1、1A. King Hui of Liang (part one)孟子見梁惠王。王曰, 叟,不遠千里而來,亦將有以利吾國乎?孟子對曰, 王何必曰利?亦有仁義而已矣。 王曰:何以利吾國?大夫曰:何以利吾家?士庶人曰:何以利吾身?上下交征利,而國危矣!萬乘之國弑其君者,必千乘之家;千乘之國,弑其君者,必百乘之家。萬取千焉,千取百焉,不爲不多矣;苟爲後義而先利,不奪不饜。 未有仁而遺其親者也,未有義而後其君者也。 王亦曰仁義而已矣,何必曰利?1A:1 Mencius went to see King Hui of Liang. The King said: “My good man, since yo
2、u havent thought one thousand li too far to come and see me, may I presume that you have something with which I can profit my kingdom?“ Mencius said: “Why must you speak of profit? What I have for you is Humaneness and Rightness, and thats all. If you always say how can I profit my kingdom? your top
3、 officers will ask, how can we profit our clans? The elites (shi)1 and the common people will ask: How can we profit ourselves? Superiors and inferiors will struggle against each other for profit, and the country will be in chaos.“ “In a kingdom of ten thousand chariots, the murderer of the sovereig
4、n is usually from a clan of one thousand chariots. In a thousand-chariot kingdom, the murderer of the sovereign is usually from a clan of one hundred chariots. Now, to have a thousand in ten thousand, or one hundred in a thousand is not really all that much. But if you put due-giving last and profit
5、 first, no one will be satisfied unless they can grab something.“ “There has never been a humane man who neglected his parents, and there has never been a just man who put his prince last in his priorities. King, cant we limit our conversation to humaneness and due-giving? Why must we discuss profit
6、?“ 梁惠王曰:寡人之於國也,盡心焉耳矣!河內凶,則移其民於河東,移其粟於河內;河東凶亦然。察鄰國之政,無如寡人之用心者;鄰國之民不加少,寡人之民不加多:何也?孟子對曰:王好戰,請以戰喩。填然鼓之,兵刃旣接,棄甲曳兵而走,或百歩而後止,或五十歩而後止;以五十歩笑百歩,則何如?曰:不可。直不百歩耳,是亦走也!曰:王如知此,則無望民之多於鄰國也。 不違農時,穀不可勝食也;數罟不入洿池,魚鼈不可勝食也;斧斤以時入山林,材木不可勝用也;穀與魚鼈不可勝食,材木不可勝用,是使民養生喪死無憾也;養生喪死無憾,王道之始也。 五畝之宅,樹之以桑,五十者可以衣帛矣;雞豚狗彘之畜,無失其時,七十者可以食肉矣;百畝之
7、田,勿奪於時,數口之家可以無饑矣;謹庠序之教,申之以孝悌之義,頒白者不負戴於道路矣;七十者衣帛食肉,黎民不饑不寒;然而不王者,未之有也!狗彘食人食而不知檢,塗有餓莩而不知發;人死,則曰:非我也,歳也。 是何異於刺人而殺之,曰:非我也,兵也!王無罪歳,斯天下之民至焉。 1A:3 King Hui of Liang said: “I exert my whole consciousness towards my people. When there is disaster in He-nei, I move the people to He-dong and bring grain to He-n
8、ei. When there is disaster in He-dong, I do likewise.2 Now, if you look at the government in neighboring kingdoms, there is no one who is as dedicated to his people as I. Yet why is it that the people dont move from other states and come to mine?“ Mencius replied: “Your majesty, you like war, dont y
9、ou? Let me make an example with war: The drummers have psyched the soldiers into the battlefield and the battle is engaged. Some soldiers throw off their heavy armor and flee, dragging their weapons. One fellow runs a hundred paces and stops. Another runs fifty paces and stops. What would you think
10、if the one who ran fifty paces laughs at the one who ran a hundred?“ The King said: “No way. Even though he didnt run a hundred paces, he still ran.“ Mencius said: “If you realize this, then you shouldnt expect people to move to your kingdom. If you dont interfere with the timing of the farmers, the
11、re will be more grain than can be eaten. If fine-mesh nets are kept out of the ponds and lakes, there will be more fish and turtles than you can eat. If loggers are regulated in their woodcutting, there will be more wood than can be used. When there is more grain, more fish and turtles than can be e
