1、美国统一合伙法(英汉对照)Uniform Partnership Act Part PRELIMINARY PROVISION 统一合伙法第一章 初步条款 1. Name of ActThis act may be cited as Uniform Partnership Act. 第一条 法律名称本法可被引证为统一合伙法 。 2. Definition of TermsIn this act, “Court“ includes every court and judge having jurisdiction in the case.“Business“ includes every tra
2、de, occupation, or profession.“Person“ includes individuals, partnerships, corporations, and other associations.“Bankrupt“ includes bankrupt under the Federal Bankruptcy Act or insolvent underany state insolvent act.“Conveyance“ includes every assignment, lease, mortgage, or encumbrance.“Real proper
3、ty“ includes land and any interest or estate in land.第二条 术语的定义在本法中, “法院” 包括对一案件有管辖权的所有法院和法官。 “商业”包括各种贸易、职业或专业。 “人” 包括个人、合伙、公司和其他组织。 “破产”包括根据联邦破产法的破产或根据任何州破产法的破产。 “让与”包括各种转让、租借、抵押或留置。 “不动产” 包括土地和任何与土地有关的利益或地上附着物。 3. Interpretation of Knowledge and NoticeA person has “Knowledge“ of a fact within the m
4、eaning of this act not onlywhen he has actual knowledge thereof, but also when he has knowledge of suchother facts as in the circumstances shows bad faith.A person has “notice“ of a fact within the meaning of this act when theperson who claims the benefit of the noticeStates the fact to such person,
5、 orDelivers through the mail, or by other means of communication, a writtenstatement of the fact to such person or to a proper person at his place ofbusiness or residence.第三条 对“知道” 和“ 通知”的解释本法中,一个人知道一个事实,不仅包括他实际了解该事实,而且包括在环境显示为恶意的情况下,他了解相关事实。在本法中,声称对一项通知有利益的人在下列情况下可被视为已通知了一项事实:(a)他对某人陈述了一事实(b)他在其营业地
6、或居住地通过邮递或者其他通讯方式将一事实的书面陈述递送给某人或某一特定的人。4. Rules of Construction(1) The rule that statutes in derogation of the common law are to be strictlyconstrued shall have no application to this act.(2) The law of estoppel shall apply under this act.The law of agency shall apply under this act.This act shall be
7、 so interpreted and construed as to effect its generalpurpose to make uniform the law of those states which enact it.This act shall not be construed so as to impair the obligations of anycontract existing when the act goes into effect, nor to affect any action orproceedings begun or right accrued be
8、fore this act takes effect.第四条 解释规则(1) 对背离普通法的成文法必须予以严格解释的规则不适用于本法。(2) 禁止反言的规则应适用于本法。关于代理的规则适用于本法。本法的解释应符合下一目的即统一采纳本法的各州的法律。对本法的解释不能妨害任何在本法生效时已存在的合同的义务,也不能影响在本法生效前已经发生或者正在进行的诉讼或者程序。5. Rules for Cases Not Provided for in this ActIn any case not provided for in this act the rules of law and equity, in
9、cludingthe law merchant, shall govern.第五条 适用于本法未做规定情形的规则法律的和衡平的规则包括商人法将适用于本法未做规定的情形。PART NATURE OF PARTNERSHIP第二章 合伙的本质6. Partnership Defined(1) A partnership is an association of two or more persons to carry on asco-owners a business for profit.But any association formed under any other statute of
10、this state, or anystatute adopted by authority, other than the authority of this state, is not apartnership under this act, unless such association would have been apartnership in this state prior to the adoption of this act; but this actshall apply to limited partnerships except in so far as the st
11、atues relatingto such partnerships are inconsistent herewith.第六条 合伙的定义合伙是指两个或两个以上的人以营利为目的、而以共同所有人的身份经营一项商业的社团。依据某州成文法或者依据某权力机关而不是该州权力机关所采用的法令而形成的社团不是本法意义上的合伙,除非该社团在该州采纳本法之前已经成为一个合伙;除与有限合伙法相矛盾外,本法适用于有限合伙。7. Rule for Determining the Existence of a PartnershipIn determining whether a partnership exists
12、, these rules shall apply:Except as provided by Section 16 persons who are not partners as to eachother are not partners as to third persons.Joint tenancy, tenancy in common, tenancy by the entireties, joint property,common property, or part ownership does not of itself establish apartnership, wheth
