1、6 温室效应,温室效应和温室气体 温室效应对气候变化的影响,Global Warming,Temperature over the past 1000 years,“到2020年,欧洲沿海城市将被上升的海平面所淹没,英国气候将像西伯利亚一样寒冷干燥。核战、大旱、饥饿和暴乱等问题将困扰全球各国。” “中国南部地区在2010年前后将发生持续整整10年的特大干旱。中国北方将水患不断,南方一片干旱” “今后20年全球气候变化对人类构成的威胁要超过恐怖主义。”,“Now the Pentagon Tells Bush: Climate Change Will Destroy Us ”,Published
2、 on Sunday, February 22, 2004 by the Observer/UK,气候问题不仅仅是一个科学问题,http:/ Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)是由世界气象组织(WMO)和联合国环境署(UNEP)在1988年共同建立的,包括三个工作组:第一工作组为科学工作组,负责评估可获得的气候变化的科学信息;第二工作组为影响工作组,负责评估气候变化产生的环境和社会经济影响;第三工作组为响应对策工作组,负责制订有关处理气候变化问题的响应策略。这三个工作组在IPCC的指导下分头进行工作,其主要目的旨在获取气候变化及其
3、影响以及减缓和适应气候变化措施方面的科学和社会经济信息,以综合、客观、开放和透明的方式进行科学评估,并根据需求为联合国气候变化框架公约(UNFCCC)成员国会议(COP)提供科学、技术和社会经济建议。IPCC是一个政府间科学技术机构,所有联合国成员国和世界气象组织会员的国家都是IPCC的成员,可以参加IPCC及其各工作组的活动和会议。,一些关键词,京都协议联合国气候变化框架公约,1997年12月在日本京都达成的协议 。目前,已有141个国家批准了该项协议,中国是其中之一(目前中国二氧化碳排放量已位居世界第二)。 2005年2月16日开始正式生效 。 2005年11月28日,为期10天的联合国气
4、候变化框架公约第11次缔约方大会在加拿大蒙特利尔市举行。来自190多个国家和地区的8000多名代表出席此次会议,使它成为自1997年产生京都议定书的京都大会后全球最大和最重要的一次有关气候变化的会议。 美国人口仅占全球人口的3至4,排放的二氧化碳却占全球排放量的25以上,是全球温室气体排放量最大的国家。令人遗憾的是,美国对签署京都议定书却一直持消极态度。迫于国际社会的压力,克林顿政府曾于1998年11月签署了京都议定书。布什政府上台后,于2001年宣布退出京都议定书,令世界为之震惊。,温室效应和温室气体,传统意义上的温室效应示意图,Greenhouse effect,大气温室效应示意图,地球大
5、气对太阳短波辐射吸收很少使得太阳辐射可以顺利通过到达地面,而由于地球大气中温室气体的存在,很大程度上吸收了地面向外发射的长波辐射,使地-气系统温度升高的现象,便是所谓的“温室效应”目前“温室效应”的主要含义是指由于人类活动的影响使得大气中温室气体浓度的增加,从而造成全球变暖的现象。,The Greenhouse Effect,The greenhouse effect is the rise in temperature that the Earth experiences because certain gases in the atmosphere (water vapor, carbon
6、 dioxide, nitrous oxide, and methane, for example) trap energy from the sun. Without these gases, heat would escape back into space and Earths average temperature would be about 60F colder. Because of how they warm our world, these gases are referred to as greenhouse gases,Average composition of the
7、 atmosphere up to an altitude of 25 km,* variable gases,Greenhouse Gases &The Greenhouse Effect,Radiatively active gases are atmospheric gases, such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), and water vapor, that absorb and radiate infrared wavelengths.
