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1、如何用英文和老外检讨模具(2008-1-16 08:50)1 XXX!你现在有空吗,我可以问你一些问题吗?Could I ask you some questions?May I ask you some questions (a question)?2 请问此产品的面是否为外观面?表面做什么处理?是晒纹/抛光?Can you tell me whether the surface of this part is a visible/esthetic one? What will we do for its surface? Texture or Polishing?3 请问产品这个面可否加顶

2、针或顶块?产品允许加扁顶针吗?Does this part need an ejector pin or an ejector bar? Can we add an ejector blade?4 这个产品的柱位我们打算做司筒。(或镶针)可以吗?Can we add ejector sleeves or ejector pins in the boss of this part?5 产品的这个位置有倒扣不能出模,我们打算做行位,在此面上会有分模线,你接受吗?Theres an undercut at this position that can not be molded, we plan t

3、o make a slider for it. It will also have a parting line on this side, is that OK?6 产品里面的这个位置我们打算做斜顶或内行位,有问题吗?We will make the lifter and (inner) slider in this position, will that be a problem?7 你提供的 2D 产品图与 3D 产品图不一致,请问以哪一个图面为准?The 2D and 3D drawings you provided are not the same, could you advise

4、 which one is correct?8 你提供的 3D 产品图有的地方没有出模角,有的地方胶位太厚,有的地方胶位太溥,这些产品问题我们可以自己修改吗?修改后会给交给你确认。There is no draft angle in the 3D model, some areas are too thick, and some are too thin. Can we modify them by ourselves? We will send you the updated drawing for approval.9 按你们提供的缩水率千分之五,这个模具的尺寸已经做到了模具图面要求。但注

5、塑出来的产品不符合你们的产品图。请确认你们的材料的缩水率是否正确?According to the shrinkage rate .005”, the mold has been done in the right dimension, but the part falls short to your part print(the actual dimensions are out of tolerances), are you sure the shrinkage is right?10 产品的这个位置太小,导致模具钢料太溥,能够加宽这个位置吗?This position is too sm

6、all and will cause thin steel, can we widen it here? 11 斜顶与后面的柱位空间太小,斜顶在运动时会干涉到柱子,能移动这个柱子的位置吗?The space(room) is too small between the lifter and the boss. The angular lifter interferes with the boss during ejection(when moving). Please consider changing the position of the boss.12 这个筋骨位胶厚太溥,而且高度偏高,

7、注塑时很难填充这个筋位,可以增加这个筋骨位的厚度吗?The rib here is too thin and relatively high, so it will be difficult to fill(走胶) here during the injection process, can we increase the thickness of this rib?13 你是想将此筋骨位的高度加高/减低吗?加胶的位置我们将用铜公放电加深。但减胶的位置有两种做法,1、做镶件; 2、烧焊;因为镶件的底部有运水,我们简单的做法是烧焊处理,你可以接受吗?Are you going to increa

8、se or decrease the plastic(material) on this rib? For increasing plastic, we will use EDM. For decreasing plastic, there will be two options. One is to make inserts; the other is to weld the tool.Because there is water line under the insert, is that OK?14 这个样板的筋骨位底部烧焦,是因为排气不良,我们可以在筋骨位的中间增加一个镶件。The b

9、ottom of the rib was burned due to poor venting, we can add an insert in the middle of the rib to improve it.15 重做镶件大约需要 5-6 天时间,你能接受吗?It will take about 5 or 6 days to re-do the insert, is that OK?16 产品的这个面我们已经做了晒纹处理,如果需要加胶,这个面我们需要重新外发晒纹。可能需要几天的时间。所以我们直接以铜公放电的火花纹取代你要求的纹路,你可以接受吗?We have already text

10、ured this side. If we add material, it will take a few days to remake the texture. So we suggest using the EDM( spark) finish instead of texturing, is that OK?17 模具是用公制/英制的配件?需要备用件吗?Are the mold parts in inches or mm? Do they need spare parts?18 模具上铭牌上的刻字内容是由你们提供吗?你们什么时候可以这些刻字资料。Will you provide the