13、er such co-owners do or do not share any profits made bythe use of the property.The sharing of gross returns does not of itself establish a partnership,whether or not the persons sharing them have a joint or common right orinterest in any property from which the returns are derived.The receipt by a
14、person of a share of the profits of a business is primafacie evidence that he is a partner in the business, but no such inferenceshall be drawn if such profits were received in payment:As a debt by installments or otherwise,As wages of an employee or rent to a landlord,As an annuity to a widow or re
15、presentative of a deceased partner,As interest on a loan, though the amount of payment vary with the profitsof the business.As the consideration for the sale of a goodwill of a business or otherproperty by installments or otherwise.第七条 认定合伙存在的规则在认定一合伙是否存在时,下列规则应予以适用:(1)除第十六条的规定外,彼此不是合伙人的人对第三人而言,不是合伙
16、人。同租赁、普通租赁、完全租赁、共同财产、普通财产或者部分所有本身不构成合伙,不论共有人是否分享使用该财产所产生的利益。分享毛利本身不构成合伙,不论分享该利润的人对产生该利润的财产是否享有共同或普通权利或利益。某人因获得某一商业利益的一份而开出的收条,构成他作为该商业的一个合伙人的初步证据,但是如果该利益以下列报酬的形式获得则不能得出上述推论:分期或其他方式的偿还债务,作为某一雇员的工资或支付给某一地主的租金,支付给某一已故合伙人的遗孀或代表的养老金,作为某一贷款的利息,即使其金额随该商业的盈利情况的变化而变化,因善意出售该商业或其他财产所得的以分期付款或其他方式表现的对价。8. Partne
17、rship PropertyAll property originally brought into the partnership stock or subsequentlyacquired by purchase or otherwise, on account of the partnership, ispartnership property.Unless the contrary intention appears, property acquired with partnershipfunds is partnership property.Any estate in real p
18、roperty may be acquired in the partnership name. Titleso acquired can be conveyed only in the partnership name.A conveyance to a partnership in the partnership name, though without wordsof inheritance, passes the entire estate of the grantor unless a contraryintent appears.第八条 合伙财产(1)所有基于合伙形成的财产,不论是
19、最初被带入合伙股份的财产还是后来通过购买或其他方式获得的财产,均属于合伙财产。除非有相反的意思表示,通过合伙基金获得的财产是合伙财产。任何不动产上的利益均可能以合伙的名义获得。以这种方式获得的权利只能以合伙的名义进行转让。除非有相反的意思表示,即使没有遗产宣告,以合伙名义获得的一项让与拥有让与人对该让与财产享有的所有权益。PART RELATIONS OF PARTNERS TO PERSONS DEALING WITH THE PARTNERSHIP第三章合伙人与同合伙交易的人的关系9Partner Agent of Partnership as to Partnership Busines
20、sEvery partner is an agent of the partnership for the purpose of its business,and the act of every partner, including the execution in the partnership nameof any instrument, for apparently carrying on in the usual way the business ofthe partnership of partner so acting has in fact no authority to ac
21、t for whichhe is a member binds the partnership, unless the partner so acting has in factno authority to act for the partnership in the particular matter, and theperson with whom he is dealing has knowledge of the fact that he has no suchauthority.An act of a partner which is not apparently for the
22、carrying on of thebusiness of the partnership in the usual way does not bind the partnershipunless authorized by the other partners.Unless authorized by the other partners or unless they have abandoned thebusiness, one or more but less than all the partners have no authority to:Assign the partnershi
23、p property in trust for creditors or on theassignees promise to pay the debts of the partnership,Dispose of the goodwill of the business,Do any other act which would make it impossible to carry on the ordinarybusiness of a partnership,Confess a judgment,Submit a partnership claim or liability to arb
24、itration or reference.No act of a partner in contravention of a restriction on authority shall bindthe partnership to persons having knowledge of the restriction.第九条 合伙人对合伙事务的代理为了合伙的利益,每一个合伙人都是合伙的代理人。各合伙人的行为,包括以合伙的名义执行的任何文件,明显地以通常方式执行合伙业务的行为均约束合伙,除非在特定事务中该合伙人实际上无权执行合伙业务并且与其进行交易的人已经知道该合伙人无权在特定事务上执行合伙
