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1、人体寄生虫学 Human Parasitology,病原生物学系寄生虫学教研室 刘文琪,一、人体寄生虫学定义:研究与人体有关的寄生虫的生物学生态学致病机制实验诊断流行规律防治对策,重要概念 (),自由生活 (Free-living) 共生 (Symbiosis) 共栖 (commensalism) or 携播 (phoresis)互利共生 (mutualism)寄生(parasitism):两种生物共同生活,一方受益,另一方受害,称为寄生。受益者称寄生物 ( parasite)受害者称宿主(host)。,什么是寄生虫?,寄生虫的演化原因?,Ameba (阿米巴) Plasmudim (疟原虫)

2、 Toxoplasma (弓形虫) Leishmania (利什曼) Trichomonas vaginalis (阴道毛滴虫),医学原虫学,Trematode (吸虫) Cestode (绦虫) Nematode (线虫),医学蠕虫学,医学节肢动物学,寄生虫病的危害,DISABILITY-ADJUSTED LIFE YEAR (DALY) “失能调整生命年”,晚期血吸虫病,丝虫象皮肿,先天性弓形虫病,包虫病,利氏曼病,脑囊尾蚴病,鼠疫,我国流行现状,我国已报道的寄生虫有229种 Trematode (吸虫) 47 种 Cestode (绦虫) 16 种 Nematode (线虫) 35 种

3、Protozoan (原虫) 41 种 其他 90 种,我国寄生虫病防治中存在的问题,输入性寄生虫病 机会致病性寄生虫 药物抗性株的出现 食物源性寄生虫病 大规模水利建设 全球气候变化,重要生物学概念 (),生活史 (life cycle),寄生虫完成一代的生长发育与繁殖和宿主转换的全部过程,以及所需要的宿主、媒介和环境条件。分为直接型(土源性)和间接性 (生物源性),Direct life cycle,Indirect life cycle,宿主的类别,终 宿 主(Definitive host) 中间宿主(Intermediate host) 保虫宿主(储存宿主)(Reservoir ho

4、st) 转续宿主(Paratenic host,Transport host),成虫 (人,犬、猫)终宿主保虫宿主 虫卵囊蚴 (淡水螺) ( 鱼、虾) 中间宿主中间宿主 毛蚴尾蚴 胞蚴 雷蚴 (淡水螺) 中间宿主华支睾吸虫生活史,成虫 幼虫(裂头蚴) 成虫 (犬、猫) (蛙、蛇) (犬、猫)鸟、兽(裂头蚴)(转续宿主) 曼氏迭宫绦虫生活史,体外及体内寄生虫(ECTOPARASITE and ENDOPARASITE) 专性寄生虫(OBLIGATORY PARASITE) 指寄生虫生活史的各个时期或某个阶段必须营寄生生活,不然就不能生存。有些寄生虫主要在外界营自由生活,但在某种情况下可侵入宿主过

5、寄生生活,称兼性寄生虫(FACULTATIVE PARASITE)。 成虫阶段必须过寄生生活的称长期寄生虫(PERMANENT PARASITE);只在取食时侵袭宿主,取食后即离去的称暂时性寄生虫(TEMPORARY, or INTERMITTENT PARASITE)。 有些寄生虫在宿主免疫功能正常时处于隐性感染状态。当宿主免疫功能低下时,虫体大量繁殖、致病力增强,导致宿主出现临床症状,此类寄生虫称机会性致病寄生虫 ( OPPORTUNISTIC PARASITE )。,寄生虫病的特点,幼虫移行症(LARVA MIGRANS ):一些蠕虫幼虫侵入非正常宿主后,不能发育为成虫,但这些幼虫可在体

6、内长期存活并移行,引起局部或全身性病变。,异位寄生(ECTOPIC PARASITISM):有些寄生虫在常见的寄生部位以外的组织或器官内寄生,这种寄生现象称异位寄生,由异位寄生引起的损害称异位损害。,chronic infection (慢性感染) , carrier (带虫者) , suppressive infection (隐形感染) , polyparasitism (多寄生) , high eosinophil and IgE,Zoological nomenclature of parasites,Kingdom(界)Phylum (门)Class (纲)Order (目)Fami

7、ly (科)Genus (属)Species (种),科学命名法The name of genus + the name of speciesSchistosoma japonicum (abbreviation: S. japonicum)Schistosoma japonicum (abbreviation: S. japonicum),寄生虫与宿主的相互关系,寄生虫对宿主的损害作用:掠夺营养;机械性损害;毒性与免疫损伤,宿主对寄生虫的抵抗,主要依赖宿主的免疫反应进行,其结果可能是:清除体内寄生虫,宿主痊愈寄生虫被部分清除,宿主转入慢性感染阶段抵抗力不足以控制寄生虫的生长、繁殖,宿主出现明