11、 engraving content of the mold label? Please advise it asap.19 可否提供此模具生产时,注塑机的型号及相关资料。如:啤机大小、呵林柱尺寸、顶棍孔尺寸等Can you provide the specifications of your injection machine? Such as the press size, tie bar space, Konck-out(K.O.)/ejector rods holes pattern.20 这个问题我需要同其它同事商议会再答复你。I will discuss it with my co

12、lleagues, and reply asap.21 我们将尽力达成你的计划,如有异常,会及时通知你。We will try our best to meet/ reach your plan. For any problems, we will notify you immediately/promptly. 22.这个产品的长度为 330.12MM,宽度为 78.96MM,高度为 45MM.胶厚为 2MM,重量为 70.63g,试模注塑机型号为 250 吨,胶料颜色为黑色,产品外表 面晒纹处理,内表面为抛光.需要日期章、环保章、材料章.前后模用 2344 氮硬,斜顶和行位座用 738H,

13、以上模具信息正确吗?请确认!Please check the information below and comment/approve.L. W. H =330.12 x 78.96 x 45MM, Thickness - 2MM. Weight - 70.63g, Press size - 250TColor of the T1 samples - black.Outer/visible surface finish texture; inner side polishing.Date code, recycle stamp and material I.D. needed.CAV Lif

14、ter and slider shelf/base/retainer - 738H. 23 现在到了吃午钣的时间,我们下午再继续好吗?Lunch time, shall we go for lunch now? We can discuss the project later.24.和滑块干涉的倒勾请加料填平至滑块可以顺利滑动The undercut area interferes with the slide block, so we suggest adding material to help the slider move smoothly.25. 加 胶太多 (The added w

15、all/thickness is too much)26. 加肉面积太大 (The added area is too wide.)27.GATE 位置移位 ( The gate location is moved.)28. 滑块拆的位置 (The split line of slide block or the area/location of slide.)29. 此处有尖角,填充困难 (It is hard to fill this area due to the sharp feature.)30. 此处钢材太薄,强度不足而且不容易冷却(The steel is too thin, t

16、he strength of this area is too weak and it is hard to cool.)31. 圆柱特征要有一半圆不可以拆在滑块上,以免粘滑块造成拉白,拉断(We dont suggest designing half of the cylinder on the slide block because it will cause sticking and drag marks.)32. 此处做斜顶在作动时会铲胶。(The part will be damaged if we make the lifter in this area.)33. 这个面是装配面,

17、不能加胶。(This is a critical surface where we cannot add additional material.)34. 此处胶位太厚,会有缩水,建议减料改善( The wall is too thick, there will be sink mark. We suggest reducing plastic to improve it.)35. 此面是不是外观面,此处做滑块的话会有夹线,是否可以接受Is it a critical/visible surface? If we make a slide here, there will be a split

18、 line. Is it OK?36. 此处有倒扣,能否不做滑块和斜顶?建议减胶使前后模碰穿?There is an undercut, can we/you reduce material to have kiss-off instead of making slide and lifter?37. 请尽快确认这种拆模方式和结构,否则会影响模期Please confirm the parting line and layout as soon as possible, otherwise, the lead time will be extended.38. 此面是否有特殊要求,能否有顶针印

19、Please confirm whether it is a critical surface or not, and if we can have E.J. pin marks on it.39. P.L 面开在此处,模具上会有尖角和刀口,对模具寿命有影响There are sharp edges if we set the parting line here, it will reduce the tool life.40. 加大拔模角,以便脱模顺利 We suggest enlarging the draft angle to help release/demold the tool.)

