1、 90 M Zu 7A?h q、 q# By s黄茂盛 洪震 曾军 周玢 金美华 沈明庭 刘德安【K1】 “ 90 M Zu 7A?h f # By M t 。ZE y %hS,v W 3F“S5h t %y S”Z,S1991 1999 M35 74 M 7A? 3 q q。sY1992 M1998 MS |35 59 3 o,1000 By 。T Su1991 1999 MW3574 M -F 7A ( M?h q168.2/10, 3194.5/10, A o(144.9/10), 7A?h q 6 t ;7 O, 3 M9 9 o。 7A M ( q79.2/10, 387.2/10,
2、 A o(71.4/10), 7A q/ t 。 3 o, 7A?h q “ M -979; 3 o?h M -sv,1996 1999 M (?hM -66.1 ,11991 1995 M4 - 3.5 (69.6 )。 3 o,9%? (、 (、8 、h q、 “ 、%1、%?C q、 C qy 6 t , 6 3 9 6 t ; q q/ t , 3。 90 M Zu 7A?h q 6 t , Hvs 7ABy 9 6 t ,7 7A q/ t 。【1oM】 7A;?h q; q;By Dynamic analysis of incidence and mortality of stro
3、ke and the risk factors in the communities inShanghai, inthe1990 s HUANG Maosheng , HONGZhen , ZENGJun, etal.Instituteof Neurology,FudanUniversity MedicalCollege, Shanghai 200040, China【Abstract】 Objective To understand the trendof incidence,mortality of strokeandthe risk factorsatthe community leve
4、l in the 1990 s.Methods To establish a network of disease surveillance.Bothincidence andmortality ofstrokeweresurveyedin the35-74agegroupduring 1991-1999using the methodof WHO MONICA.By cluster sampling in1992 and 1998, 500 individualsaged 35-59 from each femaleandmale groupwereinvestigatedrespectiv
5、ely on the riskfactorofstroke.Results Theincidenceof strokewasaveraged 168.2per 100 000in thegroup aged 35-79during 1991 to 1999with 194.5 and 144.9pre100 000respectively for the male andfemalegroup of this age.The incidenceof stroke in the male groupwashigher thanthatin thefemalegroup, also withafa
6、sterspeedofincrease inthemalegroup.Theoverallmortality of strokewasaveraged 79.2 per 100000 with 87.2 and 71.4 per 100 000in male and femalegroupsrespectively of thisage group.The incidence of stroke increased with age in both male andfemalegroups.Theaverage ageof onset hadbeen66.1year oldsduring 19
7、96-1999, 3.5yearsolder than that agegroupsduring 1991-1995, butdidnotshow much differencebetweenmale groupandfemalegroup.CHO,BloodPressure, BMI, Prevalence of Hypertension, TC/HDLC, WHR, Prevalence of High-CHO, Prevalenceof Low-HDL allhada tendency ofincreaseinbothmaleandfemalegroups.The ratesofsmok
8、ing cigarettesanddrinking alcoholbothdecreased, especiallyinthemalegroup.Conclusion Theincidenceofstroke andsome relative riskfactorsseemedtoincrease in the1990 s, butthemortality of strokehadadecrease inthesame periodin the communitiesinShanghai.【Keywords】 Stroke;Incidence;Mortality;Riskfactors “:S
9、E“”1 5(96-906-02-01)T:200040 Z,vD D *h * h i( 9、 、; +、 ); Z g D = S( + V); Z g D S( )7AXSS 1 yB, “6?Z,ST 3Z TM,Bt MM1 7ABy ( 、 C8 、 J # F198 h2001 M622 3 Chin JEpidemiol,June 2001,Vol.22,No.3) 9 t 1 。 Z gu 75h?h# M1By M t , V19911999 M Z g u10 7Z 7A?h、 S, =QBy “。9BS 7A?h、 # M1By M t ,Lzu 75h8Z, 7A?h
10、。ZEB、 Z g u101 , y %hS,S1991 1999 M3574 M 7A? 3 q q, 6,sY1992 M1998 M ,S |35 59 3 o,1 000 By “, M -F s+u M -Fs+M,=Qs qsY92.0%91.5%。=、 = #ZE1. = : %hSv W 3F“S5h t %y S”Z(multinationalmonitoring of trendsand determinantsin Cardiovascular diseases,WHO MONICAZ)。By = 7Ah N、 N、h N、 l f( |B HW =3Q ()、 %、9
11、%1(WHR=%/); 3 “ b9%?、 、 %? b,i9 “ (9%?/%?);C l ? 1, 1 M M =。Cl 1Q。 7A 7 、 7 、 7、 / 8 7A, BV 7 ?T# 7 。2. e: “ (S=YSZE, E,i O e, siYV S%h e eD h i?bS b# iW e b,s! ( i =, N)、XiW e、 iW e+ ,r1 pZS, W? b e2 。3. ) : YVFoxbase q: c、 i;SAS qt_Zs, qW1 EPI info qu_,Y q1985 M W gS。 TB、19911999 MS 1991 1999 M35
12、74 S 513226 M, 3240608 M, o272618 M, 3 oW M -sA(F =1.32,P0.05)。=、1991 1999 M 7A?h q、 q#S qSu19911999 MW3574 M -F ? 7A863 , ( M?h q168.2/10,S q209.3/10, 3468 , ( M?h q194.5/10,S q219.7/10, o395 , ( M?h q144.9/10,S q194.7/10, 3 o(u =3.88, P 0.05)。、 7ABy M t (V1)1. M -、Y s:1992 M 1 020 , 3459 , o561 ;1
13、998M 1 034 , 3478 , o556 ;1992 M1998 M 3 M - (sY(46.3 4.6) (46.93.9) ,=1 sA(t =0.87,P0.05); osY(45.94.1) (46.54.7) ,=1 sgA(t =1.39,P 0.05)。2. h q M: 3 ( l f) o,d9sA(t =2.16,P 0.05)。4. M:1998 M1992 MM1,9%? ( 9F 5.1 mg/dl,=1 sdA(t =3.38, P 0.05); ( 3 o A 6 t ,d9sdA(t =12.8,P 0.05);%?C q 3 osY9F43.8%10
14、0.0%,d9sdA(u=3.42,P 0.05);HDLcC q 3 osY9F 75%113.2%,d9sdA(u=3.67,P 0.01)。V1 Zu 7AsBy 90 MM t By 31992 M1998 Mt/ u o1992 M1998 Mt/ ul (mmHg) 120.817.1 129.522.0 6.74 119.119.6 125.422.1 8.65f (mmHg) 76.411.0 83.012.3 8.65 73.511.4 79.311.9 8.29h q(%) 18.3 28.7 7.61 19.4 28.8 3.688 (kg/m2) 22.43.0 24.
15、03.0 5.78 23.13.4 24.23.4 3.82%1 (0.860.06 0.970.05 30.50 0.810.06 0.910.05 30.30 q(%) 19.4 26.6 2.62 27.3 37.8 3.74 q(%) 59.7 52.7 2.16 1.8 3.6 1.86 q(%) 30.3 23.2 2.46 0.9 1.4 0.779%? (mg/dl) 175.734.6 180.533.4 2.16 177.332.4 182.938.4 2.64 (mg/dl) 51.012.7 40.316.4 11.1 54.913.2 49.87.9 7.85 “ (
16、3.61.1 4.92.8 9.29 3.41.0 3.92.1 5.1%?C q(%) 4.1 7.3 2.09 3.8 7.6 2.76 C q(%) 4.8 8.4 2.19 3.8 8.1 3.05 (mg/dl) 134.794.2 148.390.7 2.25 122.678.6 114.472.0 1.81 (mg/dl) 86.221.1 101.924.4 10.50 89.625.9 99.819.9 7.38 P 0.05, P0.01:SBP140 mmHgDBP90mmHg2 =0%?C q:%?240 mg/dl200 h2001 M622 3 Chin JEpid
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