1、 l ! Du/ K -XXXFNVDIOFUl ! Du/ K -XXXFNVDIOFUl ! Du/ K -XXXFNVDIOFUl ! Du/ K -XXXFNVDIOFUl ! u/ K -XXXFNVDIOFU小木虫葵花宝典之 “外刊投稿书信大全” 第壹輯 【小木虫论坛本书编写组】 whyerect 整 理 打造小木蟲原創精品 小木蟲出品必屬精品 l ! Du/ K -XXXFNVDIOFUl ! Du/ K -XXXFNVDIOFUl ! Du/ K -XXXFNVDIOFUl ! Du/ K -XXXFNVDIOFUl ! u/ K -XXXFNVDIOFU目 录 小木虫葵花宝典
2、之 .1 “外刊投稿书信大全” .1 目 录 .2 Page 1 .4 Page 2 .5 Page 3 .6 COVER LETTER(投稿信)实用指南 7 1、 什么是cover letter? 7 2、cover letter的内容主要包括那些? .7 3、 如何写cover letter? 7 4、常用模板: .7 常用模板(1) .7 常用模板(2) .7 常用模板(3) .7 常用模板(4) .8 常用模板(5) .8 如何询问稿件及编辑答复! .9 邀请函上没有老外签名,无法签证 .10 没有出席会议,索要论文集 .12 产品中农药残留检测付费事宜 .13 版权转让声明及确认校样
3、 .14 审稿人意见 .15 投稿信 .16 老外请我审稿 .17 讨论对方实验室资格的一些问题. .18 文章修改过程 .19 要求减免版面费 .22 文章被初步接收 .23 melody提供的催稿信模板 .24 我的一封投稿信 .25 也是投稿信 .26 还是投稿信 .27 投稿信及编辑回复 .28 询问网上论文提交系统是否出了问题 .29 又一封投稿信 .30 减免版面费 .31 英语论文写作常用经典句子 .32 我的一次投稿过程 .38 向老外要ppt .40 一次失败的投稿过程 .41 2l ! Du/ K -XXXFNVDIOFUl ! Du/ K -XXXFNVDIOFUl !
4、Du/ K -XXXFNVDIOFUl ! Du/ K -XXXFNVDIOFUl ! u/ K -XXXFNVDIOFU对国外杂志投稿时如何写emai(最基本的也是第一步)转帖! .42 Westwolf提供的投稿经验(1) .44 询问审稿结果及答复.50 投稿信 51 拒稿信 52 编辑来信 53 又是催稿信 .56 Westwolf提供的投稿经验(2) .57 一篇因为找不到合适的评审人而退回的编辑来信(比较少见吧) .60 找同行要文章.61 老外请我审稿.62 漫长的投稿过程 .64 要求增加基金号及第二作者,要求推迟修改时间 .68 咨询投稿系统故障.70 Acknowledge
5、ment .73 3l ! Du/ K -XXXFNVDIOFUl ! Du/ K -XXXFNVDIOFUl ! Du/ K -XXXFNVDIOFUl ! Du/ K -XXXFNVDIOFUl ! u/ K -XXXFNVDIOFUPage 1 欲练神功,挥刀 4l ! Du/ K -XXXFNVDIOFUl ! Du/ K -XXXFNVDIOFUl ! Du/ K -XXXFNVDIOFUl ! Du/ K -XXXFNVDIOFUl ! u/ K -XXXFNVDIOFUPage 2 言归正传 自从小木虫论坛开展“英文文章投稿相关书信征集 ”活动以来,得到了虫友们的热烈响应,本书是
6、对前 108 楼帖子的一个总结,为第一辑,以后随着活动的不断深入开展我们将陆续出版第二辑、第三辑 【郑重声明壹: 】 本书为小木虫广大虫友集体智慧的结晶(见文后致谢篇) ,虫坛裤哥 whyerect 负责整理。 【郑重声明贰: 】 本书版权归小木虫论坛所有,转载请保留小木虫标志。 5l ! Du/ K -XXXFNVDIOFUl ! Du/ K -XXXFNVDIOFUl ! Du/ K -XXXFNVDIOFUl ! Du/ K -XXXFNVDIOFUl ! u/ K -XXXFNVDIOFUPage 3 缘 起 各位虫友,你有没有在英文投稿的时候,碰到各种各样的实际问题,为如何用英语与编
7、辑交流而苦恼,诸如: 1、对审稿人提出的某条意见作出申述 2、向编辑询问稿件审阅的进展情况 3、文章中需要出彩图询问价格情况 4、某次国际会议出席不了但又想把论文出在 论文集上询问编辑行不行 5、版面费太贵,问老外能不能便宜一点 此类问题,用汉语很简单,要用英语就会觉得有点麻烦,不知道如何才能讲得地道又让人明白,其实这些问题是具有一定的普遍性,而且象八股文一样有一定的套路,朋友,如果你有这方面与老外编辑打交道的经验,不妨把你投稿过程中与老外编辑交流的 mail 贡献出来( 涉及隐私的地方可用* 表示,不影响整个英语句型的意思表达即可 ) ,给以后大家投稿时做参考。参加活动请在下面跟帖,经各斑竹
8、评阅后奖励 1-20 个金币。如果您贡献自己某篇稿子从投稿到发表过程中与编辑曲折交流的全部 mail,加上生动注解谈你其中的感受、经验及教训,为虫虫们上一堂 精彩的英文文章投稿实战案例课 ,那么斑竹们将为您申请 vip 奖励。本活动最终将做成 pdf 文件:英文投稿书信秘笈 (暂定名) ,放入小木虫原创版。 小木虫论坛对该次活动具有最终解释权。 征集格式: 【标题】 :为某一具体问题,如“ 询问稿费是多少?” 【内容】 :背景介绍: 简要介绍背景情况,来龙去脉。 我的去信: Dear * 老外的答复:Dear * _ 欢迎跟帖,谢谢合作! 6l ! Du/ K -XXXFNVDIOFUl !
9、Du/ K -XXXFNVDIOFUl ! Du/ K -XXXFNVDIOFUl ! Du/ K -XXXFNVDIOFUl ! u/ K -XXXFNVDIOFUCOVER LETTER(投稿信)实用指南 1、 什么是 cover letter? 指的是投稿信 2、cover letter 的内容主要包括那些? 应该简述所投稿件的核心内容、主要发现和意义,拟投期刊,对稿件处理有无特殊要求等(如“not to review” list ) 。另外,请附上主要作者的中文姓名、通讯地址、电话、传真和 e-mail 地址。此外有的杂志要求推荐几位审稿人及其联系方式。以及谁已经阅读过该文(当然是牛人
