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1、中国城市绅士化:过程、效应及规划应对Chi G t ifi tina s en r cation:Process, Effects and Planning reply朱喜钢Zhu Xigang XigangThe Center of Sino of Sino-EU Urban StudyEU Urban , , Nanjing University, P.R.C. Nanjing U提纲 Outline城市绅士化运动的国际背景It ti lb k d f tifi tiInternationa ac groun s o gen rification中美城市绅士化的特征对比C i b t t

2、ifi ti i Ai dChiompar sons e ween gen rifica on n America an China中国城市绅士化的社会机理Social mechanism of Chinas gentrification中国绅士化的社会空间效应SocialSocial-spatial effects of Chinas gentrificationspatial effects of China案例探讨 南京 Case Study NanjingNanjing中国绅士化的空间管制与规划应对Planning reply and spatial control of Gentri

3、fication1 绅士化背景International backgrounds of gentrification2020世纪七、八十年代,西方发达国家在经世纪七、八十年代,西方发达国家在经历郊区化的扩散高潮之后,呈现出新的社会现象:收入相对富裕者替换原有低收入群体,对城市中心衰败的邻里进行社会阶层重构西方学者将此现象称为 “ 绅士化 ” ( 又称“ ” (, (, (中产阶级化)。After the climax of suburbanization, there appeared a new social phenomenon in Occident in 1970s: higher i

4、ncome people higher- replaced the poor and reconstructed the declined neighborhoods in downtown, which is called gentrification.绅士化已经成为一个国际性问题:北美绅士化已经成为一个国际性问题:北美70 70的大城市经历了绅士的大城市经历了绅士化 ; 欧洲的英 、 法 、 德等国家的绅 士 化已经有化 ; 、 法 、 士 30多年的历史 ; 一; 一化 ; 、 法 、 化已经有化 ; 、 法 、 ;些新兴国家 ( 包括南美、以色列、南非、土耳其等 ) 大城市也不同程度出

5、现了绅士化特征。在全球化与快速城市化的背景下,绅士化现象在中国 经出现 并且有日益加速的趋势 有关这 城已 经出现 , , 一 城已 , , 一 城市社会空间激烈重组运动的研究也备受关注。 Gentrification has been an international issue 70% of . big cities in North America have undergone it; some European countries such as Britain, France and Germany, began to research on it 30 years ago; eve

6、n some developing countries are experiencing gentrification. Gentrification already appears in China, with the trend of accelerated development.(1) 绅绅士化概念 士化概念 Concepts of gentrification绅士化的概念最早由 Glass( 1964) 提出 :) :( ) :) : It was Glass (1964) who proposed the concept of gentrification for the firs

7、t time: “ Gentrification refers to a process of class succession and time: process of class displacement in areas broadly characterized by workingworking-class and class and unskilled households ”比较有代表性的是比较有代表性的是Smith Butler and Lees 2006) .绅士化已经成为全球城市发展战略 : It has become a global urban strategy:Gen

8、trification has become a global urban strategy: to differing degrees, gentrification had evolved by the 1990s into a crucial urban strategy for city governments in consort with private strategy for in consort capital in cities around the world (Smith, 2002). 观点总结 , 西方学者普遍认为 :, :, :, :In general, wes

9、tern scholars consider it as follow: 绅士化作为一种全球化现象,已经成为城市复兴与发展的重要 绅士化作为一种全球化现象,已经成为城市复兴与发展的重要手段,并越来越受到政府与开发商的支持与鼓励; As a phenomenon of globalization, gentrification has been an important method to reconstruct and improve cities, and has been supported p, pand encouraged by government as well as devel

10、opers. 绅士化过程中虽然存在如居住隔离 社会分异与排斥等社会负 、面效应,但绅士化运动对于城市发展来讲仍以正面效应为主; Gentrification has positively affected the development of cities, despite some negative social effects such as residential segregation, social social effects such as esidential differentiation, etc. 关于绅士化的理论观点正逐渐走向多元,研究领域不断拓宽, 关于绅士化的理论观

11、点正逐渐走向多元,研究领域不断拓宽,新背景下各国绅士化发展的新趋势与新特征受到广泛关注; Theories on gentrification become multiplex, with researching field gradually expanding. New trend and new characters of gentrification gyattract more and more attentions. 绅士化空间研究范围逐步从城市中心到郊区、从大城市到中等 绅士化空间研究范围逐步从城市中心到郊区、从大城市到中等城市、从发达国家到发展中国家。 The research

12、ing scale of gentrification gradually switches from downtown to suburb, from big cities to middle ones, and from developed countries to developing ones.( 3) 我国关于城市绅士化的研究Study on gentrification in China我国的绅士化研究处于起步阶段 并诞生了 定研究成果 , 一 定研究成果(薛德升, 1999;孟延春, 2000;邱建华, 2002;朱喜钢2004 2005 吴启焰 2007 戴晓晖 2007等 )

13、 但仍, 、 ; , ; , 等 ) ,需要进一步完善符合中国国情的绅士化理论体系与研究框架 。Study on gentrification in China is underway with some 架achievement (Xue Desheng, 1999; Meng Yanchun, 2000; Que Jainhua, 2002; Zhu Xigang, 2004, 2005; Dai Xiaohui, 2007 etc ) but the theoretical system and research, . , theoretical resear framework sti

14、ll need to be improved.本人曾以南京为例( 2004, 2005),比较了中国城市绅士化与西方城市绅 士 化在表现形式与动力机制等方面的异同 , 在此基础上士 ,化在表现形式与动力机制等方面的异同 ,指出了我国城市绅士化与城市更新、城市发展的互动关系。近年来我国经济稳定、快速增长,城市社会经济转型不断深化,住房市场化运作持续升温,各大城市如火如荼的开展城市更新运动动 南京作为沿海发达省份的省会级城市 正表现出越来越动动 。 ,。 ,明显的绅士化特征和加速发展的趋势。 Taking Nanjing as an example, I compared the urban ge

15、ntrification of China with that of Occident in the aspects of representations and mechanism ( Zhu Xigang, 2004, 2005Zhu Xigang, 2004, 2005 ). Thoughthe study, we can see some interrelationsbbifidbbetween urban gentrificat on an ur an renewal In Shanghai, about 60 thousands houses were demolished in

16、2005; 60 thousands in In Nanjing, more than 8.8 thousands houses were demolished during 2000 2003, 25 thousands in 2005 only. Developers, government, and the middle class all played important roles in the process of gentrification. 南京秦淮河畔的城市更新Urban renewal nearby the Qinhuai River, Nanjing 以中高挡封闭式社区

17、为表象High-level gated communities are spatial units of gentrification spatial 经济与社会资本的市场化分配为城市居住空间分异打下了基础 以封闭社区 ( Gd, ( Gated communitycommunity) 为特征如南京市区 2000 2007年新建中高档封闭社区区126126个,占新建住宅小区总数的个,占新建住宅小区总数的73% 73%越是高档次的社区,其封闭程度越高 Nanjing has built 126 gated communities jgduring 2000 2007, amount to 73%

18、 of all new communities. However, there is great tolerance toward the sspatial distance patial distance between the upper class and the middle class. 逐步由市中心向郊区扩展与蔓延 逐步由市中心向郊区扩展与蔓延 Gentrification expands gradually from downtown to suburb pg中国城市化过程没有出现大规模内城衰败,但部分厌倦市中心拥挤与压抑生活的中上阶层为追求环境质量与生活格调,主动迁出内城,选择

19、郊区一些低密度、个性化、多样化的绅士化住宅居住这 一 郊区化趋势逐渐表现出与美国郊区化趋同的特征这 一 To pursue circumstance quality and living style, some of the。 郊区化趋势逐渐表现出与美国郊区化趋同的特征 。 。To circumstance and style, some of the upper and middle class initiatively move out from inner city to the gentrification residences of low density, individuatio

20、n and di ifi i i h b bvers cat on n t e su ur . 仍表现出 “大混居,小聚居”的特点 “大混居,小聚居”的特点Gentrification communities spread as spots 中国当前居住隔离现象并不像美国城市那样显著,城市绅士化社区也鲜有大范围均一化的分布 而往往呈,“斑块状 斑块状” ”, ,“ “拼贴 拼贴” ”和 和“ “镶嵌 镶嵌” ”在城 在城市传统街区之中。Th id i l i i Chi e res ent a segregat on n na is not as evident as that in Amer

21、ica. Gifii iGentrificat on commun ties are distributed as spots in the traditional communities. 表现:摩天大楼经常矗立在工厂、公寓和传统民居之间;排他性高档封闭社区与破旧拥挤的外来人口聚居区有可能在城市某些地区共存。即居住分异表现出大尺度各阶层混居,小规模同质群体聚居的特征。例如,南京绅士化区域主要分布在市中心和例如,南京绅士化区域主要分布在市中心和“ “傍水依山 傍水依山” ”地区 地区 玄 玄武湖、月牙湖、莫愁湖畔,秦淮河边,紫金山下,公园周边等城市优区位绅士化特征明显。 Gentrificat

22、ion areas in Nanjing are mainly distributed in the downtown and advantaged districts: the character of “being close to ggmountain and water” is obvious. Nearby Xuanwu lake, Nanjing 逐渐显现出新的圈层式空间结构NewNew-layer urban spatial structure gradually shows upla转 型期,中国城市空间不断(按 照 经 济 理性)进行重构,某些大转 照 经 济转 照济转城市逐

23、渐显露出新的圈层空间结构的雏形,而且存在不断强化的趋势。以南京为例,城市中心区即新街口周围高档住宅比较集中;外围环紫金山周边地带以及河西地区逐渐形成高档别墅区和中高收入阶层新的聚集区;而处于两者之间的城南、城北以及栖霞区则更多分布着中低收入阶层住宅。南京主城区的居住空间已呈现出如同 “ 夹心饼干 ” 状结构“ ”“ ” 。“ ” 。 Spots gathered by the upper and middle class gradually show up in the downtown and some advantaged areas, such as Zijin Mountain Hex

24、i area and others The poor are driven out of the, . poor driven out areas mentioned above through urban renewal. 主要分布区位南京各类居住社区分布的主要区位 南京居住空间分异社区类型中心城区 外围城区 外围城区 近郊区 近郊区 远郊区 远郊区高级别墅区 + + +高档社区 + + +中高档社区 + + + + + + + +中档社区 + + +中低档社区 + + +经济适用房 + + +Main locations of communities in NanjingR id ti l

25、 diff ti ti i N jiTypesMain locationsCentre AdvantagedSuburbof communities The middle class resident area in Nanjingesidentia eren a on n an ngvillas villas oo+ + + + + + +Middle class + + + + + + + + + ocommon +High density zone+ + affordable oooo+ + + + Yue Ya Hu villaEmerging areaMid-low mixed ar

26、eaMid-high mixed + + increase; - reduce; o none.educe; areaTraditional low class resident areaold block in Nanjing downtown Resident community绅士化过程旧城新Mi d id t while it also shows up in some developing如今,不仅上海、北京、广州等我国一 线城市出现绅士化浪潮 , 就连中西一 , up in some developing cities. For example, during 1990exampl

27、e, during 1990-2004, in Kunming, 7.4 million m2houses were renewed or,部地区如西安、成都、昆明,甚至一些非省会级城市也不同程度出现绅士化现象renewed or reconstructed. 。( 3) 中国绅士化住宅呈现出的一些特征Characters of gentrification residences in China 绅绅士化住宅反映出中 士化住宅反映出中产阶层 产阶层文化 文化趋 趋向 向Houses of gentrification reflect cultural tropism of the middl

28、e class绅士化不仅是简单的城市居住问题,同时也反映出一定社会、经济、文化内涵 比如 从当前我国城市绅。 ,。 ,士化住宅流行元素中,可以看出中上阶层精英人士的社会文化价值取向 。 Yearn and return the arn and r olds: to 。express yearning towards Chinese traditional culture and displa c lt ral taste; display u u taste;复古与怀旧:将中国古典元素融入现代城市住宅,表达对传统文化的向往 彰显主人文化品位, ;, ; 仿欧与学美:将西方建筑形式移植到中国城市

29、,反映出西方文化在全球化背景下的强大示范作用 ;节能与科技:增加住宅的科技含量,表达了中产阶级的价值取向与社会责任感 比如 “ 零能耗 ” 住宅“ ”St d d i it t th O id t th b ildi t l th fl t, 。, 。 udy an mita e e cciden : e u ngs styles ere re ec the great leading role of occidental culture; Economize energy and utilize science and technology: to show the middle class

30、 cultural tropism and social responsibility, such ashouses houses “using no energy”. “usin 绅士化住宅成为社会精英身份的象征Houses of gentrification symbolize identity of elites identity of elites当今中国城市正经历 一 场前所未有的 “ 消费革命 ” , 物质一 “ ” ,场前所未有的 ,资本的丰富和精神文化的空虚导致“消费主义”盛行于城城市社会。这不但加速了绅士化进程,更加剧了社会分异程度。 “Consuming revolutio

31、n” and “consumerism” accelerates gentrification dil iand socia segregat on.Advertisements of real estate try best to romance indicative meanings of housings.房地产广告极力渲染住宅的社会象征涵义,某些楼盘宣传中直接以打造“金领社区”、“精英住宅”等为口号,将社区与阶层属性、个人身份强行关联;并以例如“君临”、“帝豪”、“国际” 、 “ 名” 、 “ 名、 名、 名人”等诱惑性字眼命名社区,吸引高收 入群体。而目前我国中 入群体。而目前我国中

32、上上Communities are connected with class by the slogans such 阶层并不一定都具备较高的文化程度,住宅作为身份标签对城市新贵极具吸引力。as “goldenas “golden-collar community”, “elites house”. The collarmiddle class are attracted by the alluring names such as “regnant”, “regal”, “international”, “celebritys”.At present the middle and upper

33、class in China do not , the and class do not always have better education and houses being the b l f id tit tt ti t th bl i itisym o s o identity are more a rac ve o the noble n c es. 中国绅士化过程中也存在败笔Faulty strokes in Chinas gentrification我国绅士化阶层经常体现出文化底蕴的匮乏 。 例如 : 北京某楼盘宣传海报:。 :上赫然印着:“后现代城 美国后街生活”。而美国后

34、街( Back Street)通常代表的是一些远离或背靠主街,狭窄、肮脏的街道,是下层居民居住的场所。 Sometimes the gentrification class in China shows up deficiency in culturedeposits. For example, “post-modern For city: the life of the US back street” isimpressively in a buildings poster in Beijing. However “the US back street” commonly, US represents being apart from of backing onthe main street, cabined and dirty street, ll f hi h th t f th la o whic are e spo s or e owerclass to live in.


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