1、NORMEINTERNATIONALECEIIECINTERNATIONALSTANDARD60826Troisime ditionThird edition2003-10Critres de conception des lignesariennes de transportDesign criteria of overheadtransmission linesNumro de rfrenceReference numberCEI/IEC 60826:2003NORMEINTERNATIONALECEIIECINTERNATIONALSTANDARD60826Troisime dition
2、Third edition2003-10Critres de conception des lignesariennes de transportDesign criteria of overheadtransmission linesPour prix, voir catalogue en vigueurFor price, see current catalogueIEC 2003 Droits de reproduction rservs Copyright - all rights reservedAucune partie de cette publication ne peut t
3、re reproduite niutilise sous quelque forme que ce soit et par aucun procd,lectronique ou mcanique, y compris la photocopie et lesmicrofilms, sans laccord crit de lditeur.No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in anyform or by any means, electronic or mechanical, includingphotocopy
4、ing and microfilm, without permission in writing fromthe publisher.International Electrotechnical Commission, 3, rue de Varemb, PO Box 131, CH-1211 Geneva 20, SwitzerlandTelephone: +41 22 919 02 11 Telefax: +41 22 919 03 00 E-mail: inmailiec.ch Web: www.iec.chCODE PRIXPRICE CODE XFCommission Electro
5、technique InternationaleInternational Electrotechnical Commission60826 IEC:2003 3 CONTENTSFOREWORD .111 Scope .152 Normative references153 Terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviations 173.1 Terms and definitions 173.2 Symbols and abbreviations 214 General 274.1 Objective .274.2 System design .294.3
6、 System reliability .295 General design criteria315.1 Methodology 315.2 Climatic load-strength requirements.376 Loadings.416.1 Description 416.2 Climatic loads, wind and associated temperatures .436.3 Climatic loads, ice without wind .616.4 Climatic loads, combined wind and ice loadings.716.5 Loads
7、for construction and maintenance (safety loads)796.6 Loads for failure containment (security requirements) 837 Strength of components and limit states .877.1 Generalities .877.2 General equations for the strength of components .897.3 Data related to the calculation of components93Annex A (informativ
8、e) Technical information 103A.1 Relations between load and strength103A.2 Strength of line components.143A.3 Temperature measurements and their interpretation 145A.4 Determination of the meteorological reference wind speed.149A.5 Atmospheric icing.167A.6 Combined wind and ice loadings 181Annex B (in
9、formative) Application of statistical distribution functions to load andstrength of overhead lines .185B.1 General185B.2 Climatic loads 185B.3 Strength of components .197B.4 Effect of span variation on load-strength relationship Calculation of span usefactor .20160826 IEC:2003 5 Annex C (informative
10、) Statistical distribution and their application in probabilisticdesign of transmission lines 215C.1 Classical statistical distributions.215C.2 Normal distribution (Gaussian distribution) .215C.3 Log-normal distribution.219C.4 Gumbel distribution 223C.5 Weibull distribution.227C.6 Gamma distribution
11、 231C.7 Beta distribution, first type .237C.8 Gamma function and its relationships.241Figure 1 Diagram of a transmission line .29Figure 2 Transmission line design methodology .33Figure 3 Combined wind factor Gcfor conductors for various terrain categories andheights above ground51Figure 4 Span facto
12、r GL.51Figure 5 combined wind factor Gt applicable to supports and insulator strings .53Figure 6 Definition of the angle of incidence of wind.57Figure 7 Drag coefficient Cxtfor lattice supports made of flat sided members 57Figure 8 Drag coefficient Cxtfor lattice supports made of rounded members59Fi
13、gure 9 Drag coefficient Cxtc of cylindrical elementshaving a large diameter .61Figure 10 Factor Kdrelated to the conductor diameter .65Figure 11 Factor Khrelated to the conductor height .67Figure 12 Typical support types69Figure 13 Equivalent cylindrical shape of ice deposit77Figure 14 Simulated lon
14、gitudinal conductor load (case of a single circuit support)87Figure 15 Diagram of limit states of line components89Figure A.1 Relations between load and strength.105Figure A.2 Relations between loads and strengths .119Figure A.3 Failure probability Pf= (1 Ps) for various distributions of Q and R, fo
15、r T= 50 years.121Figure A.4 Failure probability Pf= (1 Ps) for various distributions of Q and R, for T= 150 years .121Figure A.5 Failure probability Pf= (1 Ps) for various distributions of Q and R, for T= 500 years .123Figure A.6 Coordination of strength by using different exclusion limits .133Figur
16、e A.7 Relationship between meteorological wind velocities at a height of 10 mdepending on terrain category and on averaging period 153Figure A.8 Wind action on conductors and resultant wind load on support16160826 IEC:2003 7 Figure A.9 Type of accreted in-cloud icing as a function of wind speed andt
17、emperature 173Figure A.10 Strategy flow chart for utilizing meteorological data, icing models andfield measurements of ice loads 177Figure B.1 Fitting of Gumbel distribution with wind data histogram .187Figure B.2 Fitting of Gumbel distribution with yearly minimum temperature histogram 193Figure B.3
18、 Fitting of Gamma distribution with ice load histogram 195Figure B.4 Fitting data from in-cloud icing with Gumbel distribution 197Figure B.5 Fitting of Weibull distribution with strength data of lattice supports 199Figure C.1 Probability density function of standardized normal distribution.219Figure
19、 C.2 Probability density function of standardized log-normal distribution .223Figure C.3 Probability density function of standardized Gumbel distribution .227Figure C.4 Probability density function of standardized Weibull distribution forparameter p3= 0,5; 1,0 and 2,0 231Figure C.5 Probability densi
20、ty function of standardized Gamma distributionfor parameter p3= 0,5; 1,0 and 2,0 .235Figure C.6 Probability density function of standardized beta distribution forparameters r = 5,0, t= 5,5; 6,0 and 7,0 .239Table 1 Reliability levels for transmission lines.35Table 2 Default Tfactors for adjustment of
21、 climatic loads in relation to return periodT vs. 50 years .39Table 3 Design requirements for the system.39Table 4 Classification of terrain categories .45Table 5 Correction factor of dynamic reference wind pressure q0due to altitudeand temperatures 47Table 6 Non-uniform ice loading conditions 71Tab
22、le 7 Return period of combined ice and wind load.73Table 8 Drag coefficients of ice-covered conductors.77Table 9 Additional security measures .87Table 10 Number of supports subjected to maximum load intensity during any singleoccurrence of a climatic event .89Table 11 Strength factor N related to th
23、e number N of components or elementssubjected to the critical load intensity91Table 12 Values of S2.91Table 13 Typical strength coordination of line components.93Table 14 Damage and failure limits of supports 93Table 15 Damage and failure limits of foundations .95Table 16 Damage and failure limits o
24、f conductors and ground wires.95Table 17 Damage and failure limit of interface components 9760826 IEC:2003 9 Table 18 Default values for strength coefficients of variation (COV) .97Table 19 u factors for log-normal distribution function for e = 10 % 99Table 20 Value of quality factor Q for lattice t
25、owers .99Table A.1 Yearly reliability corresponding to various assumptions of load and strength .117Table A.2 Relationship between reliability levels and return periods of limit loads 125Table A.3 Typical strength coordination129Table A.4 Values of central safety factor and strength coordination fac
26、tor Srequired to insure that component R2will fail after component R1with a 90 %probability .137Table A.5 Strength factor Nrelated to N components in series subjected to thecritical load .143Table A.6 Values of ue associated to exclusion limits.145Table A.7 Definition of terrain category 151Table A.