10、)。 我投的那个杂志是要求说明你论文研究的意义,以及与这个杂志的相关性,另外还有的可能要写明你没有一搞多投等。此外临床实验要求写明符合伦理学要求。 3、 如何写 cover letter? 各个杂志的具体要求是不一样的,在杂志的 guide for authors 一般会有要求。如果没有具体的要求,大家可按照通用要求处理。 4、常用模板: 常用模板(1) Cover letter Dear Mr. * 1. The work described has not been submitted elsewhere for publication, in whole or in part, and
11、all the authors listed have approved the manuscript that is enclosed. 2. I have read and have abided by the statement of ethical standards for manuscripts submitted to Neuroscience. kind regards. Your sincerely, 通讯作者 常用模板(2) Dear Dr. 主编 name: We submit our manuscript entitled “ 文章 title“ to 杂志名 for
12、publication. 接着简单介绍你文章的主要创新点和意义,不易过多,但要突出新意和关键点。 All authors have seen the manuscript and approved to submit to your journal. Thank you very much for your attention and consideration. Sincerely yours, 通讯作者 常用模板(3) Dear Dr. 主编 name: 打造小木虫原创精品 7 小木虫出品必属精品 l ! Du/ K -XXXFNVDIOFUl ! Du/ K -XXXFNVDIOFUl
13、! Du/ K -XXXFNVDIOFUl ! Du/ K -XXXFNVDIOFUl ! u/ K -XXXFNVDIOFUWe submit our manuscript entitled “ 文章 title“ to 杂志名 for publication. 接着简单介绍你文章的主要创新点和意义,不易过多,但要突出新意和关键点。 All authors have seen the manuscript and approved to submit to your journal. Thank you very much for your attention and considerati
14、on. Sincerely yours, 通讯作者 常用模板(4) Dr. * Editor-in-Chief, * (add address) January 22, 2003 Dear Dr. *, Enclosed herewith please find 3 copies of a MS by: *. * and * entitled: “*”, which we would like to submit for publication in the *. Looking forward to your decision, With kind personal regards, Sin
15、cerely yours, * Professor of * 常用模板(5) Dear Prof. Gil: This is a manuscript by*and *entitled “.”. It is submitted to be considered for publication as a “.” in your journal. This paper is new. Neither the entire paper nor any part of its content has been published or has been accepted elsewhere. It i
16、s not being submitted to any other journal. We believe the paper may be of particular interest to the readers of your journal as it Correspondence should be addressed to *at the following address, phone and fax number, and email address: . Thanks very much for your attention to our paper. Sincerely
17、yours, * 打造小木虫原创精品 8 小木虫出品必属精品 l ! Du/ K -XXXFNVDIOFUl ! Du/ K -XXXFNVDIOFUl ! Du/ K -XXXFNVDIOFUl ! Du/ K -XXXFNVDIOFUl ! u/ K -XXXFNVDIOFU 打造小木虫原创精品 9 小木虫出品必属精品 如何询问稿件及编辑答复! 我的去信: Dear Editor, Im not sure if it is the right time to contact you again to inquire about the status of my submitted manu
