1、道教文化与汉英翻译Taoist Culture and C-E Translation道教文化背景知识 Taoist Culture 道家 Philosophical Taoism 道敎 Religious Taoism 起源:OriginTaoist organizations:张道陵 Zhang Daoling 五斗米道 西晋Taoist doctrines:老子李耳 Laozi 唐高祖李渊 Tang Dynasty 老子 Laozi老子 Laozi, honorific title 老 “venerable”, “old”子 “master”, honorific suffix李耳 Li
2、 Er, 字伯阳 Boyang (courtesy name)道家学派始祖 founder of philosophical Taoism道德经 Tao Te Ching 宇宙哲学 Chinese cosmogony 信仰:Beliefs Tao “way”, “path” 無為 Wu wei “without action” 无为而治,不言之教Hayek:spontaneous orderJames Dorn: minimizing the role of government and letting individuals develop spontaneously would best
3、achieve social and economic harmony. 三宝 慈 compassion 俭 moderation (Thrift)不敢为天下先 humility 朴 simplicity, the primordial state of tao去甚,去奢,去泰 Discarding extremes, extravagance and excess少私寡欲 wipe out selfish desires 清静恬淡 live a quiet life/ quiet world知足常乐 the attitude of contentment on what one owns道教
4、经典英译道生一,一生二,二生三,三生万物。The Tao gives birth to One. One gives birth to Two. Two give birth to Three. Three give birth to all things.五色令人目盲,五音令人耳聋,五味令人口爽,驰骋田猎令人心发狂。Iridescent colors cause blindness. Beautiful music causes deafness; delicious food causes loss of taste. Racing and hunting cause madness.知足
5、之足,常足矣.The with knowing contentment is always contented.知足不辱,知止不殆.whoever is contented will meet no disgrace, whoever knows when and where to stop will meet no danger.见素抱朴,少私寡欲manifest plainness, embrace simplicity, reduce selfishness, and hold few desires出家之人,恶衣恶食,不积财,恐害身损福也。Taoists make light clot
6、hing and food and they accumulate no wealth, because these might damage health and fortunes. 全真七子之一 丘处机 Qiu Chuji 道人不厌贫,贫乃养生之本。饥则餐一钵粥,睡来铺一束草,褴褴褛褛以度朝夕,正是道人活计 。As Ma Yu, a famous Taoist of the School, put it, “Taoists are not tired of deficiency, as deficiency is the root to preserve ones health. When
7、 feeling hungry, they eat a bowl of porridge. When tired, they sleep on a sheet of grass. They pass the days and nights in shabby clothes. This is exactly what Taoists must do in life.” “全真七子 ”之一 马钰 Mu yu文学作品中的道教文化英译 西游记The Journey to the West日迸裂,产一石卵,目运两道金光,射冲斗府。惊动高天上圣大慈仁者玉皇大天尊玄穹高上帝,驾座金阙云宫灵霄宝殿,聚集仙卿
8、,见有金光焰焰,即命千里眼、顺风耳开南天门观看。(第一回灵根育孕源流出 心性修持大道生) As his eyes moved, two beams of golden light shot towards the Pole Star palace and startled the Supreme Heavenly Sage, the Greatly Compassionate Jade Emperor of the Azure Vault of Heaven, who was sitting surrounded by his immortal ministers on his throne
9、in the Hall of Miraculous Mist in the Golden-gated Cloud Palace. 祖师道:“ 道字门中有三百六十傍门,傍门皆有正果。不知你学那一门哩?”悟空道:“凭尊师意思。弟子倾心听从。 ”祖师道:“ 我教你个 术字门中之道,如何?”悟空道:“术门之道怎么说?”祖师道:“ 术字门中,乃是些请仙扶鸾,问卜揲蓍,能知趋吉避凶之理。 ” “There are three hundred and sixty side-entrances to the Way, and they all lead to a True Result,“ the Patri
10、arch said. “Which branch would you like to study?“祖师又道 :“ 教你 流字门中之道,如何? ”悟空又问:“ 流字门中 ,是甚义理?”祖师道:“流字门中,乃是儒家、释家、道家、阴阳家、墨家、医家,或看经,或念佛,并朝真降圣之类。 ” 祖师道:“若要长生,也似壁里安柱 “Shall I teach you the Way of Sects?“ the Patriarch asked.“What are the principles of the Sects?“ said Monkey.“Within the branch of Sects, th
11、ere is Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism, the study of the Negative and Positive, Mohism, medicine, reading scriptures and chanting the name of a Buddha. You can also summon Immortals and Sages with this branch.“the Patriarch replied, “is like putting a pillar in the wall.祖师道:“教你 静字门中之道,如何? ”悟空道:“静字门中,
12、是甚正果?”祖师道:“此是休粮守谷,清静无为,参禅打坐,戒语持斋,或睡功,或立功,并入定坐关之类。 ” 祖师道:“也似窑头土坯 “Shall I teach you the Way of Silence?“ the Patriarch then asked.“What True Result can be got from Silence?“ said Monkey.“It involves abstaining from grain, preserving ones essence, silence, inaction, meditation, abstaining from speech,
13、 eating vegetarian food, performing certain exercises when asleep or standing up, going into trances, and being walled up in total isolation.“Its like building the top of a kiln with sun-dried bricks,“ the patriarch replied.祖师道:“教你 动字门中之道,如何? ”悟空道:“动门之道,却又怎样?”祖师道:“此是有为有作,采阴补阳,攀弓踏弩,摩脐过气,用方炮制,烧茅打鼎,进红铅
