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房屋租赁合同 (经纪机构居间成交版).docx

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1、1北京市房屋租赁合同Premises Lease Contract Of Beijing(经纪机构居间成交版)(broker transaction version)出租人(甲方): 证件类型及编号: Lessor (Party A): ID Type or title or No. of other certificates evidencing the house source _; name or title of house owner (public housing lessee, purchaser): _ _ _ _; the premise( has / has not )be

2、en put under mortgage.第二条 房屋租赁情况及登记备案Clause 2 Lease and Registration of the Premise2(一)租赁用途: . 如租赁用途为居住的,居住人数为: 人,最多不超过 人。1. Lease Purpose: _ _; if for residential purpose: the number of persons living in the Premise is_ _, or _ _ to the maximum.(二)如租赁用途为居住的,甲方应自与乙方订立本合同之日起七日内,到房屋所在地的社区来京人员和 出租房屋服务站

3、办理房屋出租登记手续。对多人居住的出租房屋,乙方应将居住人员情况告知甲方,甲方 应当建立居住人员登记簿,并按规定报送服务站。 本合同变更或者终止的,甲方应自合同变更或者终止 之日起五日内,到房屋所在地的社区来京人员和出租房屋服务站办理登记变更、注销手续。在本合同有效 期内,居住人员发生变更的,乙方应当自变更之日起二日内告知服务站,办理变更登记手续。2. If the Premise is rent for residential purpose, Party A shall, within 7 days after conclusion of the Contract with Party B

4、, handle house lease registration formalities with the community migrant workers and house lease service station at the Premises place. If therere more than one living in the Premise, Party B shall notify Party A of the information thereof, and Party A shall set up related registry and furnish to th

5、e said service station. Any modification or termination of the Contract shall, within 5 days thereafter, be renewed or deregistered by Party A with the community migrant workers and leased house service station at the Premises place. Any change to any people living in the Premise within the validity

6、 of the Contract shall within 2 days thereafter be reported by Party B to such station for renewal.居住人员中有外地来京人员的,甲方应提供相关证明,督促和协助乙方到当地公安派出所办理暂住证;居住人员中有境外人员的,( 甲方 /乙方)应自订立本合同之时起 24 小时内到当地公安派出所办理住宿登 记手续。If theres any migrant worker among those living in the Premise, Party A shall provide related certif

7、icate, and urge and help Party B acquire temporary residence permit from the local public security bureau; if theres any foreigner among those living in the Premise, Party A / Party B shall handle residence registration formalities with the local public security bureau within 24h after the Contract

8、is concluded.租赁用途为非居住的,甲方应自订立房屋租赁合同之日起 30 日内,到房屋所在地的房屋行政管理部门办 理房屋租赁合同备案手续。If the Premise is rent for non-residential purpose, Party A shall handle house lease contract registration formalities with the house administrative management authority at the Premises place within 30 days after the Contract

9、is concluded.3第三条 租赁期限Clause 3 Lease Term(一)房屋租赁期自 年 月 日至 年 月 日,共计 年。甲方应于 年 月 日前将房屋按约定条件交付给乙方。房屋交割清单(见附件一)经甲乙双方交验签字盖章并移交房门钥匙及 后视为交付完成。1. The lease term of the Premise is _ _ year/years and _ _ month/months commencing on_ _and expiring on_ _ . Party A shall deliver the Premise to Party B according to

10、 the specified conditions before _ _(date). The delivery shall be finished after the Delivery List (Appendix 1) has been examined, signed and stamped by Party A and Party B, and keys _ _ have been handed over.(二)租赁期满或合同解除后,甲方有权收回房屋,乙方应按照原状返还房屋及其附属物品、设备设施。 甲乙双方应对房屋和附属物品、设备设施及水电使用等情况进行验收,结清各自应当承担的费用。2

11、. Upon expiry or cancellation of the Contract, Party A has the right to take the Premise back, and Party B shall return the Premise and its attached fittings, facilities and equipment in status quo to Party A. Party A and Party B shall check the Premise and its attached fittings, facilities and equi

12、pment, as well water and electricity consumption situations, and shoulder their respective expenses.乙方继续承租的,应提前 日向甲方和乙方提出(书面 / 口头)续租要求,协商一致后双方重新签订房屋租赁合同(经纪机构成交版)。If Party B desires to continue rent of the Premise upon expiry of the Contract, Party B shall submit its request to Party A and Party C in

13、 writing / orally_ _ _days in advance, and subsequently three parties shall sign a new house lease contract (broker transaction version) upon mutual negotiation, and Party A shall pay intermediation service fee to Party C according to the renewal period.第四条 租金及押金Clause 4 Rent and Deposit(一)租金标准及支付方式

14、: 元(月/ 季/ 半年/ 年),租金总计:人民币 元整(: )。1. The rent for the premises shall be RMB: _ _ Yuan/(month/quarter/half year/year). Total Rent: ¥ _ _.4支付方式 :( 现金 / 转帐支票 / 银行汇款 ),各期租金支付日期为: , , .Payment Mode: ( in cash / by transfer cheque / by bank draft);第五条 其他相关费用的承担方式Clause 5 Bearing of Other Related Expenses租赁

15、期内的下列费用中, 由甲方承担, 由乙方承担:(1)水费(2)电费(3)电话费(4)电视收视费-歌华有线(5)供暖费(6)燃气费(7)物业管理费(8)房屋租赁税费(9)上网费(10)车位费(11)室内设施维修费(12)卫星电视收视费(13) 费用。Among the following expenses incurred in the lease term, shall be assumed by Party A,and (1) (2) (3) (4) (6) (9) (10) (12) shall be at the cost of Party B: (1) water fee; (2) e

16、lectricity fee; (3)telephone ; (4) cable TV fee; (5) heating fee; (6) gas fee; (7) property management fee; (8) rent tax; (9) internet fee; (10) parking fee; (11) indoor facilities repair fee;(12)satellite fee (13) fee第六条房屋维护及维修Clause 6 Repair and Maintenance of the Premise(一)甲方应保证出租房屋的建筑结构和设备设施符合建筑

17、、消防、治安、卫生等方面的安全条件,不得危及人身安全;乙方保证遵守国家、北京市的法律法规规定以及房屋所在小区的物业管理规约。1. Party A guarantee the architectural structure 、facilities and equipmentof the Premise are up to the safety requirements on construction, fire prevention, security and sanitation, and would not harm physical integrity; Party B guarantee

18、 to observe the laws and rules of the State and Beijing Municipality, as well as the property management regulations of the residential quarter where the Premise is located at.(二)租赁期内,甲乙双方应共同保障该房屋及其附属物品、设备设施处于适用和安全的状态:2. During the lease term, Party A and Party B shall maintain the Premise and its a

19、ttached fittings, facilities and equipment in useable and safe condition.1、 对于该房屋及其附属物品、设备设施因自然属性或合理使用而导致的损耗,乙方应及时通知甲方修复。 甲方应在接到乙方通知后的 日内进行维修。逾期不维修的,乙方可代为维修,费用由甲方承担。 因维修房屋影响乙方使用的,应相应减少租金或延长租赁期限。5(1) Party A shall repair or remedy any defects therein caused by natural attribute or reasonable use with

20、in _ _days after being notified by Party B, or otherwise Party B shall be entitled to repair or remedy the defects at Party As cost. If the Premise is not tenantable during the period of repair or remedy, the rent for the period shall be deducted, or the lease period shall be extended accordingly.2、

21、因乙方保管不当或不合理使用,致使该房屋及其附属物品、设备设施发生损坏或故障的,乙方应负责维修或承担赔偿责任。(2) If theres any defect therein of the premise and its attached fittings, facilities and equipmen due to Party Bs improper storage, or unreasonable use, Party B shall be responsible for the repair or remedy of such defect, or shall give correspo

22、nding compensations.第七条 转租Clause 7 Sublet除甲乙双方另有约定以外,乙方需事先征得甲方书面同意,方可在租赁期内将房屋部分或全部转租给他人, 并就受转租人的行为向甲方承担责任。Unless otherwise stipulated by Party A and Party B, without Party As prior written consent, Party B shall not sublet the Premise in whole or part to any third party during the lease term;and Par

23、ty B shall be liable to Party A for any act or behavior of the third party .第八条 合同解除Clause 8 Cancellation of Contract(一)经甲乙双方协商一致,可以解除本合同。1. The Contract may be terminated if Party A and Party B mutually agree to after consultations.(二)因不可抗力导致本合同无法继续履行的,本合同自行解除。2. The Contract shall automatically be

