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1、数学科学学院教师 2003 年发表论文目录1Tan Zhong(谭忠),The concentration-compactness principle and the asymptotic behavior for some degenerate parabolic equation,Asymptotic Analysis,34 (2003),77-912Tan Zhong(谭忠),The existence and asymptotic behavior of some degenerate parabolic equation involing critical Sobolev and H

2、ardy exponents,Archives of Inequalities and Applications,1(2003 ),169-1893谭忠,占梦雅,Ekeland 变分原理在正则性证明中的一个应用,厦门大学学报(自),42( 2003),275-2804. 黄寿颖,谭忠,DYNAMO 方程在外区域对速度的连续依赖性,厦门科技,50 (2003),48-525Lixin Cheng (程立新) ,腾岩梅,A strong optimization theorem in locally convex spaces, Chin. Ann. Math. , 24B(3) (2003),3

3、95-4026. 程立新,吴从析,w*-Frechet 可微性质和 Radon-Nikodym 性质以及 w*-Asplund 空间,数学学报,46(2) (2003) ,385-3907钟怀杰,程立新,关于 G-M 成果研究的若干新动态(II) ,应用泛函分析学报,5 (3)(2003 ) ,240-248 (缺交全文)8腾岩梅,程立新, “小”集合上 LIPSCHITZ 函数的可微性,厦门大学学报(自) ,42 (1 )(2003 )5-89沈喜生,程立新,关于 GATEAUX 可微局部凸空间的乘积问题,厦门大学学报(自) ,42( 6) ( 2003) ,815-81610 李锦堂,正拼

4、挤流形的 F-调和映射,数学学报,46(4)(2003),811-81411 Jintang Li(李锦堂) ,On stable currents in positively pinched curved hypersurfaces, Colloquium Mathematicum, 98(1)(2003),79-8612 张步城,实测度的一种较强的弱收敛,厦门大学学报(自),42 (1)(2003 ),12-1313 Shan Zhen LU,Huo Xiong WU(伍火熊),Multilinear singular integrals with rough kernel, Acta M

5、athematics Sinica,19(1) (2003) ,51 62 (*)14 伍火熊,积域上一类相关于块空间的参数型 Marcinkiewicz 积分的$L2$有界性,北京师范大学学报(自) ,39(2) (2003) ,147152 (*)15 伍火熊,粗糙核多线性分数次积分算子在加权 Herz 空间的有界性,数学进展,32 (4 )(2003 ) ,489497 (*)16 Huo Xiong WU(伍火熊),Zhang Pu,On Parametric Marcinkiewicz Integrals Related to Block Spaces,Applied Mathema

6、tics Journal of Chinese Universities(SerB)18(3)(2003),258-266 17 Shan Zhen LU,Huo Xiong WU(伍火熊),Oscillatory Singular Integrals and Commutators with Rough Kernels,Ann. Sci. Math. Quebec,27(1)(2003) ,47 66 18 邱曙熙,平面负位势相关的 Schroedinger 方程的非负广义解,应用数学学报, 26(1)(2003 ) ,176-18019 Jinfa Cheng(程金发),Nie.J,Exi

7、stence of Nonoscillatory Solution of Certain Higher Order Linear Neutral Delay Equation,Pure and Applied Mathematics(Series A)Fundamental Sciences and Applications,10(2003),33-4120 程金发,一阶泛函差分方程解振动的充分和必要条件,生物数学学报,18 (3)(2003 )295298 21 王廷辅,郝翠霞,刘莉芳,赋 Orlicz 范数的 Musielak-Orlicz 序列空间的 Gateaux 可微点与 Frech

8、et 可微点,数学物理学报,23A(2)(2003),145153 (*)22 Stephen Berman,Yun Gao,Shaobin Tan(谭绍滨),A unified view of some vertex operator constructions,Israel Journal of Mathematics,134(2003),29-6023 YE Cong-feng(叶丛峰),Representations of a class of associative algebras related to the quantum tours,数学进展,32(3)(2003),368-

