1、臺灣觀光學報 第 三 期2005 年 9 月 頁 45-60韓邦奇元氣與形氣之論述翁泓文 摘 要明代理學之發展是由程朱理學轉為陽明心學的關鍵,但在朱學末流與王學漸生流弊的情況下,主張一氣流行的氣學思想便在此時乘勢而起。當時的理學家從張橫渠之氣學思想中找到依據,從王廷相、韓邦奇、吳廷翰、宋應星等人,皆有一共同目標,正以一氣相貫通為主,藉以代朱學理氣二分及王學重視形上本體而產生之弊以解決理學家理氣之間的矛盾,達到內聖外王是一的境界。由強調氣為宇宙萬物生化之主體地位,韓邦奇強調萬物皆氣之所化生。本文即從韓邦奇的原典性理三解與苑洛集為主來論述氣之種種作用,藉以強調氣學不是從內聖通到外王,而是內聖和外王
2、本來就是一的理論。關鍵字:氣、元氣、形氣、韓邦奇、氣本論 臺灣觀光經營管理專科學校 餐飲管理科專任講師 台北市羅斯福路 3 段 140 巷 5 號 4 樓 e-mail:臺灣觀光學報 第三期The Discourse of Han bung-chis “Yung Chi and Shing Chi”Hung-Wen WongAbstractThe development of Neo-confucianism of Ming dynasty was the critical period from the Neo-confucianism of Cheng Chu to the Mind th
3、eory of Yangming. When Chu School and Yangming school were gone down and ulcer, at the moment, the Qi-based philosophy got the dynamics to development. The clerisys of Neo-confucianism derived thought transference from Chang Tsais philosophical system,especially the theory of harmony of Heaven and M
4、an. The clerisys included Wang tin-shang ,Han bung-chi, Wu TingHan, Song Ying-xing, they had coen-goal to promote the thought of penetration with Chi. They also expectd to displace Chu Schools “divide Li from Chi”and Yangming schools “only focus the Metaphysical subject”,then to resolve the contradi
5、ction between Li from Chi in traditional Confucianism, and then to achieve immanent moral standards Confucian ethics. Han bung-chi emphasize “Chi” is the agency of life , he also emphasize “chi” is the origin of life. My most contestations in this article, “Chi” is unity, not dichotomous and no-diectional ,this conclusion derived from Han bung-chis two publish “Three dimension of Hsing Li” and “Yuan Lo”. Keywords:Chi,Yuan-Chi,Shing-Chi,Tai-Ho ,Tai-Shi ,Han bung-chi ,Qi-based philosophy Lecturer, the Department of Food and Beverage Management, Taiwan Hospitality & Tourism College韓邦奇元氣與形氣之論述47