1、高速铁路列车定位技术的研究闫剑平 步 兵(ZYv0,100044)K 1 M / B Q, M / .K4 BY ,8 / /s / ,v h /s .it/ 1 .1oM M /s s | U284.21Study on Train Locating of High Speed RailwayYan Jianping Bu Bing(College of Electronics and Information Engineering, Northern Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044)Abstract This paper deals with the
2、 common concepts for high speed train locating .The main train locating technologies in the worldwide are discussed , and a new typemethod of train locating are proposed finally.The method combines balises and satellitebased location modules with low requirements concerning trackside equipment.Thepr
3、operties of the above mentioned methods are also given .Key words high speed railway train locating balise satellite based train locating M e“d ? H Y、 Z ? % 8, M1W、 、F #E ! !s .V.d , e“d. 81 E . E TM e,i“B K 1 ,1 y:(1)“d e1 pi O1 Y HW,1 1 p4. q,7 q4 PE 9v,E ? 9Fn .9Fgn.(2)M eW_. Y, e“d.E T. 8, ? Z_.
4、 .(3) E B ?%1 ,7 4M1 “d, ?A W. y, M e“d?ZA| |h E ,“, l 1999-01-18 t 31972 M 3p V 3 email 1 9 9 9 M1023 5 Z Y v JOURNAL OF NORTHERN JIAOTONG UNIVERSITY Oct.1999 Vol.23 No.5Z T9AG E .N, WS =?Z B“ Z T,i| VT.1 B Q(1) 3 Z T 5 Bt 3( /s ). Z T uWs u = 3( 9 ). Z T ? 3( SLZB“dEW,Z T).(2) e“ds 3 E ! G !, q E
5、( x M L “d“d). ! G E !, q ( “d).E ! ! E ! !8 3, qBs ( 9、/s MY ), 6Bs E ( /s ).(3) “dA / 1 p 2 1 p,B BE :_ , 6B EW_ .:_A10 m,_A1 m( E4 ). HW V “dA 7? 3 W ? ,z . bW V 5 5 =,AW4 e“d, z. V L “d e“d 0“dM ,i ?_ ARES 、PTC、PTS“dGPS( o“d); xETCS 、 CARAT“d/s 9;SLZB“dEW ; SAATC“dL ./ e 、/s 9 .2.1 Z T1 “d GPS .
6、GPS E R ot,) 20 000 km、MW120 HE . E 6 8 R,74 Z Y v 23 9 18 R24 R o, 12 h oB. “ o B? H A4 R,4 R, bW .Ho.l %M; , T ? Ho 8W.l HW,9 8W . | % Y z. N,Z z,. C/A ( 、Y ),45 m,YVBtn V|K M S =, sGPS(DGPS) Vr10 m 4 .GPS LC , !e、8l. : ; E l|; ? us FiE.2.2 /s 9 /s 9 WM KWBZ T. n5M LL WB /s T MY, VB/s B ; /s W, 8Y
7、V 99 7, M . m1 U.m1 /s 9B/s i%“ 1 L,1E W1 km)、 B# g) /s ;v !, ! ! 2,4 .3 /s 9 YV Z T# + , /s 9ZT1 , N. ,YV aZ T, 3BY Z T/s 9 , VM | ,rKDrm/1 q.n5, Z T,yN, YV. ( v) l. vZ T 0mB W( 1 km)4 , /s B“ ?. WM9 9 , B 5 v 0mn. 97 P , VrE ,yN755 t : M / Z T1. 6,1B4,M v4 W V,yN 2. Q, I ntZ l?( ),tZ /s ,i M/s 9Z
8、TT. Z TW MY ,19 vW , v4 /s T. 6 B4,L BW /s ,W1/s 9Z TW1v.8 ,/s 9Z T v9 v /s ,vvh /s ; /s 9Z T,. nm2.m2 /s 9 v ? l H,V /s T, 9 , =i%0m, 9. 98 & , 3B , 9 T eG . 9 vB W/s n. v l H, Y/s MY ,i 7 ST, |/s = T ,YV FM 9 ,NTV/s 9Z TM.4 /s 9Z T /+:(1) v 8/s ,7 B vn B/s nM, Vvv.(2) 8 v E /s ,7 v, P ! ) ,4 ! V L
9、.(3) ! h ,i Ovs , .(4)1 v4, V M 1. ID1 H. M e“d . WM , 1997,(2):33 372 Rover S.Satellite Based Locating in Guided Traffic.Lisbon:COMPRAIL 98, 1998.622 6323 Howard G M .Advanced Train Control System.ASME/IEEE Joint Railroading, 1997,(5):36 404 William C V.Do You Know Where Your Train Is.Railway Age, 1996,(2):41 4276 Z Y v 23