8、,温室气体,水汽、 二氧化碳(CO2)、 甲烷(CH4)、 氧化亚氮(N2O)、 臭氧(O3)、 氯氟烃类化合物(CFCs)、 氢代氯氟烃类化合物(HCFCs)、 氢氟碳化物(HFCs)、 全氟碳化物(PFCs)、 六氟化硫(SF6)等等。,Contribution of Greenhouse Gases to Warming,Carbon Dioxide, CO2 Contributes 60% of warmingTrace Gases ( 100 1000 times less) Contribute 40% of warming Methane, CH4 Nitrogen Oxides
9、, NOx Chlorofluorocarbons, CFCs O3,夏威夷Mauna Loa观象台测量的大气CO2浓度变化,现已达到368ppmv(百万分之一体积)。,全球气候变化的基本事实(据IPCC第三次评估报告),大气中的温室气体二氧化碳CO2,中国青海省瓦里关山大气本底站的大气CO2浓度测量结果,1990,1991,1992,1993,1994,1995,1996,1997,1998,1999,2000,2001,345,350,355,360,365,370,375,浓度,CO2,(ppmv),年,工业化(1750年)以来,大气中温室气体明显增加。,年,1000,1200,1400
10、,1600,1800,2000,280,300,320,340,360,浓度,(ppmv),CO2,南极Law Dome冰芯资料显示的近1000年大气CO2浓度,Carbon Dioxide and Atmospheric Temperature,Historical Record Correlation of CO2 and Temp,中国西部,中国东部,温度距平(),年,与全球增温趋势基本一致。 2040年代和80年代以后出现了明显增暖。,近百年中国气候变化的事实(据西部环境演变评估报告),近50年增温速率,中国东北、西北和华北地区气候变暖最为明显。,Carbon Budget,Sourc
11、es Burning Fossil Fuels Deforestation Natural Oxidation Sinks Photosynthesis Oceans Atmosphere Soil Current Emissions 6 Gigatons of C/yr,http:/www.epa.gov/globalwarming/kids/global_warming_version2.html (movie),大气中的温室气体甲烷(CH4),CH4在大气层中的增长速度已在近十年减少下来,尤其在1991至1992年间有明显的下降,但在1993年后期亦有 些增长。1980至1990的平均增
12、长速度是每年13ppbv(十亿份之一体积)。,Methane,Level: 1.7 ppm Sources (anerobic degradation of carbon) Wetlands Rice Paddies Cattle Oil & Gas Emissions Lifetime (7-10 yrs) Projections (10-20 ppb per year increase),大气中的温室气体一氧化二氮(N2O),从过往40年间,N2O的平均升幅是每年0.25%。现时在对流层的N2O浓度在312到314ppbv左右。,Nitrogen Oxides (up 15%),Level
13、: 0.31 ppmSources Hi Temp Combustion AgricultureLifetime (120 yrs)Projections (30% increase in next 70 to 90 yrs),大气中的温室气体氯氟碳化合物(CFCs),在各种氯氟碳化合物中,以CFC-11及CFC-12较为重要,因为其浓度比较高与及它们对平流层内的O3有很大影响。 在多种人造的氯氟碳化合物中,以CFC-11及CFC-12的浓度最高,分别约为0.27及0.55ppbv(量度于冒纳罗亚观象台,1997,见下图)。,Chlorofluorocarbons - CFCs,Level:
14、0.71 ppbSource: Refrigerants, Propellants, Foam Blowing, CleaningSinks: No troposphere sinkLifetime: 50 to 1000 years,几种主要温室气体的特性,An Important Point,Steady State (equilibrium) If greenhouse gases from Natural Sources, Rate of Generation = Rate of Consumption Therefore, average level will remain Cons
15、tant!But, If we add greenhouse gases (anthropogenic source), Rate of Generation Increases Rate of Generation Rate of Consumption Therefore, average level will Increase!,Conclusion,Therefore, will an increase in Infrared-trapping gases (greenhouse gases) raise the temperature of the atmosphere?The an
16、swer is yes!The question is how much and. how fast?,温室效应对气候变化的影响,一、气候变化的预测方法简介 二、温室气体与全球气候变化 三、温室气体与我国气候变化 四、气候预测中的不确定因素,一、气候变化的预测方法简介,周期分析 影响因子统计分析 GCM,周期分析,譬如,天文周期的运用:天文学家米兰柯维奇指出,地球气候变化存在着三个天文周期:每隔2万年,地球的自转轴倾角变化一个周期(称为岁差);每隔4万年,地球黄道与赤道的交角变化一个周期;每隔10万年,地球公转轨道的偏心率变化一个周期。 太阳黑子活动的11年周期等等,香港短期气候预测流程示意图
17、,影响因子统计分析,Global Climate Model (GCM),全球气候模式(GCM)是目前国际上公认的预测全球未来变化唯一有效的工具 什么是GCM?,Global Climate Models (GCMs),Thermodynamic Equation,Equations of Motion,Salt Equation,Turbulence Parameterization,Sea Ice,Ocean,Land,Atmosphere,Sens. Heat,Radiation,Wind Stress,Evap.,Precip.,Sens. Heat,Radiation,Evap.,P
18、recip.,Runoff,如何在GCM中考虑人类活动对气候变化的影响社会经济情景的构建,http:/www.grida.no/climate/ipcc/emission/,所谓情景就是在对一系列重要内在关系和驱动因子所做的协调、一致和合理假设的基础上,为世界或地区提供未来发展的可能状态。 2000年IPCC出版的排放情景特别报告(Special Reports on Emission Scenarios, SRES)中,为未来世界设计出四种可能的社会经济发展的情景:SRES A1SRES A2SRES B1SRES B2,SRES A1: a future world of very rap
19、id economic growth, low population growth and rapid introduction of new and more efficient technology. Major underlying themes are economic and cultural convergence and capacity building, with a substantial reduction in regional differences in per capita income. In this world, people pursue personal