18、script(ref:*) although nearly one month have passed since I contacted you last time. I would be greatly appreciate if you could spend some of your time check the status for me. Best regards * 老外的答复: Dear *, Thank you for your e-mail. We would like to sincerely apologise for the long delay in reviewi
19、ng your article. Your article was sent to many different referees, most of whom felt that they were either unqualified or their time was too restricted to review the paper. We understand that you must feel frustrated, and we are sorry for this. Please understand that we rely entirely on the referees
20、 to return articles to us speedily. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. It would be much appreciated if you could suggest an alternative referee for your article, a person who may be able to review the article in a more appropriate time frame. Please forward this persons contact details (e-m
21、ail address) to us as soon as possible. We will do our very best to speed up the process. We apologize for any inconvenience that you experienced due to this delay, and we appreciate your understanding and tried patience in this regard. l ! Du/ K -XXXFNVDIOFUl ! Du/ K -XXXFNVDIOFUl ! Du/ K -XXXFNVDI
22、OFUl ! Du/ K -XXXFNVDIOFUl ! u/ K -XXXFNVDIOFU 打造小木虫原创精品 10 小木虫出品必属精品 邀请函上没有老外签名,无法签证 背景介绍: 老外的签名跟我们的盖章查不多,没有签名的东西是不正式的,我去参加某次国际会议,签证的时候才发现,粗心的老外给我的邀请函没有他的签名,我只好 email 给她询问,并要求马上传真给我。 我的去信: Dear Ms. Rose: Im Whyerect from China,who plans to participate the 11th International Symposium on Data Mining
23、 2002 in Sydney. The poster number of my paper is 007. I found the OFFICIAL ACCEPTANCE LETTER you sent to me was lack of your signature. Im afraid this would cause some trouble when I go to the embassy for my visa. Could you please send me a fax or electronic version of OFFICIAL ACCEPTANCE LETTER wi
24、th your autograph? Thank you! Regards Whyerect 老外的答复: Dear Whyerect: Thank you for your message. I am sorry that the corrected invitation has not reached you. I have requested a new mailing to be sent to you today. Best Regards, Rose 我的再去信: Dear Ms. Rose: could you please fax a copy of my acceptance
25、 letter fist so that I could have enough time for my visa application? The visa application will take me about 2-3 weeks according to the embassy. Thanks a lot! Regards Whyerect 老外的再答复: Dear Whyerect: The invitation letter for your presentation at SPIEs International Symposium Data Mining (22-27 Oct
26、ober 2002) has been mailed. An Adobe acrobat pdf file of the letter is attached to this message for your use. We look forward to your participation in Sydney. l ! Du/ K -XXXFNVDIOFUl ! Du/ K -XXXFNVDIOFUl ! Du/ K -XXXFNVDIOFUl ! Du/ K -XXXFNVDIOFUl ! u/ K -XXXFNVDIOFUBest regards, Rose 打造小木虫原创精品 11
