1、,Motivating people to their full potential,LEADERSHIP MANAGEMENT INTERNAITONAL (LMI) 美国领导力管理发展中心简介,Motivating people to their full potential,LMI是一家什么样的公司?LMI公司的独特之处?LMI能给客户带来什么样的附加值和可衡量的结果?,Motivating people to their full potential,LMI是一家什么样的公司?,Motivating people to their full potential,美国领导管理发展中心Le
2、adership Management International1966年由 Paul J Meyer在美国创立,Paul J. Meyer 19282009,Motivating people to their full potential,“你以最具建设性的方式激励了成千上万的人, 因此帮助造就了新一代的领导人。” “You have motivated so many people in a most constructive way, thus helping create a new generation of leaders.” -摘自美国前总统乔治布什1998年1月13日为保罗
3、麦尔的著作 领导力的五大支柱的首次印刷所写的信件 -Letter written by former President, George Bush, to Paul J Meyer in regards to the first printing of Bridging the Leadership Gap, now titled The Five Pillars of Leadership.,The Total LeaderTM 全方位领导人,Motivating people to their full potential,LMI at a Glance LMI 概要,Worlds lea
4、ding provider of leadership development through coached attitude & behavior change.全球范围内领导力发展的领先企业;About 50 years of research and implementation experience in organizations of every kind and scale.领导力发展领域近50年的研究和应用经验;Providing service for over 66 countries in 23 languages.用23种语言为全球66个国家提供领导力发展服务;Coa
5、ching annually over 50,000 executives worldwide .通过教练方式每年为全球5万名以上的高层领导人提供服务。,Motivating people to their full potential,李瑞环与保罗麦尔 Li Ruihuan and Paul J. Meyer,Paul J Meyer met with Former Vice Premier, Ruihuan Li CHINA DAILY June 10,1991,中国日报 1991年6月10日头版头条刊登了关于当时 中国国家副总理李瑞环与美国企业家保罗麦尔的友好会晤。,LMI-China的
6、发展,98年开始在中国提供服务,现有40多名专属教练;Launched LMI programs servicing China in 1998. Currently has over 40 full time dedicated coaches. 共为超过500家公司提供了领导力发展服务;Provided LMI programs for over 500 companies. 通过教练方式每年辅导超过2000人;Served over 2000 participants /year with coaching approach.IBM,GE Medical, AXA,工商银行、国航、民航、
7、神州数码、东软集团,AMECO等中外公司都将LMI Program作为公司内部领导力发展流程的一部分。Companies like IBM, GE Medical, AXA, Neusoft, AMECO, etc. has integrated LMI program as part of their internal leadership development process.,Motivating people to their full potential,LMI中国的使命:在中国培养世界级的决策者和领导人,Motivating people to their full potent
8、ial,LMI公司的独特之处?从改变的根源入手,Motivating people to their full potential,we work from the roots of change 我们从改变的根源着手,Self-image 自我形象,Attitudes & Beliefs 态度与信念,Goals 目标,Motivation/Fulfilment 动机/满足感,Skills/Behaviour 技能/行为,Knowledge 知识,Focus for LMIs Development Process LMI发展步骤 的焦点,Focus for most training 这是大
9、多数 培训的焦点,Motivating people to their full potential,哈佛研究月刊报告 : 4 种教育训练的效果评估四种教学效果的比较:(1)反应型:几天的seminar(2)传统学校教育模式(3)技巧训练模式(4)改变行为习性,达成预定目标 LMI为第(4)型;是长程改变的应用效果,Motivating people to their full potential,人的行为改变容易吗? 怎么才能做到?,Motivating people to their full potential,LMI的信念,所有的人都有无穷的潜力塑造自己和其选择的组织 Men and
10、women have an unlimited potential to make of themselves and their organizations whatever they choose.这种潜力唯一的制约是自我限制 Their only real limitations are self-imposed.,SUCCESS 成功RESULTS 结果BEHAVIOUR Act 行为 - 行动ATTITUDE Habit of Thought 态度 思考的习惯CONDITIONING 制约SPACED REPETITION 间隔重复,Motivating people to thei
11、r full potential,Motivating people to their full potential,Program Principles 改变的原理和方法,间隔重复 每课读两次,听六次; 多感官冲击 听、说、读、写和实践练习 目标设定 双赢协议,7日目标计划,目标计划工作单 三角式沟通 主管评估自我评估期中评估,期末评估 教练式辅导 每周一次.5小时的辅导,Motivating people to their full potential,下面所列的就是 一个观念没有经过重复加强 可能产生的实际现象后果!,说给100个人听 24小时之后,其中25个人已经将它忘记了!48小时之
12、后,其中50个人已经将它忘记了!4天之后,其中85个人已经将它忘记了! 16天之后,其中98个人已经将它忘记了!威廉 J. 杜宾美国知名作家及行销顾问,Motivating people to their full potential,科学研究表明一切观念中有62%是在,第六次 呈现之后才被接受的,Motivating people to their full potential,多感官冲击 Multi Sensory Impact,Success is: 成功是:,Progressive 逐步地 Realisation of 实现 Worthwhile 有价值的 Pre-determined
13、 事先决定的 Personal 个人的 Goals 目标,GOALDIRECTED ACTION 目标导向行动,Motivating people to their full potential,Motivating people to their full potential,目标设定与实现,了解自己和组织 由小及大,逐步实现经验到人生各个领域的成长对生活和工作有了强大的掌握能力更加有热情、自信挑战长期目标,Motivating people to their full potential,改变的循环,我,Motivating people to their full potential,改
14、变的循环,使命、愿景、 理想,现状,挑战,阶段性目标,角色定位,Motivating people to their full potential,Triangle of Communication 三角式沟通,确保学员有力量,有资源,有方法,愉快地完成全部学习过程,Motivating people to their full potential,领导力教练:教练职责指南针、镜子、督促者教练过程引导学员自我成长教练的环境诚实、信任、开放、耐 心、保密,Motivating people to their full potential,最近的研究发现:商业教练和领导教练是个人、团队与组织 实现
15、实质性成长、改变和发展的最有效方式Recent studies show business coaching and executive coaching to be the most effective means for achieving sustainable growth,change and development in the individual,group and organization. -HR Monthly,辅导步骤与流程,注:每周集中辅导时间为2.5小时,投资 回报,三方沟通/反馈,个人教练,小组辅导,保留知识,逐渐成长,应用于工作,个人/事业平衡,可衡量的结果,有
16、效的 行为改变,The Total Leadership Development Process,投资 回报,有效的 行为改变,投资回报,可衡量的结果,保留知识,保留知识,逐渐成长,Motivating people to their full potential,LMI能给客户带来什么样的附加 价值和可衡量的结果?,Motivating people to their full potential,Long time development 长期、持续的发展,RESULTS 以结果为导向,DEVELOPMENT领导力持续发展,TOTAL PERSON 全方位发展理念,给予学员积极改变争取成功
17、的力量;平衡和持续发展的理念和方法,Motivating people to their full potential,可衡量的结果:角色认知更加清晰,注重高回报活动通过目标设定,加强了业务规划;个人沟通技巧提高,各部门之间有了更好的沟通;通过态度的转变,学员愿意承担更多的责任,并积极正向地面对压力;提升了领导能力;,Motivating people to their full potential,可衡量的结果:建立了组织文化、改善了工作环境;提高了组织凝聚力和团队的战斗力;组织的扩张和成长;增加了销售;增长了利润。,Motivating people to their full poten
18、tial,20042010年,共有354名管理者参加了EPP和EPL的学习 追踪调查的数据显示:100的学员在辅导中和辅导后发生了积极正向的行为改变; 每个学员平均每年转移高回报活动220个小时; 项目的平均资金回报率是300,Motivating people to their full potential,2004至今,共有142名管理者参加了EPP和EPL的学习;追踪调查的数据显示:100的学员在辅导中和辅导后发生了积极正向的行为改变;每个学员高回报活动平均提升20;项目的平均资金回报率是358。,LMI 的主要客户,国家食品药品监督 管理局药品评审中心,LMI 的主要客户,Motivating people to their full potential,谢谢!Thank you!,