1、 l : 2005- 05- 16Te: ( 1984- ), o,q , =Sv V 3b网络活动与大学生抑郁心理及孤独感的相关性 ,l( =Sv ,q430079)K1:434 Sv 3 f a f TV , G #WAM1,7 G f M1; G sFsF As, f As; HW G WAM1b1oM: ; fms |: C913. 5null null null nullDS M : Anull null null nullcI|: 1008- 4894( 2005)05- 0426- 031nullnull“9 #, X 3 V 1Fsb aT_ ,i O ah / =Yb P;M
2、“ TZ T,9M“ 3Z T = Tb 1 Y Z :“ Y, H hYbK1hYV b T/ e,VCyV P 78a ? ,J ?, f a , * fqa/s, C a J; H y ,* Gy,/ aV,G 5b 2v 3 P KZL NB 8,V P “ hYbStollTurkle?C,Bt$ ky 7 n; 3 Kraut9?C,V 9Fb 4 +YV y sy s/,v 3 M1null r B , r B a 3 3 i y ; r B B y b K1y , V d24null21%9MsbB Vd6null8%9Msb 5+ , P r B1“1VC ;79 P q9F
3、b$ k“ 1n M) 3,i ? v 3$ k f bI n M)v 3 G # , Iv 38 f , Ev M) 3$ k,k) v 3Yb2nullZE2. 1null 研究对象null | 8q g n#a pbAV H1 p$ k KB =C ( :a Haa+ ?); =B“ 0null88;9s60sbs V ?vb f V( ESLS), 7c f(EL)( SL) s V( =B: fsV0null78,sV0null76)b5H“F,1 5) ,s Ub2. 3null 统计方法 null Pspss11null5d9 q, d9s) b3nullTs3. 1null 网
4、络依赖性得分情况null G VKs0,Ks8, s #1 nV2bvYoung E,s5s $ , 69 6null9%bV2null G s f 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 899 103 133 111 31 26 15 9 3 3 434s1(% ) 23null7 30. 6 25. 6 7. 1 6. 0 3. 5 2. 1 0. 7 0. 7 1003. 2null 每周上网时间a各量表得分与网络依赖性得分的相关分析nullTnV3bV3nullM1sTY P HWv E,s5s $ b 6 “V s I n “a pbV N - 7 !9b G AM1, V ? v31G
5、L h fLa HEC L5aV pNab , G ?z P h ,G 15b9 V ? y V a 3VsG , fb B f8, B =1“ /x fbB , T a aM =1“( qa T f#)C J H,5 V 3b 9 1 y:B ( =1“ , C if;= f7, i fb 10 SELSV Q f,V G sFsFZ As, fZ sb F As, V ?C L 3 =1“ ay73 ,7 P E,i 3 VsG b9 V? , C L( aC L ( a C i f,V7 3 b F f s,N V d C L f7a i f,i 3 N P 3 G yb H9 V ,
6、P,B E C L W C f7 ,5 G , 3 fb5nullnull ( 1) HW G WAM1; ( 2) G aWAM1,7 G fW M1; ( 3) G sFsFZ As, f Z sb(下转第 439页)null428nullStatusQuoandTrendoftheMedicalQualityManagementunderMarketEconomicSystemTANG J-izh,i REN Jian-ping, GUO Q ing, atel.(MedicalSchoolofHangzhouTeachersCollege, Hangzhou 310036, China
7、)Abstract: Based on the status quo of themedical quality management, the authors introduce and analyze such new managerial ideasand way as the null zero deficiencynull inmedical qualitymanagement, the rea-l time control of the medical quality, continuous quality im-provement, authentication of ISO90
8、00 quality system and clinical pathway, and hold that the trend ofmedicalquality management un-der themarket-orientedmechanism is to develop toward al-l round, multiple-echelonmanagement and that digitalized managementw illbe the basis of the qualitymanagement.Keywords: medical quality; management(上
9、接第 428页) ID: 1 . 3 P T J. , 2004, 3: 8- 11. 2 L.v 3 # J.D0v,2004, 2: 92- 93. 3a . v 3?ZY J. S,2003, 1: 64- 66. 4 . Y J , 2001, 4: 376- 380. 5 + .v 3 M1 r B Qy J.S“5 . 2005, 1: 4- 9. 6a . M ?ZY8 J S,2003, 26( 3): 501- 505. 7_. 3 V m(9) M .:S 3, 1999, 200- 202; 238- 241. 8 PatriciaW allace.,yrM . ,:S
10、, 2000. 35- 37. 9 .a f# M1“) JS 3. 2000, 6: 367- 369. 10=.D S 3D S S 3aa1M 1 J.SD S, 1998, 7( 3).ImpactofInternetFactorsonCollegeStudentsnull Depression andLonelinessDENG Sha-sha, WANG X iao-yun(Psychology CollegeofHuaZhongNormalUniversity, WuhanHubei 430079, China)Abstract: The test and appraisalof
11、434 college students on the Internet and their depression, social loneliness and emotional lonelinessdemonstrate that their dependence on the Internet is directly proportional to their depression and social loneliness but has little to dow ith their emotional loneliness. There is a remarkable differ
12、ence in depression and social loneliness but little difference in emotionalloneliness between the highmark group and the low mark group as far as the dependence on the Internet is concerned. Theweekly timeon the Internet is directly proportional to the dependence on the Internet.Keywords: Internet; depression; social loneliness; emotional lonelinessnull439null