14、,炼秋石,并服妇乳之类。 ” 祖师道:“此欲长生,亦如水中捞月 “Shall I teach you the Way of Action then?“ the Patriarch asked.“Whats that like?“ Monkey asked.“It involves acting and doing, extracting the Negative and building up the Positive, drawing the bow and loading the crossbow, rubbing the navel to make the subtle humors f
15、low, refining elixirs according to formulae, lighting fires under cauldrons, consuming Red lead, purifying Autumn Stone, and drinking womens milk.“To try and attain immortality that way is like lifting the moon out of water.行者道: “这上面坐的是甚么菩萨? ”八戒笑道: “三清也认不得,却认做甚么菩萨! ”行者道: “那三清?八戒道: “中间的是元始天尊,左边的是灵宝道君
16、,右边的是太上老君 。 (第四十四回法身元运逢车力 心正妖邪度脊关 )“Do you know who the three Bodhisattvas sitting up there are?“ Monkey asked. “Cant you recognize the Three Pure Ones themselves?“ asked Pig. “How could you possibly think they are Bodhisattvas?“ “What about those Three Pure Ones?“ Monkey asked. “Oh well,“ said Pig,
17、 “the one in the middle is the Original Celestial Pure One, the one on the left is the Precious Pure One, and the one on the right is the Supreme Lord Lao Zi.“三清 Three Pure Ones 三清道祖:世界创造之初的大神 the three highest Gods in the Taoist pantheon 玉清 元始天尊 上清 灵宝天尊 太清 太上老君 Yuanshi Tianzun Lingbao Tianzun Daode
18、 Tianzun 玉皇大帝 Jade Emperor玉皇上帝在道教神系中是天界地位最高的神,地位仅次于三清 the ruler of Heaven and all realms of existence below, but ranks below the Three Pure Ones 诞辰 Birth正月初九 the 9th of the first lunar month光严妙乐国太子 the crown prince of the kingdom of Pure Felicity and Majestic Heavenly Lights and Ornaments 一朝 , 王母娘娘设
19、宴 ,大开宝阁,瑶池中做蟠桃胜会,即着那红衣仙女、青衣仙女、素衣仙女、皂衣仙女、紫衣仙女、黄衣仙女、绿衣仙女,各顶花篮,去蟠桃园摘桃建会。 西游记第五回One day the Queen Mother arranged a banquet, opening many precious pavilions for a feast of peaches by the Jade Pool. She sent the Red Fairy, the Blue Fairy, the White Fairy, the Black Fairy, the Purple Fairy, the Yellow Fai
20、ry, and the Green Fairy to the Peach Orchard with their baskets to pick peaches for the feast. 王母娘娘 (西王母)Queen Mother of the West瑶池金母 the Golden Mother of the Shinning Lake (official Taoist tile)当日镇元大仙得元始天尊的 简帖,邀他到上清天上弥罗宫中听讲混元道果。大仙门下出的散仙,也不计其数,见如今还有四十八个徒弟,都是得道的全真。 西游记第二十四回That day the Great Immortal
21、 Zhen Yuan had received an invitation from the Original Celestial Jade Pure One inviting him to the Miluo Palace in the Heaven of Supreme Purity to hear a lecture on the Product of Undifferentiated Unity. The Immortals who had studied under this great Immortal were too numerous to count, and he now
22、had forty-eight disciples who had all attained to the full truth of the Way. 红楼梦A Dream in Red Mansions世人都晓神仙好。 (第一回)All men long to be immortals. (杨、戴 译)All men know that salvation should be won. (Hawks 译)仙:仙人 immortal person仙女 immortal woman; female celestial神仙 gods and immortals; divine immortal鬼
23、仙 Ghost Immortal 狐仙 fox immortal; fox fairy人仙Human Immortal八仙 the Eight Immortals 修炼 Cultivation; physical immortality Salvation 救赎,拯救 the phenomenon of being saved from death In Christianity who has attained salvation is said to experience and inherit eternal life in God or what in Buddhism is call
24、ed deathlessness 贾赦没法 , 只得请道士到园作法事 驱邪逐妖,择吉日先在省亲正殿上铺排起坛场 ,上供三清圣像,旁设二十八宿并马,赵,温,周四大将,下排三十六天将图像。香花灯烛设满一堂,鼓法器排两边,插着五方旗号。道纪司派定四十九位道众的执事,浄了一天坛。 ”(第一百零二回宁国府骨肉病灾祲 大观园符水驱妖孽)二十八宿Twenty-eight mansions 历法 the Chinese constellations system 月亮围绕地球自转一周约为每月廿八日 the movement of the Moon in a lunar month 四组每组七宿 四象 Four
25、 Symbols:Azure Dragon (青龍) on the east, Black Tortoise (玄武) on the north, White Tiger (白虎) on the west, Vermilion Bird (朱雀) on the south 护法四元帅马、赵、温、周(关) The Four Marshals Protecting the Standards 马灵耀 赵公明 温琼 周广泽 (关羽)掏出十个纸铰的青面白发的鬼来, 并两个纸人,递与赵姨娘, 又悄悄的教他道 : 把他两个的年庚八字 写在这两个纸人身上,一并五个鬼都掖在他们各人的床就完了。 (第二十五回
26、魇魔法姊弟逢五鬼 红楼梦通灵遇双真 )年庚:用干支表示出生年、月、日、时 date of birth “Write the eight characters of their horoscopes on these two figures,” she whispered. “Then put them, with five devils each, in their beds. (杨宪益 译)She instructed her to write the eight symbols of her victims nativity-two for the year, two for the month, two for the day and two for the hour-on each of the human figures, wrap five of the demons round each of them, and slip them somewhere under her victims beds. (Hawks 译)