1、赤道东太平洋温度锋附近的混沌输运与混合姜 华 吴德星 吕 建(青岛海洋大学物理海洋实验室,物理海洋研究所,青岛,266003)摘 要 运用 McCreary 和 Yu(1992)的非线性 2 层模式的积分流场,研究了混沌混合与输运对1海水及要素浓度的输运和混合问题。模式结果显示混沌混合区主要分布于赤道东太平洋不稳定区及东、西边界附近,中西太平洋的大部分区域为非混沌区。释放在混沌区内的示踪团随时间的弥散过程要较非混沌区内的示踪团复杂的多。因多模态不稳定波动的共同作用,尤其是在赤道上经向运动最强的 Yanai 波的加入,使得赤道不稳定区的流体以混沌混合的方式均匀地弥散开,趋向于粗粒(coarse-
2、grained)意义下的均匀化。并有大量释放于赤道东太平洋不稳定区的示踪质点越过赤道进入对面半球。背景辐散流的加入能将部分示踪点输送出混合区使其不加入均匀化过程,故最后混入另一半球的质点数少于半数。过赤道交换速率则主要由混沌混合的强度有关。关键词 混沌输运与混合;数值模式;赤道东太平洋温度锋 中图法分类号 P731.2 文章编号 1001-1862(2002)02-165-08Chaotic Transport and Mixing near the Eastern Equatorial Pacific Thermal Front Jiang Hua Wu Dexing Lu Jian(Ins
3、titute of Physical Oceanography, Laboratory of Physical Oceanography, Ocean University of Qingdao, Qingdao 266003, China)Abstract Nonlinear 2 layer model of McCreary and Yu (1992)is used to study the 1effect of chaotic transport and mixing on the transport and mixing of sea water and tracers. In the
4、 model, the main chaotic regions exist in unstable zone and the eastern and western ocean boundary. The dispersion process of a cloud of passive tracers in chaotic region is more complicated than that in the non-chaotic region. Due to the interaction of multi-mode unstable wave, especially the joini
5、ng of Yanai wave, whose meridional component is the strongest, the fluid in equatorial unstable zone disperses uniformly in the chaotic mixing style and becomes gradually uniformed in a sense of coarse-grained. The chaotic stirring induced by the unstable wave makes quite a part of sea water cross t
6、he equator and leads to effective mass exchange across the equator. The joining of background flow makes some of the tracer particles go out the chaotic region. So these particles dont join the uniform-process. The result shows that the particles number across the equator is less than the half. The
7、rate of exchange across the equator is mainly relatedto the strength of chaotic mixing.Key words chaotic transport and mixing; numerical model; eastern equatorial Pacific thermal front东中国海潮余流自适应数值模拟周旭波 苏 健(青岛海洋大学物理海洋研究所, 青岛, 266003)摘 要 以自适应数值模型首次计算整个东中国海三维 M2分潮潮致 Euler 余流、Stokes 漂流和Lagrange 余流,并分析各海
8、区 Lagrange 余流的特征。渤海 M2分潮致 Lagrange 余流在整个海域基本形成一个大的逆时针环流系统;辽东湾有一个逆时针流环。在黄海,潮致余流也是黄海环流的重要组成部分。在东海的东北部,潮致余流有强化对马暖流的作用;在台湾北部海域,潮余流对台湾暖流有强化作用。在近海海域,由于复杂地形的作用,潮流非线性作用加强,潮余流的量值有较明显的增加。计算结果表明:在浅水区域,Stokes 漂流较大,Euler 余流与 Lagrange 余流差别显著。关键词 东中国海;潮余流;Lagrange 余流;自适应;数值模拟中图法分类号 P731.2 文章编号 1001-1862(2002)02-17
9、3-06Self-Adaptive Numerical Simulation of Tide-Induced Residual Current in the East China SeaZhou Xubo Sun Wenxin Su Jian(Institute of Physical Oceanography, Ocean University of Qingdao, Qingdao 266003, China)Abstract Self-adaptive numerical model is used to simulate the 3-D tide-induced Euler, Stok
10、es and Lagrangian residual currents in the East China Sea for the first time.The character of Lagrangian residual current in each area is analysed. In the Bohai Sea, Lagrangian residual current of the M2tide basically forms a large anticlockwise circulation; there is an anticlockwise circulation in
11、theLiaodong Bay. In the Huanghai Sea, tide-induced residual current is also an important part of its circulation. In the northeast part of the East Sea, tide-reduced current makes Tsushima Warm Current stronger. In the area northern of Taiwan, tide-reduced current makes Taiwan Warm Current stronger.