24、 terminated if it cannot be fulfilled in a continuous manner for force majeure reason.(三)甲方有下列情形之一的,乙方有权单方解除合同:3. In any of the following circumstances, Party B is entitled to terminated the Contract unilaterally:61、迟延交付房屋达 日的。2、交付的房屋严重不符合合同约定或影响乙方安全、健康的。3、不承担约定的维修义务,致使乙方无法正常使用房屋的。4、 。(1) Party A de

25、lays delivery of the Premise for _ _ day/days;(2) Party As Premise falls short of the requirements stated herein or is in the state that may harm Party Bs physical integrity and health;(3) Party A fails to fulfill repair and maintenance obligations as specified herein, resulting in inability of Part

26、y B to use the Premise in a normal way.(4) _.(四)乙方有下列情形之一的,甲方有权单方解除合同,收回房屋:4. In any of the following circumstances, Party A is entitled to terminated the Contract unilaterally and take the Premise back:1、不按照约定支付租金达 日的。2、欠缴各项费用达 元的。3、擅自改变房屋用途的。4、擅自拆改变动或损坏房屋主体结构的。5、保管不当或不合理使用导致附属物品、设备设施损坏并拒不赔偿的。6、利用房

27、屋从事违法活动、损害公共利益或者妨碍他人正常工作、生活的。7、擅自将房屋转租给第三人的。8、 。(1) Party B delays payment of rent for _ _ day/days;(2) Party B fails to pay due fees at specified time, and such fee amounts to _ _ Yuan;(3) Party B changes the usage of the Premise without approval;(4) Party B changes or damages the main structure of

28、 the Premise without approval;(5)Party B fails to properly or reasonably use the attached fittings, facilities and equipment of the Premise and refuses to give compensations;(6)Party B conducts illegal activities in the Premise that may undertake illicit activity、harm the public interests (7) Party

29、B sublets the Premise to any third party without approval (8) .(五)其他法定的合同解除情形。5. other situations that may lead to termination of the Contract according to laws.第九条 违约责任7Clause 9 Default Liabilities(一)甲方有第八条第三款约定的情形之一的,应按月租金的 %向乙方支付违约金;乙方有第八条 第四款约定的情形之一的,应按月租金的 %向甲方支付违约金,甲方并可要求乙方将房屋恢复原状 或赔偿相应损失。1. W

30、here Party A commits any of the following circumstances as set forth in Clause 8.3 hereof, PartyA shall pay % of monthly rent to Party B as penalty; should Party B commits any of the following circumstances as set forth in Clause 8.4 hereof, Party B shall pay % of monthly rent to Party B as penalty,

31、 and to this effect,Party A may request Party B to restore the Premise to its original statue or compensate for the corresponding loss.(二)租赁期内,甲方需提前收回该房屋的,或乙方需提前退租的,应提前 日通知对方,并按月租金的 %支付违约金,甲方还应退还相应的租金。2. Where during the lease term Party A finds it necessary to early take the Premise back or Party B

32、 intends to early end the Contract, anotice shall be given to the other party days before doing so, and a penalty at %of monthly rent shall be paid, but as for Party A, besides doingthe foregoing, Party A shall furtherrefund corresponding rent.(三)因甲方未按约定履行维修义务造成乙方人身、财产损失的,甲方应承担赔偿责任。3. Party A shall

33、assume compensation responsibility if Party B suffers physical injury and/or financial loss resulted from Party As failure to fulfill repair or maintenance obligations as set forth herein.(四)甲方未按约定时间交付该房屋或者乙方不按约定支付租金但未达到解除合同条件的,以及乙方未按 约定时间返还房屋的,每日应按 标准支付违约金。4. Where Party A fails to deliver the Prem

34、ise at the specified time, or Party B fails to pay rent as stated herein but such failure does not satisfy conditions for termination of the Contract, or Party B fails to give the Premise back to Party A at the specified time, penalty shall be paid at rate for each day delayed.第十条 合同争议的解决办法Clause 10