9、37024 Jiwen Zeng(曾吉文),On relatively projective modules and Kulshammer-Robinson basis, Communications in algebra,31(5) (2003) ,2425-244325陈清华,林亚南,扩张代数的 recollement,中国科学(A ) ,33 (4 ) (2003) ,354-36026 Chen Qinghua,Lin Yanan(林亚南),Recollements of estension algebras,Science in China,46(4 ) (2003 ) ,530-5

10、37(是 25 的英文稿)27 Wenjun Xiao(肖文俊),Ivan Gutman,Resistance distance and Laplacian spectrum, Theoretical Chemistry Accounts,110(2003) ,284-28928 Wenjun Xiao(肖文俊),Ivan Gutman,On resistance matrices,Communications in mathematical and in computer chemistry ,49(2003 ) ,67-8129 Ravindra B.Bapat,Ivan Gutman,W

11、enjun Xiao(肖文俊),A simple method for computing resistance distance,Z. Naturforsch,58a(2003) ,494-49830 郑晓刚,严荣沐,整函数及其线性微分多项式的公共函数,厦门大学学报(自)42 (3)(2003 ),287-29031 Rong-mu Yan(严荣沐),Connections on complex Finsler manifold,Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica,19(3 )(2003) ,431-43632 钟同德,邱春晖,复 Finsler 流形上(

12、p,q)型微分形式的积分表示,中国科学(A) ,33(2) (2003 ),161-17133 Zhong Tongde(钟同德),Zhong Chunping(钟春平):Bochner technique in real Finsler manifolds,Acta Mathematica Scientia,23B(2)(2003 ), 165-17734黄洪艺,钟春平,Stein 流形上 Leray-Norguet 公式的拓广,厦门大学学报(自) ,42(5) ,559-56335 Chunhui Qiu(邱春晖),Zhongyuan Yao(姚宗元),Weighted Koppelman

13、-Leray-Norguet formulas on a local q-concave wedge in a complex manifold,Acta Mathematica Scientia 23B(4)(2003),531-54336 Chunhui Qiu(邱春晖),A new formula without boundary integrals on a Stein manifold, Acta Mathematica Scientia,23B(1)(2003),33-4037 邱春晖,复流形局部 q-凸楔形上带权的同伦公式,数学学报,46(3) (2003) ,591-60038

14、 邱春晖,论数学教学目的的人本转向,泉州师范学院学报(自),21(2)(2003)97-10039 Xiaofeng Guo(郭晓峰),Fuji Zhang(张福基),Planar k-cycle resonant graphs with k=1,2, Discrete Applied Mathematics,129 (2003),383-39740 Xiaofeng Guo(郭晓峰),Ashesh Nandy,Numerical characterization of DNA sequences in a 2D graphical representation scheme of low d

15、egeneracy,Chemical Physics Letters,369(2003),361-36641 Biao Zhao,Xiaofeng Guo(郭晓峰),Construction and Decomposition of Planar Two-Cycle Resonant Graphs,Match-Communications in Mathematics and in computer chemistry,49 (2003), 83-9842 Jitender S.Deogun,Xiaofeng Guo (郭晓峰),Wandi Weib,Fuji Zhang(张福基),Catac

16、ondensed Hexagonal Systems with Smaller Numbers of Kekule Structures,Journal of molecular structure (Theochem),639 (2003),101-10843 Xiaofeng Guo(郭晓峰),Yi Huang,A combinatorial theorem on ordered circular sequences of n1 us and n2 vs with application to kernel-perfect graphs,Acta Mathematicae Applicat

17、ae Sinica (English Series),19 (2003),41-4644欧建平,张福基,3 限制边连通与正则因子,Acta mathematica scientia,23 (A)(2003), 650-65445 Weigen Yan,Fuji Zhang(张福基),Heredity of the index of convergence of the line digraph,Disrete applied mathematics,131 (3)(2003),681-68846 Xianan Jin,Fuji Zhang(张福基),Zeros of the Jones pol