12、 In the coastal seas, the nonlinear interaction of tide and tide-reduced current are stronger due to the comflex topography. The results show that stokes residual current is stronger in shallow seas, and Euler residual current is very different from Lagrangian residual current.Key words the East Chi
13、na Sea; tide-induced residual current; Lagrangian residual current; self-adaptive; numerical simulation北京市夏季低层大气 NOx、O 3垂直分布观测研究刘 烽 1,2 陈 辉 2 Liu Yangang3(1 青岛海洋大学海洋气象系,青岛,266003) (2 中国科学院大气物理研究所大气边界层物理和大气化学国家重点实验室,北京,100029)(3 Brookhaven National Laboratory, Environmental Sciences Department, Upton
14、, NY 11973-5000,USA)摘 要 根据 2000 年夏季在北京 325m 铁塔上的一次梯度观测实验,给出 8m,120m 和 280m 三层上的 NO、NO 2、O 3浓度的观测结果。对 NO,NO 2、O 3小时平均浓度的日变化和垂直分布规律进行了分析,结果发现:(1)各高度上的 NO,NO 2、O 3浓度均有明显的日变化特征,阴雨天的日变化更加复杂;(2)O 3在晴朗白天有单、双及三峰型分布;(3)相对于 120m 和 280m,近地面 8m 处的 NO 浓度最高,而 O3 浓度最低;(4)NO 2、O 3日平均浓度日变化振幅 120m 处最大;(5)中午前后 NO,NO 2
15、、O 3浓度均在 120m 最高。关键词 臭氧;氮氧化物;城市大气边界层;北京市中图法分类号 P41 文章编号 1001-1862(2002)02-179-07Study on the Vertical Observations of NOx and O3 in the Low Level of ABL in Beijing AreaLiu Feng1,2 Chen Hui2 Liu Yangang3(1 Department of Marine Meteorology, Ocean University of Qingdao, Qingdao 266003, China) (2 LAPC,
16、The Institute of Atmospheric Physics, CAS, Beijing 100029, China)(3 Brookhaven National Laboratory, Environmental Sciences Department, Upton, NY 11973-5000,USA)Abstract A series of experiments on pollutant species were carried out during the summer of year 2000 on 235m meteorological tower in Beijin
17、g. The observations of NO、NO 2、O 3at the three levels of 8m, 120m and 280m are analyzed. The results show that firstly, daily variations of concentrations of NO、NO 2、O 3 at each level are significant, which are more complicated in cloudy and rainy days. Secondly three typical distribution patterns o
18、f ozone concentration exist in daytime. Thirdly, the concentration of NO at surface layer is the highest, compared with those at 120m and 280m, while there exist reverse results for ozone vertical concentration distribution. Fourthly, 120m is the most significant level in the sense of the daily vary
19、ing amplitudes of NO2and O3at three levels. Finally, the heaviest pollution of NO、NO 2、O 3in the daytime might occur at the height of 120m compared with the results at other two heights.Key words Ozone; nitrogen oxides; urban ABL; Beijing欧亚大陆阻塞高压的统计特征及其与中国东部夏季降水的关系黄 菲 姜治娜(青岛海洋大学海洋环境学院,青岛,266003)摘 要
20、该文利用美国 NCEP 再分析资料 24 年(19761999 年)的逐日 12欧亚大陆(0E150E,20N 90N)500hPa 位势高度场资料,对阻塞高压(简称阻高)的活动进行了统计分析。结果表明,阻高主要发生在乌拉尔山地区。阻高活动有明显的季节性变化,春夏季阻塞形势发生得最多,持续时间最长,秋季最少且持续时间短。小波分析和离散功率谱分析都表明阻高发生的频数存在明显的年际变化,主要包含 34 年和准 8 年的周期振荡。进一步研究表明,乌拉尔山附近(50N80E)的阻高活动与夏季江淮流域的降水有着很好的正相关,与华南、华北、东北区域的降水有着很好的负相关;而贝加尔湖附近(80E120E)的
21、阻高与中国东部的降水关系则正好相反。冬春季(13 月)阻高活动对当年夏季的降水有着一定的中长期预报意义。关键词 欧亚大陆;阻塞高压;夏季降水中图法分类号 P434 文章编号 1001-1862(2002)02-186-07Study on the Statistical Characteristics of Atmospheric Blocking in the Eurasia and its Relationship with the Summer Rainfall over the East of ChinaHuang Fei Jiang Zhina(College of Physical
