1、登革病毒感染对人血管内皮细胞 PGIS表达及 PGI2分泌的影响登革病毒感染对人血管内皮细胞 PGIS表达及 PGI2分泌的影响Effects of Dengue virus infection on PGIS expression and PGI2 secretion of human vascular endothelial cellsAIM: To elucidate the effects of Dengue virus on the expression and secretion of prostacyclin in endothelial cells. METHODS: Cult
2、ured human umbilical vein endothelial cells ere infected by Dengue virus II(DV2)for different duration. PGI2 level in the supernatant as determined by radioimmune assay. Cytoplasmic RNA of the infected HUVEC as prepared using the Trizol method and as assayed for prostacyclin synthase (PGIS)by RTPCR.
3、 RESULTS: PGIS expression as ell as PGI2 secretion of the DV2 group ere significantly increased at 48 h, 72 h and 96 h postinfection pared to the control group. CONCLUSION: DV2 could promote the expression of PGIS mRNA in HUVEC and increase the level of PGI2, hich may increase the vascular permeabil
4、ity. The dysfunction of vascular endothelial cell (EC) induced by DV may be related to the pathogenesis of Dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF)and Dengue shock syndrome(DSS).Dengue virus;vascular endothelial cell; prostacyclin synthase; prostacyclin目的: 研究登革病毒感染对人血管内皮细胞分泌血管活性物质前列环素(PGI2)的影响, 以了解登革出血热/登革休克
5、综合征的发病机制。方法: 用登革病毒型感染人脐静脉内皮细胞 1 L 及双蒸水 7.5 L, 于 70变性 5 min, 0冰浴 5 min。加入 RNA 酶抑制剂 0.5 L、 10 pmol/L dNTP 2 L、 5扩增缓冲液 4 L、 MMLV 逆转录酶 1 L, 使反应总体系为 20 L, 于 37温浴 60 min。再将反应混合物加热至 95, 5 min。PCR 反应: 反应体系包括 cDNA 2 L、 10 pmol/L dNTP 0.5 L、 25 pmol/L MgCl2 L, 10扩增缓冲液 2.5 L、 50 pmol/L 上、 下游引物各 0.2 L 及 Taq DNA 聚合酶 0.5 L, 加水