1、电源产品的安规要求要点UL60950-1,帮助客户了解UL认证的流程及电源产品的技术要求。由于对标准的理解可能存在的因人或地域的差异,或由于标准的不断修订,本次培训的内容也许并不完全适用于某些情况。由于翻译的原因而造成对材料理解的不明确,应当以该文档的英文版本为准。于本人知识有限,欢迎大家对培训中的内容提出不同的见解,以便更好的交流。,Objective 培训目的,开案前做好准备工作,有助于缩短认证时间基本概念样定义一个电源的系列电源的结构要求电源的性能要求: 测试系列电源的测试,Agenda 课程安排,开案前做好准备工作,有助于缩短认证时间,Product Name 产品名称 2. Mode
2、l No 产品型号 3. Product Identity 产品用途 4. Component List 零部件表:请提供产品零部件的名称和型号、额定值、制造厂家信息。 5. Ratings 性能和规格:必须提供此信息,如尺寸、额定电压、电流、频率和功率等。,Submit product information 产品信息的提供,6. Schematic Diagrams 结构图:对于大多数产品,我们需要产品的结构图或爆炸图、配件表等,请在图纸中注明各部分的名称、尺寸,以便与零件表或配件表一 一对应。 7. Circuit Diagrams 对于电子电器类产品,请提供电原理图(线路图)。 8.
3、Photoes 产品的照片、使用说明、安全事项或安装说明等。 9. Others 其他:任何有助于我们了解产品的信息(例如:类似产品的UL认证报告或其他认证机构的报告)。,Submit product information 产品信息的提供,How to reduce the TAT 如何缩短认证的时间,Some disadvantages to the TAT 常见影响认证时间的因素产品信息不全或错误样品不足或不良样品产品结构或元器件不符合标准要求测试不通过标签设计不符合要求缺乏产品设计人员的技术支持过多的零部件报备,应注意的一些事项! 1.资料和样品提供齐全,样品应与产品资料的描述相一致,
4、客户应预先检查元器件清单的正确性,提交之后,不要随意更改。 2.设计人员应尽量配合UL 工程师的工作,提供相应的技术支持。 3.测试样品应保证质量,避免差异和不良品的出现。 4.客户应按照UL工程师要求对样品进行整改,对于其它的修改行为,客户应提前通知UL工程师并达成一致。,一些关键零部件的要求 1. UL认可的零部件,必须保证其型号和适用范围 的正确性(可以通过登陆UL网站查询)。2. 报备过多的零部件,有可能增加测试的时间和费用。,Critical component list 关键元器件清单,Marking label 标签 Power Supply Cord 电源线 Case 外壳 A
5、ppliance Inlet 插座 Internal Wire 内部线 Fuse 保险丝 Fusible resistor 保险电阻 X Cap & Y Cap X 电容,Y电容 Varistor 压敏电阻 Line Filter 滤波器 Thermistor 热敏电阻 Transformer 变压器 Optical isolators 光耦 Tubing 套管 PWB 线路板 DC output cord 互连线 Switch 开关 Adhensive 胶 Fuseholder 保险丝座 Thermal cut-out 热断路器 Thermostat 恒温器 Terminal Block 端
6、子排 Insulation material (塑料)绝缘材料,Transformer,变压器中的关键零部件:Bobbin, 塑料骨架Insulation Tape, 绝缘胶带Margin Tape / Barrier Tape / Spacer, 挡墙(端控)胶带Insulation (Teflon) Tubing, 绝缘套管Triple Insulated Wire, 三层绝缘线Magnet Wire, 漆包线Varnish, 浸漆Thermal cutoff (fuse) 热熔断保险丝,变压器一定要提供详细的规格书! 规格书应包括变压器外形尺寸,电气原理图,绕制结构图,绕制顺序表,电气特
7、性,材料明细表等。 如果是系列产品的变压器,每个型号的变压器都要提供规格书,和型号差异的对照说明。 规格书中的图表文字应清晰!,塑料外壳:塑料的型号和生产厂家受到控制,可以在UL网站上查询所报备的塑料型号的黄卡,假设报备的塑料外壳为940A, 防火等级为V-0, 实际测量外壳的厚度必须达到3.0mm。,Pay attention to some component 值得注意的零部件,Fuse: UL 认证过的保险丝有列名和认可两种类型,客户应明确自己使用的是哪一种保险丝及型号。 在最终的报告中,保险丝在规格不变的前提下,客户可以选用不同品牌的列名保险丝, 但对于认可保险丝,客户只能使用报备时的
8、品牌。,Fusible Resistor(Non R/C): The resistor should operate safely when the equipment is tested according to the Standard. Compliance is checked by conducting worst-case abnormal operating testing affecting the device ten times (10x) while the equipment is connected directly to the mains, and in each
9、 case with a new resistor.The test for fusible resistor will increase time and cost. 保险电阻(未经UL认可过):当设备按照标准测试时,保险电阻应能安 全工作。使设备连接到交流电网,进行最 恶劣的非正常测试,每种条件要测试十次, 每次使用一个新的电阻。保险电阻的测试 会增加相对较多的时间和费用。,Pay attention to some component 值得注意的零部件,Pay attention to some component 值得注意的零部件,Line Filter: 滤波电感 To avoid
10、high temperature on these components,and if higher than Class A limit,but not more than temperature ratings of the winding and bobbin RTI. 尽量避免这些元件的温度过高,线圈温度可以高于CLASS A Limit,但不能超过线圈本身的额定温度和Bobbin RTI.,Pay attention to some component 值得注意的零部件,X Cap, Y Cap Pay attention to working temperature of thes
11、e components,normally 85. X 电容,Y电容 注意这些元器件的工作温度,通常是85度。 电容的生产厂家不受控制,但是规格参数必须与测试样品相一致。,极性插头CLASS II EQUIPMENT provided with 15- or 20-A standard supply outlets, Edison-base lampholders or a single pole disconnect device shall be provided with a polarized type attachment plug.具有15或20安培标准电源输出插座,爱迪生灯座或一
12、个单极断开装置应该使用极性插头。,Pay attention to some component 值得注意的零部件,Insulation System: 如果变压器使用的是Class B 及以上的绝缘系统,该绝缘系统应有UL的OBJY2的认证,绝缘系统中的每个零部件应当在报告中可以查到。Tma is the maximum ambient temperature permitted by the manufacturers specification, or 25 C, whichever is greater. Tma制造厂商技术规范允许的最高的环境温度或25度,两者中取较大者. 厂家应提前
13、声明产品的Tma,以便工程师参考,若经测试时证明该温度过高, 应按照测试数据进行合理的调整。 相关内容参见后面的温升测试。,Basic Conception 基本概念,Listed Product: 可以作为一个最终产品单独使用的产品.被审核时把它的最终使用环境, 使用条件都包含进去了, 所以审核的内容多而全面.Recognized Product: 不可以作为一个最终产品单独 使用, 必须作为一个零部件用在最终产品里, 被审核时 某些最终使用环境, 使用条件因为不好定义, 所以用 COA(Conditions Of Acceptability)来弥补不完整的审核.,Listed Produc
14、t and Recognized Product,LISTED (QQGQ/7): 列名 This category covers power supplies rated 600 V or less, intended for use with information technology equipment (ITE) including electrical business equipment. End-use products that employ these types of power supplies are covered under Information Technol
15、ogy Equipment Including Electrical Business Equipment(NWGQ). These power supplies are stand-alone units that deliver power to ITE via external interconnecting means. 这个类别覆盖额定600伏及以下的,用于配合信息技术设备包括电子商务设备使用的电源产品。与这类电源配套的成品是包含在信息技术 及电子商务设备的类别下(NWGQ) 。这类电源是独立的单 元并通过外部互连方式向ITE产品供电的。,UL60950-1的适用范围,Recogni
16、zed(QQGQ2/8) 认可The devices covered under this category are incomplete in certain constructional features or restricted in performance capabilities and are intended for use as components of complete equipment submitted for investigation rather than for direct separate installation in the field. THE F
17、INAL ACCEPTANCE OF THE COMPONENT IS DEPENDENT UPON ITS INSTALLATION AND USE IN COMPLETE EQUIPMENT SUBMITTED TO UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES INC.这个类别下的设备在某些结构是不完整的或在性能上受到了限制,不能直接独立安装在现场,而是作为一个完整设备中的零部件而使用的。,UL60950-1的适用范围,Electric Shock, 触电 Energy related hazards, 能量危害 Fire, 火灾 Heat related hazards, 过热危
18、害 Mechanical hazards, 机械危害 Radiation, 辐射 Chemical hazards, 化学危害 Explosion / Implosion, 外爆或内爆,Potential Hazards of Electrical Products 电子产品的潜在危险,HAZARDOUS VOLTAGE: A voltage exceeding 42,4 V peak, or 60 V d.c., existing in a circuit which does not meet the requirements for either a LIMITED CURRENT CI
19、RCUIT or a TNV CIRCUIT. 危险电压:存在于既不符合限流电路要求也不符合TNV 电路要求的电路中,其交流峰值超过42.4V 或直流值超过60V 的电路。 DC VOLTAGE: The average value of a voltage (as measured by a moving coil meter)having a peak-to-peak ripple not exceeding 10 % of the average value. 电压的平均值(由动圈式仪表测得),而且其纹波电压峰峰值不超过该平均值的10%。 NOTE Where peak-to-peak