18、ynomials for families of pretzel links,Physica(A),328 (2003),391-40847 Jianping Ou,Fuji Zhang(张福基),k 3,3-subdivision in bipartite graphs,运筹学学报,7(1), 65-7248 Fuji Zhang(张福基), Weigen Yan,Enumeration of perfect matchings in a type of graphs with reflective symmetry,Match-Communications in Mathematics a

19、nd in computer chemistry,48 (2003),117-12449 Weigen Yan,Fuji Zhang(张福基),On the number of kekule structures of a type of oblete rectangles, Match-Communications in Mathematics and in computer chemistry,47(2003) ,141-14950 Jianping Ou,Fuji Zhang(张福基),Bound on m-restrictive edge connectivity,Acta Mathe

20、maticae Applicatae Sinica (English Series),19(3)( 2003),505-51051 Linzhang Lu(卢琳璋),Michael K.Ng,Symmetric version of sign-function algorithm for discrete-time algebraic Riccati equations,International Journal of Applied Mathematics,13(1)(2003),119-13452 卢琳璋,马飞,非负矩阵 Perron 根的上下界,计算数学,25(2)(2003),193-

21、19853汪祥,卢琳璋,Alpha-双对角占优矩阵,厦门大学学报( 自),42(4)(2003),425-42754汪祥,卢琳璋,Alpha-双对角占优与 H-矩阵的判定,厦门大学学报( 自),42(5)(2003),570-57255 林玉闽,许传炬,非定常不可压粘性/无粘性偶合方程的一种分布分解方法,空气动力学学报,21 (3)(2003),368-37656 林玉闽,科学计算中的可视化技术,全国计算机新技术与计算机继续教育论文集(第11 卷中集,西南交通出版社)(2003)122-12657许传炬,科学计算中的若干问题,全国计算机新技术与计算机继续教育论文集(第 11卷中集,西南交通出版

22、社)(2003)117-12558 林鹭,Faure 序列的周期性及其快速构造,华东地质学院学报,26(2)(2003),113-11459 F.Liua(刘发旺), I.Turner,V.Anh,N.Su,A two-dimensional finite volume method for transient simulation of time and scale-dependent transport in heterogeneous aquifer systems,Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing,11(1-2)(2003),21

23、5-24160 F.liu (刘发旺),V.V.Anh,I.Turner ,P.Zhuang (庄平辉),Time fractional advection- dispersion equation,Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing,13 (1-2)(2003 ), 233-2461 Ninghu Su,Fawang liu (刘发旺),Vo Anh,Tides as phase-modulated waves inducing periodic groudwater flow in coastal aquifers overlaying

24、 a sloping impervious base,Environmental modelling & software,18(2003 ), 937-94262 F.Liu (刘发旺 ),V.Anh, I.Turner,A two-dimensional finite volume method for variable density flow and solute transport through saturated-unsaturared media,The Proceeding of the International Sysposium on Nonlinear Science

25、 and Application,(2003),ID450,215-240.63 C.P.Please,Fawang liu (刘发旺),L.S.MrElwain, Condensed phase combustion traveling waves with sequential exothermic or endothermic reactions, Combust. Theory modeling, 7(2003),129-143 (*)64 Zhongxin Zhang(张中新),Junyu Wang(王俊禹) , Positive solutions to a second orde

26、r three-point boundary value problem,Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications,285(2003) ,237-24965 Zhongxin Zhang(张中新),Junyu Wang(王俊禹) ,On existence and multiplicity of positive solutions to periodic boundary value problems for singular nonlinear second order differential equations,Journal

27、of Mathematical Analysis and Applications,281(2003),99-10766Xiaoming Zen(曾晓明),Wang Tao,Rate of Convergence of the Integral Type Lupas-Bezier Operators,Kyungpook Mathematical Journal,43 (4 ) (2003),593-60467 曾晓明,杨军,左苏丽,关于 Catmull-Clark subdivision 曲面的误差估计,全国计算机新技术与计算机继续教育论文集(第 11 卷下集,西南交通出版社),( 2003)

