1、J.SHANXI AGRIC.UNIV.(Natural Science Edition)(1 S)2009, 29(1) 002461l :2008-05-30 :2008-09-10Te: g (1969-), o(q), v ,p V, q, V 3 =, S u v(MSU)N =s yF L ip V,1V Y 3 3 N 3/ Z 。YT:, q,p V 3 =。Tel:0354-6288205;E-mail:wb “: 81 “(20021089); 81 “(2006031055); 81 “(2006031066); 8 M“(20031049); j0.05)。国产激素成
2、本低,使用方便, 在卵母细胞体外成熟培养时, 完全可以用国产的促性腺激素代替进口的FSH 和LH 。1oM:山羊;卵母细胞;体外成熟培养;进口的FSH+LH ;国产促性腺激素ms |:S827 DS M :A cI|:1671-8151 (2009)01-0008-03Effects of Different Originated Gonadotropin Hormones on In Vitro Maturation of GoatOocytesl Li-hua, RENYou-she, LI Fu-zhong, et al .(College of Animal Science and T
3、echnology, Shanxi Agricultural University, Taigu Shanxi 030801 , China)Abstract:Comparisonof the effectsof FSH +LH from differentorigins(importedand domestic)onmaturationof goatoocytes in vitro maturation was conducted in this study.The two compounds from different origins all promoted oo-cytes matu
4、ration, the maturationratesin the two groups(67.3%and68.9%)were all significantly higher thanthat ofthe control group (15.6%), and there was no significant difference in the maturation rate for the two gonadotropingroups.By comparison, there were the same impact of the two gonadotropin compounds(FSH
5、 +LH)from differentoriginsonmaturationof goat oocytes in vitro maturation(IVM), but thedomestic one cost much lower thanimportedone.So we may use the domestic FSH+LH in goat oocyte IVM instead of the importedone.Key words:Goat;oocytes;IVM;ImportedFSH+LH ;Domestic FSH +LH x % 。 x % !AAF ,+YF ?1T。 d x
6、%8 FF VA4 x% q。 x % M? p, x O FSH 、8 3$ LHE2 , PMSG9 ? P x %8 。FSHLH !A P F。FSH x m% Z x % -4Hq,O x m% 3B x % y0。FSH R %s I ,7IT x %, x % , 0%i,7Y8 sr q。 xV, x %BQh s B8, LH?。LHs8i x % x m% , x %V x M !A1? , x Ai x % y0, LHC X T1 。LHT, , dl8 mm x , R %FSH s8mRNA,7 LH s8mR-NA 2 。c b !A,FSH?Y x % ,7LH
7、 T。N,HMG B “5F , c11FSHLH ,9 ? !。.1 FSHLH PHMGDOI:10.13842/ki.issn1671-8151.2009.01.006PrT, TAs,HMG PZL OT3 。8 =, FSH ? x R % 3LH s8;LHT/, x %h s i x。8,FSHLH “ Es1T 4 。9 ,F x % , FSH% ,7 Oh s a8 , LHhCG hCG P8 q1? q9F5,6 。F tT VYVF b h。F b ,8 q O 。FSHYV 6 R % =cAMP P x % s, HFSH V P x m% 7 , P x m%
8、x %i x % cAMPh , x %。 “ YV1 , gSFSH +LH , x %8 Y, a x %8F ,7 !8“。1 材料和方法1.1 A8 TA:PBS+100 IUmL-1 (0) +100 mg L-1 (0)+10%FCS (Gibco)。PBS (mg 100mL-1) Z:NaCl, 800;KCl, 20.0;CaCl2 , 10.0;MgCl2 6H2O, 10.0; Na2HPO4 , 11.5;KH2PO4 , 20.0;Glucose, 100.0。 A (100 mL):M199, 0.95 g ;NaHCO3 , 0.22 g ;Hepes, 0.59
9、5 8 g ; iv , 50 mg L-1 ;FSH, 10 mg L-1 , LH , 10mgL-1 , 17-E2 1 mg L-1 。1.1.1 x %8 x“Z 。“ xb 20 30 c0.3 g L-1 ; iv 3 ,3 h = L i。 ) 3 ! x3Q,ig x5 F, M E l“ x %8,9 |!z x , M1 6 mm x, P x % x A PBS。,8 jA/ l“ x m- x %8(COCs)。4 (B , 3 R %U,7 OU A) x %8 !8 10 。 !Hq:38.5 ,5%CO2 , !27 h。1.1.2 x % !,4 R % Z。
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