8、显的临床症状和病理损害,宿主死亡,1) 天然免疫:皮肤,粘膜,非特异性免疫细胞,2) 获得性免疫应答,消除性免疫 非消除性免疫伴随免疫(Concomitant immunity)带虫免疫(Premunition),The host specific immunoresponse mediated by both humoral and cell-mediated immunities(体液免疫和细胞免疫) A high eosinophilia(嗜酸性粒细胞增多) is often associated with helminths infection Many parasites appea

9、r not to be eliminated or not to be affected by their hosts immune response, this phenomena was termed as “IMMUNE EVASION” (免疫逃避)surface absorption of host materialsmolecular mimicryloss of surface antigens or antigenic variationanatomic seclusion,3) The results of defence,Eliminate the parasites fr

10、om the host-the STERILIZING (消除性免疫) or complete immunity, which occurs only in cutaneous leishmaniasis Maintain a balance between the impact of parasite and resistance of host- NON-STERILIZING (非消除性免疫),also known AS “PREMUNITION” (带虫免疫) or “CONCOMITANT IMMUNITY” (伴随免疫) The resistance can not inhibit

11、 the parasites and the obvious signs and symptoms develop Harmful immune responses,寄生虫的免疫逃避,1)免疫逃避(Immune evasion)的定义 2)机制: 解剖位置的隔离 表面抗原变异 表膜的脱落与更新 分子模拟与抗原伪装 抑制宿主的免疫应答:特异性B细胞克隆的耗竭;调节性T细胞(Treg)的激活;虫源性淋巴细胞毒性因子;封闭抗体的产生,寄生虫与宿主关系的新认识,Host immunoresponse may be required by Parasite development Parasitic i

12、nfection may have protective effect on allergy or autoimmuno diseases,Good worm or bad worm?,“Hygiene Hypothesis”,寄生虫病的流行与防治,寄生虫病流行的基本环节传染源易感人群 传播途径,传染源:感染了寄生虫的人和动物,包括病人、带虫者和保虫宿主,传播途径: 寄生虫从传染源排出、借助某些传播方式,侵 入另一宿主的全过程1)经水传播:血吸虫,阿米巴2)经食物传播:猪带绦虫,华支睾吸虫3)经土壤传播:蛔虫,钩虫4)经空气传播:肺孢子虫、蛲虫5)经节支动物传播:疟原虫,丝虫6)经人体直接接触

13、传播:阴道毛滴虫,疥螨,影响寄生虫病流行的因素,自然因素 生物因素 社会因素,寄生虫病流行的特点,1)地方性 2)季节性 3)自然疫源性 人兽共患寄生虫病(parasitic zoonoses),寄生虫病的防治原则,切断寄生虫病流行的3个基本环节 消灭传染源、切断传播途径、保护易感人群,寄生虫学研究的新发展及研究方向,基因组学 蛋白质组学 分子寄生虫学的新技术 疫苗及诊断,网站及参考书,www.dpd.cdc.gov www.who.int/tdr/ www.who.int/health-topics www.mri.sari.ac.uk/bsp/ www.who.ch/programmes/

14、ctd/ctd-home.html FOUNDATIONS OF PARASITOLOGY MEDICAL PARASITOLOGY 人体寄生虫学人民卫生出版社各个版本,REVIEW OUTLINES AND QUESTIONS,1.Give the definition of the following terms: mutualism, commensalism, parasitism, parasite, host, intermediate host, definitive host, reservoir host, paratenic host, ectopic parasitism

15、, larval migrans immune evasion,2. What is the life cycle of a parasite ? 3. What are the key links in the prevalence of parasitic diseases? 4. What is the main principle in the control of parasitic diseases? 5. How many factors to restrict the prevalence ofparasitic diseases 6. What is the rule in

16、writing of a scientific namefor a parasite?,Symbiosis :any two organisms living in close association are termed symbiosis Commensalism: one partner benefits from the association, but the other is neither benefited nor harmed Mutualism: both partners benefit from the relationship Parasitism: a relati

17、onship in which one partner is benefited while there can be harm to the other partner. We name the organism which gets the benefits as parasite and the other which suffers from harmful was named as host,Obligatory parasite: when a parasite can live only in association with a host, it is termed as Ob

18、ligatory parasite Facultative parasite: when a parasite can live both in or on a host as well as in a free form it is classified as facultative parasite. Endoparasite: Parasites which live inside the body are termed as endoparasite. Ectoparasite: those which exist on the body surface are called ectoparasites.,


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