28、,221-22468 X.M.Zeng(曾晓明),J.Yang ,S.L.Zuo ,Approximation of Pointwise of Szasz-Bezier type operators for bounded functions,International Journal of Mathematics game theory and algebra,13(2)(2003),191-19769 Ying-An Liu,Bo-Cheng Wei,HaiBin Wang(王海斌),Testing of Honmogeneity for Correlation and Variance

29、in Nonlinear Regression Models with DBL(p,0,1)Random Errors, Communications in statistics Theory and Methods,32 (12) (2003) ,2441-246370黄自强,暨卫东,杨绪林,黄荣坦,汤荣坤,于涛,张功勋,南极中山站大气气溶胶的化学组成及其来源的判别,台湾海峡,22(3) (2003) ,334-34671黄自强,暨卫东,汤荣坤,黄荣坦,杨绪林,于涛,张功勋,西太平洋、东印度洋、南大洋和中山站海域气溶胶的化学组成及其来源判别,台湾海峡,22(4) (2003) ,505-51

30、772 Yeh Lam,Yanhui Zheng(郑耀辉),Yuanlin Zhang,Some Limit Theorems in Geometric Processes,Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series,19(3)(2003), 405-41673 Yeh Lam,Yuanlin Zhang,Yanhui Zheng(郑耀辉),Yuanlin Zhang,Ageometric process equivalent model for a multistate degenerative system,European Jo

31、urnal of Operational Research,142(2002),21-29 74 李时银,随机波动害虫种群的最优防治阈值与防治时刻,运筹学学报,7(1)(2003),91-9675孙坚强,李时银,离散算术平均亚式期权近似定价,厦门大学学报(自),42 (4)(2003 )435-43876魏正元,李时银,有多个跳跃源的信用风险欧式期权定价公式,厦门大学学报(自),42( 4)( 2003)439-44377王保合,李时银,允许提前违约的信用衍生产品定价模型,数学的实践与认识,33 (9)(2003 ),38-4478刘智华,李时银,跳跃扩散型离散算术平均亚式期权的近似定价公式,

32、 数学的实践与认识, 33(8)(2003),42-47 79王保合,李时银,一类重随机 Poisson 过程在信用风险定价模型中的运用,数学研究,36(2 )( 2003),195-20180黄荣坦,厦门市 2020 年 GDP 预测,厦门科技,50(2003) ,10-1381. Yun Ziqiu, Zhang Wen (张文) ,Metrizability and a question of J.Nagata, Science Math. Japonica, 57(3)(2003) 571-573 (*)82程金发,具有正负系数的偏差分方程解的震动性,漳州师范学院学报,16 (4) (

33、2003 ) 9-1283. 陈宝兴,杜妮,超圆环面中一种新的快速路由算法,漳州师范学院学报,16(2)(2003)15-1984姚伟杰,刘继春,李正开,非对称稳定幂 Graph 的严平稳性与解的唯一性,数学研究,36(4 )( 2003)401-40685张若东,孙王杰,刘继春,多维门限 Graph 模型的平稳遍历性,东北师范大学学报,35(1 )( 2003)31-34 (*)86刘继春,一个非对称 Graph 模型的严平稳遍历性,厦门大学学报, 42(2)(2003 ),153-15687郭铁信,肖海霞,随机赋范模中的分离定理,厦门大学学报,42 (3)(2003 ),270-27488

34、 Tie Xin GUO(郭铁信), Lin Hu ZHU, A characterization of continuous module homomorphi- sms on Random semi-normed modules and its applications, Acta Math. Sinica, 19(1)(2003) 201-208 89. 林玉闽,许传炬,非定常不可压粘性/无粘性偶合方程的一种分布分解方法,空气动力学学报,21 (3)(2003),368-37690. 欧建平,张福基,3 限制边连通度与正则因子,数学物理学报,23(6)(2003),650-65491. 林玉闽,许传炬,概率统计应用基础(职业技术教育软件人才培养模式改革项目成果教材),高等教育出版社,(2003),22 万字


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