22、 and Environmental Oceanography, Ocean University of Qingdao, Qingdao 266003, China)Abstract Based on the data of the daily 500hpa at 12GMT in the Eurasia (0E150E,20N 90N) from 1976 to 1999 reanalyzed by NCEP and NCAR , the blocking activity is analyzed statistically. The results show that Ural is t
23、he most preferred area for blocking occurrence. Blocking activity has obviously seasonal variations, number of days of blocking in spring is at the most, while that in autumn is at the least. Frequency of blocking possesses obvious interannual variability mainly in 34 year and quasi-8 year oscillati
24、on. More researches make it clear that there is a close positive relation between summer blocking in the neighborhood of Ural (50E80E) and the precipitations over the Changjiang River and the Huaihe River basins, negative relation between summer blocking and the precipitations over the South of Chin
25、a, the North of China and the Northeast of China; Blocking in the neighborhood of Baikal has close positive relation to the precipitations over the South of China, the North of China and the Northeast of China; negative relation to the precipitations over the Changjiang River and the Huaihe River ba
26、sins. The blocking at the beginning of the year (January to March) is significative in the mid-to long-range forecaot, in some sense, to the summer precipitation of the same year based on the close correlationship between them.Key words eurasia; blocking; summer precipitation综 述我国太平洋牡蛎 (Crassostrea
27、gigas) 三倍体育苗与养殖技术研究进展王如才 王昭萍 田传远 于瑞海 李 贇(青岛海洋大学教育部海水养殖重点实验室,青岛 266003)摘 要 主要介绍太平洋牡蛎三倍体的基础研究和产业化显示度。在基础研究方面,主要阐述了三倍体诱导技术、活体倍性快速检测技术、诱导剂对受精卵和胚胎超微结构的影响、三倍体牡蛎核型与带型、三倍体牡蛎同工酶的表达及快速生长机理等方面的技术储备;在产业化显示度方面,综述了三倍体牡蛎育苗与养殖的技术及效果。 关键词 太平洋牡蛎;三倍体;6-DMAP;育苗;养殖中图法分类号 S968.3 文章编号 1001-1862(2002)02-193-08Advances in T
28、riploid Breeding and Culturing Techniquesin the Pacific Oyster (Crassostrea gigas) in ChinaWang Rucai Wang Zhaoping Tian Chuanyuan Yu Ruhai Li Yun(The Key Laboratory of Mariculture, Ministry of Education, Ocean Uoiversity of Qingdao, Qingdao 266003, China)Abstract The basic studies and the status of
29、 industrialization on triploid Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) in China were introduced. The basic studies were mainly expatiated on the techniques of triploid inductoin, ploid analysis, the effect of inducer on the ultrustructure of fertilized eggs and embryos, the analysis of karyoptype and ban
30、ds and allozyme expression in triploid oysters, etc. The techniques and their effects in seed production and culture to adult in tiploid oyster were reviewed in terms of industrialization.Key words Crassostrea gigas; triploid; 6-DMAP; seed production; culture 关于珍稀鱼类石川粗鳍鱼(Trachipterus ishikawae Jorda