27、小木虫出品必属精品 l ! Du/ K -XXXFNVDIOFUl ! Du/ K -XXXFNVDIOFUl ! Du/ K -XXXFNVDIOFUl ! Du/ K -XXXFNVDIOFUl ! u/ K -XXXFNVDIOFU没有出席会议,索要论文集 背景:会议论文被录用,但没有出席 会议,对方邮寄了光盘,询问是否有纸质论文集。 我的去信: Dear Sean Thanks for sending the CD-ROM copy, but I have not received the book (the prodeedings), I want to know whether a
28、 book should be included . As you know, the printed copy would be more believable and useful as a reference,If I want one how much it cost? thank you Best wishes Jinke 对方回信: Hello Dr. A printed version is 125 plus whatever shipping and currency conversion costs. They can be ordered and paid for thro
29、ugh the same route as previously. Cheers Dr. Sean D. Dessureault 2005 APCOM Chairman 打造小木虫原创精品 12 小木虫出品必属精品 l ! Du/ K -XXXFNVDIOFUl ! Du/ K -XXXFNVDIOFUl ! Du/ K -XXXFNVDIOFUl ! Du/ K -XXXFNVDIOFUl ! u/ K -XXXFNVDIOFU产品中农药残留检测付费事宜 背景:我没有具体的和老外们联系讨论过什么投稿啊参加会议的事情 ,但是有过很多和他们联系其他相关事宜的情况 .以下是和某德国实验室联系的 E
30、-mail,讨论的是在按照 EP,产品中农药残留检测已经付相关费用的问题. 希望也可以对大家有所借鉴! 我的去信: Dear *, I am oe work for ooCo., Ltd. I have recevied the fax about analysis payment. Could you give me detail information about your bank account. So that I can pay as soon as possible. Best Wishes, * 老外的回信: Dear *, attached you find the invo
31、ice for the analysis of pesticide residues including bank account information. In case of any questions please dont hesitate to contact me. Best regards * 打造小木虫原创精品 13 小木虫出品必属精品 l ! Du/ K -XXXFNVDIOFUl ! Du/ K -XXXFNVDIOFUl ! Du/ K -XXXFNVDIOFUl ! Du/ K -XXXFNVDIOFUl ! u/ K -XXXFNVDIOFU版权转让声明及确认校样 背
32、景:论文已被接收,编辑要求我提供签名的版权申明和确认校样,我与编辑之间的通信。 我的去信: Dear editor, Ive gone through this article and found a wrong word. The 143th line the word “m“ shoud be “the“. I noted it in the query form. Please give me a back e-mail. Thank you very much. Best wishes. Yours, * 老外的回复: Dear Dr. *, I hereby acknowledge
33、the safe receipt of the corrections. Thank you for your cooperation. Yours sincerely, * 我的再去信: Dear *, Ive read carefully the Transfer of copyright agreement and signed it. Now I e-mailed it to you.In addition,we will not order the offprints at the present time. Please send me a back e-mail if you r
34、eceive this messenge. Thank you very much! Yours sincerely, * 老外的再回复: 通知我版权申明已经收到 Dear *, I hereby acknowledge the safe receipt of the signed copyright form. Thank you for your cooperation. Yours sincerely, * 打造小木虫原创精品 14 小木虫出品必属精品 l ! Du/ K -XXXFNVDIOFUl ! Du/ K -XXXFNVDIOFUl ! Du/ K -XXXFNVDIOFUl ! Du/ K -XXXFNVDIOFUl ! u/ K -XXXFNVDIOFU审稿人意见 背景:老外发给我的审稿人意见及 mail 老外的 email: Dear*, Please find enclosed the re-review from one of the previous reviewers of your manuscript. As you can see, he is