20、 wealth rather than environmental quality. The A1 scenario family develops into three groups that describe alternative directions of technological change in the energy system. The three A1 groups are distinguished by their technological emphasis: fossil intensive (A1FI), non-fossil energy sources (A
21、1T), or a balance across all sources (A1B). SRES A2: a very heterogeneous world. The underlying theme is that of strengthening regional cultural identities, with an emphasis on family values and local traditions, high population growth, and less concern for rapid economic development.,SRES B1: a con
22、vergent world with rapid change in economic structures, “dematerialization“ and introduction of clean technologies. The emphasis is on global solutions to environmental and social sustainability, including concerted efforts for rapid technology development, dematerialization of the economy, and impr
23、oving equity. SRES B2: a world in which the emphasis is on local solutions to economic, social, and environmental sustainability. It is again a heterogeneous world with less rapid, and more diverse technological change but a strong emphasis on community initiative and social innovation to find local
24、, rather than global solutions.,排放情景特别报告(SRES)中的排放情景,A1.A1框架和情景系列描述的是一个这样的未来世界,即经济快速增长,全球人口峰值出现在21世纪中叶、随后开始减少,新的和更高效的技术迅速出现。其基本内容是强调地区间的趋同发展、能力建设、不断增强的文化和社会的相互作用、地区间人均收入差距的持续减少。A1情景系列划分为3个群组,分别描述了能源系统技术变化的不同发展方向,以技术重点来区分这三个A1情景组:化石密集(A1F1)、非化石能源(A1T)、各种能源资源均衡(此处的均衡定义为,在假设各种能源供应和利用技术发展速度相当的条件下,不过分依赖于
25、某一特定的能源资源)。(全球性&不注重环保)A2 A2框架和情景系列描述的是一个极其非均衡发展的世界。其基本点是自给自足和地方保护主义,地区间的人口出生率很不协调,导致持续的人口增长,经济发展主要以区域经济为主,人均经济增长与技术变化越来越分离,低于其它框架的发展速度。 (区域性&不注重环保),B1 B1框架和情景系列描述的是一个均衡发展的世界,与A1描述具有相同的人口,人口峰值出现在世纪中叶,随后开始减少。不同的是,经济结构向服务和信息经济方向快速调整,材料密度降低,引入清洁、能源效率高的技术。其基本点是在不采取气候行动计划的条件下,更加公平地在全球范围实现经济、社会和环境的可持续发展。 (
26、全球性&注重环保)B2B2框架和情景系列描述的世界强调区域性的经济、社会和环境的可持续发展。全球人口以低于A2的增长率持续增长,经济发展处于中等水平,技术变化速率与A1、B1相比趋缓、发展方向多样。同时,该情景所描述的世界也朝着环境保护和社会公平的方向发展,但所考虑的重点仅仅局限于地方和区域一级。 (区域性&注重环保),SRES示例性情景A1B,A2,B1 和 B2,A1FI 和 A1T中,CO2,CH4,N2O和二氧化硫的人为排放量。为了对比,还给出了IS92a情景的结果。,不同的社会经济情景,不同的GHG排放,GCM中的辐射过程,不同的未来气候情景,SRES对未来气候变化影响示意图,二、温
27、室气体和全球气候变化,已经发生的气候变化事实 模式对未来气候情景的预估,已经发生的气候变化事实,Human activities have changed the composition of the atmosphere since the pre- industrial era,The Land and Oceans have warmed,Precipitation patterns have changed,The El-Nino phenomena leads to floods and droughts throughout the tropics and subtropics,T
28、he frequency, persistence and magnitude of El-Nino events have increased in the last 20 years,Sea Levels have risen,Weather-related economic damages have increased,Global mean surface temperatures have increased,Most of the observed warming in the past 50 years is attributable to human activities,模式
29、对未来气候情景的预估,Global mean surface temperature is projected to increase during the 21st century,Land areas are projected to warm more than the oceans with the greatest warming at high latitudes,Annual mean temperature change, 2071 to 2100 relative to 1990: Global Average in 2085 = 3.1oC,Some areas are p
30、rojected to become wetter, others drier with an overall increase projected,Annual mean precipitation change: 2071 to 2100 Relative to 1990,Mean sea level is projected to rise by 0.09 to 0.88m by 2100, but with significant regional variations,Extreme Weather Events are Projected to Increase,Higher ma
31、ximum temperatures; more hot days and heatwaves over nearly all land areas (very likely) Higher minimum temperatures; fewer cold days frost days and cold spells over nearly all land areas (very likely) more intense precipitation events over many areas (very likely)increased summer drying over most m