20、41. GATE 做在此处的话有两个缺点:1.盖子打开时可以看到 GATE 的修剪部位; 2.两个斜销在同一侧,顶出也不是很平衡.(There are two issues if the gate is to be designed in this area:a). It is easy to see the gate/trimming mark when you open the cap.b). The ejection is unbalanced when two lifters are on the same side)42. GATE 做在此处的话. 盖子打开后看不到 GATE 的修剪

21、部位(The gate mark is not visible if the gate location is designed like this.)43. 我们建议进胶做在这一侧,产品表面不会缩水。To avoid sink marks, we suggest gating on this side/surface.44. 在此处 GATE 做潜顶针的话,背后的外观面会有冲料痕,而且成品又是黑色的,会最明显If we sub-gate into an ejector pin, the outer surface of the part will have serious flow mark

22、s. Since the part is in black, the marks will be more visible.43. P.L 开在此处不合理,模具加工困难,P.L 应改为和图示的一样If parting line is designed here, the tooling will be more difficult. Therefore, we recommend to have the parting line as indicated.45。产品粘前模的机会很大,能否在后模加倒勾,拉料杆或者后模保留 E.D.M 纹,开模时使成品留在后模一侧We may have stick

23、ing on cavity, can we add undercuts and sprue puller? Or keep EDM grain to snatch the part on the core.46.此处胶位厚度不均匀,成品表面会有应力痕,是否接受Please confirm whether it is acceptable to have stress marks on the surface because the thickness is uneven.47. 请注明何处为外观面,能否提供 2D 图和注意事项Please advise where the critical/v

24、isible surface is. Please also provide us a 2D drawing and other specifications.48. 红色所示处是有问题的地方,请特别注意Please note the red highlights because those areas have problems.49. 成品设计此处有问题,建议如附图所示修改(We would suggest using the attached part design as the current design has problems.)50. 此处改为一个球形的凹槽 (We sugge

25、st modifying it as a spherical recess.) 51. 圆柱特征要有一半不可以拆在滑块里,以防拉断 We dont suggest designing half of the cylinder on the slide block because it will cause drag marks.52. 此处大滑块上走小滑块,小滑块要先退,大滑块要做延迟(The inside small slide block will recede first and the parent slide block have to postpone sliding.)There

26、 is a small slide on the big slide. The small slide will recede before the big one moves.53. 滑块要用液压油缸抽芯以保证开合模顺序 (The slide pins will use an oil cylinder to assure that the process is in proper order.) The hydraulic cylinder pulls core of the slider to assure the sequence of mold opening and shutting

27、/closing.54. 这个面有装配,加料的话装配时会顶住,如图所示We cannot add material to this surface because it will intervene between the two parts when it is assembled. Please see the attached sketch. 55. 可降低斜销面,增加成品些许肉厚来做变化(To descend the surface of lifter in order to thicken the part.)We suggest descending the surface of

28、lifter and thickening the part for improvement.56. 一半做斜销,一半直接脱模 (Half will have the lifter and the other will be molded directly.)57. 此处两个柱子重迭,有倒勾,不能直接脱模,要做 SLIDE“(These two bosses are overlapping with undercut therefore it can not be made as solid. Wesuggest making it with a slide block.)“These two

29、 bosses are overlapping with undercut, therefore a slide needs to be made.58. 此处强制顶出 (This area needs force ejection.)59. 后模两段开模,这个地方先退 (Here will be a double ejection for forward and receding.)There will be two stages/steps ejection. It will recede first.60. 此处做镶件会有夹线,能否接受(Please confirm whether it

30、 is acceptable that there will be a split line here.)There will be an insert split line here. Please confirm. 61. 此面前后模 1 度靠破/插穿,会有段差,可否接受(Please confirm whether it is ok to have mismatch to the area where there is 1 degree of shut off in Core / Cavity side.)62. 这个尺寸能否加大 (Please confirm whether we c

31、an enlarge this dimension.)63. 此处加一个凹槽,胶片的弹出效果会更好一些,试模后看装配的效果再做修正“(The elastic of the film will be better if we add a recess. We will see how it will affect the assembly parts, and then make modifications.)“64. 此处有倒扣,建议将剖面线所示部位移除来避免此处的倒扣(There is an undercut here, we suggest cutting out the indicate

