1、自然指数 Nature Index (NI)收录的 68 种自然科学类期刊:1. Advanced Materials2. American Journal of Human Genetics 3. Analytical Chemistry4. Angewandte Chemie International Edition5. Applied Physics Letters6. Astronomy Astrophysics7. Cancer Cell 8. Cell9. Cell Host Microbe 10. Cell Metabolism11. Cell Stem Cell12. Che
2、mical Communications13. Chemical Science 14. Current Biology15. Developmental Cell 16. Earth and Planetary Science Letters17. Ecology 18. Ecology Letters 19. European Physical Journal C20. Genes Development21. Genome Research 22. Geology 23. Immunity 24. Inorganic Chemistry25. Journal of Biological
3、Chemistry26. Journal of Cell Biology 27. Journal of Clinical Investigation28. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres29. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 30. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth31. Journal of High Energy Physics 32. Journal of Neuroscience 33. Journal of the Amer
4、ican Chemical Society 34. Molecular Cell 35. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 36. Nano Letters 37. Nature 38. Nature Biotechnology 39. Nature Cell Biology 40. Nature Chemical Biology41. Nature Chemistry 42. Nature Communications43. Nature Genetics 44. Nature Geoscience 45. Nature Im
5、munology 46. Nature Materials 47. Nature Medicine 48. Nature Methods49. Nature Nanotechnology50. Nature Neuroscience 51. Nature Photonics52. Nature Physics53. Nature Structural Molecular Biology 54. Neuron55. Organic Letters56. PLOS Biology57. Physical Review A 58. Physical Review B59. Physical Revi
6、ew D60. Physical Review Letters 61. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America62. Proceedings of the Royal Society B63. Science 64. The Astrophysical Journal65. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 66. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement 67. The EMBO Journal68. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters注:自然指数(NI 指数)的数据库追踪了约 6 万篇优质科研论文的作者单位信息,涵盖全球 2 万多家科研机构和高校。纳入自然指数的论文取自 68 种自然科学类期刊,都是被科研人员认定为最好科研成果的期刊。这些期刊由全球在职科学家所组成的两个独立评选小组选出,组长由伦敦大学学院 John Morton 教授和伦敦国王学院 Yin-Biao Sun 博士担任。这 68 种期刊约占自然科学期刊总引用量的 30%。自然指数正是基于各科研机构和高校在这 68 种期刊上的发文贡献情况做出的统计。