31、n et Snyder,1901)的新资料武云飞 曾晓起 孔晓瑜(青岛海洋大学海水养殖教育部重点实验室,青岛,266003)摘 要 石川粗鳍鱼由 D.S.Jordan 和 J.O. Snyder(1901)首次根据一尾采自东京湾口外的标本建立的,而本文的标本则采自中国黄海和东海等处。本种在体形、鳞片和身体结节等方面与皇带鱼(Regalecus glecus) 相似, 故常被混淆。经详细研究后,作者补充描述了本种的若干重要性状并同体形近似的皇带鱼对比 , 找出两种鱼在背鳍起点和肛门位置、腹鳍鳍条、头部骨片、口部结构、牙齿的有无及其分布、鳃耙数目、眼睛大小、侧线鳞及身体结节特点等方面的显著差别。关
32、键词 珍稀鱼类;石川粗鳍鱼;皇带鱼 中图法分类号 S922.9 文章编号 1001-1862(2002)02-201-06New Materials of the Rare Fish, Trachipterus ishikawae Jordan Trachipterus ishikawae; Regalecus glesne研究简报太平洋牡蛎精液的超低温保存李 贇 王品虹 贺桂珍 赵 强(青岛海洋大学海水养殖教育部重点实验室,青岛,266003)摘 要 利用解剖法采集太平洋牡蛎精液,用自然海水做基础溶液,配制不同浓度的 DMSO(二甲亚砜) 作为超低温保护剂,在液氮(LN 2)面上不同高度进行
33、预处理,投入 LN2内保存,升温解冻后,检测精子成活率。结果表明,DMSO 处理浓度、预处理温度及时间和升温方式对超低温保存成活率均具有显著影响。其中,用 10%DMSO 在 LN2面上 17cm 预处理 6min,采用 1617流水不完全解冻,效果最好,超低温保存精子成活率可达 70。与新鲜精子相比,在 LN2内保存一天的精子,授精能力没有明显变化。关键词 太平洋牡蛎;精子;超低温保存中图法分类号 S985.3+5 ;S983 文章编号 1001-1862(2002)02-207-05Cryopreservation of Pacific Oyster (Crassostrea gigas)
34、 SpermatozaLi Yun Wang Pinhong He Guizhen Zhao Qiang(The Key Laboratory of Mariculture,Ministry of education,Ocean University of Qingdao, Qingdao 266003, China)Abstract The spermatozoa were obtained from the Pacific oyster gonad by dissection. The dimethyl sulphoxyde(DMSO) melted by filtrated sea wa
35、ter was used as cryoprotectant. Prefreezing was conducted by balancing over different heights from the surface of liquid nitrogen (LN2),and thaw took place after immersion into LN2for two hours. The result indicated that the concentration of DMSO and the temperature and time of prefreezing and the t
36、hawing method were related to the survival rate of cryopreserved spermatozoa. And it was found that the survival rate reached 70% when prefreezing 6min at 17cm over the surface of LN2, treating with 10% DMSO and thawing with 1617 flowing sea water, The fertilization rate and hatchery rate reached 68
37、% and 64%, respectively.Key words Pacific oyster; spermatozoa; cryopreservation研究报告臭氧处理海水生成氧化物对扁藻生长的影响郑 波 1 马 甡 1 王成刚 2 谷向伟 2(青岛海洋大学 1 海水养殖教育部重点实验室;2 水产学院,青岛,266003)摘 要 研究了臭氧处理海水生成氧化物对扁藻 (Tetraselmis chuii)生长的影响。臭氧生成氧化物浓度在 0.736mg/L 以下不产生毒害作用,在 1.113mg/L 以上观察到了毒害作用,并且浓度越高毒性越强。实验发现扁藻对臭氧生成氧化物的毒害有抵抗能力。
38、关键词 臭氧;臭氧生成氧化物;扁藻中图法分类号 S963.14 文章编号 1001-1862(2002)02-212-07Influence of Ozone Produced Oxidant in Seawateron the Growth of Tetraselmis chuiiZheng Bo Ma Shen Wang Chenggang2 Gu Xiangwei2(1 Aquaculture Research Laboratory, 2 College of Fisheries, Ocean University of Qingdao, Qingdao 266003, China)Ab
39、stract The influence of ozone produced oxidant (OPO) in seawater on the growth of microalgae Tetraselmis chuii is studied. OPO under the level of 0.736mg/L is harmless. But it is harmful up to 1.113mg/L. Toxicity increases when the concetration of OPO is higher and Tetraselmis chuii can resist the t
40、oxicity of OPO.Key words ozone; ozone-produced oxidants; Tetraselmis chuii锈色尖毛虫 (Oxytricha ferruginea)的形态学重描述及与相近种的比较(纤毛门,腹毛目)林晓凤 邱彦涛 胡晓钟 龚 骏 马洪钢 宋微波(青岛海洋大学海水养殖教育部重点实验室, 青岛, 266003)摘 要 利用活体观察、蛋白银染色技术对淡水腹毛目纤毛虫锈色尖毛虫 (Oxytricha ferruginea Stein, 1859)的青岛种群之活体形态学及纤毛图式做了研究。其特征如下:虫体浅黄褐色;表膜下颗粒为铁锈色,聚合成组并作纵向