32、d part/area to avoid it.)65. 成型后潜水口要修平(The gate (sub gate) needs to be trimmed perfectly after being molded.)66. 此处倒扣先直接顶出,之后再手动取出(The undercut needs to be ejected directly/straightly, then the part will be taken out by hand/manually.)67. 这两个面都有滑块,GATE 改在此处改不到(The gate is not suitable in this area b

33、ecause there are two sliders.)68. 此处加做一个节流阀/调节阀,射出时方便调整成品的质量(We would suggest placing a runner shut-off insert to adjust the volume of part filling/the flow of the resin.)69. 此倒扣在滑块上强制脱模,倒扣是否可以减小到 0.6(This undercut will be molded/manufactured by force, please confirm whether it can be reduced to 0.6

34、 mm.)70. 此柱子无法脱模,请确认是否是在转图时错位,能否提供客户的原始图档 data. )(This boss is not releasable/can not be molded/manufactured. Please check the file again, if possible, send us the original database.71. 此柱子是实心的,会缩水 (This boss will shrink because it is a solid boss.)72. 这个面是否要咬花,咬花番号是什么,最小的拔模角要多大(Please confirm wheth

35、er this surface needs to be textured or not. Please advise texture specs. Also, whats the min. draft. )73. 这个面是否要打光,贴标签(Please confirm whether this surface needs to be polished and stuck on a sticker.)74. 红色显示的几个面拔模角太小,出模时会拉伤,建议加大拔模角“(The red highlighted area has a problem of a small draft angle. We

36、 suggest enlarging thedraft to avoid casuing drag marks on the part.)“75. 此 RIB 太薄,会填充不足 (This rib can not be filled properly because it is too thin.)76. 此 RIB 太厚,会缩水 (This rib will have a shrink problem because it is too thick.)77. 此处倒勾出模困难,建议先不做倒勾,成型后再二次加工,但要做治具,费用要另外算(There are problems with this

37、 current design, we recommend doing this undercut as an alternative but there will be additional costs.)78. 柱子底部都要做火山口(The base of all bosses require a crater to avoid shrinkage.)1.镶件,P.L.面有充足排气坑,P.L.面要开环形排气槽,并能将气体排到模外。Insert/PL should have adequate venting,PL should have around slot for venting.79.

38、顶棍孔镶件端面距离底板面 0,5mm,攻 m20 牙;the surface of KO insert shound below bottom plate 0.5mm,thread M20.80.回针,中托司与模胚部份避空 0.5mm;RP,EGP should have 0.5mm gap with the moldbase.81.排气槽距封胶位 10-15mm;Venting slot distance from the seal off position 10-15mm82.运水进用 E ,运水出用 S ;Intake“E“,Outtake“S“83.底面板均要有隔热板,DME 规格 1

39、/4 厚;Top/Bottom plate must have insulator plate,DME standard 1/4H84.吊环要在模具的重心(保证吊模时的平衡);Eyebolt should on the center of the mold(for balance)85.吊模螺丝的位置要在前/后模部份的重心,保持平衡;The eyebolt position on the cavity/core side should on the center of gravity for balance86.唧嘴分试模唧嘴/ 走模唧嘴;Sprue type:Trial/Delivery87

40、.喉塞选用:NPT 规格; Plug use NPT spec.88.中托司采用 HASCO 滚珠形式. Use HASCO ball EGP89.水咀采用法国标准:1/4“的水咀写:RPL08-1151 Jiffy Use French Standard: 1/4“ mark:RPL08-1151All in English& Imperial Unit 全部使用英文和英制单位Are part dimensions to print plus shrink?请检查内模尺寸有否乘缩水?All wires protected from sharp corners?凡有电线通过的角位要改为 R 角

41、,是否完成?All replaceable components must be standard components.所有替换的组件必须是标准件。Add shot counter?是否加啤塑总计器?A complicated mould with thorough design consideration to overcome the numerous design contraints.一个复杂的模具,设计经过周详考虑,成功地克服了各种设计上的限制。All moving components should use hardened steel : all slides should b