20、ripple exceeds 10 % of the average value, the requirements related to peak voltage are applicable. 注:如果其纹波电压峰峰值超过电压平均值的10%,则采用与峰值电压有关的要求。,Hazardous Voltage 危险电压,SELV CIRCUIT,Safety Extra-Low Voltage SELV(安全特低电压)电路 Secondary circuit. 二次电路 Accessible voltages do not exceed specified safe values (42.4
21、V peak ac or 60 V dc) under normal and single fault conditions.正常工作条件下和单一故障条件下,它的电压值均不会超过安全值。 Under single fault, the voltage may go up to 71 V peak ac or 120 V dc for 200 ms only.出现单一故障(见1.4.14)时,SELV 电路任意两个导体间和任何一个这样的导体与地(见1.4.9)之间的电压在经过0.2s 后不应超过42.4V 交流峰值或60V 直流值.而且,其极限值不应超过71V 交流峰值或120V 直流值。 Se
22、gregation requirements.隔离要求,需要隔离的两导体,固体绝缘,空气间隙,Clearance- The shortest distance between two conductive parts measured through air.在两个导电零部件之间或导电零部件与设备界面之间测得的最短空间距离。- Also called “through-air spacing” - Clearance is self-healing 电气间隙是可以自愈的,Clearance 电气间隙,需要隔离的两导体,固体绝缘,爬电距离,Creepage distance - The shor
23、test path between two conductive parts measured alongthe surface of the insulation沿绝缘表面测得的两个导电零部件之间或导电零部件与设备防护界面之间的最短路径.- Also called “over-surface spacing”,Creepage Distance 爬电距离, FUNCTIONAL INSULATION: Insulation that is necessary only for the correct functioning of the equipment. NOTE FUNC
24、TIONAL INSULATION by definition does not protect against electric shock. It may, however, reduce the likelihood of ignition and fire. 设备正常工作仅需要的绝缘. 注:所定义的功能绝缘并不起防电击的作用.但是,它可以用来减小引燃和着火的危险的可能性. FUNCTIONAL INSULATION includes, but is not limited to, insulation, such as lacquer, solvent-based enamel, or
25、dinary paper, cotton and oxide film, or displaceable insulation such as beads and sealing compounds other than self-hardening resin. 功能绝缘包括,但不仅限于诸如清漆,有溶解基的瓷釉,普通纸,棉布,氧化膜之类的绝缘,或可替换的诸如绝缘珠和非自固化树脂密封绝缘混合剂之类的绝缘.,Functional Insulation 功能绝缘,For FUNCTIONAL INSULATION, CLEARANCES and CREEPAGE DISTANCES smaller
26、 than those specified in 2.10 are permitted subject to the requirements of 5.3.4 b) or 5.3.4 c). 如果功能绝缘电气间隙和爬电距离不满足章节 2.10 的要求 可以通过下面两个测试来评估:5.3.4 b) 抗电强度测试。5.3.4 c) 短路测试。,Functional Insulation 功能绝缘,Basic Insulation 基本绝缘, BASIC INSULATION: Insulation to provide basic protection against electr
27、ic shock.基本绝缘:对防电击提供基本保护的绝缘.Provides one level of protection against electric shock.-No thickness requirement. -Must meet clearance, creepage distance and electric strength test requirements. -Must be non-hygroscopic.-提供一层防触电的保护-无厚度要求-符合爬电,间隙和电气强度要求-必须具备抗吸湿性,SUPPLEMENTARY INSULATION: Independent ins
28、ulation applied in addition to BASIC INSULATION in order to reduce the risk of electric shock in the event of a failure of the BASIC INSULATION.附加绝缘:除了基本绝缘以外施加的独立的绝缘,用以减小在基本绝缘一旦失效时仍能防止电击.-Used in conjunction with basic insulation. Provides a second level of protection against electric shock. Thickne
29、ss of insulation is a concernMust meet clearance, creepagedistance and electric strength test requirements. Must be non-hygroscopic.与基本绝缘配合使用 提供第二层防触电保护 有厚度要求 符合爬电,间隙和电气强度要求 必须具备抗吸湿性,Double Insulation 双重绝缘,DOUBLE INSULATION: Insulation comprising both BASIC INSULATION and SUPPLEMENTARY INSULATION. 双