12、aten, and more wood than can be used, the people will nourish the living and mourn the dead without resentment. Nourishing the living and mourning the dead without resentment is the beginning of the road to true kingship.“ “If mulberry trees are planted around homesteads of an acre, then people fift
13、y years old can be clothed in silk. If, in the raising of fowl, pigs, dogs and swine, their breeding times are not missed, then people seventy years old can eat meat. If you do not upset the farming schedule in a farm of twenty acres, then a large clan will never be hungry. Pay careful attention to
14、education, basing it on the Rightness of filial piety and respect for elders, and the gray-haired people will not be in the streets carrying heavy burdens on their backs. There has never been a case where the people of seventy were eating meat and the black-haired people were free from cold and hung
15、er, where the king was not well regarded.“ “But in your kingdom, dogs and swine eat mens food, and you dont control it. People are dying of starvation in the streets and it doesnt occur to you to distribute grain from the storehouses. People die, and you say: Its not my fault; it was a bad harvest.
16、How is this different from stabbing a man to death and saying, It wasnt me, it was the knife. If you would stop placing the blame on bad harvests, all of the people in the country would come to you.“ 梁惠王曰:寡人願安承教。 孟子對曰:殺人以梃與刃,有以異乎?曰:無以異也。 以刃與政有以異乎?曰:無以異也。 曰:庖有肥肉,廏 有肥馬,民有飢色,野有餓莩,此率獸而食人也。獸相食,且人惡之;爲民父母行
17、政,不免於率獸而食人,惡在其爲民父母也!仲尼曰:始作俑者,其無後乎!爲其象人而用之也,如之何其使斯民饑而死也。 1A:4 King Hui of Liang said: “I would like to quietly receive your instruction.“ Mencius said: “Is there any difference between killing a man with a stick or a sword?“ The King replied: “No difference.“ Mencius said: “Is there any difference be
18、tween doing it with a sword and doing it with government?“ “No difference“ was the reply. Mencius said: “There are loads of fat meat in your kitchen while the people in the countryside are dying of starvation. Animals are even eating people. Now, men despise animals who feed on each other. And you s
19、ay you want to be the parent of the people. But in the actual handling of your government, you cannot even prevent animals from feeding on men. How can you be regarded as a parent of the people? “ “Confucius said: Wasnt the first fellow who made wooden images for burial with the dead remembered fore
20、ver? This is because he made images of men and used them for such a purpose. What memory shall there be of the man who made his people die of starvation?“ 梁惠王曰:普國,天下莫強焉,叟之所知也。及寡人之身,東敗於齊,長子死焉;西喪地於秦七百里;南辱於楚:寡人恥之,願比死者一洒之,如之何則可?1A:5 King Hui of Liang said: “As you know, venerable sir, there is not a str
21、onger state in the country than Chin. Since they attacked me, we have also lost on the east to Chi, where my eldest son died. On the west, we have lost one hundred li of territory to Chin and on the south we have been embarrassed by Chu. I have been shamed by this and would like to clear the slate f
22、or my ancestors once and for all. How can I do it?“ 孟子對曰:地方百里而可以王。王如施仁政於民,省刑罰,薄税歛,深耕易耨;壯者以暇日修其孝悌忠信,入以事其父兄,出以事其長上,可使制梃以撻秦楚之堅甲利兵矣!Mencius replied: “A territory one hundred li square is enough to constitute a viable kingship. Your majesty should give a humane government to the people, be careful in pun