25、业务。除非获得其他合伙人的授权,一合伙人非以通常方式执行合伙业务的行为并不约束合伙。除非获得其他合伙人的授权或者其他合伙人已经退伙,一个或一个以上但未达到合伙人总数的合伙人无权进行下列行为:为债权人利益分配合伙财产或者承诺偿还合伙债务,善意处理合伙财产,可能使执行合伙的普通事务成为不可能的任何其他行为,为一项判决作证,为仲裁或公证人裁定出具一份合伙声明或承担责任。(4)违背了权力限制的合伙人的行为不能使合伙受已经知道该权力限制的人的行为的约束。10.Conveyance of Real Property of the PartnershipWhere title to real propert
26、y is in the partnership name, any partner mayconvey title to such property by a conveyance executed in the partnershipname; but the partnership may recover such property unless the partnersact binds the partnership under the provisions of paragraph (1) of section 9or unless such property has been co
27、nveyed by the grantee or a person claimingthrough such grantee to a holder for value without knowledge that the partner,in making the conveyance, has exceeded his authority.Where title to real property is in the name of the partnership, a conveyanceexecuted by a partner, in his own name, passes the
28、equitable interest of thepartnership, provided the act is one within the authority of the partner underthe provisions of paragraph (1) of section 9.Where title to real property is in the name of one or more but not all thepartners, and the record does not disclose the right of the partnership, thepa
29、rtners in whose name the title stands may convey title to such property, butthe partnership may recover such property if the partners act does notbind the partnership under the provisions of paragraph (1) of section 9,unless the purchaser of his assignee, is a holder for value, withoutknowledge.Wher
30、e the title to real property is in the name of one or more or all thepartners, or in a third person in trust for the partnership, a conveyanceexecuted by a partner in the partnership mane, or in hoe own name, passes theequitable interest of the partnership, provided the act is one within theauthorit
31、y of the partner under the provisions of paragraph (1) of section 9.Where the title to real property is in the names of all the partners aconveyance executed by all the partners passes all their rights in suchproperty.第十章 合伙不动产的让与任何合伙人均可以合伙的名义转让一项不动产,只要该项不动产是以合伙名义所有;但是合伙也可以收回该不动产,除非根据第九条第一款,做出转让的合伙人
33、不动产归一个或一个以上但未达到全体的合伙人所有,或者归合伙指定的作为信托财产受托人的第三人所有,而且转让行为根据本法第九条第一款的规定属于该合伙人的权限范围,则由一合伙人以其自己或以合伙的名义做出的转让均享有合伙的利益。只要全体合伙人以其名义享有被转让的不动产,则全体合伙人对该不动产所有的一切权利在转让中一并让与。11. Partnership Bound by Admission of PartnerAn admission or representation made by any partner concerning partnershipaffairs within the scope
34、 of his authority as conferred by this act is evidenceagainst the partnership.第十一条 合伙人的陈述约束合伙依据本法,由一合伙人在其权限范围内做出的涉及合伙事务的一项陈述构成约束合伙的证据。12. Partnership Charged with Knowledge of or Notice to PartnerNotice to any partner of any matter relating to partnership affairs, and theknowledge of the partner act
35、ing in the particular matter, acquired while apartner or then present to his mind, and the knowledge of any other partner whoreasonably could and should have communicated it to the acting partner, operateas notice to or knowledge of the partnership, except in the case of a fraud onthe partnership co
36、mmitted by or with the consent of that partner.第十二条 对合伙知道或了解合伙人的指控对一合伙人关于合伙事务的任何事件的通知和执行特定事务的合伙人的了解以及合理的能够并且应该与执行合伙事务的合伙人进行沟通的其他合伙人的了解,构成合伙的通知或了解,除非合伙人亲自进行或在其同意下的行为构成了对合伙的欺诈。13. Partnership Bound by Partners Wrongful ActWhere, by any wrongful act or omission of any partner acting in the ordinarycour
37、se of the business of the partnership or with the authority of hisco-partners, loss or injury is caused to any person, not being a partner in thepartnership, or any penalty is incurred, the partnership is liable therefor tothe same extent as the partner so acting or omitting to act.第十三条 合伙人的错误行为约束合伙