41、不规则排列。口围带平均小膜数为 35。额、腹、横棘毛为典型855 方式排布;尾棘毛恒为 1 根。背触毛 5 列,其中 4 列完整,1 列不完整。伸缩泡位于体左侧前 1/3 处,具两根收集管。与相近种比较表明,O. ferruginea 与前人所报道的另一淡水种 O. aeruginosa 极可能是同一种,因此本文建议将两者合并。关键词 形态学;锈色尖毛虫;纤毛虫;淡水中图法分类号 Q954;Q959.11 文章编号 1001-1862(2002)02-219-05Morphological Studies on Oxytricha ferruginea (Ciliophora, Hypotri
42、chida) and Comparison with Several Related SpeciesLin Xiaofeng Qiu Yantao Hu Xiaozhong Gong Jun Ma Honggang Song Weibo(The Key Laboratory of Mariculture, Ministry of Education, Ocean University of Qingdao, Qingdao 266003, China)Abstract The morphology and infraciliature of a hypotrichous ciliate, Ox
43、ytricha ferruginea Stein, 1859, collected from a freshwater pond in the Baihua Park in Qingdao, China, were investigated and observed by protargol impregnation method. The results showed the following characteristics: body elongated elliptical in outline, yellowbrownish in color, with rusty cortical
44、 granules; adoral zone of membranelles composed of 3040 membranelles; constantly 1 caudal cirrus and 5 dorsal kineties; contractile vacuole in standard position and with two collecting canals; frontoventrotransverse cirri arranged in 855 mode. Compared with other related species, Oxytricha aeruginos
45、a Wrzesniowskiego,1866 was probably conspecific with this species. Key words ciliate morphorlogy;Oxytricha ferruginea;Oxytricha aeruginosa;freshwater黄海夏季不同取样网具渔获物组成比较分析徐宾铎 1,2 金显仕 1 梁振林 2(1 农业部海洋渔业资源可持续利用重点开放实验室,黄海水产研究所, 266071 )(2 青岛海洋大学水产学院,青岛,266003)摘 要 根据 2000 年夏季双拖渔船和“北斗”号专业调查船对应站位拖网调查资料,进行了两种不
46、同取样网具情况下渔获物组成的比较分析,结果表明:渔船的单位扫海面积渔获量、几种重要种类的长度范围、平均个体长度、50%选择长度、重量计优势度均高于“北斗”号,而渔获种类数则少于“北斗”号,且两者种类组成相似性较低,仅为 0.458;而且“北斗”号的底层、近底层鱼类和无脊椎类占总渔获量的比例高于渔船,这主要是由于渔具的选择作用造成的。结果说明应用渔船针对渔业生产进行的渔业资源监测,对带鱼、小黄鱼、 鯷鱼等重要生产种类是适合的,能够反映其资源量状况,但对群落结构、生物多样性等生态系统水平上的研究却存在着明显的不足。关键词 黄海;渔获物组成;选择性中图法分类号 S922.9+2;S9-9;S93 文
47、章编号 1001-1862(2002)02-224-07Comparative Analysis on Composition of Catches withDifferent Sampling Gears During Summer in the Yellow SeaXu Binduo1,2 Jin Xianshi1 Liang Zhenlin2(1 Key Laboratory for Sustainable Utilization of Marine Fisheries Resource, Ministry of Agriculture, Qingdao 266071, China)(2
48、 Fishery College, Ocean University of Qingdao, Qingdao 266003, China)Abstract Based on the data collected from bottom trawl survey using fishing vessel which have 36 survey stations, and the trawl survey of corresponding stations by R/V “Beidou” conducted in August 2000, a comparative study on the c
49、omposition of catches with different sampling gears were analyzed. The results showed that the mean catch per haul per swept area, length range of several economically important species, mean individual length and selective length at 50% in fishing vessel were higher than those in “Beidou”, while the number of species in fishing vess