23、ishing crime; make the taxes light; plow the fields deeply and hoe them well. Then all the strong and healthy people can in their leisure time cultivate filial piety, sibling affection, loyalty and sincerity. If they do this, then when they are at home they can serve their fathers and elder brothers
24、, and when they are out in the world they can serve their elders and superiors. These people will be able, with only sharpened sticks, to give a beating to Chin and Chu with their hard armor and sharp weapons. “ 彼奪其民時,使不得耕耨以養其父母,父母凍餓,兄弟妻子離散。彼陷溺其民,王往而征之,夫誰與王敵!故曰:仁者無敵。 王請勿疑。 “Those rulers snatch the p
25、eoples time so that they are unable to do the plowing and hoeing which is necessary to support their parents. Older and younger brothers, wives and children are separated and scattered. In this way these rulers trap and bury their own people. If you, King, would go and chastise them, who will oppose
26、 you? Dont doubt the ancient proverb: The Humane man has no one to oppose him. “ 孟子見梁襄王。出語人曰:望之不似人君,就之而不見所畏焉。卒然問曰:天下惡乎定?1A:6 Mencius had an audience with King Hsiang of Liang. When he came out, he said to some people: “When I saw him at a distance, he did not look like a king, and when I approached
27、him, there was nothing to be in awe of. Abruptly he asked me: How can the situation of the Central Kingdom be settled down? “ 吾對曰:定於一。 孰能一之? 對曰:不嗜殺人者能一之。 孰能與之?“I answered: It can be settled down by unification. “ He said: Who can unify it? “I replied: He who does not like killing men can unify it. “
28、 “He asked: Who has the power to grant someone this ability? “ 對曰:天下莫不與也。王知夫苗乎?七八月之間旱,則苗槁矣。天油然作雲,沛然下雨,則苗浡然興之矣。其如是,孰能禦之!今夫天下之人牧,未有不嗜殺人者也。如有不嗜殺人者,則天下之民皆引領而望之矣。試如是也,民歸之,由水之就下,沛然 誰能禦之!“I answered again, saying: There is no one in the land who would not grant it. Do you know anything about farming? Durin
29、g the seventh and eighth months it gets dry and the plants wither. When there is a sudden downpour of rain, the plants come vibrantly to life. Your situation being like this, who will oppose you? Now, among those who are leaders in this country, there are none who dislike killing men. If there were
30、one who disliked killing men, all the people in the country would stick their necks out merely to get a glimpse of him. If you were really like this, the people would come to you like water running downhill. Who could oppose you? “ 齊宣王問曰:齊桓普文之事,可得聞乎? 1A:7 King Hsan of Chi asked: “Can give me your an
31、alysis of what happened between Duke Huan of Chi and Duke Wen of Chin?3 “ 孟子對曰:仲尼之徒,無道桓文之事者,是以後世無傳焉,臣未之聞也。無以,則王乎? Mencius answered: “None of Confucius disciples talked about Huan and Wen, so I have no significant information on them. So since I cant talk about them, how about discussing kingship?“ 曰
32、:德何如則可以王矣?曰:保民,而王莫之能禦也。 The king said: “What kind of qualities are necessary for real kingship?“ Mencius said: “Take care of the people, and no one can oppose you.“ 曰:若寡人者,可以保民乎哉?曰:可。 曰:何由知吾可也?The king said: “Is someone like me capable of taking care of the people?“ Mencius said: “Sure.“ The king sa
33、id: “How do you know?“ 曰:臣聞之胡齕曰:王坐於堂上,有牽牛而過堂下者;王見之,曰:牛可之?對曰:將以釁鐘。 王曰:舍之;吾不忍其觳觫,若無罪而就死地。 對曰:然則廢釁鐘與?曰:何可廢也?以羊易之。 不識有諸?“I heard this story from Hu-ho: He said you were sitting up in the main hall and a man walked past the lower part leading an ox. You saw this and asked: What are you doing with the ox?