38、因为一合伙人在执行合伙事务的通常过程中或与其共同合伙人的职权有关的错误行为或不作为,而导致对非合伙人的其他人的损失或伤害或引起处罚,则合伙与做出上述错误行为或不作为的合伙人承担相同程度上的责任。14. Partnership Bound by Partners Breach of TrustThe partnership is bound to make good the loss:Where one partner acting within the scope of his apparent authority receivesmoney or property of a third pe
39、rson and the misapplies it; andWhere the partnership in the course of its business receives money orproperty of a third person and the money or property so received ismisapplied by any partner while it is in the custody of the partnership.第十四条 合伙受合伙人违反信用的约束合伙必须赔偿下列损失:(a)当在其明示权限范围内行事的一合伙人接受了第三人的金钱或其他
40、财产并对其滥用;以及(b)合伙在其存续期间接受了第三人的金钱或其他财产,而合伙人在上述被接收的金钱或其他财产处于合伙的保管之下时对其加以滥用。15. Nature of Partners LiabilityAll partners are liableJointly and severally for everything chargeable to the partnership undersections 13 and 14.Jointly for all other debts and obligations of the partnership; but anypartner may
41、enter into a separate obligation to perform a partnershipcontract.第十五条 合伙人责任的实质所有合伙人都必须对(a)根据本法第十三条和第十四条对合伙提起指控的任何事承担连带和个人责任;(b)合伙的所有债务和义务负连带责任;但是一合伙人可能为履行一项合伙合同而承担个人责任。16. Partner by Estoppel(1) When a person, by words spoken or written or by conduct, represents himself,or consents to another repre
42、senting him to any one, as a partner in an existingpartnership or with one or more persons nor actual partners, he is liable to anysuch person to whom such representation has been made, who has, on the faith ofsuch representation, given credit to the actual or apparent partnership, and ifhe has made
43、 such representation or consented to its being made in a publicmanner he is liable to such person, whether the representation has or has notbeen made or communicated to such person so giving credit by or with theknowledge of the apparent partner making the representation or consenting to itsbeing ma
44、de.When a partnership liability results, he is liable as though he were anactual member of the partnership.When no partnership liability results, he is liable jointly with the otherpersons, if any, so consenting to the contract or representation as to incurliability, otherwise separately.(2) When a
45、person has been thus represented to be a partner in an existingpartnership, or with one or more persons not actual partners, he is an agent ofthe persons consenting to such representation to bind them to the same extentand in the same manner as though he were a partner in fact, with respect toperson
46、s who rely upon the representation. Where all the members of the existingpartnership consent to the representation, a partnership act or obligationresults; but in all other cases it is the joint act or obligation of the personacting and the persons consenting to the representation.第十六条 对合伙人的禁止反言一个人作
48、其他人一起承担连带责任,如果有其他人的话,否则承担单独责任。如果一个人或与一个或一个以上非事实合伙人一起,已经被陈述为一现存合伙的的合伙人,则对信赖该意思表示的人而言,他在同一程度上并以同一方式成为同意受该陈述约束的人的代理人,就如同他是事实上的合伙人一样。如果一个现存合伙的所有合伙人都同意该陈述,则一项合伙行为或合伙债务产生;但是在其他任何情况下,做出该陈述的人的或同意该陈述的人对该陈述负连带责任。17. Liability of Incoming PartnerA person admitted as a partner into an existing partnership is li
49、able for allthe obligations of the partnership arising before his admission as though he hadbeen a partner when such obligations were incurred, except that this liabilityshall be satisfied only out of partnership property.第十七条 新合伙人的责任一个被允许加入一个现有合伙的人对其入伙前合伙组织的债务承担责任,如同他在该债务发生时就已经是合伙人之一,除非仅凭合伙财产就能清偿该债务。PARTRELATIONS OF PARTNERS TO ONE ANOTHER合伙人之间的关系18. Rules Determining Rights and Duties of PartnersThe rights and duties of the partners in relation to the partnership shall bedetermined, subject to any agreement between them, by the following rules:Each partner shall