mercator projection.2 Association of British Aviation Consultants.3 Association of British Aero Clubs and Centres,AAIRA ABAC3formed 1926 as Associated Light Aeroplane Clubs, re-constitute
44、d as ABAC 1946, became BLAC 1966.ABAG Associao Brasileira de Aviao Geral(Brazilian NBAA).ABB Automated beam-builder (space).ABBCC Airborne battlefield control center.Abbey Hill ESM for British warships, tuned to hostileair (and other) emissions.ABC 1 Advance-booking charter.2 Advancing-blade concept
45、 (Sikorsky).3 Automatic boost control.4 Airborne commander (SAC).5 See Airborne Cigar.6 After bottom dead centre.ABCA American, British, Canadian, AustralianStandardization Loan Programme.ABCCC Airborne Battlefield Command and ControlCenter (USAF), upgraded to II and III.ABCU Alternate ie alternativ
46、e braking control unit.ABD 1 Airborne broadband defence (ECM).2 See next.ABDR Aircraft battle damage repair.Abeam Across the borders European ATM(7) systemseffects (Euret).abeam Bearing approximately 090 or 270 relative tovehicle.Aberporth Chief UK missile test centre, formerlyadministrated by RAE,
47、on Cardigan Bay.aberration Geometrical inaccuracy introduced byoptical, IR or similar electromagnetic system in whichradiation is processed by mirrors, lenses, diffractiongratings and other elements.ABE 1 Air-breathing engine S adds system.2 Aerodrome beacon.3 Arinc 429 bus emulator.ABF 1 Annular bl
48、ast fragmentation (warhead).2 Auto beam forming (passive sonobuoys).3 Advanced bomb family (USN).ABFAC Airborne forward air controller.ABFI Association of Belgian Flight Instructors.ABG Air Base Group (USAF).ABGS Air Bombing and Gunnery School (RAF).ABI 1 Advancedd boundary information.2 Airborne br
49、oadcast intelligence.ABIA Associaao Brasileira das Industrias Aero-nauticas.ABICS, Abics, Ada-based interception or integratedcontrol system.ABIHS Airborne broadcast intelligence hardwaresystem (hazard avoidance).ABILA Airborne instrument landing approach.ab initio Aircraft or syllabus intended to train pupil pilotwith no previous experience.ABIS All-bus instrumentation system.ABITA Association Belge des Ingnieurs et Techniciensde lAronautique et de lAstronautique.ABL 1 Airborne laser. 2 Atmosph