34、 He replied: We are going to consecrate a bell with its blood. You said: Let it goI cant stand to see the agony on its face, like that of an innocent person going to execution! The man then answered: Shall we forget the consecration of the bell? You said: How can it be forgotten? Substitute it with
35、a sheep! “ Mencius then added: “I dont know if this is a true story.“ 曰:有之。 曰:是心足以王矣。百姓皆以王爲愛也,臣固知王之不忍也。 The king said: “It is.“ Mencius said: “If you possess this kind of mind, you are capable of true kingship. The people all accused you of being cheap, but I am convinced that you really could not s
36、tand the sight of the ox.“ 王曰:然,誠有百姓者,齊國雖褊小,吾何愛一牛?即不忍其觳觫,若無罪而就死地,故以羊易之也。 The king said: “You are right. Yet the people really did think I was being cheap. But the truth is, even though Chi is a fairly small kingdom, how could I begrudge a lousy ox? I really couldnt stand to see the fear in its face,
37、 like that of an innocent man going to his execution. Thats why I changed it for a sheep.“ 曰:王無異於百姓之以王爲愛也;以小易大,彼惡知之?王若隱其無罪而就死地,則牛羊何擇焉!王笑曰:是誠何心哉!我非愛其財而易之以羊也,宜乎百姓之謂我愛也。 Mencius said: “You should not think it strange that the people thought you were stingy. You changed a large animal for a small one, s
38、o how could they know your real motivation? If you were really pained at its innocently going to execution, whats the difference between an ox and a sheep?“ The king laughed and said: “What was I really thinking? But I didnt change it because of the expenseno wonder the people have called me cheap!“
39、 曰:無傷也,是乃仁術也,見牛未見羊也,君子之於禽獸也,見其生,不忍見其死;聞其聲,不忍食其肉:是以君子遠庖廚也。 Mencius said: “You have not done wrong. What you did was an act of humaneness. You saw the ox, but had not seen the sheep. When it comes to animals, if the Superior Man has seen them while alive, he cannot stand to watch them die. If he hears
40、 their screams, he cannot stand to eat their meat. Therefore he stays away from the kitchen.“ The king was pleased and said: “It is said in the Book of Odes: People have their minds, I fathom them. What you have just said is exactly what happened with me. But when I sought within myself, I couldnt r
41、eally see my own motivations. As you have shown me, there is compassion in my heart, but how can this be sufficient for kingship?“ Mencius said: “Suppose someone said this to you: I am strong enough to lift six hundred kilos, but not strong enough to lift a feather; my eyesight is sharp enough to an
42、alyze the tip of autumn down, but I cannot see a wagon load of firewood. Can you go along with this? “ “Of course not.“ “Then isnt it quite odd that your compassion reaches to animals, but not down to the people? If the single feather is not lifted, it is because your strength is not used, and when
43、the wagon-load of firewood is not seen it is because your vision is not used. The peoples not experiencing your care is because your compassion is not used. Therefore your majestys lack of true kingship is because of a lack of effort, not a lack of ability.“ The king asked: “Can you clarify the diff
44、erence between non-effort and inability?“ Mencius replied: “If it is the case of taking Mt. Tai under your arm and leaping over the North Sea with it, and saying: I am unable , then this is true inability. If it is the case of snapping a branch off a tree for an elder and you say I am unable, this i
45、s non-effort, it is not inability. Thus, your majestys not having a kingly hold over the people is not in the category of taking Mt. Tai under your arm and leaping over the North Sea.“ It is the type of not breaking a branch. If you take care of you own elders, the common people will do the same for
46、 their elders. If you are kind to your young, the common people will be kind to their youngyou will hold the kingdom in the palm of your hand. The Book of Odes says: His example affected his wife.It reached to his brothers,Such that he could manageHis clan and his state.This means that if you just e
47、xtend your heart to all others, and extend your compassion, it will be enough to take care of all those in the continent. If you do not extend your compassion, you will not even be able to take care of your own wife and children. The Way in which the ancients have surpassed all others is none other
48、than this: Their goodness extended through everything they did, and nothing more. “Now your compassion is sufficient to reach to animals, yet lacks the effectiveness to reach the people. Isnt that something? By weighing we know what is light and heavy. By measuring we know long and short. All things
49、 are like this, and especially the mind, so why dont you measure it, king? Nowadays you build up your armaments, endanger your soldiers and officers and instigate trouble with other heads of state. Does this give you pleasure?“ “No, how could I enjoy this? I do it to get what I really want.“ Mencius said: “What is it that you really want?“ The king just smiled