32、id-latitude continental interiors and associated risk of drought (likely) increase in tropical cyclone peak wind intensity, mean and peak precipitation intensities (likely),Increased mortality in old people in urban areas Damage to crops Heat stress on livestockExtended range of pests and diseases L
33、oss of some crop/fruitLand slides, mudslides, damage to property and increased insurance costsReduced rangeland productivity, increased wildfires, decreased hydropowerDamage to various ecological and socioeconomic systems,Projected changes during the 21st century,Examples of impacts,More adverse tha
34、n beneficial impacts on biological and socioeconomic systems are projected,Increased water availability in some water-scarce regions, and decreased water availability in many water scarce regions,2020s 2050s2080s,Initially increased agricultural productivity in some mid-latitude regions & reduction
35、in the tropics and sub-tropics even with warming of a few degrees,Significant disruptions of ecosystems from disturbances such as fire, drought, pest infestation and invasion of species Changes in the productivity and composition of ecological systems, with coral reefs and boreal forests being most
36、vulnerable,Branching coral,Brain coral,coral bleaching events are expected to increase,Ecological systems have many interacting non-linear processes and are thus subject to abrupt changes and threshold effects arising from relatively small changes in driving variables, such as climate. For example:
37、Temperature increase beyond a threshold, which varies by crop and variety, can affect key development stages of some crops and result in severe losses in crop yields.,Increased risk of floods, potentially displacing tens of millions of people, due to sea level rise and heavy rainfall events, especia
38、lly in Small Island States and low-lying deltaic areas. Bangladesh is projected to lose about 17% of its land area with a sea level rise of one meter - very difficult to adapt due to lack of adaptive capacity,projected,present,Effect on human health Reduced winter mortality in mid- and high-latitude
39、s Increased incidence of heat stress mortality, and the number of people exposed to vector-borne diseases, such as malaria and dengue and water-borne diseases such as cholera, especially in the tropics and sub-tropics,以下是国内科学家的模拟结果,全球模式模拟的A2情景下2011-2040年全球年平均温度变化(单位:)(相对于1961-1990年),大多数地区增温10C左右 北极圈
40、增温2-3 0C,全球模式模拟的B2情景下2011-2040年全球年平均温度变化(单位:)(相对于1961-1990年),和A2的情形相似 北半球高纬度地区升温情况更为严重,全球模式模拟的A2情景下2041-2070年全球年平均温度变化(单位:)(相对于1961-1990年),陆地比海洋升温严重 北半球中高纬度升温可达6 0C以上,全球模式模拟的B2情景下2041-2070年全球年平均温度变化(单位:)(相对于1961-1990年),和A2情形相似 北半球中高纬度升温有所削弱,全球模式模拟的A2情景下2071-2100年全球年平均温度变化(单位:)(相对于1961-1990年),太可怕了! 但
42、间序列图(SRES-B2情景下)(单位:%),全球模式模拟的A2情景下20712100年中国年平均降水变化(单位:%)(相对于1961-1990年),全球模式模拟的B2情景下20712100年中国年平均降水变化(单位:%)(相对于1961-1990年),四、气候预测中的不确定因素,1. 未来温室气体排放的不确定性(众多的排放情景) 2. 未来温室气体浓度的不确定性(如:碳循环的过程仍然不十分清楚) 3. 气候响应的不确定性(同样的排放情景,不同的模式有不同的模拟结果) 4. 气候的自然变率的不确定性(气候的自然波动会加强或者削弱人类活动的影响) 5. 区域气候变化的不确定性(降尺度的方法使区域
43、性的气候预估带来不确定性),Global Warming,Can we be sure of anything?,Whats Known for Certain?,That gases like carbon dioxide and methane are greenhouse gases. That we are increasing the amount of these gases into the atmosphere. That most of this is due to burning fossil fuels We have measured the increase in C
44、O2 in the atmosphere.,What are the early warning signs ?,The Earth has warmed up. There has been a warming of 0.50C ( 10F) in the last 100 years.,Warning signs include:,Heat waves. Sea level rising. Glaciers melting. Coastal flooding. Arctic and Antarctic warming.,What are we Uncertain about ?,How much of global warming can be blamed on humans? How much can be blamed on natural climate change? How high will temperatures rise? How fast they will rise? What will the effect on local climates be?,