30、重绝缘:由基本绝缘加上附加绝缘构成的绝缘。Provides two levels of protection against electric shock 提供两层防触电保护,REINFORCED INSULATION: A single insulation system which provides a degree of protection against electric shock equivalent to DOUBLE INSULATION under the conditions specified in this standard. 加强绝缘: 一种单一的绝缘结构,在本标准
31、规定的条件下,其所提供的防电击的保护等级相当于双重绝缘。 Provides two levels of protection against electric shock 提供两层防触电保护Thickness of insulation is a concern (minimum 0.4 mm thick solid insulation)厚度要求(固体厚度最小0.4毫米) It may comprise several layers which cannot be tested as SUPPLEMENTARY INSULATION or BASIC INSULATION. 这种绝缘结构可以
32、由几个不能像附加绝缘或基本绝缘那样单独来试验的绝缘层组成。 Must meet clearance, creepage distance and electric strength test requirements 符合爬电,间隙和电气强度要求 Must be non-hygroscopic 必须具备抗吸湿性,Reinforced Insulation 加强绝缘,24 V d.c accessible secondary,RECTIFIER,CONTROL CIRCUIT,120 V rms Primary,Metal Enclosure,R,B,F,Class I Apparatus,保护
33、接地提供一层防触电保护,基本绝缘,加强绝缘,功能绝缘,绝缘保护类型,防触电的保护层数,FBSDRPE,011221,B + S = D B + PE = Two Levels of Protection R = D = Two Levels of Protection,24 V d.c accessible secondary,RECTIFIER,CONTROL CIRCUIT,120 V rms Primary,C,A,A,B,D,E,Plastic Enclosure,Class II Apparatus,Exercise 练习,请填出图中所需的绝缘方式,How to define a f
34、amily 如何定义一个电源系列,How to define a family 如何定义一个电源系列,Linear designs: A)Each transformer in the family must have: 1)Same core size, 2)Same primary winding diameter and turns, 3)Same secondary winding diameter B)Each transformer shall employ same protection means(inherent protection,thermal cut-offs,PTC
35、,fuse,etc). 线性设计: A)系列中的每个变压器必须有: 1)同样的铁心尺寸, 2)同样的初级绕线直径和匝数 3)同样的次级绕线直径 B)每个变压器必须有同样的保护模式(例如:内在的保护,热熔断器,PTC,保险丝等).,Switch mode designs: A)Each transformer in the family must have: 1)Same core size, 2)Same primary winding diameter and turns, 3)Same secondary winding diameter B)The primary circuit swi
36、tching components and overload protection means shall be same between models). 开关模式设计: A)系列中的每个变压器必须有: 1)同样的铁心尺寸, 2)同样的初级绕线直径和匝数 3)同样的次级绕线直径 B)初级电路开关器件和过载保护方式是一致的.,How to define a family 如何定义一个电源系列,Construction Requirements 结构审核 UL60950-1,The mechanical assembly requirements of direct plug-in in UL6
37、0950-1 refer to UL 1310 Class 2 Power Units. UL60950-1中的直插式电源的机械要求与UL1310的相同。,Direct plug-in equipment,UL 1310 requires a spacing of 5.1 mm from the blades to the outer edge. Units marked as “Toy Transformers” this spacing is required to be a min of 8 mm. 从插脚到边沿的距离要求:UL1310为5.1mm, CSA为8mm。当标记为玩具变压器时
38、UL1310要求这个距离至少7.9mm(该变压器也要同时符合UL697-玩具变压器的要求)。,5.1,5.1,5.1,CSA 223 still requires 8 mm.,Direct plug-in equipment,Determination a perimeter of units with rounded edge,Transformer Requirements in UL60950-1,Transformer of Class A Insulation System 变压器的初次级之间必须满足电器间隙和爬电距离的要求。变压器的制作要符合相关工艺要求,应该使用挡墙胶带,套管或三
39、重绝 缘线等方式来保证间隙和爬电距离的满足。胶带(Tape)在一定条件下,没有厚度要求, 但至少要用2层, 且每层都能单独地通过相应的耐压测试, 如果用了3层, 任何2层组合在一起都能通过相应的耐压测试(一般是3000Va.c.). 同时报备多个型号胶带,每个型号要提供样品。骨架(Bobbin)厚度至少要0.4mm,可燃性等级V-2以上要进行球压(Ball Pressure)测试,垫层,铁 芯, For PRIMARY CIRCUITS operating on nominal AC MAINS SUPPLY voltages up to 300 V, if the PEAK