42、e installed with hardend or lubricated alloy wear plates and gibs, and with positive slide retainer.所有移动的零件应使用硬钢料,行位必须用硬垫板和硬线条,而且必须有限位及定位锁。BOM including water fittings,ejectors&custom components.BOM 的内容应包含运水接头 ,顶针和自制的零件.BeCu for lifters if w/o water circuits。若没有运水回路,斜顶为铍铜。Corresponding components mi

43、rrored at core&cavity 对应的部件在前、后模平面视图中镜像Check polish for line of draw finish?有否省光就出模?Core pull slot mechanism installed and O.K.Crane capacity and loading clearance.模具须用多大吊机才可搬动。Conduct moldflow &mold warp analysis.经流道及变形电脑模拟分析。Component and/or 3D mould design drawing.散件图或 3D 模具图Cooling less importan

44、t when dimensions are not important.若尺寸不重要,适量冷却也可。Combine a traditional 4 cavity edge gate and a 4 cavities reverse gate mould which help to double the moulding capacity and reduce production cost.将一个标准四模腔大水口模具与一个四模腔倒转大水口模具结合成为一套可于同一大小的注塑机,生产量可增加一倍的层板模具,并且可降低成本。Can be seperated into two individual m

45、oulds for moulding in two different mould shops.此模具最大的特式是,可将模具分开变成两套,在不同地方生产,增加生产的灵活性。Consists of all standard mould components which facilitates mould maintenance.由于全套模具均利用模具标准零件制成,在维修及换零件上比较方便。Die draw called out 出模方向的标示Dimension all the opening , travel & clearance 标出前、后模距离,滑动部件滑动距离和塑件脱离的位置DME eg

46、r. Water fittings recessed and marked?是否使用 DME 运水接头及编号?Delivery right side up , or in two halves?开箱后是否容易吊出模具及是否分开前/ 后模运输?Eyebolt size and balance in 2 sides 吊模孔尺寸,平衡,4 边都要有Ejection stroke & slide, lifter travel dimensioned 出行程、行位、斜顶行程的标注。Ejection study if lifter adopted 若有斜顶,做出分析。Ejection extended a

47、t the most 顶出到极限位置Ejector guide pins installation .顶针导柱的安装。Eyebolts for inserts more than 50lbs.重量大于 50lbs 的镶件必须要有吊模孔。Edge gate or sprue gate requiring secondary operation acceptable.边缘型或直入型水口都可以接受。4 point in HRC different to lifters contacting or cavity steel。斜顶和与其接触的内模或镶件在硬度上有 4 度的差别(HRC)。4X size

48、section , dimensioned to reflect the actual size.水口及水口顶针的 4 倍放大视图,按实际尺寸标注。General ,safety and handling 常规、安全和搬运要求Guided ejection recommended for mould above 100 tons clamp capacity, ejector pins of 1.5mm or smaller, or ejector stroke longer than 50mm.建设模具用于锁模力超过 100 吨的注塑机,或有 1.5mm 以下的顶针或顶出行程超过 50mm

49、时,应装上顶针板导柱。Guide pin cleared and vented?边钉插入模板有否顶着及加疏气空? Hot manifold wired to print and checked? 热咀电线接位有否编号?Horn pin clearance hole?斜边与行位有否空间?Hydraulic actuated slide together with electrical limit switch.行位采用油压推动,配合安全电制。Heaters fitted+0.002/-.000, leads tagged and connected to terminal.热嘴装配,电线源头、尾有否安装稳固。(+0.002/.000)Inserts keyed and numbered to prevent incorrect assembly.镶件定位和编号以防止不正确的组装。Jaw angle 3 deg.more than angle pins(50% part projection area , steel :1040。撑头面积大于 50%的产品投影面积,材料:1040.Safety strap clear tie bar?锁模块与哥林柱冲突吗?Sucker with reverse 10 deg. Under


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