35、 Settlement of Contract Dispute本合同项下发生的争议,由双方当事人协商解决;协商不成的,依法向有管辖权的人民法院起诉,或按照另行达成的仲裁条款或仲裁协议申请仲裁。Any dispute or discrepancy arising from the Contract shall be settled by TWO parties hereto upon consultation; if no agreement can be reached, proceeding 8may be initiated to the peoples court of jurisdic

36、tion, or application may be made for arbitral award under arbitration rules or covenants separately specified.第十一条 其他约定事项Clause 11 Other Provisions本租约自签字之日起生效,租约文本连同附件一式二份,双方方各执一份,中英文具有同等法律效力,当两种文本发生歧义时,以中文文本为准.The Agreement shall come into effect on the signing date; TWO will be TWO counterparts of

37、 the contract the attachments,and one for each party. Both Chinese text and English text shall be regarded as the same legal effect. In case of discrepancy, the Chinese text shall prevail.本合同生效后,各方对合同内容的变更或补充应采取书面形式,作为本合同的附件。附件与本合同具有同 等的法律效力。Any modification or supplement to any content of the Contr

38、act upon effectiveness hereof shall be in writing, and shall be appendix to the Contract. Appendices shall have the same legal effect as the Contract.出租人: 承租人:Signature of Lessor (Party A) Signature of Lessee (Party B)委托代理人 : 委托代理人:Authorized Agent Authorized Agent身份证或护照号: 身份证或护照号:ID or passport NO.

39、 ID or passport NOContact Information Qualification Certificate No.签约日期: 年 月 日Date of execution:附件一:Appendix 1房屋附属设施、设备清单List of Attached Facilities and Equipment9家用电器 家具Household Appliance Furniture 名称 品牌及规格 数量 名称 品牌及规格 数量ItemBrand & SpecificationQuantity Item Brand & Specification Quantity电视机 床TV

40、Bed 电冰箱 沙发Refrigerator Sofa 洗衣机 餐桌Washing ahine Dining Table 空调 茶几Air-Conditioner Coffee Table 热水器 衣柜Water Heater Wardrobe 微波炉 床头柜Microwave Oven Bed-stand DVD 机 电视柜DVD Machine TV Cabinet 电饭煲 椅子Rice Cooker Chair 吸尘器 写字台Vacuum Cleaner Desk 饮水机 电脑桌Water spenser Computer desk 电话 梳妆台Telephone Dresser 台灯

41、鞋柜Table Lamp Shoe Cabinet 床头灯 Bedside Lamp 10其他相关费用Other Related Expenses项目 单位 单价 起计时间 起计底数 项目 单位 单价 起计时间 起计底数Item Unit Unit Record Initial Item Unit Unit Record InitialPrice Time Reading Price Time Reading水费 上网费Water fee Internetfee电费 车位费Electricit Parkingy fee fee电话费 租赁税费Phone bill Lease taxexpens

42、e有线电视 卫星电视收视费 收视费Cable TV SatelliteTV供暖费Heatingfee燃气费Gas fee物业费Propertymanagement fee卫生费Cleaningfee交房确认对上述情况,乙方经验收,认为符合房屋交验条件,并且双方已对水、电、燃气等费用结算 完结,同意接收。House Delivery ConfirmationIn consideration that the house is acceptable upon Party Bs inspection, and utility fee of the house has been properly se

43、ttled by two parties, Party B hereby agrees to accept the house.交房日期: 年 月 日Delivery Date: _ (dd/mm/yy)甲方(出租人)签章: 乙方(承租人)签 章:Signature of Party A (Lessor) Signature of Party B (Lessee)11退房确认 甲乙双方已对房屋和附属物品、设备设施及水电使用等情况进行了验收,并办理了退房手续。有关费用的承担和房屋及其附属物品、设备设施的返还 无纠纷 / 附以下说明:House ReturnConfirmationParty A

44、and Party B have examined the premise and its attached facilities, equipment and fittings, as well as water and electricity consumptions, and also have properly dealt with return formalities. Bearing of related expenses, and return of the house and its attached facilities, equipment and fittings are in no dispute / (descriptions attached below)退房日期: 年 月 日Return Date: _ (dd/mm/yy)甲方(出租人)签章: 乙方(承租人)签章:Signature of Party A (Lessor) Signature of Party B (Lessee)


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