1、Interpreting Skill,How to Interpret Attributive,Left or Right? Attributive,English: head in the middle modifiers to both sides修饰词+中心词+修饰词Chinese: head at the endmodifiers to the left修饰词+中心词,Left or Right? Attributive,姑娘 北京姑娘 漂亮的北京姑娘 年轻漂亮的北京姑娘 身材苗条年轻漂亮的北京姑娘 两个身材苗条年轻漂亮的北京姑娘 正看着我们的两个身材苗条年轻漂亮的北京姑娘 正面带笑容
2、看着我们的两个身材苗条年轻漂亮的北京姑娘,Left or Right? Attributive,girls Beijing girls pretty Beijing girls young and pretty Beijing girls two young and pretty Beijing girls two young and pretty Beijing girls with slender figure two young and pretty Beijing girls with slender figure who are looking at us two young and
3、 pretty Beijing girls with slender figure who are looking at us, smiling,Syntax: Beginning or Ending?,Chinese: opening beginningclosed endingEnglish: closed (contracting) beginningopening ending,Syntax: Beginning or Ending?,This is the malt That lay in the house that Jack built.This is the rat That
4、ate the malt That lay in the house that Jack built.This is the cat That killed the rat That ate the malt That lay in the house that Jack built. ,Syntax: Beginning or Ending?,中国共产党第十六次全国代表大会,是我们党在新世纪召开的第一次代表大会,是高举邓小平理论伟大旗帜,全面贯彻“三个代表”重要思想,继往开来,与时俱进,全面建设小康社会,加快推进社会主义现代化,为开创中国特色社会主义事业新局面而奋斗的一次十分重要的代表大会。
5、,Headache for Interpreters?,C E: 1) combine simple sentences by using connectives2) move modifiers from left to right3) break the sentence and paraphrase it E C: 1) follow the structure of English2) break sentences with clauses3) translate the main clause and subordinate clauses as separate sentence
6、s,Examples Analysis,我认为从去年11月份到现在一年时间,在中美关系方面有两件令人鼓舞的事情发生。 Over the past year since last November, two encouraging things took place in Sino-US relationship.,Examples Analysis,中国进入了百年以来发展最快最好的历史时期。 China has entered a period with the fastest and healthiest development since the beginning of the last
7、 century.,Examples Analysis,今天,专心致志进行现代化建设的中国人民,更需要一个长期的和平国际环境和良好的周边环境。 Today, the Chinese people who are committed to modernization need more than ever a long-term international environment of peace and a favourable neighbouring environment.,Examples Analysis,十三亿人口的中国保持稳定和加快发展,对促进亚太地区及世界的稳定和发展,具有极其
8、重要的意义。 China is a country with 1.3 billion people. Its stability and rapid development are of vital importance to the stability and development in Asia-Pacific and the world at large.,Examples Analysis,哈佛大学已故的费正清(Fairbank)教授,是毕生从事中国历史文化研究的知名学者。 The late Professor Fairbank of Harvard University was a
9、 well-known scholar, who devoted all his life to the study of Chinese history and culture. The late Professor Fairbank was a well-known scholar from Harvard University. He devoted all his life to the study of Chinese history and culture.,Examples Analysis,中国在自己发展的长河中,形成了优良的历史文化传统。这些传统,随着时代变迁和社会进步获得发
10、展,对今天中国人的价值观念和生活方式具有深刻的影响。 In the long course of development, China has formed its fine historical and cultural traditions, which have been developed with the changes of the times and social progress. These traditions have exerted a profound impact on the values and way of life of the Chinese people
11、.,Examples Analysis,我们支持发展中国家改善他们的原料、初级产品和制成品,扩大销售市场,确定公正价格等迫切要求。 We support the urgent demand of the developing countries for improving the trade terms for their raw materials, primary products and manufactured goods, expanding their sales market and setting fair prices.,Examples Analysis,I am leav
12、ing Beijing tomorrow, heartened with the trade agreements we have reached, cheered by the frankness and fullness of our discussion, grateful for the hospitality you have accorded to our party. 我明天就要离开北京了。我们所达成的贸易协定使我受到鼓舞,我们坦率而充实的会谈使我感到高兴,你们给予我们一行的款待使我十分感激。,Examples Analysis,This visit gives me the o
13、pportunity which I have long sought after to see for myself the achievements of the Chinese people. 这次访问给予我一直以来都向往的机会,亲眼看一看中国人民取得的成就。 这次访问使我有机会亲眼看一看中国人民取得的成就。我一直向往这样的机会。,Examples Analysis,We welcome the interest and understanding that your country has always shown on the problems and positions taken
14、 by small and developing countries. 我们欢迎贵国对小国和发展中国家的问题以及这些国家采取的立场所一贯表现出的关心和理解。 我们欢迎贵国的态度。贵国对小国和发展中国家的问题以及这些国家采取的立场一贯表现出了关心和理解。 贵国对小国和发展中国家的问题以及这些国家采取的立场一贯表现出关心和理解。对此我们表示欢迎。,Examples Analysis,Human rights issue is a very complicated issue drawing more and more attention from the international communi
15、ty. 人权问题是一个非常复杂、而且越来越为国际社会所关注的重要问题。 人权问题是一个非常复杂的问题。国际社会对其越来越关注。,Examples Analysis,Mr. Sutter has given an excellent and informative presentation, which very much enlightened me. 萨特先生所做的报告非常精彩,内容丰富。我深受启发。,Examples Analysis,I want, and Chinas leaders want, the relationship between us to stand as a mod
16、el of friendly and mutually beneficial cooperation between different political systems for others in our region and in the world. 我和中国领导人都希望我们的关系成为一个在不同政治制度下进行友好互利合作的典范,成为本地区和全世界国家关系的典范。,Examples Analysis,The cooperation of countries with different social and economic systems and political objective
17、s certainly contributes to safeguarding peace, for such a cooperation lessens differences and encourages peaceful coexistence. 具有不同社会和经济制度以及不同政治目标的国家之间的合作肯定有助于维护和平,因为这种合作能够减少分歧,促进和平共处。,Examples Analysis,To find a parallel for the historical shift that were undergoing, the closest thing I can think o
18、f is the Han Dynasty, which most people have called “the China Renaissance” period, when creative ideas and innovations happened every day. 我们正处在一场历史变革中,与这一变革相类似的情形,我首先想起的是汉朝,大多数人称其为“中国的文艺复兴”,当时每天都有创造性的观念和革新出现。,Examples Analysis,We believe that the major development challenges facing us in the 21st
19、century can only be met if the developing and developed countries set up a true partnership based on solidarity, on the recognition of mutual interests and sharing of responsibilities for countries at all stages of development, capable of facing the challenges posed by a growing interdependence. 我们认为要想迎接21世纪我们面临的经济发展的重大挑战,发展中国家和发达国家应建立起一种伙伴关系,其基础就是不同发展阶段的国家应该团结,承认对方的利益,分担责任。而这种伙伴关系应能够面临日益增长的相互依存所提出的挑战。,