27、8 Factors describing wind action depending on terrain category 153Table A.9 Values of reference wind speed VR157Table A.10 Physical properties of ice .171Table A.11 Meteorological parameters controlling ice accretion173Table A.12 Statistical parameters of ice loads 179Table A.13 Combined wind and ic
28、e loading conditions .183Table A.14 Drag coefficients and density of ice-covered conductors.183Table B.1 Ratios of x / xfor a Gumbel distribution function, T return period in yearsof loading event, n number of years with observations, vxcoefficient of variation193Table B.2 Parameters of Weibull dist
29、ribution 199Table B.3 Statistical parameters U and uof wind span variation203Table B.4 Statistical parameters U and uof weight span variation 205Table B.5 Values of use factor coefficient uas a function of U and N for vR= 0,10.209Table B.6 Use factor coefficient ufor different strength coefficients
30、of variation211Table C.1 Parameters C1and C2of Gumbel distribution227Table C.2 Values of u1for given values of function F(u1)= (u1,p3-1) .23560826 IEC:2003 11 INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION_DESIGN CRITERIA OF OVERHEAD TRANSMISSION LINESFOREWORD1) The International Electrotechnical Commiss
31、ion (IEC) is a worldwide organization for standardization comprisingall national electrotechnical committees (IEC National Committees). The object of IEC is to promoteinternational co-operation on all questions concerning standardization in the electrical and electronic fields. Tothis end and in add
32、ition to other activities, IEC publishes International Standards, Technical Specifications,Technical Reports, Publicly Available Specifications (PAS) and Guides (hereafter referred to as IECPublication(s) ). Their preparation is entrusted to technical committees; any IEC National Committee intereste
33、din the subject dealt with may participate in this preparatory work. International, governmental and non-governmental organizations liaising with the IEC also participate in this preparation. IEC collaborates closelywith the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in accordance with con
34、ditions determined byagreement between the two organizations.2) The formal decisions or agreements of IEC on technical matters express, as nearly as possible, an internationalconsensus of opinion on the relevant subjects since each technical committee has representation from allinterested IEC Nation
35、al Committees.3) IEC Publications have the form of recommendations for international use and are accepted by IEC NationalCommittees in that sense. While all reasonable efforts are made to ensure that the technical content of IECPublications is accurate, IEC cannot be held responsible for the way in
36、which they are used or for anymisinterpretation by any end user.4) In order to promote international uniformity, IEC National Committees undertake to apply IEC Publicationstransparently to the maximum extent possible in their national and regional publications. Any divergencebetween any IEC Publicat
37、ion and the corresponding national or regional publication shall be clearly indicated inthe latter.5) IEC provides no marking procedure to indicate its approval and cannot be rendered responsible for anyequipment declared to be in conformity with an IEC Publication.6) All users should ensure that th
38、ey have the latest edition of this publication.7) No liability shall attach to IEC or its directors, employees, servants or agents including individual experts andmembers of its technical committees and IEC National Committees for any personal injury, property damage orother damage of any nature wha
39、tsoever, whether direct or indirect, or for costs (including legal fees) andexpenses arising out of the publication, use of, or reliance upon, this IEC Publication or any other IECPublications.8) Attention is drawn to the Normative references cited in this publication. Use of the referenced publicat
40、ions isindispensable for the correct application of this publication.9) Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this IEC Publication may be the subject ofpatent rights. IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.International Standard I
41、EC 60826 has been prepared by IEC technical committee 11:Overhead lines.This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition which was issued as a technicalreport in 1999. It constitutes a technical revision and now have the status of an InternationalStandard.This revision consists mainly of s
42、plitting the standard into two sections, normative andinformative, in addition to simplifying its contents and improving some specific designrequirements in accordance with recent technical advances.60826 IEC:2003 13 The text of this standard is based on the following documents:FDIS Report on voting
43、11/175/FDIS 11/177/RVDFull information on the voting for the approval of this standard can be found in the report onvoting indicated in the above table.This publication has been drafted in accordance with the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.The committee has decided that the contents of this publication
44、will remain unchanged until2008. At this date, the publication will bereconfirmed;withdrawn;replaced by a revised edition, oramended.60826 IEC:2003 15 DESIGN CRITERIA OF OVERHEADTRANSMISSION LINES1 ScopeThis International Standard specifies the loading and strength requirements of overhead linesderi
45、ved from reliability based design principles. These requirements apply to lines 45 kV andabove, but can also be applied to lines with a lower nominal voltage.This standard also provides a framework for the preparation of national standards dealing withoverhead transmission lines, using reliability c
46、oncepts and employing probabilistic or semi-probabilistic methods. These national standards will need to establish the local climatic datafor the use and application of this standard, in addition to other data that are country specific.Although the design criteria in this standard apply to new lines
47、, many concepts can be used toaddress the reliability requirements for refurbishment and uprating of existing lines.This standard does not cover the detailed design of line components such as towers,foundations, conductors or insulators.2 Normative referencesThe following referenced documents are in
48、dispensable for the application of this document.For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest editionof the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.IEC 60652:2002, Loading tests on overhead line structuresIEC 61089:1991, Round wire concentri
49、c lay overhead electrical stranded conductorsIEC 61773:1996, Overhead lines Testing of foundations for structuresIEC 61774:1997, Overhead lines Meteorological data for assessing climatic loadsIEC 61284:1997, Overhead lines Requirements and tests for fittings60826 IEC:2003 17 3 Terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviationsFor the purposes of this document, the following terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviationsapply.3.1 Terms and definitions3.1.1characteristic strengthguaranteed strength, minimum strength, minimum failing loadRcvalue guaranteed in appro