40、WORKING VOLTAGE in the circuit exceeds the peak value of the AC MAINS SUPPLY voltage, the minimum CLEARANCE for the insulation under consideration is the sum of the following two values:-The minimum CLEARANCE value from table 2H for a WORKING VOLTAGE equal to the AC MAINS SUPPLY voltage;-The appropr
41、iate additional CLEARANCE value from table 2J;对工作在额定电源电压不大于300V的一次电路中,如果电路中的重复峰值电压超过了电源电压的峰值,最小电气间隙应是如下两种数值的总和:-表2H 中绝缘工作电压等于电网电源电压的最小电气间隙;-表2J 中适用的附加电气间隙值.,Clearance 电气间隙的测量 UL60950-1,For the WORKING VOLTAGE to be used in determining CREEPAGE DISTANCES in Table 2L:2.10.4 The actual r.m.s. or d.c. v
42、alue shall be used;If the d.c. value is used, any superimposed ripple shall not be taken into account;Short-term conditions (e.g. in cadenced ringing signals in TNV CIRCUITS) shall not be taken into account;Short-term disturbances (e.g. transients) shall not be taken into account.用来在表2L确定爬电距离的工作电压:
43、应使用实际的有效值或直流值; 如果使用直流值,任何叠加的纹波电压应忽略不计; 不考虑短期状态(例如TNV 电路中的韵律振铃信号); 不考虑短期干扰(例如:瞬态).,Creepage Distance 爬电距离的测量 UL60950-1,Familiar problems in construction review 常见的结构问题,1. Tack soldering 贴焊3.1.9 It is permitted to use soldered, welded, crimped, crewless (push-in) and similar terminations for the conne
44、ction of conductors. For soldered terminations, the conductor shall be positioned or fixed so that reliance is not placed upon the soldering alone to maintain the conductor in position.Tack soldering is not acceptable.可以使用锡焊、熔焊、压接、无螺纹(推入)或类似端接方法来连接导体,对于锡焊接端,导线应定位或固紧,而不能单靠锡焊来保证导线固定在位.贴焊是不允许的。,Solder,
45、Wire,PWB,有些认证机构也许会不接受这种方式,加以用钩子固定,2. Switch and Fuse fixed on the Neutral 开关和保险丝接在零线上 NEC 404.2 Switch ConnectionsB)Switches or circuit breakers shall not disconnect the grounded conductor of a circuit.exception:A switch or circuit breaker shall be permitted to disconnect a grounded circuit conducto
46、r where all circuit conductors are disconnected simultaneously,or where the devices arranged so that the grounded conductor cannot be disconnected until all the ungrounded conductors of the circuit have been disconnected. Switch and fuse should not be fixed on the Neutral开关和保险丝不应该接在零线上,2.7.6 Suitabl
47、e marking shall be provided on the equipment or a statement shall be provided in the servicing instructions to alert a SERVICE PERSON to a possible hazard, where both of the following conditions exist: where a fuse is used in the neutral of single-phase equipment either permanently connected or prov
48、ided with a non-reversible plug; where, after operation of the fuse, parts of the equipment that remain energized might represent a hazard during servicing. 以下内容引用自标准,请注意适用范围,并仅供参考: 在下列两种情况下,应在设备上设置适当的标记或在维修手册中提供声明以便提醒维修人员注意可能的危险: -以永久性连接的或配备不可换向的插头的单相设备的中线上使用熔断器; -在保险丝动作后,设备中仍然带电的零部件在维修时可能引起危险.,3. Incorrect Marking Label 标签不正确,Incorrect UL logo:Correct UL logo,