1、 HARDGOODS GENERAL TESTING APPLICATION宁 波 江 东 捷 通 企 业 咨 询 有 限 公 司 轻 工 产 品 测 试 申 请 表 宁波市朝晖路 416 弄常青藤商务楼 1105 联系人:邹太萍(15306619779)TEL(电 话 ):+ 86-0574-27867923 Http:/ FAX(传真):+86-0574-27867929 E -mail: Applicant:Address :申请公司:地址: 邮编:Contact Person (联系人): E-mail Address (邮箱地址):Tel (电话): Fax (传真):Report
2、& Invoice Delivered to (If the address is different from the above information) 如报告原件及发票待寄地址与上不同,请注明:Sample Description (样品描述):Style/Item No. (货号): P.O./Ref No. (订单号):Supplier (供应商 ): Model No.(型号)Buyer (购买商): Country of Original (原产国):Manufacturer(生产厂商 ): Country of Destination(出口目的国 ):*The above i
3、nformation is selective(以上项目可选择填写)Test Required:.(测试要求) Service Required(服务种类): Regular (标准服务) Express (40% surcharge) (加急服务,加收 40%附加费) Double Express (100% surcharge) Emergency (150% surcharge) (紧急服务,加收 100%附加费) ( 特急服务,加收 150%附加费) Report pick up (取报告方式): Self-pick up (自取) Mail (挂号) Express (on clie
4、nts account) (快件,费用自付) Sample Return (样品退回): On clients account (费用自付) Test samples will normally be retained for maximum period of 30 days, if not destroyed, may be reclaimed after testing if so indicated on the application form. 通常样品的最长保存期为 30 天, 如在申请表注明, 未损坏的样品可在测试后归还客户We do not accept subcontrac
5、ting of test to qualified subcontractor of SGS 本公司不接受将样品交予其他具资格的分报实验室作测试, 如未选择, 则视为接受Report Type (报告类型): English (英文) Chinese (中文)Is this application involved in legal proceeding?(If yes, please specify the case) 以上申请是否涉及法律纠纷? 如果有, 请说明:Authorized Signature and company Chop申请人签名及盖章Date 日期:Received and Checked by Laboratory 实验室查收: