1、(请用公司红色抬头纸打印) Certification To: Netherlands Embassy in China From: 公司英文名称 Add: 公司英文地址 Beijing, China TEL: 0086-010-公司电话 FAX: 0086-010-公司传真 Dear Sir or Madam: Hereby we confirm that Mr/Mrs. 姓名拼音 (大写 ) is the employee of 公司英文名称 Mr/Mrs. 姓名拼音 (大写 ) has been working in our company since 开始工作日期 . He/She w
2、ill go to visit Netherlands and other Europe countries from 旅行开始日期 to 旅行结束日期 . Details as below: Name: Sex: Date of Birth: Passport NO.: Title/Position: Current Working Period: Salary (RMB/Year): All costs relating to his/her stay will be borne by himself/herself. We guarantee that during this trip he/she will obey laws of your country and be back as scheduled. We will resume his/her position in our company. It will be grateful if you issue his/her visa as soon as possible. Yours faithfully, 公司英文名称,公章就盖在这里 HR Director: 人事部门负责人员签字 ,手签,中文名字 Date: